Exercises to increase the buttocks: an effective complex
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Exercises to increase the buttocks are performed for the development of the gluteal muscles. Each person has six of them - three on the right and left, and they refer to the external muscles of the pelvis. In addition, there are internal muscles of the pelvis (iliac, pear-shaped, internal locking, etc.). All of them perform common tasks: unbend the hip, straighten the trunk when it is tilted forward, stretch the fascia of the thigh, and in the standing position fix the pelvis and the entire trunk.
Gluteus muscles (in Latin gluteus) have one more function, because they form a sciatic region, that is, soft tissues of the posterior and lateral surfaces of the pelvis. In addition to the muscles in the "soft spot" there is a subcutaneous tissue and located between the layers of the superficial fascia (muscle shell) fat pad - for maximum comfort in a sitting position ... Do you want to increase your sciatic region? Then read on: the best exercises to increase the buttocks - here and now.
A set of exercises to increase the buttocks
This set of exercises to increase the buttocks is developed on the basis of anatomical features of the structure of this musculature group and is aimed at increasing the mass of the buttocks, as well as increasing their mandatory "quality sign" - elasticity.
Let's start with attacks, which are considered by experts in the field of fitness and bodybuilding as the most effective exercises to increase the buttocks.
Exercise 1
So, we stand straight, hands on the waist. We make a wide step forward with the right foot and bend it in the knee, while the left leg (in resting on the toe of the foot) remains flat. The back should be straight. Then, with the effort of just the right leg, raise and lower the body. Repeat the exercise 15 times per foot.
Exercise 2
Without changing the starting position (we stand straight, the arms at the waist), alternately maximally remove the straight back leg with an emphasis on the toe. In this case, the stomach is drawn in, the back is straight. Then he tears off the withdrawn leg from the floor and lingers in this position for 3-5 seconds. We return to the original position. We perform the exercise 15-20 times per foot.
Exercise 3
This and the next two exercises - mahi, they are included in the best exercises to increase the buttocks.
Makhi foot in the side is performed in a standing position against the wall, for which you need to lean on it with your hand. With your right foot you make the mahi aside - as high as possible. In this case, the foot of the lifted leg should be parallel to the floor. We perform the exercise 15-20 times with each foot.
Exercise 4
The starting position is on the knees, the body is even, hands are lowered. We take emphasis on the palm, while the right leg is bent at the knee, and the left one is pulled back and we make this leg upwards. Then we change our legs. Repeat the exercise 15 times each leg.
Exercise 5
The starting position is not changed (we stand on our knees, the body is even, our hands are lowered). We take emphasis on the elbows and forearms, we stay behind on the right knee, and the knee of the left leg is torn off the floor and brings it closer to the chest. On inhalation, the left leg is pulled back and completely straightened, and then we return the original position. Then we change our legs. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times with each foot.
Exercise 6th
And now you need to lie on your back, both legs bend at the knees, press the heels of your feet to your buttocks, put your straight hands along the trunk with the ladies to the floor. On inhalation, raise the buttocks upwards, resting on the floor with your feet and palms, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds and on exhalation we return to the starting position. We perform the exercise 10-15 times.
Exercise 7th
Turns on the abdomen, legs are straight, both hands are placed on the buttocks. On the inhalation - tear off the floor and lift up both the legs and the upper part of the body simultaneously. In this position, we linger for 3-5 seconds and on exhalation we return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
Exercise 8
We do not change the initial position (we lie on the abdomen, the legs are straight), but we bend our arms in the elbows and place them along the sides of the chest. In this position, we make the mahi up from the floor with a straight leg (without bending at the knee joint) - first with the right foot, then with the left foot. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each foot.
Exercise 9th
The starting position is lying on its side with an emphasis on the elbow and forearm. We make flies a straight leg up, the second leg should remain on the floor. Repeat the exercise with each leg (lying on the right, and then on the left side) 20 times.
Exercise 10
We sit down on the floor, the back is straight, legs straight, hands on the waist or behind the head. Moves the right leg forward, lifting the buttock above the floor, then do the same with your left foot and buttock. "Passing" this way 1-1.5 meters, is returned "backing". In addition, this is an effective exercise to increase the buttocks, it also helps to get rid of constipation.
Exercise 11th
The starting position - we stand with a straight back, the legs are slightly less than the width of the shoulders, in the lowered arms we hold dumbbells of 1-1.5 kg. On inhaling, make a wide step forward with the right foot (without tilting the body), the left leg remains flat, with an emphasis on the toes. We stay in this position for 5 seconds and on exhalation we return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with each foot 20 times. Perform attacks with dumbbells three times a week - every other day.
Exercise 12
The starting position - we stand straight, legs together, hands are lowered or at the waist. The back is straight, the stomach is retracted. And now it is necessary to squeeze and unclench within 1-2 minutes - that is, to maximally strain and relax - the muscles of the buttocks. This is simple, but one of the most effective exercises to increase the buttocks.
And yet, the most accessible form of physical activity is walking. It involves the most voluminous muscle of a man - a large gluteus muscle. In the process of walking it provides vertical support of the legs and flexes and unbends the hip joint. This muscle is especially active during running or fast walking. So move more on foot at a good pace or start your day with a jog, and then all the exercises to increase the buttocks will be even more effective.