10 exercises for losing weight
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Do you want to lose weight? Let's immediately determine that
- this you need, first of all, for health;
- and for self-esteem
- Well, of course in your favorite jeans would not hurt to climb. What to do and where to start? We apply a systematic approach. The system will consist of three simple directions: food and water, sleep and exercises for weight loss. We should immediately adopt some simple rules and just stick to them. Then, and only then everything will turn out.
First, drink water. Start each day with a glass of clean water. Drink every hour until 16-00. In the sum should leave 1,5-2 liters of water, not counting tea and coffee. Secondly, go to bed on the day you got up. If you sleep a little, the metabolism will slow down. Third - read the recommendations for proper nutrition and stick to them. And first you just need to reduce the portion. Fourth, exercise regularly. Man is so built that for the normal functioning of the body must pass a day ... Not less than 8 kilometers. So we need to move. 20 minute intensive exercise every day with the right exercises for weight loss will save you. Do not be lazy. Do not be shy. Do not start on Monday. Get started now. So:
Easy warm-up. For beginners - we cut our favorite sound track and dance. Rotate your head. Place your feet shoulder width apart and elbows several times to the floor. Smile your shoulders. Twist your arms and body. Ideally - it's also 10-15 minutes of running or work on the stationary bike. After a good workout, you must HEAVY BREATH. If not, dance a bit more, swing your legs forward, sideways, backwards.
10 Effective Weight Loss Exercises
Continuing the conversation about home training, it should be said that the optimal time for them is from 10 am to 12 and from 18 to 20. For those who lose weight - it's fashionable to drink during training, a couple of sips. But after a workout you can not drink for 30 minutes, but there are about two hours. So calculate the intake of food so that one and a half hours before the exercise you would eat. And then - only an hour and a half after training.
Our training in a good speed mode takes 25 minutes. Ten effective weight loss exercises are easy to perform, they do not require special equipment, but they help to pull up the fallen, and reduce weight, and also remove excess volume. We split the training into two parts. It will be 8 minutes of intense hot workout, such that you are out of breath. And two minutes of hitch after the exercises.
Let's start training with problematic age-old zones - thighs, buttocks.
- Squats. A week do squats ordinary, alternating deep with those when the thigh line is parallel to the floor. Week make plie - for the inner thighs. Plie can be done with a light load - holding your hands in front of you with a load (a dumbbell of kilograms at 6-7 will suit). Keep your back straight, pull the belly, look in front of you.
- Makhi feet. Take the chair. Turn to it sideways and lean your hand. At the expense of times we make a backward slip, at the expense of two straighten, stretching his leg up, as high as possible. For ten repetitions on each leg.
- The falls. Do the attacks as described above. Better exercises for the legs and buttocks just do not. Take care of your knees! Take care that the knee does not extend beyond the foot.
- Makhi lying down. Relying on the arms (or elbows) pull one leg back and wipe it up and down, then bend it and push the heel upward, then with the same foot swing to the side. This was the approach floor. The second foot does the same thing. Assume 10-15 swings back, 10 push ups and 10-15 swings to the side
- Press. We lay down. Put your feet on a chair at a right angle. Now, pressing the waist to the floor, and putting his hands behind his head, we stretch upwards. Chin looks up. Try not to strain your neck. Ideally, it hurts from the chest and below - the upper press (the very "cubes"). You can stretch your arms forward. Three approaches 25 times each.
- Lower press. IP lying on the back of the hand under the ass. Raise the straight legs and take them by the head. 15 times, three approaches, the idea of not resting your legs at right angles is pushed up, the amplitude of such swings up and down is small, but the effect you will feel. 15 times, three approaches
- Press - lying on the back, legs bent. We stretch to the sides - the left hand to the left heel - 10 times. Right hand to right heel - 10 times.
- A bike. One minute, three approaches
- Pushups. This is an effective exercise on the chest and arms.
- You can put a mop between the two chairs or a gymnastic stick. And do pull-ups from the floor. If you have dumbbells, just stand straight and spread them out to the sides, and then forward. Three approaches 10 times.
The first exercise
IP standing straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the waist. We bend one leg in the knee, raise it and straighten it. We count to five. We lower it. We change legs.
The second exercise
Squats. The first way is from the same IP. What in the first exercise is to do the following - keeping the head and shoulders straight to sit so that the femur forms a parallel with the floor, but the buttocks are strained and feed them back as far as you can. Hands straighten while squatting in front of him and slightly up. For advanced - you can crouch with dumbbells. For those who have already poprised, try plie. The same sit-ups, only the legs spread wider than the shoulders, the knees at the squatting look SYMMETRICALLY to the sides, the foot is strictly under the knee (the leg forms an angle of 90 degrees). Hands can be kept at the waist. Advanced can hold a dumbbell in the hands, weighing a kilogram of 7-10. In all cases, we do three approaches 10 times. Ideally, we increase the number of sit-ups. The muscles of the buttocks, thighs, backs work here. Do not forget to draw in your stomach.
Council. Crouch in front of the mirror - so you'll see if your legs move symmetrically or not.
The third exercise
Squeezing from the floor. For beginners - you can start pushing yourself off your knees. You can press first from the wall or from the sofa. Three campaigns - the maximum number of times. The muscles of the arms, legs, gluteal muscles, back muscles are involved.
The fourth exercise
IP lying down. Hands along the body. The legs are bent and rest on the floor with their feet. At the count of "times" - sharply push the body forward and up. We count to five. "Two" - we return to the IP. Three approaches 20 times each. The muscles of the pelvis, thighs work.
Fifth exercise
These are attacks. Good in all respects, but! It is necessary to observe the technique of the exercise. The legs are always bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The heel is always under the knee. The knee does not go beyond the heel. Have you learned? Begin. Make a lunging, feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel to each other. Now, lower that leg that you left behind, as low as possible. Keep your back straight, your belly drawn, your eyes straight in front of you. Buttocks a little back. Ideally, the thigh of the leg that lies ahead should be aching. They lunged, 10 sit-ups and changed their legs. For advanced - do the same with dumbbells in hand. The more your skill grows, the heavier the dumbbells are.
Sixth Exercise
Pose Plancks. This is a static exercise. But when you start to do it, the effect is overtaken at the fifth second. Included in the work are all the muscles: hands, legs, buttocks, press. So, leaning on the hands (or on the arms bent at the elbows) and on the legs, stretch out into a string, the back parallel to the floor. Head and buttocks on the same line. And stand there for a minute. Advanced can and two minutes. Three repetitions for a minute.
Seventh Exercise
This exercise is aimed at working out the back surface of the shoulder. It is there (ask Google, it will confirm) is the triceps. You need a sofa, bench or chair. Sit down and put your hands behind in such a way that your fingers hold on to the edge (sofa, chair, bench). Slip down and do sit-ups, straightening your arms and bending them at the elbows. It's hard. But it is necessary. Three repetitions ten times.
Eighth exercise
This exercise is for the press. Muscle oblique straight, lower - all. IP - lying, hands behind head. At the expense of raising his head and one bent leg. Trying to knee with the opposite elbow. Left arm with right knee, then right arm with left knee. There is such a "bicycle", but the corps also participates. Three approaches 15 times each.
The Ninth Exercise
We continue to torture the press. IP is the same, lying on the back, only hands along the body. Raise both legs (watch your knees, your legs should be straight) degrees to 30 from the floor. And hold for a minute. We lower it. And so time 20.
Tenth exercise
It will be lunges in the side. From the IP standing straight, legs on the width of the shoulders (hands either at the waist, or along the body - as you prefer) make a lung sideways. In this case, the knee is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the foot is directly below the knee. We make ten attacks with each foot. This is one approach. There are three approaches to be taken.
You have to study every other day. Week after four, or change the complex, or increase the load. Because your muscles will get used to this load and will require a new one. Small bonuses in the form of the returned waist, easy gait and good mood are provided to you.
In conclusion, let me say that the human body is very grateful. The muscles are learning. Get used to the loads. The stomach gets used to eating less. The body requires more water. If you are engaged in yourself, then in addition to a feeling of deep satisfaction from your willpower, you will receive in the mirror a girl, a young slender and in a beautiful mood. That reflection, which you have long dreamed of. Good luck to you!