6 reasons why you need strong abdominal muscles
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Get rid of fat, get rid of problems
Numerous studies show that people with a large belly are at high risk of fatal diseases. This statement does not cause any doubt.
According to the National Institutes of Health, men with a waist over 100 cm are at serious risk of heart disease and diabetes.
A Canadian study on heart health, which involved 9,913 people aged 18 to 74 years, showed that for ideal health, the man's waist should not be more than 88 cm (a little less for young guys, and slightly larger for older men). If your waist is over 88 cm, you are at a high risk of developing two or more risk factors for heart disease.
When scientists studied the Physicians' Health Study, which was attended by 22,701 medical men, they found that men whose waist is more than 92 cm have a significantly increased risk of myocardial infarction, a heart attack that dies or is partially damaged in result of insufficient blood supply to the site of the heart muscle. Men with a large belly are at risk of 60%.
Of course, strong abdominal muscles do not guarantee you perfect health, but studies show that they reduce lipid levels in the blood and significantly reduce the risk of numerous, not just cardiovascular, diseases.
For example, according to a study in Sweden, the risk of cancer among full people is 33% higher than slender people. According to the World Health Organization, every third case of cancer of the colon, kidneys or digestive tract is caused by overweight or a sedentary lifestyle.
The presence of excessive abdominal fat is especially dangerous. The fact is that cancer occurs as a result of mutations that occur in cells during their division. Fat deposits in the abdomen give an impulse to your body to produce hormones that accelerate the division of cells. More active cell division means a higher risk of cell mutation, that is, a higher risk of developing cancer.
A slender waist will also save you from one of the most important diseases - diabetes. Often the cause of this disease is precisely the fat deposits in the waist.
There is a misconception that diabetes occurs only as a result of a high intake of refined sugar, such as that found in chocolate or ice cream. But diabetes can also arise as a result of years of eating foods high in carbohydrates, which easily turn into sugar - these are products such as bread, pasta or mashed potatoes.
If you eat a loaf of bread or a plate of pasta, it can have the same effect on your body as a pack of ice cream: you fill it with "sugar calories". Calories that you are not able to burn turn into fat cells that fill your stomach and cause a disease that, if left untreated, can lead to impotence, blindness, heart attacks, strokes, amputation and death. And it really can ruin your life.
Obesity in the upper body is also the most important risk factor for the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea, a disease in which soft tissue in the back of the throat weakens strongly during sleep, blocking the flow of air. When this happens, the brain gives you a signal to wake up and start breathing again. If you take another nap, the same thing will happen, and this can go on hundreds of times during the night. In the end, you will be sleepy and do not get the amount of sleep your body needs. (You will not remember how you constantly woke up: you'll just wonder why you feel so bad after 8 hours of sleep).
The role of fat is that it can interfere with the work of muscles that ventilate the lungs and fill them with air, complicating your breathing. Australian scientists who studied 313 patients with severe obesity and found that 62% of people whose waist was more than 125 cm have serious sleep disorders, and 28% of fat people with a smaller waist (100-125) have sleeping problems. Excess weight also puts you at risk of many other diseases that prevent you from sleeping normally at night, including asthma and gastroesophageal reflux.
Dutch scientists who examined about 6,000 men found that even those whose waistline is only 94-102 cm have a high enough risk of respiratory problems, including sniffing, chronic coughing and lack of breathing.
All these factors can form a vicious circle: abdominal fat leads to bad sleep. Bad sleep causes inhibition throughout the day. In a tired and languid state your body will require a fast energy source, so you will choose high-calorie fast food. Such food will lead to the accumulation of abdominal fat, which leads to ... Well, you already understood.
In short, the smaller the waist, the fewer health risks.
- Strong abdominal muscles will improve your sex life
Women claim that the sexiest organ is the brain: according to men, this organ is slightly lower. So let's stop in the middle and concentrate on what is really important for a quality sexual life.
You can not improve what nature has rewarded you (although a diet for abdominal muscles * can even slightly improve the size of the male sexual organ), but you can improve your capabilities. Think about how the following benefits will help improve your sex life.
Increased energy. The jerks you perform during sex are not performed by the muscles of the legs; they come from the central part of the body. Strong abdominal and lumbar muscles give you energy and strength to try new poses and keep in shape in the old, and also control your movements, which is important for your pleasure and the pleasure of your partner.
Improved erection. It's no secret that a significant proportion of men have different types of erectile dysfunction. Although this problem may arise as a result of various factors, one of the main causes is malnutrition.
Cheeseburgers and other harmful foods lead to blockage of the arteries, so if you are overweight, the deposits of lipids that accumulate in your blood vessels damage not only your heart and brain, but also pass through the blood vessels to your genitals. Plaques form on the inside of the arteries, preventing the flow of blood.
Do not have a degree in chemistry in order to understand this equation: increased fat content means limited blood circulation. Limited blood circulation leads to a softening (or lack of erection), which greatly complicates our lives. (By the way, clogged blood vessels have the same effect on women and lead to a decrease in the release of lubrication, sensitivity and sexual pleasure).
Additional centimeters. When it comes to a man and his intimate health, fat is a far-sighted side mirror for his body: objects seem smaller than they really are. The average length of the male genital organ is about 7.6 cm at rest, but the thicker it is, the less it looks. This is due to the fact that the fat that is in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, accumulates at the base of the penis. If you throw just 7 kg of fat, it will add up to 1.3 cm. Technically, your genitals will not grow, but reducing the amount of fat that surrounds it will allow you to increase it visually.
- Strong abdominal muscles will protect you from injury
Think of the central part of your body as a building shell. You do not want the foundation of your body to be made of dry, brittle wood or straw. You want it to be made of sturdy steel that will protect you from injuries from which you can never protect abdominal fat.
Think about the statements of military scientists who connect strong abdominal muscles with the prevention of injuries. After 120 artillery soldiers in the standard army underwent a physical training test that included squats, push-ups and 2-mile running, scientists studied their injuries and illnesses (such as low back pain and tendonitis of the Achilles tendon) throughout the year of the field exercise. 29 men who performed the most squats (73 for 3 minutes) had 5 times less chance of getting injuries to the lower body than 31 soldiers who barely made 50 sit-ups. But this is not the most surprising.
Men who showed themselves well in push-ups and running for 2 miles did not have the same low risk of injury, suggesting that the strong upper body and endurance of the cardiovascular system were not so important for maintaining the body in safety. It was the strong abdominal muscles that provided real protection.
Unlike any other muscles, strong central muscles affect the functioning of the entire body. Whether you are skiing, sailing, playing with children, or fooling around with your girlfriend, your abdominal muscles are the most important muscles that protect you from injuries. The stronger they are, the higher your safety.
- Abdominal muscles strengthen your back
I have a friend who has problems with his back 2-3 times a year. At what it always happens on an equal place - he just falls asleep in some strange position or too quickly gets up from his chair. Once he pulled his back, trying to get to the back seat of his car to pick up some thing that his daughter had dropped. He was struck with such a sharp pain that he fell to the ground.
His problem was not a sick back; just he had weak abdominal muscles. If he regularly shook them, he would not be one of the millions of men who suffer from back pain every year. (By the way, she started doing abdominal exercises, and within a few weeks his back pain disappeared).
Since in most cases back pain is associated with weak central muscles, exercises on the abdominal muscles will allow you to solve many back problems. The central muscles do not function in isolation; they are intertwined in your torso, like a web, including attaching you to the spine.
If you have weak abdominal muscles, your gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the back and legs, must compensate for the work of the abdominal muscles. Thus, the abdominal muscles, as it were, lead the rest of the muscles, and this leads to destabilization of the spine and in time can cause pain and stretch in the back - or even more serious back problems.
- Strong abdominal muscles will relieve you of pain
With age, people often face joint pain - most often in the knees or in the feet and ankles. But the source of this pain is not necessarily weak joints; the cause may be weak abdominal muscles - especially if you are involved in sports, from professional golf to football matches with friends on weekends.
When you are doing sports games, the abdominal muscles help to stabilize the body during the movements to start and the braking movements, such as changing the direction of movement on the football field or on the tennis court. If you have weak abdominal muscles, your joints absorb the full force of these movements.
It's like jumping on a trampoline. Jump to the center of the trampoline, and it absorbs your weight and throws you into the air. Jump to the edge of the trampoline, and you will spoil the jump.
Your body is like this trampoline, your abdominal muscles are the center of the trampoline, and the ligaments are the supports on the edge of the trampoline. If your abdominal muscles are strong enough to absorb the impact, you will not have any problems while playing sports. If they are not strong enough, your joints will be much more loaded than they can withstand.
But people who do not exercise can get the same benefits from strong abdominal muscles. A Dutch study, which involved about 6,000 men, showed that men whose waist size is more than 102 cm are more likely to experience North syndrome (aseptic calcaneus necrosis), which causes foot pain, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful disease of the hand and wrist. One study showed that 70% of people with this syndrome are overweight.
- Strong abdominal muscles will help you win
If you play golf, basketball, twister or any other sport that requires movement, the most important part of the body is not the chest, not the biceps or legs. These are your central muscles - the muscles of the torso and thighs.
Strengthening the abdominal muscles will allow you to achieve better results in sports. If you play sports that include harsh movements such as tennis and basketball, strong abdominal muscles will greatly improve your game.
Although athletes like to talk about speed, in fact, sports success does not depend on speed. It's all about acceleration and deceleration. How fast can you make a dash to point A and stop at point B? It's not your legs that control it; but your abdominal muscles.
Scientists have determined that it is the abdominal muscles that are primarily involved in such sports movements. The stronger they are, the faster you catch the ball.
- And one more thing…
All these are excellent reasons to follow a diet for abdominal muscles *. But here's the main reason: using this easy program you will eat food that will allow you to feel better every day.
This program will help you lose weight in the most possible way: changing the internal processes of the body and focusing on products that will turn your body into a fat burning machine.