
Masks and creams for the second chin

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 29.06.2024

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From the second chin has long been used various masks. They can be bought ready-made, and you can prepare them from available means purchased in a store or pharmacy. Our grandparents knew many recipes for beauty and youth, tighten the face chin, keep the skin young and elastic, without resorting to plastic surgery, and other similar methods. Masks were prepared on their own, mostly from vegetable raw materials, animal products, homeopathy. Today we have the opportunity to buy a mask of any composition and action in a pharmacy.

Consider some drugstore remedies, and remedies that can be purchased at cosmetic stores.

There are ordinary masks that are applied to the skin for some time and then washed off. With the second chin, it is better to choose a mask that has a lifting effect (tightening) effect. A similar effect have masks aimed at improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin, toning masks. Can be suitable anti-aging masks, if the second chin occurred due to age-related changes in the skin. With excessive deposition of fat in the chin area, fat-burning masks are used. Choosing a mask from the second chin, you need to look at the composition. It is recommended to choose masks that include collagen, elastin, stem cells, phytopreparations. Of plant components, it is preferable to choose masks consisting of extracts of chamomile, calendula, sage, clover, goatweed, birch buds, linden, plauna, hops, sea buckthorn, fir, ephedra, stevia, mint. Of animal products, badger fat, honey, propolis, cocoa butter, egg yolk, fish oil are useful for eliminating the second chin. It is also important that the composition of the mask includes various vitamins.

You can buy masks at the drugstore that are applied to the face, neck and chin area and then harden to form a film that is simply peeled off or sloughed off. You can purchase paraffin masks that provide maximum tightening effect. Warming masks (thermal masks), cooling, refreshing, nourishing masks are often used.

The mask can be prepared at home yourself, using available means. Let's consider some recipes for masks.

Recipe #1.

As a basis take 250 grams of honey. Separately prepare an extract that will act as the main active ingredient. Take in equal parts rhizomes of wheatgrass, molochai, needles of forest pine, buds of black poplar and birch, flowers of meadow clover. Pour 250 ml of alcohol. Insist 2 days. After the extract is prepared, take honey, melt it on low heat or water bath, with constant stirring slowly pour 50 ml of extract. Set aside, give a chance to solidify. Apply a thin layer on the face for 4-5 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After that apply toning cream.

Recipe #2.

Butter is used as a base. Melt it on low heat. Then add about a tablespoon of the following ingredients: herb violet tricolor, horsetail, roots of plantain, flowers and fruits of calamus or mountain ash. Stir, then set aside and give the opportunity to insist. Apply a thin layer on the face for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe #3.

Mix in equal parts of flowers and leaves of common chamomile, sage, mother and stepmother, pour boiling water (200-250 ml), insist for at least an hour. Separately melt 50 grams of butter and honey. With slow stirring, add about 50 ml of previously prepared decoction. Remove from the fire, give a chance to solidify. Apply to the skin of the face and chin for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash off with the rest of the decoction.

Recipe #4.

Brew as a tea roots and flowers of chicory, previously ground on a coffee grinder, burdock leaves. Add sea buckthorn fruit (about 50 grams). All this is mixed with glycerin in equal parts, use as a face mask.

Recipe #5.

Take a tablespoon of leaves, fruits and bark of blueberries, herb bird's throat, plaunus maceous, fern, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist about 30 minutes. 50 ml of the solution is added to pre-melted lard or badger fat. With slow heating on the fire stirred, give a chance to solidify. Apply the mass on the face in a thin layer, like a mask. For about 5-10 minutes. Wash off with the remaining decoction.

Prescription #6.

As a base take fish oil, melt it. Separately prepare a decoction of the following composition: marsh sagebrush, medicinal althea, Ledum, cuff, stevia and ephedra in a ratio of 1:1:2:2:2:1:1:2. Brew 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture per cup of boiling water. Add to melted and heated fish oil in a ratio of 1:1. The mask is applied to the face daily for 28 days.

Prescription #7.

Cedar oleoresin is taken as a base. It is melted. It is added about 50 ml of pre-prepared decoction. Decoction is as follows: take birch mushroom, forest cloudberry, plaunus, stevia, echchinacea purpurea and immortelle sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:1:1:1:3:1, pouring a glass of boiling water.

Recipe #8.

The basic composition is prepared: wheat germ oil, ginseng, eleutherococcus prickly, mountain ephedra, shea butter in the ratio of 4:1:1:2:0.5. The mask is heated to a comfortable temperature (about 40 degrees Celsius), applied to the skin in hot form for 5-10 minutes. After that it is washed off. A toning cream should be applied on top.

Prescription #9.

Prepare a mask of the following composition: sea buckthorn oil, common thyme, common fennel, medicinal sage, hop cones, coconut oil in the ratio of 3:1:1:1:1:1:2:1. It is applied to the skin in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes.

Prescription #10.

To prepare a mask take honey, milk in equal parts. Melt on low heat. Heated. Add herbs: chamomile pharmacy, horsetail, common pine (needles), fir, lemon juice in a ratio of 2:2:1:1:1:0.5. All this is mixed, boiled for 2-3 minutes, cooled, applied to the skin for 5-10 minutes.

Chin creams

Creams are used for the second chin. Appropriate creams are used to nourish, moisturize, tone and tighten the skin. Special creams with lifting, toning and tightening effect are recommended for the second chin.

When choosing a cream, you should consider your age. Almost every cream is labeled for which age it is intended for. These recommendations must necessarily be taken into account, since the composition is designed according to the needs of the skin of a particular age. For those under the age of 20-25 years it is recommended to use light moisturizing, toning, cooling creams, as well as a special lifting formula for young skin. For mature skin are shown creams that include tightening, toning agents, hyaluronic acid, special enzymes. For those over 50-60 years old, it is recommended to use an anti-aging cream (anti-ageing formula).

When choosing cosmetics, you need to focus primarily on the composition of the product. The main thing - to choose a cream in which the substances included in the composition of the means will have the desired effect. From domestic creams can be recommended creams from the second chin firms Secrets of Beauty, Hundred Recipes of Youth, Green Pharmacy, Black Velvet, Nature of Kamchatka, and others.

Of foreign means well-proven cream produced by the French company Vichy with the same name. It is recognized as an elite cream of luxury class. It is intended for persons of mature age, over 35 years old. Effectively affects the upper and deep layers of the skin, contributes to the elimination of wrinkles. Can be considered as an anti-aging cream. The composition includes mineral complexes such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silicon. These substances normalize metabolic processes, activating biological processes, skin regeneration. The preparation is aimed at activating immune processes, thanks to which there is a natural recovery of the skin.

Also used shary - face cream. This is an extensive series of cosmetics, which includes not only cream, but also a special tightening serum, washing gel, tonic, spray, masks, balms. The composition of all products of this line includes hyaluronic acid, which is the main active ingredient. Speaking specifically about the cream, it should be noted that it is used to give the face freshness, tone, elasticity, helps to smooth wrinkles. It can be considered as a rejuvenating cream, as it provides reliable skin protection, extra moisturizing, lifting.

It is better to buy face-lifting cream in a pharmacy, because they sell products that have not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic effect on the skin. When choosing a means, you need to study the composition. They should include plant and animal components that have a tightening effect. It is necessary to choose a cream, which will include various vitamins, in particular, vitamins of group A, B, C, E, PP, D are necessary.

Of drugstore creams, you can recommend solcoseryl cream. This is a cream aimed at smoothing wrinkles, to eliminate swelling, loose skin. It is recommended for use by persons of mature age. It can be used to heal wounds, and as a remedy after sunburn.

Curiosin cream has proven to be a good treatment. In the pharmacy sold kuriosin gel, and cream kuriosin. These means must be distinguished. The mechanism of their action is different. In particular, the cream has a more intense effect. The gel has a mild, gentle action. Cream should be used if you need to get a long, stable result. Curiosin is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, to eliminate inflammation and infection. With the help of this means you can cope with acne, rashes, wrinkles.

You can also use ordinary baby cream. It is applied to the skin of the face at the appearance of dryness, irritation, flaking skin. Today produces a lot of children's creams. It can be both pure and with additives. You can recommend a children's cream with panthenol (promotes wound healing, skin renewal, protection from ultraviolet light), with succession and chamomile (has an anti-inflammatory effect), with sage (has an antiseptic effect). Baby cream normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves tissue nutrition. It is applied to the skin, or dotted thin layer, do not wash off. Easily and quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving traces on the skin. It is recommended to apply on clean, pre-cleaned skin.

For the second chin, you can use various creams that have a toning effect. In addition, they can be enriched with vitamins, minerals (sulfur, zinc, calcium) and essential oils.


Dermahil is a line of cosmetics designed to treat skin conditions, hair disorders, for skin blemishes, second chin, and rejuvenation. This is an Asian company. Cosmetics are produced in South Korea. Products are unique both in composition and mechanism of action. The basis of the preparation is the use of special peptide complexes, in structure and function as close as possible to the molecules of human skin. The preparations are aimed at normalization of lipid metabolism, structurization of the lipopolysaccharide layer. Regenerative and compensatory capabilities of the organism, tissue regeneration processes are significantly increased, the structure is improved. The composition of cosmetic products includes amino acids, peptides, nucleic acids, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid. Additionally, the preparations have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. They prevent the appearance of wrinkles, eliminate wrinkles that have already appeared. The product is effective in the fight against scars, scars, pigmentation.

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