
Almond peel for face

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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An almond peel is a type of chemical peel that uses alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), including lactic and glycolic acids, to exfoliate the top layer of skin. It gets its name because of its analogy to a procedure involving almond oil extraction.

It is usually used in cosmetology and dermatology to improve skin appearance, reduce wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation, improve skin texture and combat various skin problems. The procedure is usually performed by qualified professionals in beauty clinics or medical facilities.

An almond peel procedure involves applying an acidic solution to the skin, which is then removed or neutralized after a certain amount of time. This helps to remove keratinized skin cells, stimulate collagen and elastin production, and improve the appearance of the skin.

Indications for the procedure

Chemical peels are used in salons to cleanse the skin of flakiness, fine lines, roughness, and excess fat. These factors prevent the skin from breathing and absorbing cosmetics used for daily care. Almond peeling copes with these problems gently and effectively. It is the most delicate method of superficial chemical cleansing, which can withstand even very thin skin.

  • Weighty indications for peeling almond acid - acne, pimples, traces after acne of mild and moderate intensity, seborrhea, rosacea, folliculitis, excess pigmentation, scars, striae.

Peeling is recommended for age-related skin aging and dermal melasma, i.e. Pigmentation. Décolleté, hands to be peeled to improve the skin condition in photo-aging. Suitable for normal and sensitive dermis, 1-4 phototypes.

Almond acid, unlike other peels, has no photosensitizing properties, so it can be used regardless of the season, including summer.

Almond peel for post-acne

Thanks to almond peeling, the superficial epidermal layer is carefully sloughing off. Cosmetic products based on this acid have proven to be soft exfoliants that minimally irritate the skin. In parallel, under the influence of almond acid, collagen production is activated, which creates a lifting effect without the use of injections or other radical techniques.

Almond peeling for postacne, acne, oily seborrhea, as well as for the prevention of premature fading is performed on the face; on the hands and décolleté - to rejuvenate aging skin. There are no age restrictions, because problem skin happens in the young, and fading begins at a certain stage of life in each person.

  • The procedure is prescribed after consultation with a doctor, who first must exclude contraindications. These are skin pathologies and integrity damage, allergy to components, high body temperature.

One of the important advantages of this type of peeling - the fact that it is acceptable to do it in the period of solar activity, when other techniques are unacceptable. However, provided that after a visit to the cosmetology office patients will avoid insolation or protect the skin with creams.

Almond peel for acne

Superficial almond peel is less likely than other fruit acids to lead to complications, in particular, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The procedure is more easily tolerated by patients, because it is not accompanied by pain and discomfort. Unlike other techniques, it is used in the summer time, because it inhibits melanogenesis and does not allow re-pigmentation.

The technique is used for care; on the face, almond peeling is performed for acne and other problems, due to which the skin is aging, covered with spots, scars, flakiness, wrinkles, enlarged pores, excessive oily secretions. Almond method is also used when preparing the skin for laser resurfacing or midline chemical peeling.

  • To maximize the benefits of the procedure to the cosmetologist should be addressed in advance, so that he prescribed in time pre-pilling preparation. It consists of special preparations to make the skin more susceptible to the upcoming procedure.

Peeling is carried out in courses of 6-10 sessions. Intervals - 7-10 days. However, this is an approximate scheme. In each case, the specialist offers his own version of the number and intervals between sessions. Repeat the course is recommended after about a year.

Is it possible to do almond peel in summer?

A number of peels are incompatible with the summer season, when it is hot outside, when everyone is attracted to the water and beaches, when you want to tan, so that the body absorbed more sunlight. Therefore, many people believe that such procedures can be carried out only in winter time.

Several modern techniques, including almond peeling, are an exception: they can be performed in summer. They also include lactic, enzyme, mesopilling. So the question: "Can I do almond peeling in the summer?". - modern cosmetology answers positively. Moreover, it considers it appropriate and useful for the skin.

  • Given the intensity of UV rays, heat and the risks associated with these factors, deeper peels are postponed until the fall.

They traumatize the skin, some substances have photosensitizing properties or act too aggressively. If they are used in summer, they are fraught with irritation, increased pigmentation or allergic manifestations.

  • By applying a mild option, such as almond acid exposure, we are treating the upper stratum corneum, that is, the level of the epidermis.

As a consequence, the skin acquires the ability to more actively absorb all cosmetic products designed for care and rejuvenation.

Skin prone to greasiness, rashes, seborrhea especially needs peeling cleansing. Without the advice of a specialist, it is hardly worth solving these problems. A qualified cosmetologist will not only recommend the best method of peeling, but will also teach how to properly care for the face for the future. A competent approach to solving the problem will not remain without gratitude: the skin will respond to summer care with radiance and freshness.

Effect after almond peeling

Almond acid is a natural substance that is formed by extraction from bitter almonds. Thanks to its unique properties, almond peeling has become one of the safest cosmetic procedures. The substance is used for all skin types, including thin, highly sensitive skin. The acid acts delicately, and the effect after almond peeling pleasantly surprises: the skin looks younger and healthier.

  • The anti-inflammatory properties actively resist blackheads.
  • Dead epidermis slides off the surface, the skin is smoothed.
  • Mimic wrinkles are dissolved.
  • The natural process of collagen production is triggered; firmness and elasticity are restored.
  • The metabolic process is normalized; fat production is brought to optimal levels.
  • The pores are narrowed, local inflammation foci disappear.
  • It evens and brightens the complexion, reduces the intensity of spots and freckles.
  • Age changes become less pronounced and the skin becomes firmer and smoother. All this is clearly visible in the illustrative photos.

The probability of adverse effects is low. They are possible in women with sensitive skin and are manifested in the form of allergic reactions or burning sensation.

How often should an almond peel be done?

Exact recommendations on how often you need to do almond peeling, can give a cosmetologist, taking into account the specific data of the patient. The course is usually prescribed from 6-10 sessions. At the discretion of the specialist, the interval between sessions can be from one to two weeks. But in any scheme of quality result provides only a full course of almond peeling, not a separate procedure.

A second course is allowed after a year or a year and a half. In exceptional cases, in the absence of the desired effect from the first course, a second course is prescribed two and a half to 3 months after its completion.

  • Sometimes the cosmetologist considers it necessary to conduct intermediate maintenance procedures. They are prescribed two months after the course.

It should be noted that this is one of the best options for young skin. The main condition is that the product should be of high quality, and the salon and specialists - with a good reputation. This ensures reliable safety and high efficiency of the procedure.

Renewed tissue gradually covers the entire treated area, literally new skin appears, devoid of imperfections and age-related changes. This provides a visible revitalization of the face and other treated areas.

How many almond peel treatments do I need?

It depends on the skin type, the age of the patient. Two sessions will be enough for some people, while others need 10. As a rule, cosmetologists do not recommend more than ten sessions in one course.

The result of a full course of almond peeling lasts for six months. Then you can either repeat the same method or try something new. According to other information, the repetition is allowed no earlier than after 12 months. But, in any case, it is preferable to get acquainted with chemical techniques to start with almond peeling, and only if necessary to apply harsher substances.

The peeling effect is based on the beneficial properties of the active ingredients for the skin. They are as follows:

  • Keratolytic - loosens the stratum corneum and sloughs off dead skin elements.
  • Lifting - activates the production of elastin and collagen, increasing skin elasticity.
  • Bacteriostatic - protect against pathogenic microflora dangerous to fresh tissue.
  • Whitening - Evening out the tone makes the skin lighter.
  • Antioxidant - provided by binding free radicals and heavy metals.
  • Comedonolytic - there is a decrease in the secretory function of sebaceous glands and a reduction in their size.


Almond acid is a powerful keratolytic, which during the peeling process actively sloughs off the dead layer of cells from the skin. Peeling sessions overdue preparation, which lasts up to two weeks. This period is necessary to ensure that the salon procedure took place without stress to the skin, and that the penetration of the substance occurred evenly across all cells.

  • The client prepares at home, using preparations based on almond acid of 10-15% concentration. Detailed recommendations are indicated in the instructions for the composition used in a particular situation.

In preparation for almond peeling cream with phenoxyglycolic acid is applied at night for 8-15 days before the main procedures. Sometimes additionally used gel peeling with fruit acid: applied in the morning several times a week. More precise recommendations and the scheme of preparation is determined by a cosmetologist who is to do peeling.

Almond acid belongs to the group of AHA-acids; it is highly effective, with a gentle slow action. This is because its molecules are many times larger than other peels, the same popular in cosmetology glycolic acid.

In adulthood, the procedure can be used in preparation for more intensive techniques (laser or mechanical resurfacing).

Technique of the almond peel

The procedure of almond peeling is carried out according to a special plan and consists of several stages. A mandatory point is the removal of makeup and cosmetic residues, because the acid in combination with care products can give an undesirable reaction. Then follows steaming, thanks to which the active substances better penetrate through the skin. The technique then includes cleansing with a toner containing 5% almond acid.

  • The next point is to check the tolerance reaction to the almond preparation. Pre-peeling with a product containing 10% almond acid is performed.

After that, the actual peeling is carried out, using 30% almond acid. Special attention is paid to the affected areas. This can be the face, décolleté, neck. Exposure depends on the specific problem. Termination of the acid comes after the application of a special neutralizer.

  • In the presence of pigment spots, the peeling is applied to these locations. Then the treated area is washed with clean water.

At the final stage, the skin is soothed. A special mask is applied. If it is clear that the skin is very dried out, then nourishing creams are used - with algae, aloe extract or collagen. For the oily type it is desirable to use an anti-inflammatory agent.

Almond peel protocol

The personnel of cosmetic salons and clinics perform all actions according to the protocol of almond peeling. This is a step-by-step plan of the procedure, with the designation of the drugs used.

After preliminary preparation, almond peeling is carried out at the appointed time in the following order.

  • Demakeup with special preparations. Cleansing, rinsing with water.
  • Degreasing with alcohol or special solutions.
  • Pre-peeling - designed to evenly penetrate the active ingredient and reveal hypersensitivity.
  • Applying protectant or petroleum jelly to the corners of the nose, lips, and eyes.
  • Basic procedure: application of several layers of the preparation alternately on the problem areas. Concentration of almond acid - from 35 to 65%, exposure time 12-15 minutes. Individual characteristics of the patient are taken into account.
  • If there are spots, it is necessary to reapply almond preparation or vitamin C solution.
  • If red spots form, apply a neutralizing solution.
  • Thorough rinsing with water.
  • Revitalization is recommended: treatment with a serum rich in beneficial substances for the skin.
  • Application of creams according to skin type to soothe the treated areas.

Cosmetics for post-peeling care at home cosmetologist selects individually for each patient.

Professional almond peeling

Proper cleansing is relevant for all times and skin types. The urgent needs of the skin are met by professional almond peeling. It is based on the targeted action of almond acid derived from bitter almond extract. It acts in a gentler way than other fruit peels and is therefore recommended even for delicate skin.

  • The advantage of almond peeling and that the drug has a bactericidal effect, that is, it affects the causes of acne rashes.

This has made the procedure one of the most effective ways to get rid of acne and oily seborrhea. It also helps to get rid of acne marks and early aging, improve relief, restore turgor and elasticity.

The use of professional peeling activates the process of production of components responsible for the condition of the skin. Many companies produce preparations of this category.

Read also: Popular brands of almond peel

Almond peeling at home

Usually, almond peeling consists of active acids, which, if the proportions are incorrectly calculated or carelessly used, can cause a burn. After such an unpleasantness, it takes a long time to recover, since it is quite difficult to treat chemical burns. In this regard, experts do not recommend performing almond peeling at home. For this purpose, it is better to use more neutral methods and components of low concentration.

  • Purely for home use, special preparations with a concentration of the active ingredient up to 10% have been created.

This is quite a safe dosage for self-application. Branded preparations are bought on the Internet, pharmacies, salons, retail outlets selling special cosmetics. Together with them, it is desirable to purchase preparations for subsequent moisturizing of the treated skin.

Almond peeling agent is not difficult to make at home. The recipe is as follows:

  • almond oil, water, kaolin - 1 tbsp. Each;
  • Ground almonds, aloe juice, tolokno - 2 tbsp. Each;
  • lavender oil - 10 drops.

Almonds, kaolin and tolokno pour hot water (70 degrees), add almond oil and aloe, cool and drop lavender oil. The mass is applied to a clean face for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse off and moisturize with an appropriate cream.

Almond-ferula peeling

The peculiarity of the almond-ferulic peel is in the innovative combination of two active ingredients. Thanks to the commonwealth of almond and ferulic acids, the skin receives a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection, delicately lightens dark areas, evens the shade and surface, promotes regenerative and lifting processes.

Like the almond peel, it can be used for sensitive and couperose skin in any season of the year. Moreover, this type of peeling can be used before and after sunbathing, artificial or solar, and even makes the tan better.

  • In the presence of ultraviolet light, ferulic acid enhances antioxidant qualities.

The almond-ferulic system protects against photo-aging and increases resistance to adverse UV rays. Care procedures by means of these acids have effectively proved themselves in case of pigmentation tendency, for complex therapy of acne and in anti-aging methods. To achieve the effect, cosmetologists recommend 10-session courses, with a frequency of once a week.

Home procedures are available when using cosmetic products of various brands. Popular peels are La Grace from France, Italian Mando Ferul from NATINUEL. Owners of any skin type can choose a suitable product: dry, normal, oily, sensitive.

Milk almond peel

In addition to almond acid, the almond peel may contain salicylic acid, malic acid or lactic acid. Depending on the composition, ageing, concentration, number of layers, the procedure acts at a deeper or deeper level. In particular, lactic-almond peeling has a delicate, especially gentle effect, perfectly moisturizes problem areas. However, lactic acid is not able to effectively eliminate skin imperfections. Therefore, in combination with almond and glycolic acids, the mixture is often used as a pre-pilling.

  • The product for gentle cleansing 30% from Dr. Skinvatkin can be used at home, clearly following the instructions.

In particular, it is forbidden to keep the substance on the face longer than 2 minutes and use it more than 2 times a week. It is applied to the cleaned skin with an applicator, in an even layer, omitting the eyes and near-eye areas. Make sure there are no lesions or inflammations on the skin. If the procedures are carried out for a month, the result is visible to the naked eye:

  • The skin is deeply cleansed and moisturized, so that cosmetic products penetrate deeper and act on the tissues in a given direction.
  • Microcirculation is improved and the depth of wrinkles is reduced.
  • The tone evens out, the face is refreshed.
  • UV-induced hyperpigmentation becomes less noticeable.

Apple almond peel

Who does not want to depend on the season and make adjustments to the schedule of visits to the solarium, uses for the face apple-almond peeling. This is a gentle and effective option to combat acne, acne, inflammation on the skin of various types. It provides an even, healthy tan skin, protects against burns and irritations. This is an advantage over those peels that are not combined with natural and artificial ultraviolet irradiation.

Peeling with a mixture of almond and malic acids perfectly solves the problems of hypersensitive skin, prone to couperoses and increased spotting, subjected to age-related changes. A course of such procedures renews, smooths the epidermis, stimulates the lifting process and the production of collagen fibers. Already a single session, which in salons lasts about an hour, gives visible results, and the maximum effect is obtained after 5-8 sessions. The result is as follows:

  • pore shrinkage;
  • improving the supply of blood and oxygen to the dermal tissues;
  • to activate lymphatic drainage processes;
  • eliminate post-acne marks and even out the tone;
  • to prevent premature fading;
  • protection against inflammation;
  • visible rejuvenation, lifting effect.

Almond-salicylic peel

The combination of almond and salicylic acids is somewhat more aggressive on the skin than the almond peel itself. It is used for the same indications, on the face or hands.

  • Salicylic acid, which was first discovered in the bark of willow (from the Latin name of the plant and the name of the substance), is widely used in medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology, in industrial and home production of preserves.

It is used to produce preparations needed by dermatologists to treat skin pathologies, therapists - to reduce fever, treat rheumatism, to quench pain; the substance is also in demand by phthisiatrists as a specific antituberculosis drug.

Almond-salicylic peel combines the useful properties of both components. When applied according to the instructions, the substance grinds the skin, acting on the epidermis. In this case, keratinized layers, due to chemical action, are exfoliated, comedones, rashes, blackheads are eliminated. Then the pores are narrowed and the functioning of sebaceous glands is normalized.

A cycle of treatments can successfully address many of the problems of women after the age of 30.

  • Eliminate blackheads, folliculitis, comedones, scars after acne.
  • Eliminate unhealthy pallor, refresh color.
  • Get rid of hyperkeratosis, melasma, lentigos, spots.
  • Smooth the relief, tighten the contour of the face.

Glycolic almond peel

A popular salon procedure is glycolic peel. This is a gentle superficial cleansing by chemical means, thanks to which you can get rid of many skin problems and cosmetic defects. Do not be afraid of the word "chemical": it is a simple statement of the fact that glycolic almond peeling, like salicylic, apple, lactic, use preparations based on acids.

  • Glycolic acid belongs to the group of fruit acids. By contacting the skin surface, it burns old cells and stimulates metabolism in new ones.

Like pure almond peeling, the salon procedure requires preparation, so it is advisable to visit a cosmetologist at least two weeks before the proposed first session. A total of 4 to 10 sessions are required, depending on the problem and individual characteristics of the client.

  • When performing the manipulation is not felt pain; a slight burning is neutralized by a jet of cold air.

As a result, dead cells are broken down and removed, clearing access to the skin for nutrients, moisture and oxygen. Glycolic acid molecules are small, so they penetrate and moisturize the dermis more easily than almond acid. They are able to eliminate defects such as ingrown hairs and hyperkeratosis.

Almond-coconut peel

Kojic acid is derived from the biochemical processing of Japanese rice used for sake production. Scraping with kojic acid is recommended when pigmentation of various etiologies is present on the skin.

  • The almond-coconut peel contains fruit acids, extracts of healing plants and auxiliary chemicals that consolidate the effect.

The kojic peel removes the keratinized layer of cells along with melanin, the dark pigment that determines skin tone. Almond peel in combination with the kojic component lightens the skin by up to 30%. It is able to remove even old spots and prevent the formation of new ones.

  • After the elimination of old cells, the skin gets antioxidant, antifungal and anti-inflammatory protection, moisturizes, tightens, sebaceous glands work in normal mode.

The treatments are suitable for all ages, they visibly tone and improve the structure, reduce the number and severity of wrinkles.

The only caveat is that peeling with kojic acid does not like the active sun. If there is an abundance of ultraviolet light, peeling should be carried out with particular care, protecting the treated surface with sunscreen.

Almond peeling in pregnancy

Carrying out almond peeling in pregnancy, unlike some other types, is allowed. This is due to the fact that the active components of the product do not provoke undesirable effects and do not pose a danger to the body of the mother and fetus. Almond peeling is able to cope with the following skin problems of a pregnant woman:

  • to stop or eliminate inflammation;
  • to shrink the pores;
  • normalize metabolic processes in epidermal tissues;
  • to remove blackheads, comedones, black spots.

However, competent cosmetologists believe that peeling for expectant mothers should be done only as a last resort: if the problems can not be solved by more gentle methods. Any manipulation of a woman in pregnancy should be performed in proven institutions, after prior consultation with a doctor who approves of such procedures.

  • The decision to do peeling on your own, in your home kitchen, a good doctor is unlikely to approve.

Even the most neutral chemical preparation can be improperly applied or dosed without the supervision of a master, which is fraught with risks for the mother and the fetus. A specialist will notice complications or side effects in time and prevent dangerous development of the situation.

The most sensible solution is to have a peel while still in the planning stage of pregnancy. This will be enough for the entire period of carrying the fetus. Or, if possible, postpone optional procedures for the period when the baby will safely see the light of day.

Contraindications to the procedure

Due to its mild effect, almond peeling has almost no contraindications. The method is recommended for young and middle-aged women. If the skin is sensitive, after it may feel burning, allergic reaction.

Contraindications are skin diseases, integrity disorders, fever, presence of herpes infection, inflamed pustules, allergic reaction. Pregnancy and lactation also belong to contraindications. Although in some sources the procedure is allowed with a reservation about extreme caution.

Skin after tanning should not be subjected to cleansing almond manipulation. It can be performed when the effects of ultraviolet light are over.

Consequences after the procedure

Adverse effects after the procedure are as follows:

  • redness after each session;
  • excessive flaking;
  • allergies;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • the formation of a rash;
  • severe swelling;
  • dryness in the treated areas;
  • chemical burn;
  • the appearance of herpes;
  • infection.

Usually hyperemia after almond peeling ceases to bother after two to three days. Therefore, experts warn clients that when planning the procedure, they should be able to stay at home for a few days to restore the skin.


The question of skin peeling is very worrying for clients who order peeling service. After all, the duration of this process depends on how soon a woman can go out in public. Is it possible to speed up recovery after almond peeling, which causes sloughing of the stratum corneum?

  • Superficial peels cause intense peeling depending on the concentration, pH level, properties of the active ingredient, preparation, and skin characteristics.

In the case of medium and deep skin, there is always not only peeling, but also redness and swelling. And sensitive skin responds with a reaction to even the mildest actions and substances.

Usually the epidermis starts sloughing on day 2-3 and stops within 24-72 hours. To normalize the appearance and condition of the skin as quickly as possible, care for it after peeling as follows:

  1. Gently cleanse, dry with lotions and toners.
  2. Do not apply scrubs or gommage.
  3. Apply intensive preparations containing regenerating and moisturizing ingredients.
  4. For bothersome itching and cell sloughing, use soothing and healing creams with panthenol or bisabolol.
  5. If you are concerned about any symptoms, contact the salon where the peeling was performed. The specialist should help to eliminate the consequences and help to restore the skin.

It is not recommended to get rid of flaking on your own. It is not recommended to peel off the scales, touch your face often, do makeup, go out in the sun without SPF 50+ cream, go to the solarium and swimming pool.

Itching a week after an almond peel

When a strong itching occurs a week after almond peeling, women panic and flood each other with questions: why, what to do? However, they ask on forums, but not from the specialist who conducted the almond peeling. And he would explain that redness, sloughing, itching after skin treatment with chemical substances is normal.

  • A normal reaction is also dryness, which is relieved with a soothing cream. Within a few days, the unpleasant symptoms disappear without special treatment and the patient begins to savor the sweet fruits of the procedure.

Still, severe itching can be a consequence of an incorrectly selected procedure, that is, inappropriate to the depth of the problem. After all, each cosmetic procedure, including various peels, is aimed at solving specific problems of a particular person. The mistake can also be that the skin is not properly prepared for manipulation. Therefore, itching or redness lasts longer than in the normal course of the process.

If the itching does not go away after a week, it is necessary to seek help from another cosmetologist or dermatologist, because if the salon makes gross errors, it is unlikely that they will be able to correct them. Claims should be filed so that the clinic or salon can compensate for the damage.

The following implications should also be of caution:

  • massive acne;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • crusted wounds.

Complications after the procedure

Are complications possible after the procedure? As practice shows, the following troubles are likely:

  • burns;
  • hyperemia, burning;
  • hypersensitivity or dry skin;
  • sloughing of the epidermis;
  • rashes, herpes;
  • infection;
  • swelling in areas of thin skin;
  • allergies;
  • formation of sores with crusts;
  • post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

To eliminate problems, symptomatic treatment is used. So, against burns from almond peeling works "Panthenol" or "Olazol", from dryness save moisturizing and nourishing creams, from swelling - hormonal ointments.

  • Herpes is treated with special medications, allergies are treated with antihistamine and hormonal medications.

To prevent increased pigmentation avoid contact of the skin with the sun's rays. If it has formed, the cosmetologist should carry out a competent treatment and eliminate the consequences.

Care after the procedure

The effectiveness of almond peeling is manifested in the first hours after its implementation. There is redness, then - a slight sloughing of the epidermis and swelling of the face. Sometimes regeneration takes place without peeling. With proper care and rehabilitation after the procedure, all these phenomena disappear within a few days.

In case of problem skin, one or two care procedures are performed in a salon. The rest of the rehabilitation is performed by the client at home. It is aimed at reducing discomfort, preventing inflammation, protection, moisturizing, stimulating regeneration.

  • Effective products for home treatments can be purchased at the same facilities where the peel was performed.

The most important point is that your skin needs UV protection after the session. This means that at least two weeks of sunbathing and solar irradiation are strictly forbidden. The patient can only go outdoors with her face covered with a cream with SPF 30+.

  • Moisturizing is an equally important factor. After all, any chemicals really dry out the skin. You should choose the most suitable preparation together with a cosmetologist.

During the rehabilitation period, it is better to refuse such procedures as swimming in a pool, bathing in a sauna or sauna, as well as from sports. Pharmaceutical preparations such as "Bepanthen", "Traumel gel", antioxidants, vitamins are useful.

Can I wash my face after an almond peel?

Like other salon chemical peels, almond peel is performed in several stages. Sometimes the skin is prepared by preliminary home manipulations recommended by a cosmetologist. Almond peeling in the salon is carried out according to a special protocol.

  • Post-peeling care involves several points. One of the key points is the question of whether you can wash your face after almond peeling?

In addition to washing, moisturizing and protecting the skin are important. If the actual salon session takes about an hour, home care requires constant attention and time. A competent specialist offers each client an individualized system of care.

After the treatment, the peeling process usually continues for a certain period of time. This is how the epidermis is renewed on the skin. To make cell sloughing more intensive, cosmetologists recommend washing with acidified water, which helps to accelerate renewal.

During this period, the discomfort is caused by tightness, especially when it comes to facial peeling. To eliminate the unpleasant sensation, the face should be moisturized frequently with cream: up to 10 times a day.

At any time of year, the skin after peeling needs protection from UV radiation. It is thinner and therefore more vulnerable. To prevent burns or other undesirable phenomena, creams with a high content of protective factors are used.

Tan after almond peeling

After some peeling techniques, tanning is strictly forbidden. Laser, salicylic, phenol purification expose the skin to such stress that after them tanning can cause burns and scars. Is there an alternative? Is tanning after almond peeling useful?

For an even tan, a special superficial cleaning of dry dead cells is performed. The protective epidermal layer is preserved. Such a procedure is easy to carry out at home, a few days before a beach vacation or solar procedures. Manipulation helps to clean the surface from dead ballast, normalize the production of fat, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

  • One recipe for such a treatment is an almond peel with avocado.

It is a gentle product recommended for sensitive and problematic skin, which thanks to the treatment is moisturized and toned. The tan is even and lasts longer than usual.

Half an avocado and 100 g of almonds are taken per peeling portion. Avocado is turned into porridge, almonds are ground with a coffee grinder. The mixed ingredients are rubbed into the skin in massage circles, and then washed off with cool water. After two days, the face can be exposed to sunlight or artificial UV rays.

The term almond peeling refers to both the procedure and cosmetic preparations that are used in its implementation. Its main advantage cosmetologists consider its gentle treatment of skin of any type and a minimum of post-peeling effects. The choice of products on the cosmetic market is sufficient, reviews of the results are pleasing. That makes it in demand for everyone who watches their skin and wants to improve its condition.

Literature used

  • Chemical peels. Rubin Mark J. Reed Elsiver, 2009.
  • Peeling. A key to understanding. Natalia Polonskaya, 2009
  • Chemical peeling in the practice of a cosmetologist. Hernandez E.I., 2021

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