Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Suffering from a bad mood at the sight of themselves, loved in the mirror, probably chewing a bun, read already quietly and especially this fact without advertising, a lot of literature on the topic of losing weight. And they carried out from there the following harsh truth. I will write in capital letters, this is important:
What does this mean in a broad sense? If you decide to do exercises with dumbbells for weight loss you will have to do many other things. For example, sleep for at least eight hours - otherwise the metabolism is not accelerating. To drink water. Constantly and a lot - up to two liters a day of clear clear water. Otherwise, what? Correctly - the metabolism does not disperse. And the most unpleasant, and for 99% of fatties is also unbearable - watch carefully the contents of your plate. Both for volumes and for quality. Perhaps you will have to decide on a feat - no, I'm not suggesting you convulsively count calories, although they say it helps. Just make up a meal plan and cook yourself. And also immediately buy a scale: floor and culinary.
And about exercises with dumbbells for weight loss - an article about this. Do you even have dumbbells? No? But in vain. This is an effective and cheap simulator, and not only for the muscles of the hands, as is mistakenly assumed. And for the whole body. We advise you to buy such dumbbells, which, as they say in advertising, "take into account your progress" - with the possibility of gradual weighting. Do not be afraid, you will like it!
In the program of reducing the volume and turning the carcass into a figure of exercise with dumbbells for weight loss occupy an honorable first place. Regularity and clarity in doing exercises with dumbbells will help to acquire, in addition to respect for yourself, confidence, an excellent figure, tightened ass, beautiful hands, easy gait. You just need to remember a few not tricky rules. If you ate, you'll have to wait a couple of hours before you start exercising with dumbbells. The complex of exercises with dumbbells begins with a warm-up - it's jumping, running on the spot, body turns, warm-up for hands, light squats, stretching. We advise to give a warm-up for at least 10 minutes. Wave your legs and arms, you can in circular motions to stretch the joints. The torso of the torso forward, back and in a circle, too, will do. Ideally, the body becomes covered with a light sweat - now you are ready for exercises with weights.
Today we will consider a set of exercises for weight loss with dumbbells. Simple, understandable, accessible to all and sensibly effective for both men and women. Forward! Effective exercise with dumbbells for weight loss
Consider a set of effective exercises with dumbbells for weight loss. Have you already stretched your legs? Let's get started!
Let's start with the lower part of the body. Especially relevant to women, but men will not be superfluous.
- Exercises with dumbbells for hips
In addition to dumbbells, you will need a support (chair, wall). We lean with our left hand, and in the right hand take a dumbbell and press it against the thigh. In this case, the knees and feet should touch each other (legs closely). We bend the right leg, lifting the heel back. We pull the sock so that the ankle with the heel forms a right angle, and our legs are still close together. We raise the leg with the bent toe - we lower it. We raise and lower it. We recommend doing 20 repetitions on the right and left sides.
- Exercise for the legs and buttocks
Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in each hand, arms lowered. Do squats, while imitating that we sit on a chair - that is, we must pull the buttocks back. Watch the hip line, it should be parallel to the floor. And do not forget about the back - the back should be straight. At the bottom point we count "one, two, three" - then we rise. Four approaches 20 times each. Yes, it's hard. BUT IT'S WORTH IT! Legs will be pulled from their knees, the priest will be round.
- Impacts
This is my favorite exercise. Knees after him become beautiful, but the pop is exciting. The truth will have to sweat a little. Remember two things - you need to follow the front leg - a bend angle of 90 degrees. The knee should be OVER the foot. If the knee goes forward - not set off. Just above the foot. And the second - the body should be stretched like a string, the stomach is pinched, the butt is slightly protruded back. The starting position is the same as the previous exercise. We throw our right foot forward and go far. The left leg is supported by a sock. The toe of the left leg inside, the heel to the side - so it will be correct. If the angle of the front (right) leg is not 90 degrees, try to lung a little further. Lunge 0 the starting position - and so 20 times on each leg for three approaches. This is the most popular exercise for the hips and priests in the world and its environs.
- Leg bending
Very interesting exercise - we lay down on the stomach and clamp the dumbbell between our legs - once - we pulled our feet to the pope, two - we lowered to the starting position. The dumbbell should be pulled up to the buttocks. The recommended number of approaches is 4, for 20 exercises each approach.
Exercises lying on the rug. Lying on the back we bend our knees, and in the right hand we hold a dumbbell and lower it to the thigh. Now the right leg is pulled to the right side, but do not tear off the heel from the floor. The second hand is in a position convenient for you, the main thing is to control your body - it should not come off the floor. There are twenty approaches for each leg.
The second exercise on the rug begins also - lying on his back bend his knees. We take the dumbbell with both hands and put it on the stomach. Now tighten the gluteal muscles to push the pelvis off the floor. 15-20 repetitions, then a break and again - 15-20 repetitions.
- Exercises for back and sides
Sit down on the east on the heels, do not take your knees from the floor, you need to steer the body forward a little. Dumbbells at this time in their hands, you seem to lean on them, while they are parallel to the legs. Now we are pulling dumbbells at ourselves in such a half-napon, hands in elbows are pressed to the body. Three approaches 10 times each with a short break.
- Exercise for the press
We lay down on the back, the bones are bent, the feet are on the floor, hands with dumbbells are put over the head. Exhaling start lifting the body, tearing off the shoulder blades, while the chin should not rest on the chest, do not use the neck! We look forward. Once - on exhalation rose, two - dropped. The muscles of the press along the entire abdomen from the chest and down should ache. You will feel like bending the spring inside. Loin should be ALL TIME PRESSED TO SEX. It is important. If we turn the lower back into work, then we shake our back, not the press.
From the same position, you can swing oblique abdominal muscles. We rise on exhalation and turn the case. Hands with dumbbells behind the head.
To train the oblique abdominal muscles in the same position, twist, turning the body of the body to the sides alternately. Hands with dumbbells behind the head.
- For breasts
We stand exactly, feet on the width of the shoulders, while holding one dumbbell with both hands. Pull it slowly to the chest and lower it down. Keep the hands parallel to the floor, we spread the elbows extensively. 15- 20 repetitions and three approaches.
Exercises with slimming dumbbells
For slimming thighs, we choose first of all squats. So - it can be plie, when the legs are set as wide as possible, and the knees look in different directions. We take in hand TWO dumbbells, we lower hands downwards. We hold the shoulders exactly, we take the ass back, and the knee with the thigh in the squat makes an angle of 90 degrees. This exercise is for the inside of the thigh, which is thinner most difficult. Three sets of twenty squats and you're done.
If you have a small but stable bench, or a step, you can go down with it, holding dumbbells in the lowered hands. At the same time, when you step on the bench and push off, the knee of the foot on which you have to load must be bent at an angle - right 90 degrees. Three sets of 20 lifts per foot.
Simple squatting with dumbbells. Stand up straight, the back should be tense and the chest slightly arched forward. Hands with dumbbells lie on the shoulders. Heel shoes should be raised slightly. If you practice at home - stand on a book or a stack of magazines. In the hall for this, there are special rugs. The stomach is picked up and retracted, the press is strained. Legs shoulder width apart. Slowly crouch, keeping your back straight as deep as you can. We make sure that your knees do not move from side to side. Three repetitions of 15 times. The exercise is aimed at the front of the thigh.
You can squat out of the same starting position, straightening your arms with dumbbells in front of you. On an exhalation we sit down. On the inspiration we get up. We control the back and knees. The heels of the feet are no longer at their height.
Between the approaches we advise not to relax and do for a minute the pose of the bar.
Exercises with dumbbells for slimming hands
The most popular and effective exercises and dumbbells for the hands are the following.
- Triceps
We stand up straight, arms with dumbbells bend at the elbows and press to the body. Now you need to look forward and bend about 30-30 degrees forward, while keeping your back straight. The abdomen is retracted. Straighten both hands to the end of the back, while turning the hand from the dumbbells, then again bend. Elbows should be pressed all the time to the sides, hands "do not walk" in time for exercise. " 20 flexions in three approaches.
- Biceps
From the standing position. Hands are holding dumbbells from below. Dumbbells parallel to the floor line. Clutching the elbows tightly to the body, raise and lower hands. Dumbbells need to be pulled almost to the shoulder. We also do the exercise by holding dumbbells from above. Extensible arms with dumbbells from the shoulder down. Three sets of 12 times each exercise.
If you eventually feel that you are easy to perform the exercise, then either make more approaches, or go to heavier dumbbells.
- Delta
We stand up straight, slightly tilting the body forward. Head straight, neck relaxed. Dumbbells in each hand, hands are dropped. Slowly slightly bending your hands, so that your pinky, rose first, we spread our arms to the sides to the level of the shoulder. The neck does not participate in the exercise! Fix the body so that only the hands work. Three approaches 12 times.
Complex exercises with dumbbells for weight loss
Any set of exercises for weight loss begin with a warm-up. After that, the first thing we need to work on is big muscles. Let's start with dumbbell exercises. Each of our training will begin with leg exercises, then for the back, then for the shoulders and hands and end with the press exercises. It is possible, if time is limited for you to make yourself two complexes and alternate them: legs-back-press and legs-arms-press. At the same cardio - running in the field or jumping must be present. We finish the complex of exercises with dumbbells for losing weight hitch - we restore breathing and we do stretching. How to choose the right weight of dumbbells? If you can make at least 8 repetitions with the available weight, it is correct. If only five - choose a dumbbell is easier. Exercise is not a jerk to perform smoothly. You must feel every muscle. Always when performing a set of exercises with dumbbells, the back should be flat and the stomach is drawn. And you must be toned, collected, not relaxed.
So start with squats. Different types of squats are described above. Then plie and lunges. Take a breath. There are no exercises on the back in our article yet. We will make up for this omission.
Exercises with dumbbells for the back
A bench, a chair, a sofa - everything will do. You must rest with one foot and one hand on the support. The back is straight, look in front of you. The free hand from the dumbbells is lowered down, the free foot rests against the floor. On inhalation, we take the hand from the dumbbells up and back. Attention - the shoulder should ache. Then we change - we take a dumbbell in the other hand and lean on the other leg. 10 bends per hand. Three approaches minimum.
Another exercise for the back. Imagine that our dumbbells are interconnected. The starting position - we stand straight, head straight, look in front of us. Hands with dumbbells are bent at the elbows and raised to the shoulders, straighten the arms up, slightly bending the back and then lower the tension dumbbells to the shoulders. It should feel like it feels like you're stretching a stick, or a rope. 15 repetitions and three approaches. The back and scapula are working.
After the exercise on the back - if you are not tired, go to the exercises for the hands. If you are a little tired - then we shake the press. All the exercises are described above. But in that case - the next time make a complex leg-arm-press.
In the complex exercises you can include the so-called stanovuyu traction. This exercise is for training the muscles of the back (good posture will be your reward). Stand up straight, dumbbells in both hands. Lean forward by 45 degrees and simultaneously with an inclination we pull hands to the belt. Three approaches 15 times each.
You can also from the starting position - the back is parallel to the floor, the legs are slightly bent to pull the dumbbells from the shins up. The same three approaches are 15 times.
Exercises with dumbbells for pectoral muscles
These exercises are done lying down, lying on the pillow. Back lies to the floor only in the lower back. Hands with dumbbells on the sides on the floor. We reduce dumbbells upwards approximately above a belly-button. We raise back. Three approaches 12 times.
The starting position too, only hands with dumbbells at the top. Now we raise hands with dumbbells in the parties, we are slightly delayed in the maximum bottom point and we come back to a starting position. The exercise is called "Butterfly". Butterfly can be done sitting on a chair, and leaning slightly forward - to raise your hands to the height of crying and lowering down.
The main thing is that you understood the scheme of compiling a set of exercises for weight loss with dumbbells:
- Warm up.
- Legs.
- Back.
- Hands, chest.
- Press.
- Hitch.
How often do a set of exercises?
We advise at least three times a week. Otherwise, there will be no effect. There is time - better four. It is not enough time - we break all exercises with dumbbells for mini complexes and we do 15-20 minutes a day, but every day.
And the last. Girls. Never do inclines with dumbbells in the sides. Even if the coach told you to do this and pointed to weak "oblique" muscles. " Yes, the sides of this exercise fall off. But the waist does not get smaller - in fact you build up oblique muscles. This exercise is for men.