
Pathogens - Top 100

This type of protozoa causes in the organism of its "master" a disease called balantidiasis or infusor dysentery.
The worm got its name not by chance. The fact is that his body has a special structure. So, its first part resembles a thin thread or hair, but to the posterior end sharply thickens.
Consider the main types of malicious parasites, the symptoms of infection, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
The tick passes from one person to another with direct contact, or through personal items.
Infrequent diagnosis concerns other human helminthiases due to the nonspecific pattern and course of the disease.
The flat worm of the cat's fluke refers to the class Trematoda Digenea (digenetic trematodes), the subclass Fasciola (fasciola), the family Opisthorchis (opisthorchia).
A subcutaneous tick is a parasite that is located inside or just below the skin layer, as well as inside the appendages of the skin and causes changes in its structure, in connection with its vital activity.
To fully diagnose and predict the development of a clinical picture in an ascarid attack, it is necessary to know certain features of its life cycle.
The human ascaris is a parasite that affects people of any age, mostly children, with the localization of the pathological process in the intestine and the corresponding symptoms.
Chinese fluke is a parasite of the genus flukes, which persists in the human body mainly in the liver. This causative agent lives in the region of China's water bodies, which is why the name is similar, but it is also found in freshwater reservoirs of European countries.


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