
Physical therapy methods for the second chin

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Physical therapy techniques can help improve the skin and muscles in the chin area, which can in turn reduce the appearance of a second chin. Here are a few physical therapy techniques that may be helpful:


In medicine and cosmetology is increasingly used such a procedure as darsonval. The essence of the procedure is the impact on certain areas of the skin pulsed high-frequency microcurrent. As a result of exposure in the tissues formed heat, which is redistributed in a certain way in the body, and helps improve blood circulation, regeneration and oxygenation of tissues. During the procedure darsonval on the skin simultaneously affects the high frequency microcurrent, ultrasound, nitric oxide, and other substances.

In the process of darsonvalization, special equipment is used, which is represented by an apparatus with various attachments. Thus, the attachments emit a microcurrent. Both contact and non-contact methods are used. In the first case, the nozzles are applied to the skin and massage movements are carried out. In the second case, the impact is remotely, without contact with the skin

The procedure tightens the facial oval, eliminates the second chin due to the breakdown of fat deposits. It also tightens the skin, stimulates metabolic processes, cell and tissue renewal, accelerates metabolism and metabolites excretion. As a result, the skin becomes rejuvenated, smooth and elastic.

There are some contraindications to the procedure. For example, it cannot be used in case of cardiovascular system disorders, blood clotting system disorders, oncological diseases. As contraindications are mental disorders and diseases, epilepsy, convulsive syndrome, as well as the state of pregnancy. The procedure is not carried out to people with pacemakers, and various types of pacemakers. The procedure is also contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a specific type of therapy based on the use of ozone. It is a gas formed by the combination of three oxygen molecules. In fact, the gas is toxic, so it should be handled with extreme caution. When choosing a specialist in ozone therapy, you need to be attentive to the qualifications, experience of the specialist who will conduct the procedure. The essence of the procedure in the correction of the second chin is that in the area of the most intense fat deposits is injected with a microdose of ozone. The mechanism of action is that ozone has a redox effect. Ozone is a strong oxidizer. Due to this is the stimulation of biological processes, removal of toxins, slags. Accelerates metabolism, there is an intensive lymphatic drainage, the breakdown of fat. All this leads to the fact that the second chin gradually disappears, the skin tightens, becomes smoother and more elastic.

The procedure may have contraindications. For example, it should not be performed on children, people with ozone intolerance, with a tendency to develop seizures, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, kidney, liver, blood clotting disorders, as well as thrombocytopenia.


Currently, such a procedure as myostimulation is widely used. Its essence consists in the effect on the muscles of electrical activity of different frequency and amplitude. Under the influence of microcurrents there is a stimulation of contractile activity of muscles. You can affect two ways: to stimulate contraction, which leads to toning, gaining muscle elasticity. It is also possible to stimulate the processes of lipolysis, resulting in the intensification of basic metabolic processes in the muscle, as well as stimulate the breakdown and excretion of fat. Accordingly, the face becomes taut, firm, fresh and rejuvenated. Special equipment is used. It is mainly used in cosmetic clinics. Although there are also special portable devices that can be used even at home.

The procedure has many contraindications. These are, first of all, various diseases of blood, blood vessels and heart: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, hypotension or hypertension, blood coagulation disorders, heart rhythm, thrombocytopenia. The procedure is not recommended for oncological and gynecological diseases, liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy, during acute infectious and inflammatory processes.

Massager, exercise machine

For the second chin you can use various massagers, simulators. The most famous procedure using a massager-trainer, is the use of a mesoroller (a device that can be used to massage, have a mechanical effect on the skin). Externally, it resembles a roller with special rollers, dressed on a handle. When carried out on the skin of the face, the rollers have a massaging effect. With mechanical action on the skin, there is a stimulation of proprioreceptors, toning muscles. Improves the rate of outflow of lymph, blood circulation. Facial massage and second chin mesoroller can be carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for 28 consecutive days, daily.

The technology of the procedure is quite simple: it is necessary to move the mesoroler on the face in different directions. The movements should be long, extended, across the entire face. The direction is from bottom to top in order to pull up the sagging skin.

Before starting any physiotherapy procedures, it is important to consult a qualified professional to choose the appropriate method and learn about possible risks and contraindications.

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