
Hair - Top 100

Electrostatic and electromagnetic fields have long and successfully been used for the healing of soft tissue wounds and bone fusion. As a side effect, hair growth was shown to increase in areas of the skin subjected to electrophysiotherapy.

Before starting treatment of a patient with normal alopecia, a thorough examination should be carried out to identify and correct possible causes of symptomatic or telogen, hair loss (severe stress, general diseases accompanied by hypoproteinemia, anemia, thyroid dysfunction, childbirth, taking a number of medications and, on the contrary, stopping oral contraceptives, etc.).

All skin lesions that lead to her scarring cause the death of hair follicles. Causes of cicatrical alopecia are very diverse.

Circular alopecia (syn: circular alopecia, alopecia areata, nests baldness, pelada) - a disease characterized by the appearance of a rounded or oval center of alopecia with clear boundaries and externally unchanged skin.
Good results of long-term use of strong glucocorticosteroids (fluocinolone, dexamethasone, etc.) have been reported in the form of lotions, creams and ointments. However, according to most dermatologists, this method of treatment is ineffective and persistent hair restoration is observed only in those cases when one could expect their spontaneous growth.
The term psevdopelada, or atrophic focal alopecia, is used to refer to a small-focal, slowly progressing cicatricial atrophy of the scalp with irreversible hair loss without pronounced perifollicular inflammation.
This rare clinical form of red flat lichen is, according to various authors, from 2% to 10% of all forms of dermatosis. It is manifested by flat, slightly elevated papules of pale pinkish-cyanotic color as large as lentils, which sometimes form ring-shaped foci.
The bubbly form of red flat lichen (PFCF) refers to rare forms of dermatosis (2-4% of all cases of this disease). Women are more often affected after the age of 50; Bubbles usually occur with rapid exacerbation of red flat lichen, accompanied by increased itching and are a stage of different duration in the development of this dermatosis.
To the focal atrophic alopecia of the scalp (pseudopelada condition) discoid (DCV) and disseminated red lupus of this localization can lead.
Scleroderma rarely affects the skin of the scalp. Among its different forms, in this localization, linear scleroderma of the frontal-parietal region, systemic scleroderma, widespread plaque and small-scleroderma scleroderma, or sclerotriphytic lichen arise according to the degree of decrease.


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