
Folk remedies for hair loss for women and men

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Despite the large range of ready-made remedies designed to strengthen hair roots and improve the nutrition of hair follicles, various home remedies for hair loss in women and men are widely used.

Among them there are both proven by many years of use of folk remedies for hair loss, and recipes that raise doubts about their effectiveness. [1]

How to strengthen hair roots from hair loss at home?

First of all, help to strengthen the roots effective folk remedies for hair loss of plant origin. We have included some of them in the review.

One of the most famous medicinal plants that not only restores hair structure, but also reduces hair loss, is nettle for hair loss. Its leaves are rich in vitamins and sulfur, contain silicic acid compounds and β-sitosterol (plant steroid). Together, these biochemical components act as inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase in the scalp epidermal cells. This enzyme promotes the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which affects the hair follicles and causes hair loss in eight out of ten men and almost a quarter of women. [2] For more information on how this happens, see Why hair loss occurs.

In addition, nettle roots have enough polyunsaturated fatty acids, including α-linolenic acid, which activates cellular metabolism.

Nettle infusion or decoction has long been used for hair loss: 3-4 tablespoons of dry leaves pour a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and insist half an hour. Pour one cup of broth and put a teaspoon of honey in it, stir and rub into the scalp and hair roots for 5 minutes, for 15 minutes to wrap the hair with a towel, then wash off the rest of the nettle broth. Repeat the procedure twice a week for one to two months.

In addition to nettle leaves, herbalists recommend the same way to use decoctions and water infusions of blue cornflower flowers, horsetail grass, hop cones, black poplar buds.

Helps and burdock from hair loss, the roots of which also have phytosterols (sitosterol and stigmasterol). [3] Apply dry burdock root from hair loss in the form of decoction, which should be prepared at the rate of - one tablespoon of crushed raw materials per 250 ml of water; boil for 25-30 minutes, while not giving a strong boil. When the decoction cools to +30-35 ° C, it is rubbed into the scalp (you can not wash off), the optimal number of such procedures during the week - two to three, but the total duration of use is determined individually (minimum - a month). By the way decoction can be made from a mixture of nettle roots and burdock 1:1.

According to the existing tradition, burdock root oil - turnip oil from hair loss - is also rubbed into the roots of the hair, followed by wrapping the head for one to two hours.

If you are advised to strengthen the roots of the hair by rubbing castor oil for hair loss, it is the right advice, because castor oil contains vitamin E, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. This oil also copes with dry dandruff, and to enhance the positive effect, two to three drops of tea tree or lavender essential oil are added to a tablespoon of castor oil.

Onions for hair loss

People treat almost everything with ordinary onions, including the use of onions for hair loss - due to the large amount of sulfur compounds in the form of alkenyl-cysteine sulfoxides.

Sulfur takes part in ionic intracellular metabolism, during which nutrients are delivered to the cells of all tissues. In addition, sulfur is directly incorporated into tissue proteins and is necessary for their regeneration. For example, hair consists of keratin, and this protein is synthesized from cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. Therefore, the sulfur-containing compounds in onions can ensure the supply of this micronutrient to the follicles and stimulate hair growth. More information - Hair and Micronutrients

The basic onion recipe for hair loss: two medium onions grate and squeeze the juice, add a few drops of peppermint oil and apply to the scalp with a cotton swab, gently massage the skin with your fingers, keep 20 minutes, wash off with clean water or mild shampoo. Repeat the procedure twice a week for one to one and a half months.

And onion mask from hair loss is made from grated onion (three tablespoons) and honey (one tablespoon). The mask can be kept no more than half an hour, everything else - as in the previous recipe.

These are very effective folk remedies for hair loss: according to studies by European dermatologists, after using onion juice (as indicated in the above recipe), almost 83% of patients experienced new hair growth.

Mustard for hair loss

When we put mustard, it acts reflexively: irritation of skin nonreceptors leads to capillary dilation and blood flow, which improves tissue nutrition and activates local immune cells.

But in addition, mustard from hair loss also acts due to the content of sulfur compounds (there is some similarity with the effect of using onions).

There is also a lot of sulfur in the seeds, and when mixing mustard powder with water, sulfur compounds are released: aminoglycoside sinigrin, enzyme myrosinase, isothiocyanates (which give a sharp taste sensation when using mustard as a condiment).

Mustard mask for hair loss is prepared simply: mustard powder is mixed with water to the consistency of porridge, a little vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) is added, and then - as in the case of onion mask. But this mask is contraindicated in dry scalp, as well as any damage to the epidermis.

It is recommended to do scalp wraps with mustard oil, which has omega-3 fatty acids and tocopherol (vitamin E), which helps to improve the nutrition of hair follicles and protect them from oxidative stress. [4]

Red pepper for hair loss

Why use bitter red pepper for hair loss? Because even in the form of an alcohol tincture, it affects skin cells, blood circulation and hair follicles. And the explanation is simple.

The most active pepper alkaloid capsaicin in combination with ethanol irritates the skin, which leads to increased blood flow and more intense metabolism at the cellular level, meaning that the bulb of each hair on the head receives more nutrients and oxygen.

Red pepper tincture is available in pharmacies, although it is easy to make at home. And the recipe for pepper tincture for hair loss is given in the article - Red pepper tincture for hair growth

The tincture should be applied only to the roots of the hair (by gently rubbing with a tampon); the procedure is carried out for 10-15 minutes twice a week. Wash off very carefully with a mild shampoo and rinse the head with decoctions of sage grass, nettle leaves, chamomile flowers or calendula. It is important not to allow irritation or burning of the skin, as well as splitting the ends of the hair, and to this end you can lubricate them with olive oil. [5], [6]

There are quite a few recipes for masks in pepper tincture, for example:

  • Mix three quail eggs into a homogeneous mass and add a tablespoon each of tincture of pepper, honey, decoction of peppermint and olive oil;
  • Mix a quarter cup of beer one raw egg yolk, adding two tablespoons each of pepper tincture and vegetable oil.

Parsley for hair loss

Parsley greens in hair loss is not used, you need to take its seeds, grinding them almost into powder.

On their basis prepare decoctions for rinsing hair: two tablespoons of parsley seeds + three tablespoons of dried rosemary pour three cups of boiling water, insist a quarter of an hour, strain and rinse the decoction hair.

After such rinses, it is advised to wrap the head with a towel for about an hour, and then dry it without using a hair dryer. [7]

Peppermint for hair loss

Peppermint (Mentha piperita), extracted from peppermint leaves, is generally considered an excellent carminative and stomach stimulant, and is also used in cosmetic formulations as a flavoring ingredient and general skin conditioning agent. The main ingredient in peppermint oil, menthol. [8] In vitro, peppermint has been reported to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal activity, as well as strong antioxidant activity, and anti-allergic and antitumor effects. [9], [10] Several clinical studies investigating the effects of peppermint oil (PEO) on irritable bowel syndrome have been reported. [11]

3% peppermint has been found to significantly promote hair growth, even faster than minoxidil, without significantly altering weight gain or nutritional efficiency. [12]

Menthol is the main component of peppermint oil, which is a cyclic alcohol. Menthol is widely used as an ingredient in food and cosmetics. It has been reported that menthol increases the sensitivity of cutaneous cold receptors by modulating Ca 2+ currents in neuronal membranes [13].

In a study, 3% peppermint oil was found to induce the appearance of very thick and long hair after 4 weeks of topical application and promotes elongation of hair follicles from the epidermis to the subcutaneous tissue in a vertical section (Fig), manifested in anagen stage III.

Dimexide for hair loss

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent Dimexide or dimethyl sulfoxide is an organic liquid (by-product of pulp and paper production), a dipolar aprotonic solvent whose molecules easily pass through biological cell membranes. Chemically, Dimexide is a cyclic oxygen-containing sulfoxide.

It is believed that Dimexid from hair loss acts by irritating the scalp and causing a localized rush of blood, stimulating metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

However, as reported in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the anions of the sulfoxide group of Dimexide may be an additional source of sulfur for hair follicles. Especially since α-keratin, a major skin and hair constituent, includes the amino acid cysteine, whose polypeptide chains are connected by disulfide (double-sulfur) bonds.

Mask with Dimexid from hair loss is a mixture of rayon and castor oil (one tablespoon each), one teaspoon of Dimexid (previously diluted with water 1:3) and the same amount of fresh lemon juice.

The mask is applied to slightly moisturized skin, and after a light rubbing the head is wrapped for 30-45 minutes. The mask is washed off with plenty of warm water.

The occurrence of such side effects as allergic rashes on the skin with redness and itching, severe burning of the skin, sleep disturbance, bronchial spasm, nausea is not excluded.

Cognac for hair loss

Brandy alcohol contains some phenolic compounds in the form of traces of organic acids (gallic and ellagic) and hydrolyzed tannins. They dry the scalp, but at the same time cognac - like any alcohol - stimulates local blood circulation (its importance was described above).

And to cognac from hair loss gave the expected effect, it is simply introduced into the composition of hair masks (two tablespoons) and mixed with one egg yolk, honey and olive or almond oil (two tablespoons each). The mask is kept on the hair for no more than 20-25 minutes (wrapping the head with a towel) and washed off with warm water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (a tablespoon per liter).

More recipes for hair loss masks with cognac:

  • Take a dessert spoon of cognac and tincture of bitter pepper and three tablespoons of castor oil. More than once a week this mask is not recommended to use, the mixture should be rubbed into the roots of the hair and kept for a quarter of an hour.
  • A tablespoon of brandy + 50 ml of milk + 10 g of brewer's yeast diluted in 50 ml of milk + 8-10 drops of turpentine oil (or the contents of three capsules of Aevit).

By the way, any hair mask against hair loss with vitamins A, C, E, B6 will be more effective. Vitamin B7 (biotin), which is abundant in onions, is also important for the normal functioning of hair follicles and stimulation of new hair growth.

Other folk remedies for hair loss

It is recommended to use common or sea salt for hair loss, see more - Salt hair mask for hair loss

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in hair growth, as well as the degree of moisturization of the skin on the head. It is because of the content of ascorbic acid, zinc and intense moisturizing effect that aloe is used for hair loss. How to do it, read - Mask with aloe for hair

It is very useful once a week to apply fresh juice from amaranth leaves and safflower oil, which contains vitamin E and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (linoleic acid), as well as pumpkin seed oil, which has vitamins A and E, zinc, selenium, plant sterols, fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic).

Useful information in the material - Natural ingredients for strengthening hair

Separately recipes for hair loss with essential oil to list does not make sense: it is enough in the composition of any mixture to enter a few drops of essential oil of rosemary, jojoba, lavender, peppermint, thyme, pink grapefruit, peach or grape seed.

It is said that some of Vanga's recipes for hair loss, which she shared with her loved ones, have survived. Thus, she advised: wash the head with a decoction of hop cones, red clover flowers, infusion of frost roots (in Bulgaria it is called kukuryak) with the addition of wine vinegar; lubricate the scalp with a mixture of cherry juice with grape vodka or vodka tincture of grape mustache.

Go on the Internet and the so-called "gypsy recipes" with rum from hair loss, which is a mixture of rum with chopped or boiled onions. Probably confused the name of the alcohol, because the gypsies are called rum....

Shampoos from hair loss with their own hands, recipes

If you do not suit you ready-made detergents for strengthening hair, for example, from the series of Clean Line or recipes of Agafya Grandmother from hair loss, it is possible to make shampoos from hair loss with your own hands.

Suggested recipes include:

  1. 150 ml of cooled nettle root decoction + 100 ml of fresh grapefruit juice + a teaspoon of selenium sulfide (pharmacy sulsen paste) + 10 drops of tea tree oil + two tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
  2. 100 ml of aloe juice (or pharmacy liquid extract of aloe vera for injection, in ampoules) + two tablespoons of olive oil + two tablespoons of baking soda + rosemary essential oil (15 drops) + peppermint oil (10 drops).
  3. In 150 ml of baby shampoo (not containing lauryl sulfates and parabens) add 30 ml of pharmacy liquid extract of licorice root, a tablespoon of turpentine oil and 10 drops of essential oil of thyme and tea tree.

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