
List Analyzes – S

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Superoxide dismutase in the blood is the study of the enzyme responsible for the antioxidant function. Superoxide dismutase is referred to as SOD. This important enzyme activates the transformation of superoxide anions (the ion of an oxygen molecule in conjunction with an unpaired electron) into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, which are not so dangerous to the body.

Streptococci are gram-negative microorganisms, which are the causative agents of many purulent-infectious and inflammatory diseases. 

Detection and differentiation of protozoa (distinction of pathogenic forms from nonpathogenic ones) is a rather complicated task. Most unicellular organisms in feces are found in two forms: vegetative (the trophozoite stage) - active, mobile, vital, easily susceptible to harmful effects (in particular, cooling) and therefore rapidly dying after isolation from the intestine, and in the form of cysts resistant to external influences oocyst).
A general clinical study (analysis) cal - coprogram is an important addition to the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive organs and evaluation of the results of their treatment.
The functional activity of T and B lymphocytes is judged by the reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes with the use of mitogens - PHA, ConA, latex, lipopolysaccharides, etc.
Steroid binding globulin is a protein that binds and transports testosterone and estradiol. Protein-bound hormones are not biologically active. In addition to its transport function, the steroid-binding globulin protects testosterone and estradiol from metabolic inactivation along the way from the gland secreting to the target organ, and forms a kind of hormone depot in the body.
From the serological methods of diagnosis of purulent-septic diseases apply the reaction of direct hemagglutination and ELISA. The increase in the antibody titer is considered to be diagnostic after 7-10 days for the study of paired sera.
Sputum is a pathological secret of the respiratory tract that is secreted during coughing and is caused by damage to the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi and lung tissue by infectious, physical or chemical agents. Sputum analysis in patients with pneumonia in many cases (although not always) allows
Spontaneous test with NST (nitrosinium tetrazolium) allows to evaluate the state of oxygen-dependent bactericidal mechanism of phagocytes (granulocytes) of blood in vitro. It characterizes the state and degree of activation of the intracellular NADP-H-oxidase antibacterial system.
Spontaneous blast transformation of lymphocytes is the ability of lymphocytes to transform without stimulation. The study is performed to evaluate the functional activity of T lymphocytes.
Analysis of sperm (seminal fluid) is necessary to address the issue of the ability of the subject to produce offspring. The cause of infertility in men may be diseases of the testicles, prostate, conduction disorders of the vas deferens, diseases and malformations of the urethra.
Southern blotting (developed by E. Southern and R. Davies in 1975) is the main method by which genes of a particular disease are being identified. For this, DNA from the patient's cells is extracted and processed with one of the restriction endonucleases (or several).
Sodium refers to threshold substances, and an increase in its concentration in the blood leads to an increase in its excretion. To judge the balance of sodium in the body, it is necessary to simultaneously determine its content in blood and urine.
Sodium is the main cation of extracellular fluid, where its concentration is 6-10 times higher than inside the cells. Physiological value of sodium is to maintain the osmotic pressure and pH in the intracellular and extracellular spaces, it affects the processes of nervous activity, the state of the muscular and cardiovascular system and the ability of tissue colloids to "swell."
In the female body, the most important sex steroids are formed in the ovaries and adrenal cortex, and during pregnancy - in the placenta. The main sex steroids of the male body (androgens) are synthesized in the testicles and, in a small amount, in the adrenal cortex.
Creatinine is the final product of the breakdown of creatine, which plays an important role in the energy metabolism of muscle and other tissues.
Serotonin (oxytryptamine) is a biogenic amine, which is mainly contained in platelets. The body constantly circulates up to 10 mg of serotonin. From 80 to 95% of the total amount of serotonin in the body is synthesized and stored in enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin is formed from tryptophan as a result of decarboxylation.
Detection with the diagnostic purpose of antibodies in the serum of the subject. In this case, from the two components of the reaction (antibodies, antigens), the constituents of the blood serum are unknown, since the reaction is carried out with known antigens.
Direct Coombs test - antiglobulin test (agglutination in the gel, allows to identify complete bivalent antibodies), by which antibodies of the IgG class and the C3 complement component on the erythrocyte surface are determined.
Urine dilution tests characterize the ability of the kidneys to maximally dilute the urine in conditions of artificially created hyperhydration. The state of hyperhydration is achieved by a water load, which can be single or prolonged.


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