How to remove the second chin with shots, injections?
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Often from patients of the cosmetic salon have to hear the question: "How to remove the second chin with injections, injections?". It turns out that it is quite easy to do it. But it is under the power of only professionals. To carry out such a procedure at home is impossible. The procedure for the introduction of special drugs under the skin is called mesotherapy. Injected drugs can have different effects, depending on the problem that needs to be solved. Various hormones, plant extracts, phytopreparations, amino acids, peptide chains, vitamins, hyaluronic acid are used in injectable form. The necessity of injecting drugs under the skin is explained by the fact that their usual application to the skin in the form of a cream is ineffective. Those substances that do not have the ability to penetrate the transdermal barrier are injected. The introduction of the drug in the form of injections, allows you to fully realize the full potential of drugs. The introduction is carried out into the deep dermal layers.
There is even a separate procedure - biorevitalization. This is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin. Various biologically active substances, primarily hormones, phytopreparations, vitamins, hyaluronic acid are used to improve skin condition. Usually injections are well tolerated by patients, painless. If necessary, a thorough pretreatment of the skin with anesthetics is carried out.
However, despite the fact that most patients tolerate these substances well, most practitioners recommend preliminary tests for allergic reactions to avoid undesirable consequences and complications. One should always consider the risk of individual intolerance, allergy to this or that remedy.
Various vitamins and vitamin complexes can be administered as injections to normalize the skin condition. The skin needs such vitamins as vitamin B2 - riboflavin, vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol), vitamin P (rutin), vitamin PP (niacin), vitamin K.
Such a drug as Botox is widely used in cosmetology to solve various problems, including the elimination of the second chin. The basis of this preparation is the use of botulinum toxin - botulinum toxin. In fact, it is a poison of bacterial origin, purified and weakened. It is administered subcutaneously in the form of injections. The mechanism of action of this drug is that it has a mild neuroparalytic effect on receptors (nerve endings), and muscle fibers. As a result, their activity decreases and metabolic processes are disturbed. Dystrophy (destruction and thinning) of fat stores occurs. This is what creates the visible effect that the chin disappears, dissolves and fat is eliminated. In addition, there is a nerve condition of the mimic muscles, in which they are smoothed and tightened. This is how wrinkles are eliminated.
The procedure can be performed on patients whose age does not exceed 60 years, because Botox affects only the mimic muscles, and at the age of over 60 years wrinkles are already formed by other, deeper muscle layers. The optimal period for Botox injections is from 30 to 40 years old, because it is at this time that wrinkles are not so deep, and they can be easily smoothed by blocking the corresponding muscles. It should also be taken into account that Botox is a bacterial toxin, so the procedure is strictly contraindicated for pregnant patients, breastfeeding women.
The procedure is considered safe, however, it is not without contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in patients with disorders of the nervous system, myasthenia gravis, neuromuscular paralysis, with reduced immunity, poisoning, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, pathologies of the circulatory system, hemostasis, blood coagulation disorders. Contraindication is epilepsy, convulsive syndrome, hemiplegia. Also, the procedure can not be carried out if the patient takes anticoagulants and antibiotics. In the first case, there is a strong liquefaction of the blood, reduces coagulation, respectively, increases the risk of bleeding. In the second case, the antibiotic has an antiseptic effect. Antibiotics not only stop the growth of bacterial microflora, but are also able to neutralize bacterial toxins, which, in fact, is the injected drug. There will be no result. Also a strict contraindication is the presence of acute inflammatory process, cancerous neoplasms.
The procedure is as follows. First, the face is treated with antiseptics for disinfection. Then special creams or anesthetics are applied. After that, several injections of the drug are carried out directly into those muscles that need to be relaxed or completely paralyzed. Such muscles stop responding to nerve impulses, respectively, they become almost immobile. Due to this, the face is tightened. Injections are made with special syringes with thin needles. After the procedure is also treated with special agents that have a cooling and mild analgesic effect.
The procedure should be entrusted only to an experienced specialist with appropriate qualifications. The fact is that the procedure can have serious complications and consequences, especially if the dosage is exceeded or the technology of injection is violated. Exceeding the dosage can lead to complete paralysis of the mimic muscles, in connection with which the muscle loses tone and sags. Therefore, instead of a tightening effect, we get the opposite effect - flabbiness and sagging skin. This effect is usually temporary, but in case of a strong overdose, the muscle can be completely killed. Also, in case of incorrect distribution of the drug in the tissues, severe edema may develop. You need to take into account that the effect of the procedure does not last forever - a few months. Gradually, as the toxin accumulates in the tissues, the degree of paralysis of the muscle increases. Therefore, regular use of the procedure allows you to achieve a quite stable effect.
After the procedure, the effect comes in different periods of time, depending on the condition of the patient's body, and first of all, his immunity. For some people, a pronounced effect may be noticeable after 2-3 days, for others - after several months. As a rule, the effect lasts for 1-2 months, after which a repeat procedure is required. With each subsequent procedure, the effect lasts much longer. It should be borne in mind that after the procedure may remain swelling, there will be reduced sensitivity, tissues from the injection site may bleed. As a rule, these side effects disappear after a few days.
In assessing the biosafety of Botox, which is botulinum toxin, it has been shown to be relatively safe in this attenuated dosage. Complications, including fatalities, are possible in patients with reduced immunity, immunodeficiencies, acute and chronic bacterial infections and acute inflammatory or allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that the weakened body is unable to resist bacterial infection and toxin, resulting in severe intoxication, paralysis of nerve endings, smooth muscles of the respiratory and vasomotor center. As a result, a person cannot breathe, death occurs from suffocation, pulmonary edema, severe respiratory and cardiac failure.
Lipolytics for a second chin
There are special lipolytics for the second chin. They are special substances that are injected into the problem areas and contribute to the dissolution of fat. Sometimes this method is called a method of non-surgical liposuction. Lipolytics are injected subcutaneously into the chin with the help of special needles. Then you need to wait for some time until the fat dissolves. Extraction of dissolved fat is carried out by means of cannulas. It is worth noting that, in addition to dissolving fat, lipolytics also perform a regenerative function: there is activation and regeneration of natural cells of the body. Further facial rejuvenation and skin regeneration is carried out naturally, by activating the body's own reserves of its regenerative capabilities. Lipolytics practically do not cause complications and side effects.
The procedure must be performed by a physician. Strict adherence to the technology is required. The procedure is carried out in 4 stages.
- At the first stage, the skin is treated with special antiseptic agents (disinfection, cleansing).
- At the second stage, anesthesia is performed (the doctor treats the skin with special local anesthetics).
- At the third stage, the doctor proceeds directly to the introduction of lipolytics under the skin. This is done with the help of a cannula and special needles.
- In the fourth step, once the fat has dissolved, it is suctioned out using a cannula.
Contraindications to the use of lipolytics include:
- cases of hypersensitization;
- a tendency to allergic reactions;
- disorder of the hemostasis system (blood circulation);
- clotting disorders and thrombocytopenia;
- presence of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.
To eliminate the chin can be used such a procedure as mesotherapy. So, it is a cosmetic procedure, the essence of which is the introduction of special preparations under the skin, aimed at solving specific problems. For example, various hormones, phytopreparations, vitamins, hyaluronic acid are used. Preparations are injected under the skin due to the fact that they can not normally penetrate through the skin. And with injections, the active substances can fully penetrate into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, deeper dermal layers. As a rule, under the skin are injected those substances that are synthesized by the body. However, with age, or due to metabolic disorders, the synthesis of these substances may decrease. Therefore, the side effects of such substances are minimal, but it is still necessary to conduct preliminary tests for allergic reactions.
The procedure may be contraindicated in cardiac pathologies, oncological, acute inflammatory and infectious processes, in case of allergy to the substances that are injected, or their individual intolerance. The procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy and during lactation.
Aqualix is a special preparation intended for intralipotherapy procedure. The drug is injected into the problem area where there are numerous fat deposits. A fan-shaped injection method is used for the introduction. The composition includes a salt of deoxycholic acid. The drug is injected to a depth of about 10 cm. There is a local dissolution of fat deposits. A characteristic feature is that the drug has an exclusively local effect. Its spread to other, non-fatty tissues is not allowed. Accumulation of the drug in the body does not occur. The drug is hypoallergenic, non-toxic. Decomposition products of fat in the tissues are removed by natural metabolic pathway. Withdrawal of the drug is carried out on average from 7 to 10 days. The duration of therapy is 30-40 minutes. Painfulness is moderate, depends on individual skin sensitivity. To achieve a sustainable effect, an average of 3-8 procedures is required. The interval between treatments should be at least 20 days.
The procedure does not require special care and lifestyle changes. Some restrictions may be imposed, for example, you can not go to the bath, sauna, solarium, sunbathing under direct sunlight. It should be borne in mind that the procedure may have contraindications. In particular, it can not be carried out in pregnancy, lactation, during acute chronic, infectious diseases, autoimmune pathologies, with allergic reactions to substances included in the composition of the product, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
The main indications for the procedure - the complete elimination of the second chin, eliminating skin irregularities, equalizing the shape of the face. Some doctors recommend wearing special tightening bandages for the chin for 2 weeks after the procedure, which will help to consolidate the obtained effect.
It is a line of preparations intended for injections (mesotherapy). Often included in mesotherapy cocktails. They are aimed at skin rejuvenation, activation of metabolic processes, renewal of the epidermis. Stimulate the dissolution and excretion of fats, normalize cell activity, eliminate skin defects. The main active ingredient is silicon. Therefore, the procedure is also often called silicon dressing. This substance stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues, contributes to the retention of moisture in the epidermis, due to which the skin is moisturized, receives the necessary nutrition, protection. The drug promotes the dissolution of fat, stimulates the dissolution and structurization of connective tissue. The drug is injected subcutaneously using special needles. The main indications for the procedure - the appearance of the first signs of aging, wrinkles, various skin defects, acne, second chin, skin laxity.
The essence of the procedure of biorevitalization is the introduction of injections of hyaluronic acid under the skin. This is a substance that has a binding effect on moisture, through which there is an intensive removal of excess moisture. Due to this smooths the tone of the face, the skin becomes firm and elastic, eliminated swelling, bruises. Hyaluronic acid also has the ability to structure elastin and collagen molecules, which provides skin firmness, elasticity, fresh and natural look.
The procedure has a number of advantages as it does not disturb the naturalness of the skin. In this regard, the duration of the rehabilitation period is shortened, swelling and side effects do not occur. The result of the procedure is noticeable after 1-2 days. To consolidate the result you need 5-0 injections. As a rule, the result is long-lasting, because hyaluronic acid triggers natural biological processes in the body, and further regeneration of cells and tissues is carried out at the expense of the reserves of the body itself. It is worth noting that the procedure has virtually no contraindications, except for some local specific contraindications. For example, it can not be carried out in the presence of pimples, acne, rashes, inflammatory reactions on the face and chin, with closed and inflamed pores, with acute infections on the skin, as well as in the presence of large scars, pigment spots. Do not carry out the procedure in the recovery period after plastic surgery, chemical peels, other similar procedures. It is also impossible to perform injections during pregnancy and lactation.