
Pathogens - Top 100

One of the varieties of helminths affecting the human small intestine is the flat worm metagonimus, which is part of the class of parasites-flukes (trematodes).
Echinococcus is a parasite that causes a life-threatening illness. Consider its life cycle and ways of infection, symptoms of the disease and treatment methods.
Rhinoviruses are viruses that contain ribonucleic acid. They are most often the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections.

Malassezia furfur is a kind of fungus that causes dandruff. Fungus can cause seborrhea and atopic dermatitis.

Blood fluke or blood Schistosoma (Schistosoma haematobium) refers to parasites such as flatworms (Phylum Plathelminthes), a class of flukes or trematodes (Trematoda Digenea), the Strigeidida group, the family Schistosomatidae.

Bedbugs mostly live in places where people live - in apartments of high-rise buildings, private houses, in cottages, and in some cases in hotels or rest places.

Some parasitic diseases are more widespread, others, such as capillarial disease, are very rare. Nevertheless, both of them have the right to a thorough study, because no one is insured against infection.

It is known that insects can cause allergies, skin itch, dermatitis. But the biggest danger is that fleas act as carriers of many dangerous infectious diseases.

The virus of influenza C virus has the same form as viruses of types A and B. However, it differs from them not only in antigenic properties, but also in a number of other characters.
This virus was isolated in the town of Coxsackie (New York State), so G. Doldorf proposed to temporarily name this and similar viruses by the viruses of the Coxsackie group. This name has survived to the present day.


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