Dry brittle hair
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Dull, lifeless, dry, brittle hair is a problem for many people. They are difficult to style, do not hold their shape, become electrified and tend to fall out. Why does the quality of hair deteriorate and how to correct the situation? In most cases there is a need to consult a specialist - trichologist or dermatologist, as well as in the proper selection of cosmetic and hygienic products. Nutrition also plays an important role.
According to statistical information, every third inhabitant of our planet has disorders of the skin or scalp. In this case, if a person simultaneously has a deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, then the problems with hair depress him most of all.
In men, predisposition to dryness and brittleness is much less common. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity more often complain of excessive greasiness than dryness of strands. In women, things are different: they much more often apply coloring, perming, styling, can neglect headgear in adverse weather conditions. Therefore, the condition of their hair often suffers.
Blondes are more prone to dryness and brittleness: their hair structure is more sensitive and fragile, so for fair-haired people it is especially important to carry out regular procedures of nourishment and moisturizing.
Causes of the dry brittle hair
Is it possible to determine why your locks have become dry and brittle? Do I need to see a doctor or can I do it myself?
A doctor's consultation should follow without fail if:
- hair is dull, often tangled, and difficult to comb;
- the hair structure has changed, coloring does not last long (washes out quickly), there is obvious hair loss (allopecia);
- severe split ends;
- the curls feel like dry grass.
In most people, the problem of dryness and brittleness is caused by improper cosmetic and hygienic care, or its complete absence. However, there are also other causes of the problem, for example:
- Systematic use of a hot hair dryer, straightening iron or flat iron, as well as other types of high-temperature exposure thins the hair structure and removes moisture, which ensures the appearance of brittleness and dryness. Professional cosmetologists and trichologists recommend using a cool-blowing hair dryer for drying, and for styling - tourmaline or ceramic devices with limited heat (no higher than 140°C).
- The use of low-quality hair dye, improper perm procedure with the use of aggressive substances that damage the hair structure, remove moisture and remove the protective layer.
- Improper cutting of hair, excessively tight hairstyles, use of blunt scissors for cutting, frequent wearing of stiff and damaging rubber bands and hairpins.
- Improper selection of cosmetic and hygiene products, frequent use of cheap low-quality shampoos, ignoring conditioners and balms.
- Poor quality washing water (excessively hard, chlorinated).
- Insufficient fluid intake, improper and incomplete or monotonous nutrition, strict diets that cause deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the body.
- Adverse effects of climate, dry indoor air, direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, exposure to frost and cold wind.
Negative impact on the condition of the hair and bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, as well as regular sleep deprivation, stress, excessive physical activity.
Risk factors
There are known factors that can exacerbate the problem of dry and brittle hair:
- violation of mineral metabolism, deficiency of certain trace elements in the body;
- weak immune defense, frequent colds and viral diseases;
- hypovitaminosis;
- Hormonal changes, including the onset of puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause;
- renal and hepatic failure;
- digestive system pathologies;
- metabolic diseases, diabetes, obesity;
- helminth infections;
- age-related changes;
- pathologies of the nervous system.
In the appearance of the problem often play a role in the peculiarities of the profession, frequent contact with chemicals and sunlight, the presence of bad habits. Genetic predisposition to dryness and brittleness is not excluded.
Numerous external and internal factors have a negative impact on both skin and hair. It is often our own fault, as we regularly use damaging heat and a host of styling and hairstyling aids.
Modern life makes its own adjustments, and most people just have to look flawless, no matter what the circumstances. But constant efforts to keep and maintain the hairstyle often lead to the fact that the hair structure changes, reducing the production of sebum, which is necessary to ensure the protection of the rod. It is the sebaceous glands that provide shine and elasticity to the curls. If the glandular function deteriorates, dry brittle hair that looks and feels like straw will appear, and the ends will thin and split.
In addition to the factor of improper scalp care, it is important to eat a good and nutritious diet. Deficiency of mineral and vitamin components in food leads to deterioration of the skin, hair and nails. Not getting the necessary nutrition, hair becomes dry and brittle, and sometimes even fall out. Hormonal changes (especially drastic), infectious pathologies, unfavorable environmental conditions, stressful situations also contribute to its unfavorable "mite". Dry brittle strands are often the result of a lack of vitamin A, ascorbic acid, proteins, silicon, iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids.
In general, deteriorating, dry and brittle tresses are most often caused by failures in three basic mechanisms:
- Damage to the protective barrier due to insufficient skin lipids;
- dehydration of the stratum corneum due to a deficiency of natural moisturizing factor;
- insufficient or improper distribution of moisture in the tissues.
Symptoms of the dry brittle hair
Dry tresses are not smooth when felt: they are rough, easily tangled and fall out at the slightest effort (e.g. Brushing). Dermatologists describe this condition as trichoclasia, or trichorexis (brittle, brittle). There may be other pathologic signs that can be detected on close inspection:
- Sectioning of hair terminal segments (tassel tip splitting, or trichoptilosis);
- The appearance of nodules and twisting (trichonodosis).
These symptoms are well seen during trichoscopy - a study with a special apparatus that magnifies and displays the image on a monitor screen.
In some diseases, nails, teeth, skin on the body, eyebrows and eyelashes may be affected at the same time as the hair:
- nails become brittle, dull, and sometimes flake off;
- bleeding gums, bad breath;
- the skin becomes dry, flaky.
If several pathological signs are detected at once, it is mandatory to consult a doctor. The earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the better the prognosis will be.
Dry, brittle locks are an obvious external flaw that is hard to overlook. The hair segments break off even when brushing. In addition, the rods themselves are quite rough and stiff to the touch, so it becomes quite difficult to arrange them in a normal hairstyle.
Immediately after washing your hair, long strands become bunched up and tangled, requiring more thorough combing. This, in turn, further traumatizes the curls.
The ends of the hair are dry and brittle, which looks like a broom or a paint brush. Dandruff often appears on the background of dryness, which is also impossible not to notice.
In most people with this problem, the hair shafts first become dull, then begin to break off at different heights, which makes the hair unkempt even with regular styling and hygiene. And when washing the head, there are clear signs of hair shaft parts being lost on the surface of the washbasin, in the water drainage area, and on the towel.
Over time, the hair loses volume significantly, the curls become lifeless, "straw-like". The hair may become flaky like dandruff, followed by unattractive sensations and even itching.
Complications and consequences
The skin and hair of the scalp form the appearance of the human being, allow control of temperature conditions and protect against infections. However, the appearance of flaky, dry, brittle hair negatively affects the ability of normal functioning of skin receptors. The risks of premature aging and ultraviolet damage to the curls increase, and the risk of skin infection increases.
Dryness of the skin and appendages belongs to one of the risk factors for the development of allergic inflammatory processes, because when the protective function is impaired, susceptibility to allergens as well as microbes and viruses increases. That is why experts point out the need for quality and regular care of skin and hair, and not only as part of the usual cosmetic and hygienic procedure. In particular, you should not use ordinary soap for washing the head, which can additionally irritate the surface tissues and cause dryness. Not recommended and means based on lanolin, petroleum jelly, as they can clog and clog the skin pores, blocking the work of the glandular system.
In most cases, however, effective solutions are affordable, and they are based on quality regular care, with the use of suitable treatment and preventive products.
Diagnostics of the dry brittle hair
Diagnosis of dry brittle hair is often based on the use of modern informative computerized procedures, such as trichoscopy and phototrichogram.
Trichoscopy (trichodermatoscopy) uses a special device - trichoscope, equipped with a video camera with optical magnification and connected to a computer monitor. The method allows you to examine the problem area under multiple magnification. In this case, the images are simultaneously analyzed by special computer programs that evaluate the morphometry of the hair and scalp.
Another popular type of research - photographic trichogram - helps to detect the first signs of hidden baldness, to carry out differential diagnosis, to assess the effectiveness of the current therapy. The procedure is performed using a trichoscope connected to a computer. The results are processed by a special program capable of automatic digital analysis, tracing all the main parameters of the hair cover.
As a laboratory diagnosis, such tests are prescribed:
- general and biochemical blood work;
- blood tests for hormonal status;
- if necessary - blood tests to determine the level of basic vitamins and trace elements in serum.
Differential diagnosis
Complaints of dry brittle hair are very common in the practice of dermatologists and trichologists. This problem often bothers patients, because the hair is one of the symbols of beauty and indicators of human health in general.
The most popular cause of dryness and brittleness is improper nutrition and lifestyle, but sometimes the "culprits" are various diseases - systemic and local. Differentiation of such pathologies requires special attention and, most importantly, experience.
The first thing that matters in the differential diagnosis is the collection of anamnesis. The doctor will ask the patient how long they have been bothered by dry brittle hair, as well as whether there are any other signs associated with hair and skin lesions.
After careful examination, the doctor can already determine quite accurately in which diagnostic direction to move. Often it is necessary to seek the help of a trichoscope, which allows you to detect various inflammatory processes on the skin, assess the condition of hair follicles and rods.
Diseases that can affect the appearance of dry brittle hair:
- nervous system dysfunction;
- thyroid problems;
- lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body, anemia;
- endocrine pathologies;
- digestive diseases.
Less often brittleness and dryness is caused by infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the dry brittle hair
At the first sign of hair losing strength and moisture, you should carefully analyze your diet and remember the nuances of your daily care routine - are they sufficient?
It is necessary to pay special attention to nutrition. If the diet is dominated by fatty, unnatural products, fast food, or there is a large amount of baked goods and refined food against a small amount of natural protein products, vegetables and fruits, then dryness and hair breakage is almost assured. About 80% of the hair is made up of keratin, a fibrillar protein that gives mechanical strength to the hair shafts.
It is important to check your hormonal background. Often changes in hormonal status, which are observed during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, or in some diseases, directly affect the deterioration of the skin, nails and curls. Blood tests for hormones should necessarily be supplemented with a biochemical blood test. For example, if in the end it is found iron deficiency anemia, it will be as clear as possible how to further treat dry brittle hair.
In case of a mild degree of brittleness and dryness, it is possible to do with only external action on the problem. It is necessary to choose for regular care only high-quality cosmetic products containing natural ingredients. In this case, the use of only shampoo, as a rule, is not enough: you will need a conditioner, or a special mask, balm, spray, oil. The choice of such products is now quite large. Properly selected products will eliminate micro-damage and protect the strands from the harmful effects of environmental conditions.
Dry brittle hair requires regular visits to the hairdresser. If you cut off the cut ends, you can much faster achieve the desired result and improve the hair. But in complex cases, if it is a neglected problem, you will have to undergo a full program of recovery, including changing the diet, taking multivitamin and mineral preparations, the use of special care products.
Dryness and brittleness associated with diabetes mellitus or dermatologic pathologies (e.g., psoriasis) requires appropriate specific therapy by a specialized specialist.
How to repair dry brittle hair?
To restore the strength and moisture of the hair, eliminate brittleness and sectioning, it is important to analyze your diet and the features of daily care. You should pay attention to such factors:
- Complete nutrition with a balance of "proteins-fats-carbohydrates" and sufficient intake of vitamin and mineral components in the body.
- Hormonal balance, absence of endocrine diseases (it is necessary to consult a doctor).
- Healthy blood count, no anemia.
- The use of quality products for regular hair care, supplementing shampoo with conditioner, conditioner, balm.
- Use of folk remedies containing natural ingredients.
- Careful choice of hair coloring and styling products, regular seeking help from salon and hairdressing professionals.
Dry and brittle hair should be protected from the aggressive influence of chemicals. When choosing shampoos and conditioners should give preference to products on a natural basis, which do not contain parabens, paraffins and other harmful components. High-quality cosmetics will support and restore the hair structure, fill the locks with health and strength.
One of the common causes of brittleness is depletion of the hair follicle. To improve the situation, experts recommend using professional products to renew and nourish the scalp.
You should not expect an instant effect: it usually takes at least 2-3 months to fully restore dry and thin hair. If you use complex treatment, the result will be more durable and noticeable.
Products for dry and brittle hair
Dry and brittle hair is very difficult to manage: lack of moisture and nutrients makes it brittle and sensitive. And insufficient sebum secretion can additionally cause flaking of the skin on the head, dullness and other unpleasant symptoms. To achieve a positive result and restore curls, it is necessary to nourish and moisturize them.
What care products can be used to restore and preserve the hair structure, maintain health and do no harm?
For enhanced nourishment and moisturizing of dry brittle hair use shampoos designed specifically for this purpose. These may be detergents labeled "enhanced recovery", "hydrobalance correction", "super nourishment and moisturizing", etc. However, shampoo alone will not be enough to combat excessive dryness and breakage.
One common mistake is applying a hair mask after a conditioner or balm. This is an incorrect sequence of actions, which not only does not help, but also harms. The mask should be applied to clean curls after washing off the shampoo. It is optimal to use mask products labeled "restoration", "nourishment", "with vegetable oils".
After washing off the mask, it is allowed to add moisturizing and smoothness with a conditioner, after which - provide nourishment by applying a special balm designed for dry brittle hair.
Before and after drying, oils are used which cover the surface of the hair with an artificial protective film. This film prevents damage to the hair shafts, moisturizes and adds shine, smoothness and silkiness. This is exactly what dry and brittle strands need.
It is important not to overdo it with care products, including oils. Just a few drops of oil are rubbed in the palms of the hands and smoothed over the curls. If a large amount of oil is applied, the hairstyle will get a "dirty" and unattended look, and the person will feel extremely uncomfortable.
Instead of oils, you can use all kinds of serums, sprays or emulsions containing high concentrations of bioactive components.
We must not forget about the dietary intake: vitamins and micronutrients must enter the tissues not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
Nourishment for dry and brittle hair
Food products are the main sources of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. When preparing a diet, it is important to include in its composition the most useful products rich in essential components. With dry and brittle hair nutritionists advise to eat more products containing fatty acids: this is sea fish, cereals, nuts, avocados, olives. In addition, to eliminate dryness should drink more fluids - preferably pure water and green tea, about 1.5-2 liters per day.
It is desirable to avoid foods that slow down metabolic processes and negatively affect the condition of skin appendages. It is about fried food, marinades, sweets, preservatives, refractory fats.
A healthy menu should include cereals and greens, fruits and vegetables, berries, sea fish, bran and eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds, dried fruits, dairy products. It is very desirable to add sprouted wheat, oats or pumpkin seeds to food.
Shampoos for dry and brittle hair
Dry brittle hair is very vulnerable to the negative effects of the environment, and the use of detergents with aggressive composition further thin and dehydrate hair shafts. With such a problem, you need a special shampoo, which will simultaneously cope with pollution and, at the very least, will not harm the strands. If the hair is brittle, then among the components of the detergent should not be present SLS - surface active substances like sodium lauryl sulfate (dodecyl sulfate). Such components disrupt the natural level of acidity on the scalp, resulting in coarser and stiffer hair. Another thing - shampoos with a soft foaming composition. They do not dry out the locks, but on the contrary, help to penetrate useful substances inside the hair structure, which makes the hair more pliable and light.
It is not bad if the detergent will contain silicones, which form a kind of protection in the form of a thin film that covers each hair. Shampoos with silicone in the composition add shine to the curls, eliminate porosity - but only if they are periodic, not constant use. If you use silicone shampoo for too long, the protective film will accumulate and layered on the hair surface, which will dramatically worsen the situation. If this happens, an additional application of a deep cleanser will be required.
Other desirable ingredients in shampoos for dry brittle hair:
- hyaluronic acid;
- vegetable oil, plant extracts;
- collagen;
- silk proteins;
- amino acids, vitamins;
- keratin.
You may not be able to find the right shampoo for you right away. It is a process of more than one trial and error. It is important to consult a specialist (dermatologist, trichologist, cosmetologist) beforehand, and do not neglect other products for dry brittle hair: conditioners, balms, masks.
Masks for dry and brittle hair
Dry brittle hair requires active nourishment and moisturizing. For this purpose, it is recommended to periodically use special masks, which contain healing plant extracts, oils, keratin. Argan and Karite oils are especially useful for the restoration of dry brittle hair, which perfectly restore hair shafts, preventing the removal of moisture from them.
For dry, brittle and split hair are best suited masks designed for intensive restoration: the package with such products necessarily has a corresponding note, and the composition of the product is most often represented by coconut oil or keratin.
After choosing the appropriate mask should be familiarized with the features of its application:
- Before applying the product, you should wash your hair with shampoo and blot it with a soft, clean towel;
- the required amount of mask mass should be evenly distributed throughout the hair, excluding the roots;
- It is not necessary to rub the mask in, just an even application is enough;
- then you can gently comb with a fine-tooth comb, wait for a certain time (usually it is indicated in the annotation to a particular mask) and then rinse your locks well with warm water without detergent.
Buy a quality mask for dry brittle hair can be purchased in a cosmetic salon or pharmacy.
Professional masks for dry and brittle hair
Professional cosmetics have a more enriched and balanced composition compared to mass-market products. However, as a rule, the cost of such pro products is much higher.
In order to help dry brittle hair to become healthy and strong, experts advise to pay attention to such professional mask products:
- OJARO Venezia - improves color, moisturizes, nourishes. Suitable for owners of blonde hair.
- Ollin Service Line Deep Moisturizing Mask - deeply moisturizes, provides easy combing, softness, shine.
- Teotema Moisture Balance Mask is a fairly strong product that promises intense moisturizing, quick elimination of dryness and dullness.
- Keune Care Line Vital Nutrition Mask - restores hydro-balance, makes curls soft, supple, fills them with natural shine.
- DS Perfume Free Intensive Moisture Mask - provides quality moisturization, nourishment, blocks the loss of beneficial substances.
For emergency help to dry brittle hair it is recommended to pay attention to Indola products. The mask with argan oil microdroplets nourishes each hair shaft, which allows you to quickly restore silkiness, smoothness and shine to your locks.
Sprays for dry and brittle hair
Among the large number of cosmetic products designed to improve the condition of dry and brittle hair, there are sprays - easy-to-use preparations that facilitate the styling of hairstyles, protecting from aggressive environmental influences. Choosing such a product, you need to pay attention to these points:
- The ideal base for sprays is distilled water and herbal extracts such as chamomile, nettle, turnip, etc;
- vitamins must be present in the composition;
- the presence of keratin and silk proteins among the components is desirable.
It is important to take into account that professional sprays in most cases are not intended for frequent use. In addition, it should be understood that natural and organic products have an accumulative effect, so the effect becomes noticeable not immediately, but after a few weeks.
Most types of sprays for dry and brittle hair are used as follows: wash the head, towel dry, shake the spray and spray it over the entire length of the hair. Then proceed to styling. The procedure is repeated with the frequency described in the annotation to a particular drug.
Popular remedies in the form of sprays:
- La'dor Eco Before PPT Keratin Repair Spray.
- Sairo Liqid Keratin Anti-frizz Liquid Keratin.
- Estel Proffessional Prima Bi-Phase Spray.
- Nettle and Arginine Spray from brittle Bielita.
- Fanola Nutri Care Ten-Function Spray for Dry Hair.
- Nexxt Professional Oleoresin Spray.
Before opting for any of the remedies, you should first consult a specialist.
Vitamins for dry and brittle hair
Dry brittle hair needs additional intake of useful substances in the form of vitamins and microelements, namely:
- Vitamin A activates the synthesis of protein hair structure, triggers the production of collagen and elastin, providing protection from adverse environmental conditions. However, you need to be careful with this vitamin, as its overabundance, as well as deficiency, can also cause problems - in particular, hair loss. "Vitamin A can be found in butter, liver, hard cheeses and cottage cheese.
- Tocopherol is a vitamin that is literally responsible for the shine and elasticity of the hair. It is widely included in most cosmetic preparations. You can get vitamin E by eating sufficient amounts of buckwheat, oatmeal, egg yolk, liver, almonds, sunflower seeds, legumes.
- Vitamin B5 stimulates cell growth, which helps to repair damaged hair shafts. To get the necessary amount of the vitamin, you should include dairy products, legumes and brewer's yeast in your diet.
- Vitamin B7 activates collagen synthesis, prevents hair loss and deterioration. The vitamin is present in dairy products, sea fish, tomatoes, legumes, spinach.
- Vitamin B6 improves hair structure, and its deficiency makes hair dry and brittle. Sufficient amounts of the vitamin are found in meat, eggs, nuts and dairy products.
- Ascorbic acid improves the absorption of many vitamins and trace elements, ensuring their entry into the tissues. A high content of the vitamin is noted in rose hips, kiwi, citrus fruits, black and red currants.
- Vitamin F preserves the protective lipid film on the skin, protects follicles and prevents drying out. A lot of this vitamin is present in legumes and seeds.
Get all the necessary vitamins in full can not only from food products. Often, experts advise buying pharmacy multivitamin preparations, which together provide the body with all the necessary substances. The composition of such preparations is carefully thought out: they contain the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals, complementing and potentiating the mutual action. Among the most popular preparations: Aevit, Perfectil, Revalid, Pantovigar, Vitrum Beauty, Nutricap, Merz Beauty, Biotin.
Before buying a particular drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because each patient needs his or her own individual set of vitamins. Vitamin remedies should not be taken randomly or chaotically: overdose or illiterate use of even such "harmless" drugs can not only not help, but also harm.
Folk remedies for dry and brittle hair
To achieve the necessary cosmetic and therapeutic effect, you can use folk remedies: in most cases, they involve the use of masks from available and no less effective products.
- Kefir mask. Take 100 ml of fresh kefir at room temperature, apply to problem areas, leave. Washed off after half an hour.
- Egg-lemon-mineral mask. Mix in a bowl 1 tbsp. Of mineral water (better - therapeutic), one raw egg yolk, 6-7 drops of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the scalp, covered with cellophane and kept for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm (not hot) water.
- Orange-yogurt mask. Mix the juice of one orange, 200 ml of natural yogurt without additives, 2 tbsp. Starch. Apply for 20-30 minutes, wash off.
- Egg and honey mask. Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. Honey, 2 tbsp. Olive oil and two egg yolks, apply for half an hour, then wash off with slightly warm water.
- Mask of honey with glycerin. Mix 2 tbsp. Of honey, 1 tbsp. Glycerin and 1 tbsp. Of any vegetable oil. Apply to the scalp, keep for half an hour, wash off with water and shampoo.
Properly selected combinations of ingredients nourish, moisturize locks, get rid of the causes of dry and brittle hair. Such procedures can be carried out even if the hair follicles and hair shafts are completely healthy. This is necessary to maintain a healthy state and prevent such problems.
Herbs for dry and brittle hair
Medicinal plants help to strengthen and protect hair. Most often, water infusions or decoctions are prepared on a plant basis. The following herbs can be used as ingredients:
- Horsetail - is included in many phytomedicines, as it perfectly strengthens and nourishes the hair follicle.
- Spinach - the extract from the leaves of the plant tones and strengthens the hair.
- Lime blossom - gives shine, strengthens, eliminates dandruff.
- Sage - adds strength and strength to the hair, levels the aggressive effects of coloring agents (can be used immediately after dyeing).
- St. John's wort - restores hair structure.
Good effect for dry and brittle hair have chamomile, thyme, thyme, thyme, burdock rhizome, calendula, yarrow, immortelle.
To prepare the infusion standard pour 3 tbsp. Dry grass 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Warm infusion rinse the head after washing. Additional rinsing with water is not required: strands are thoroughly dried with a soft towel. The procedure is repeated after each washing for several weeks or months, until the desired result is achieved.
Herbal rinse for dry and brittle hair
An effective and affordable remedy for dry and brittle hair is an herbal rinse, which is prepared by hand from natural ingredients. Herbs for preparation can be collected on their own or purchased in a pharmacy.
The rinse is used after washing the head: rinse the hair thoroughly with it and dry it with a soft towel. There is no need to rinse out the product.
For its preparation take 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. Crushed plant (fresh or dried). Raw materials are placed in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, remove from the heat and cover with a lid. Leave for about half an hour, then strain.
Next, we will describe which herbs are more suitable for improving the condition of dry brittle hair. These herbs can be combined with each other, using a herbal collection, or use only one component of your choice.
- St. John's Wort is a regenerating herb that is best for regenerating hair damaged by frequent coloring and chemical treatments.
- Chamomile color - intensively strengthens and saturates with useful substances. Nuance: can give a golden tint to blonde hair.
- Calendula - eliminates micro-damage and moisturizes.
- Mother and stepmother - stops hair loss, stimulates regeneration, eliminates dryness of the scalp.
- Rosemary - prevents hair loss, strengthens locks.
- Thyme - optimizes local blood circulation, stimulates the growth of already healthy hair.
Herbal rinses are recommended to be used simultaneously with the application of oils prepared on the basis of the same or other suitable raw materials.
Oils for dry and brittle hair
Measures to improve the condition of dry brittle hair involve the use of various oils as an additional means. We are talking about natural oils, prepared by cold-pressing method: they are obtained from plants, seeds, seeds, grains, nuts. Such products have a structure similar to the composition of human sebum, so they are easily absorbed by the epidermis.
In order for the oil to work as effectively as possible, it should be warmed slightly to a temperature of 35-38°C before use.
The oils most often recommended for dry and brittle hair are:
- Argan oil - great for nourishing, moisturizing and giving a healthy shine.
- Lacquer tree oil (kukui seeds) - gets rid of dryness, prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, frost, chlorinated water.
- Avocado oil - nourishes, revitalizes rods and bulbs from the inside out.
- Castor oil - intensively nourishes and softens, replenishes lack of moisture, gets rid of flaking, adds elasticity. Suitable for sensitive and allergy-prone skin.
The oil is applied to dry and brittle hair about 20-25 minutes before washing. This will ensure maximum nourishment and protection. In addition, you can add a few drops of oil to the mask to improve its effectiveness. And one more standard technique: oil is applied to wet clean hair and, without rinsing, make styling in the usual mode. This method helps to reduce the adverse effects of a hair dryer, flat iron or flat iron on the hair structure and provides a healthy appearance of curls.
Experts suggest paying attention to such preventive measures to keep your hair healthy and strong:
- Avoid aggressive action on the hair, do not do drying, curling, coloring too often.
- Trim the tips periodically.
- Once or twice a day, massage your scalp, with your fingers or a special massage brush, to stimulate the function of the glandular system.
- Try to wash your hair not daily, but as you get dirty.
- Use conditioners, balms regularly, especially if you wash your hair frequently.
- Avoid prolonged exposure of the hair to cold and ultraviolet light, wear a hat, panama, hood if necessary.
Try to diversify your diet, avoid strict and monotonous diets.
- If there is a need - take multivitamin and mineral complex preparations.
- Avoid tight hairstyles, don't wear stiff caps and constricting hats, and periodically allow your head to rest from hairpins and rubber bands.
The listed recommendations are not complicated at all. If you follow them, your hair will remain beautiful and healthy for a long time.
Restoring the strength and health of dry and brittle hair is a long process that requires a lot of patience and care. Often the origins of the problem are hidden in bad habits, to give up which is sometimes quite difficult. Therefore, and the prognosis of the violation depends largely on how responsibly to address the issue.
In order to quickly and efficiently get rid of dryness and brittleness, it is important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol (or minimize these habits), provide comfort to the scalp and hair: monitor the humidity and temperature of the environment, avoid direct ultraviolet exposure, etc. Special attention should be paid to washing the head. For daily procedures, it is recommended to choose high-quality, and sometimes professional means, and avoid buying cheap dubious shampoos. It is undesirable, both too rare and too frequent washing. Intense, and even more so, aggressive impact on the curls will aggravate the situation and contribute to the progression of the violation. Water for the procedure should be warm, but not hot.
Dry brittle hair is indeed a problem, but it can be solved in a relatively short time if you follow all the recommendations of experts.