Mask of soda - a cosmetic for problem skin
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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A mask of soda assumes a certain effect of this chemical - acidic sodium salt of carbonic acid or sodium bicarbonate - on the skin of the face.
But baking soda is used not only in household goods, but also ... In leather production - for processing natural leather for haberdashery and other needs.
Benefits of soda for the skin
We will not go into the technological details of the application of soda in the manufacture of leather, fire extinguishers, rubber or baking cakes, but to find out what is the use of soda for human skin, it does not hurt. And at the same time to recall that soda - a really wonderful substance - has properties that can hardly be called useful for all types of facial skin.
Soda makes a hard, containing a lot of salts, the water is much softer. As you know, washing with hard water the skin dries, it means that there is a benefit of soda for the skin. And not only for the skin: thanks to the softening quality of soda is present in most detergent powders.
Soda is able to cope with any fat. Combined with water, due to hydrolysis, soda exhibits a weak alkaline reaction, which results in the fats being simply split ... On our skin, a slightly acidic medium, pH 5.5, is normal. Food soda pH of our skin changes temporarily for alkaline side. What happens in this case? And there is a destruction of fat cells (lipids), of which the water-lipid mantle, covering the outer (horny) layer of the epidermis consists. It is these lipids that provide a normal level of moisture in the upper layers of the skin. As a result, soda dehydrates and dries the skin, which leads to its peeling and irritation. Although, if the sebaceous glands work too actively, the benefits of soda for the skin can consist precisely in the drying properties of sodium bicarbonate. But in home care for dry and normal skin to use a mask of soda is not worth it.
And the last. Owners of oily skin have to fight and with pimples, and with black dots (open comedones). And this should help soda, the solution of which will show its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and will facilitate the withdrawal of sebum from occluded sebaceous glands.
From all that has been said, we conclude that the face mask with soda - whatever other ingredients in it are used - is suitable only for those who have a skin prone to fat, or problem skin. We'll start with the problems.
Mask from acne with soda
To get rid of pimples or acne (which appear as a result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the skin) at home, such a mask is made from acne with soda: the used skin cleanser (preferably creamy consistency) is supplemented with baking soda (a tablespoon of the drug - a teaspoonful without top). The mass is well mixed and applied a thin layer on the face skin previously cleaned of make-up (mainly on the places where the acne jumped out). Hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your face cold. This procedure is carried out once a week.
In the presence of large eels, you can apply a thick mixture of soda with aloe juice. Keep the mask until the paste dries completely. It is said that this method in the fight against acne is very effective, if you use it twice a week.
Mask from black dots with soda
To remove from the face of comedones, that is, black dots, a face mask with soda and salt is made. To make it, you need to take one teaspoon of soda and shallow salt (such as "extra") and add a little ordinary boiled water at room temperature. Should get a gruel, which is applied to problem areas of the face and light massaging movements rubbed into the skin. Care must be taken here, since the "salt plus soda" mixture plays the role of an abrasive.
Do not try to remove the black dots at once, especially since this is unlikely to succeed. This cleansing cosmetic procedure can not be performed more than once in 10 days. If on the face there are any damages or inflammations, it is necessary to postpone the cosmetic procedure until they disappear.
Mask made of soda and oatmeal
A cleansing mask with soda and oat flakes is also used only with a fat type of skin. To make it, you should thoroughly crush two tablespoons of flakes, add baking soda - at the tip of the knife, and water - to get a thick gruel. After all is well mixed to a homogeneous state, the mass should be applied to the face - not more than a quarter of an hour.
The mask is washed off with warm water, then the face is rinsed with cool water. After 20-25 minutes after the procedure, always apply moisturizing cream on the skin - to remove the feeling of tightness.
Mask for face with soda and honey
A face mask with soda and honey with a problematic, fat-prone skin will help reduce its greasy sheen and narrow the pores. About the action of soda is almost all said, and the benefits of honey for oily skin can be described in two words: it is an ideal food and deep moisturizing.
A tablespoon of natural liquid honey should be mixed with half a teaspoon of baking soda. The resulting mass is applied to the cleansed face for a maximum of 15 minutes and rinsed off with warm water. When pimples can only lubricate this rash. Then the procedure time can be increased to half an hour.
With a normal skin type, an additional component in the form of a raw egg yolk or vegetable oil - linseed, olive or sesame - should be added to the mask with honey and soda.
Mask made of soda and flour
The main goal pursued by the mask of soda and flour, does not differ much from the already mentioned recipes. This mask also fights with enlarged pores and at times removes greasy shine.
To prepare a mask for this recipe, you need a tablespoon (with a slide) of ordinary wheat flour and a teaspoon (without a slide) of baking soda. As a "diluent" of dry ingredients, boiled water, milk, green tea, camomile or lime color can be used.
Stir all in a homogeneous mass, you should apply it on the face - about 15-20 minutes. And then all washed off with the same chamomile infusion or green tea. It is not recommended to make a mask of soda and flour more than once every 8-10 days.
Mask made of clay and soda
Cosmetic clay - in itself - cleans the skin well and removes excess fat from the skin. So the mask of clay and soda should produce a double effect. If you take a blue clay, the mask will not only be cleansing, but also rejuvenating, as this clay helps to increase the elasticity of the skin. Red cosmetic clay activates the blood supply to skin cells, while white cosmetic clusters dilate the pores. The choice is up to you.
To prepare this combined cleansing mask with soda, the ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. And the liquid part can be the same as in the previous recipe. All other recommendations are similar to the mask of soda and flour.
Mask of soap and soda
This recipe, even with the most innocuous baby soap, can be classified as ... Extreme. Soap is recommended to grate, 2 tablespoons of grated soap pour boiling water (200 ml) and add half teaspoon of soda and salt.
Here it would be appropriate to recall that soda (sodium hydrogencarbonate), even at a temperature of + 60 ° C, decomposes - into sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide. Sodium carbonate is a calcined soda that has only a technical application.
So, excuse me, further manipulations with the "mask of soap and soda" not only do not make sense, but their description contradicts our principle: ignorance of the laws of chemistry does not absolve from responsibility for the ridiculous information posted on the Internet.
Mask made of soda and lemon
And now about the mask of soda and lemon. Probably, those who invented such a recipe, also poorly taught chemistry in school. Otherwise, they would remember what happens when soda is "extinguished" with vinegar, citric acid or fresh lemon juice ... Soda and the lemon juice mixed with it come into a chemical reaction, as a result of which salt and carbonic acid are formed. And carbonic acid instantly decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.
Than it can be useful for a skin? Perhaps, only by the fact that lemon and soda can be wiped off traces of green or ink.
Mask for hair with soda
According to the prevailing opinion, the benefit of soda for hair is that this chemical compound will help to free the scalp from excess of sebum fat - with any type of hair other than stained.
The simplest hair mask with soda is prepared without leaving the bathroom. To do this, just add a tablespoon of soda in a normal shampoo, apply it on the hair and scalp, thoroughly foaming, hold for 3-4 minutes and rinse.
At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the hair with acidified water at the rate of a tablespoon of table or apple cider vinegar for each liter of water.
Masks with soda for a body
Well, now the recipes are masks with soda for the body. The first way is to add a small amount of soda to the shower gel portion. When applying this mixture, it is recommended not to rub it too much into the skin - so that homemade scrub does not damage the skin or cause irritation. And it is necessary to wash off all this as carefully as possible so that the effect of the procedure does not lead you to a dermatologist.
There is another way to make a mask with soda for the body. Take 100 grams of cream and 2 tablespoons of table salt and baking soda. All further techniques as with the use of the first recipe.
Reviews of masks from soda
The main problem of those who use home cosmetic masks with the use of sodium hydrogen carbonate and then shares their impressions, leaving feedback on masks made of soda, it is oily skin and hair. Many argue that soda really helps to cope with these problems: the skin is less glossy with fat, and the hair stays clean longer.
In addition, soda is cheap and there is in every kitchen. Therefore, the mask of soda can be an alternative to expensive peelings and procedures in beauty salons. But in the real effectiveness of such an alternative can be seen only from own experience. Good luck to you!