
Pathogens - Top 100

Of the many known to date human papillomavirus strains, more than three dozen infect the genital and anus region, and among them there are potentially oncogenic, in particular, HPV 51 or HPV 51.
The appearance on the body of warts and papillomas is associated with the penetration of the papillomatous virus into the body. True, not everyone knows that relatively harmless neoplasms on the skin are not the only manifestation of this far from safe virus.
Pathogenic microbes often act as causative agents of infections and inflammatory reactions in which healthy cells are damaged, both by the microbes themselves and by toxic products of their vital activity.
Urogenital mycoplasmosis is a very common pathology that relates to sexually transmitted diseases and can be caused by different types of mycoplasmas.
HPV is highly specific to the human body infection from the family Papovaviridea, that is, the papoviruses of subgroup A. Its carrier is every sixth person on the planet.
HPV refers to the most common viruses. Most often, infection occurs sexual and contact-household way. For many years the virus can be at rest and not manifest itself.
Today, medicine has information about more than a hundred types of human papillomavirus (HPV). They are divided according to different characteristics, including the category of danger to human health.
The abbreviation for HPV is currently known, probably, by everyone. It stands for human papillomavirus. Many different strains of this virus have already been found, about two hundred.
The papillomavirus (HPV) has more than 100 types (according to some information, about 600), and, despite its small size, is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with a wide range of diseases: from skin warts to life-threatening cancers. HPV type 6 refers to non-oncogenic viruses, that is, cancer does not cause.


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