Diet in bronchitis: obstructive, chronic, acute, allergic
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet in bronchitis is considered a component of complex treatment. Since the main symptom is a cough, the indications to the appointment arise depending on its nature. For example, the menu introduces products that help to sputum, or, with a dry cough, stimulate its transition to wet.
Elevated temperature - an indication for the appointment of antipyretic decoctions. In the menu of the patient with bronchitis, dietary dishes are introduced in a liquid, mashed or pureed form.
The so-called 13th table is designed specifically for respiratory diseases, including acute infections. It is prescribed in the presence of the following symptoms: inflammation, fever, weakness, headache.
General information of the diets with bronchitis
In bronchitis, not only the respiratory organs, but also other organs and systems suffer. They are involved in the pathological process, as they are intoxicated, reduce functionality and resistance to unfavorable factors. The digestive organs, in addition, are affected by drugs taken by the patient inside.
A classic example of a diet is No. 13 on Pevzner. The essence of the diet for bronchitis is that easily digestible foods should minimize the energy expenditure of the body on digestion and absorption of food. It is also designed:
- provide detoxification;
- increase immunity;
- support the work of the heart;
- reduce the side effects of drugs.
The diet is rightly considered an auxiliary therapeutic method, which, along with medicines and alternative drugs, contributes to a faster cure.
Preference is given to protein and vitamin products. Useful dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, milk. Multivitamin preparations are prescribed for those who are not prone to allergic reactions.
The menu should limit the easily assimilated carbohydrates, which are contained in dishes from potatoes and semolina, as well as in sweet foods - sugar, jams, honey. Do not recommend sorrel, spinach, which support swelling, delay sodium in the body.
The caloric content of the diet, as well as the intake of proteins and fat, is reduced at high temperature. It is useful to split meals - six or more times a day. Gradually, the calorie needs to be increased due to eggs, fish, meat. These dishes make up for the protein loss caused by sputum evacuation. Proteins also strengthen the immune system, neutralize the effect of antibiotics.
Diet for bronchitis and drink. At an exacerbation it is recommended to drink from 1,5 up to 3, 5 l of a liquid. Like food, drink should be crushed.
Diet for acute bronchitis
Some drugs, in particular antibiotics, can disrupt digestion. To avoid this, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet for bronchitis. Correctly selected food and drinks can influence the processes in the body in the right direction. For example, sick bronchitis is useful to sweat, and to improve sweating is easiest with the help of decoctions of plants such as lime and elderberry flowers, raspberry, mint, sage.
For an acute course, coughing is common, accompanied by a headache. The disease lasts up to three weeks.
- A plentiful drink is necessary in a diet with acute bronchitis. Alkaline liquids are recommended: Borjomi with milk, alkaline mors. Proteins and vitamins should predominate in the diet, but in moderation. Practice a short-term medical starvation, unloading exhausted by heat and intoxication organism.
If the patient's fasting is difficult to bear, then it is enough to limit oneself to a low-calorie diet with bronchitis. As the condition improves, the ration includes more hearty dishes, in particular, fish, meat, egg. They saturate blood with proteins lost with phlegm, and reduce the negative effects of antibiotics.
Diet in obstructive bronchitis
When obstructive bronchitis affects the bronchi, pulmonary ventilation is disrupted and bronchospasm develops. This condition occurs after viral infections, due to environmental pollution or other provoking factors, accompanied by a strong cough, and sometimes - a temperature. With loads a person suffocates, quickly becomes tired. Children can hear characteristic wheezing rales; this condition can be complicated by asthma.
First of all, the doctor selects medicines, then he talks about a diet. The diet for obstructive bronchitis includes a sufficient number of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, especially antioxidants C and E. It is important that polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate, which are abundant in seafood: they have anti-inflammatory properties.
Of the drinks are recommended nets, fruit drinks, fresh compotes, fresh, herbal decoctions. If the patient's breathing is disturbed, the diet for bronchitis should be hypocaloric, with a minimum of simple carbohydrates.
Harmful products for the patient with obstructive bronchitis are sugar, salt, spices, seasonings, tea, cocoa, coffee, strong broths. They promote swelling, stimulate the secretion of glands, can cause spasm of affected bronchi.
Diet for chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is often a consequence of an acute one, which for some reason has not been cured. The main symptom is a cough with mucous or purulent sputum, sometimes suffocation is added, which can be a sign of the development of asthma. Bronchial cough lasts for months and longer, interrupting exacerbations and remissions, involving in the inflammation of the nasopharynx. Such patients are forced to constantly breathe through the mouth.
The diet for chronic bronchitis is prescribed taking into account the fact that not only the respiratory, but also the cardiovascular system suffers from pathology. With inflammation, metabolism is disrupted, the work of many organs that are affected by toxins is reduced. Especially negatively affects the disease on the digestion. Therefore, a diet for bronchitis is necessary in most cases.
- To reduce inflammation it is recommended to limit products with fast carbohydrates (sweets, honey, jam).
- Under the ban, leafy vegetables containing oxalic acid: they delay sodium and release calcium, which causes the edema to form and not disappear.
- Vitamins are needed to improve protein metabolism. They are best served with fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Dairy products are obligatory: they saturate the body with proteins and calcium.
Food is more useful than fractional, non-nutritive. Increase caloric content should be in process of recovery.
Separately, you need to say about drinking. Useful drinks in the diet for bronchitis consider clean water, green juices from vegetables, broth of wild rose, light tea from Ledum. They should be warm, but not hot.
Diet for allergic bronchitis
Allergic cough causes allergens that enter the body and provoke swelling of the mucous membranes. It can be various reagents: dust, animal hair, pollen of plants, some products, household chemicals and cosmetics, foreign proteins and so on.
Diet in allergic bronchitis is one of the elements of the lifestyle of an allergic person, aimed at protecting against provoking factors. The patient should not smoke, sleep on feather pillows, live in a dusty apartment or work in contaminated premises. Diet for bronchitis of this type limits the consumption of fruits and berries of bright color, chocolate, spices and marine products.
In the hypoallergenic diet should be 130 grams of protein and fats, including a third - vegetable, 200 grams of carbohydrates. In total - 2800 kcal. Saturation with vitamins is provided due to fresh vegetables, fruits, natural juices (except forbidden). Yeast, bran, dietary meat, vegetarian soups, casseroles, sour-milk products, lean baking - these are the foods and dishes that the patient needs. The food should be processed mechanically, boiled, stewed, baked, used 4-6 times a day.
Hypoallergenic diet limits salt and categorically prohibits the following products:
- citrus;
- nuts;
- fish and seafood;
- smoked products, fried foods;
- mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and other spices;
- mushrooms;
- coffee, chocolate;
- whole milk;
- bird meat;
- eggs;
- baking;
- honey;
- tomatoes, aubergines;
- strawberry, melon;
- alcohol;
- kvass, mineral water;
- Industrial products with dyes and various additives.
From alternative means are recommended broths of a viburnum, a yarrow, a Ledum in a proportion: a teaspoon of medicinal raw materials on a glass of boiled water. Many help baths from the sequence: 200 g of dry grass soak in a bucket of water, strain and pour into a bath.
Diet for bronchitis in adults
The diet for adults with bronchitis includes easy and well-digestible dishes, which do not require the body to make great efforts for digestion. After all, energy is necessary to the body constantly to resist infection and other factors that provoked the disease.
The therapeutic diet for bronchitis performs the following tasks:
- facilitates the process of digestion;
- saturates the body;
- replenishes energy;
- improves the patient's well-being.
The amount of food in each serving is recommended to be reduced by half against usual. In the old days, even recommended one-or two-day fasting to "not feed" the disease. From a diet completely exclude the food, capable to irritate respiratory ways or demanding a plenty of energy for its assimilation.
The drinking diet includes a generous warm drink - no warmer than body temperature. For replenishing the water balance, the optimal choice is Borjomi mineral water. Healing water from Georgian sources is not only drunk in pure form, but mixed with milk. This is a tried and tested folk way of treating respiratory organs.
The recipe is simple: pour the same amount of Borjomi into the boiled milk, mix and drink in small sips. Eat a glass every quarter of an hour. Under the influence of the drink passes a cough, sputum is discharged outside, facilitating the patient's condition.
But hot drinks with bronchitis are not recommended. They irritate and can even burn the mucous membrane, cause a choking of the throat and aggravate the course of bronchitis. It is advisable to refuse coffee, which contributes to dehydration of the body, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke.
Diet for bronchitis in children
An important aspect of the diet for bronchitis in children is the removal of sputum. For its dilution, it is recommended to use onion. To small children it is mixed with honey and given on a teaspoon several times during the day. Children after five years can eat onions with a variety of dishes or bread.
- Along with phlegm, the body loses protein, so the next point of the diet for bronchitis is the replenishment of protein components. To this end, the child is offered dairy or dietary meat.
Oily fish in the menu will help slow the development of the inflammatory process. If a small patient refuses it, as an alternative, a portion of fish oil will do.
When tracheitis and bronchitis in children it is recommended to mix Borjomi with milk and honey. And the cocoa favorite by children is not recommended, in view of the fact that the drink irritates the mucous and stimulates a protracted cough.
Seeds of pumpkin and nuts in the diet for bronchitis also find a place, because they are rich in zinc, a necessary growing body.
Most children enjoy drinking herbal decoctions. If such drinks are given to children before going to bed, the mucus from the bronchi is excreted more actively.
Food can promote recovery, and can aggravate the course of any pathological process. The use of a diet for bronchitis is to activate immunity, remove inflammation, reduce the adverse effects of drugs and toxins.
Principles of a diet at a bronchitis:
- restriction of fast carbohydrates and increase in the number of proteins;
- Exclusion of products containing oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel);
- the use of dishes with calcium (milk and products of its processing);
- vitaminization of nutrition;
- fractionality of food intake.
Fractional food is recommended not to overload the digestion. When the temperature rises, the calorie content of the diet is reduced. Often the patient himself refuses heavy meals, because the body "does not take" them. Daily allowance is up to 1800 calories. To the extent of improving the patient's condition, the calorie content of the diet should be increased: good nutrition with bronchitis promotes recovery.
Diet with bronchitis includes and plenty of drinking. Elevated temperature is accompanied by thirst, so when exacerbating it is necessary to drink about two liters of water. It is best to drink mineral water, as well as juices of green vegetables.
What can and what can not?
The question that it is possible to eat to the patient, arises in each patient, regardless of the nature of the disease. Diet in bronchitis is aimed at reducing intoxication and exudation in the bronchi, the renewal of epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. In the menu it is necessary to enter products with vitamins, minerals, high-grade proteins, enriched with energy.
What can you eat?
The best way to cook food is to steam or boil. Useful light soups, salads, low-fat milk products. Use these products:
- protein - to replenish the stocks of proteins that are lost with sputum (fish, meat, cottage cheese);
- containing an increased amount of calcium - to prevent inflammation (milk, kefir, etc.);
- containing magnesium - to improve health and prevent asthma (bran, sprouted grains, nuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, sesame, buckwheat, olives, bread, sea fish, tomatoes);
- with vitamin C - to increase the protective forces (citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries);
- with vitamins A and E - to catalyze metabolism (carrots, broccoli, green cabbage, lettuce, asparagus, peas, peaches);
- herbs of herbs - to accelerate diuresis and purification of the body (linden and buzin color, raspberry, mint, ginger, anise);
- juices fresh - for saturation with vitamins, minerals, improve metabolism;
- Milk with honey and soda - for cough.
Diet for bronchitis may include alternative means: onions, including for inhalations, chicory or horseradish with honey, strawberry juice with milk.
What you can not eat?
What foods restrict or prohibit a diet for bronchitis? "Out of the law", first of all - flour sweets and chocolate, which contain an excess of calories, load the body and suppress immunity. Fat broths, smoked products, canned food - also in the list of banned.
Alcohol and coffee dehydrate the body, which is undesirable for respiratory diseases. Cocoa strengthens the cough reflex.
Rigid dishes irritate the throat, which leads to increased coughing. Therefore, dry food, rough porridge (barley, barley), hard meat should be avoided. It is better that the food is slightly under-salted, - in order to avoid fluid retention in the sick body.
A common opinion about the benefits of hot drinks is misleading. Actually hot drink, if it brings relief, then for a short while; and if the sore throat gets injured, then the cough becomes even stronger. Only warm drinks are useful for bronchitis.
- Studying the question of what you can not eat with bronchitis, you meet with contradictions, in particular, about honey and citrus fruits. Some believe that the bee product is a source of many useful components, very useful for bronchitis; others are reminiscent of its allergenicity and excessive sweetness, which may be harmful to the ill.
The fruits of the citrus family, on the one hand, are rich in vitamin C, essential for immunity; on the other hand, they contain fruit acids, which create an acidic environment favorable for viruses.
Probably, the truth is really in the middle, and in small quantities these products will benefit the body. You can not just forget that honey does not like heat, so you need to put it in a warm, not hot tea or a decoction.
In principle, it is not so difficult to observe a diet for bronchitis, since most of the healthy products are daily on our table. Is the method of cooking for the patient a little different: it is recommended cooking, steaming, softening dishes and so on. And also a minimum of spices, sugar and salt. Diet should not cause allergies and relapse of the disease.
Contraindications to diet in bronchitis are associated with diseases of other organs, in particular, digestive. For example, if the vitamins prescribed to the patient are not balanced, that is, interfere with the normal absorption of each other, then they can provoke an additional problem - the formation of bile and urinary stones.
Pregnant women who contract bronchitis should be fed on the basis of their physiological condition.
Possible risks
Risks associated with a diet for bronchitis occur in such circumstances:
- if there is a reaction to an allergen or an organism intolerable to the body;
- when using stale or poor-quality products;
- when taking too much food for a sick person;
- during pregnancy;
- with constant malnutrition.
To avoid undesirable consequences and risks, one should adhere to a healthy diet in general and a special diet for bronchitis in particular. If desired, it is not so difficult to refrain from harmful food and habits, and instead, accustom yourself to a healthy lifestyle. Especially when at stake - their own health.
Possible complications in bronchitis occur with improper treatment, interrupted course, failure to comply with medical prescriptions, smoking, the influence of unfavorable factors for breathing. The most severe bronchitis occurs in infants and elderly patients. Complicated bronchitis develops into pneumonia or asthma, as well as bronchopneumonia, emphysema of the lungs or purulent bronchitis. Diet for bronchitis with complications is mandatory, as is compliance with bed rest.
The complication of chronic bronchitis in a small child is very dangerous. This can for the rest of his life tie him to taking medications and permanent preventive procedures. In parallel, there are problems with the cardiovascular system, the overall development of the child and his life functions.
It is extremely important to protect young children from bronchitis and pneumonia, in which mucus is formed. After all, the kid is unable to get rid of it on its own, and it is undesirable and unsafe to do this from the outside, through special tools.
Nutrition of the patient plays an important role in the treatment process, and a competent doctor always pays attention to diet, with bronchitis in particular. Healthy, balanced food supports immunity, restores lost nutrients, resists undesirable consequences and complications. The patient is more quickly rehabilitated, becomes more energetic and spirited, accelerating his own recovery.