
Pathogens - Top 100

Ascaris eggs are both a factor of infection, and the subject of diagnosis. There are some characteristic features of the appearance of the eggs of ascarids, as well as some features of their resistance to environmental conditions, which allows to take this into account when diagnosing and preventing ascaridosis.
The virion has a spherical shape and a diameter of 80-120 nm, its molecular weight is 250 MD. The genome of the virus is represented by a single-stranded fragmented (8 fragments) of negative RNA ...
The structure of the virion of the influenza B virus is similar to the structure of the virus A. The genome consists of 8 fragments encoding 3 non-structural and 7 structural proteins.
Epidemic parotitis is an acute viral disease, which is characterized by the defeat of one or both parotid salivary glands. The causative agent was isolated in 1934 by K. Johnson and R. Gudpaschur from the saliva of a mumps patient by infecting monkeys in the duct of the salivary gland.
RS virus is one of the most frequent pathogens of ARI in children of the first 2-3 years of life. It was first isolated in 1956 from a chimpanzee suffering from acute respiratory disease, and in 1957 R. Chenok (and others) isolated similar strains from children with acute respiratory disease.
Measles (Latin morbilli) is an acute viral disease of mainly childhood, characterized by general intoxication, fever, catarrh of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and maculopapular rash.
To the family Coronaviridae with two genera, Coronavirus (which also includes pathogens of gastroenteritis in children) and Torovirus, include round-shaped viruses with a diameter of 50-220 nm.
The first representatives of the family of adenoviruses were isolated in 1953 by W. Rowe (and others) from the tonsils and adenoids of children, in connection with which they received this name.
The rubella virus is the only representative of the genus Rubivirus belonging to the family of tobaccos.
The genome of the poliomyelitis virus is a single-stranded unfragmented RNA, consisting of 7.5-8 thousand nucleotides, its molecular weight is 2.5 MD.


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