
Pathogens - Top 100

Some species of corynebacteria - not pathogenic in normal human skin inhabitants or pathogenic to animals, can also cause diseases in humans, but mostly in persons with impaired immunity.
Superficial mycoses (keratomycosis) cause ksratomycetes - malo-contagious fungi affecting the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the surface of the hair.

Microsporia (synonym: ringworm) is a highly contagious disease, mainly children, caused by the fungi of the Microsporum roll. Distinguish between the microsporia of the scalp and the smooth skin microsporia.

Trichophytosis (a synonym: ringworm) is caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. There are anthroponous and zooangroposophic trichophytosis.
Favus (synonym: scab) - a rare chronic disease, mainly of children, caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii.
Epidermophytosis inguinal - mycosis, caused by anthropophilic fungus Epidermophyton floccosum (flaky zidermophil).
Rubrophytia (rubromycosis) is a common chronic mycosis of the skin of the trunk and extremities, nails and hair follicles, caused by the red trichophyton (Trichophyton rubrum).
Affects the nail plates (onychomycosis) and the skin of the feet (the formation of bubbles, cracks, scales and erosions). Hair is not affected.
Trichinella spiralis (Trichinella spiralis) - a worm of the class of nematodes (Enoplea), the family Trichinelloidea, living in the body of vertebrates carnivores - is pathogenic to humans.
This parasite is widespread in Africa and Asia, but there are also possible cases of infection in Ukraine.


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