Infusion of the newborn on the face and neck: differences and the smear
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammation in a newborn is the appearance of small inflammatory elements on the skin that cause parents anxiety. These specks can be formed on any part of the skin of the child, often in places of natural folds. The condition does not carry a potential threat to the life of the baby, but there may be complications if the care is wrong.
Statistics of sweating in the newborn indicate that it is more common in girls, which is difficult to explain by objective reasons. In the summer, pathology is more likely because of external conditions. The frequency of complications is about 1 percent of all cases, which indicates the safety of this pathology. But speaking about the statistics of general prevalence, it should be noted that every third child has a similar problem.
Causes of the sweats of the newborn
Speaking about any diseases in newborn babies, you need to know that their body is special, so all the diseases they develop a little differently. This is due to the fact that the structure of the organs and tissues of the newborn's body differs from the adult. This also applies to the structure of the skin with its appendages. In the maternal tummy, the skin of the child and the glands are in amniotic fluid, therefore the structure and functioning of the skin and its appendages is different. Sweat and sebaceous glands are not fully developed due to lack of need for their function. Therefore, their active development and functioning takes place after the birth of the child. Speaking of the chicken, you need to understand that it is a pathology of sweat glands. Their work is regulated by the nerve endings of the skin. When the body temperature rises, there is a need for extra heat, which is what the sweat glands react to. But they have not so branched out structure, as at more senior age. They are just beginning to develop actively, and, being deep in the dermis, there may be a slight blockage of these glands. And the process of heat release through the glands continues, so they begin to clog even more with further inflammation. This is characterized by the concept of sweating. Therefore, one of the so called causes of sweating can be considered features of the structure of the skin of a newborn baby.
Risk factors
Risk factors for the development of sweating need to be considered for the prevention of such conditions. To such factors it is necessary to attribute first of all prematurity. In such children, the skin is very thin, and the glands are generally not developed, so any overheating can cause a puffiness with further complications. Also, the risk factors for the development of sweats are poor hygienic care for the baby's skin, the summer season, when the temperature of the external environment rises and sweating increases.
The pathogenesis of sweating with a greater propensity to this pathology of newborns is also associated with the peculiarities of heat regulation. The child of the first month of life has insufficient thermoregulation. This is due to the fact that the center of thermoregulation in the brain has an insufficient number of neural connections, therefore not all processes of heat regulation are perfect. Any overheating of the newborn due to the failure of the function of sweat glands can cause a disruption in their function. Bacteria that are on the surface of the skin of the newborn can get into the blocked sweat glands and cause a superficial inflammatory process. This is the basis for the development of sweating in children.
Speaking about the reasons for the sweating, one should note one of the frequent reasons - this excessive wrapping of the child. Often parents trying to prevent the cooling of the child zealous with his dressing, so the child sweats heavily. And in the presence of a warm blanket, the process of sweating is even more disrupted, and in places of natural folds or in places of contact with clothing, characteristic pimples form. It often happens that in the summer dressing a baby diaper also breaks the process of normal sweating. Therefore, the skin does not have the ability to "breathe", which increases the manifestation of violations of thermoregulation. In this place, the first signs of perspiration appear most often.
Symptoms of the sweats of the newborn
The first signs of sweating appear in a few hours after the child's potential overheating. What does a baby's sweat look like? Everything depends on the form of manifestation of pathology. Most often, children have a red sweating. Symptoms of it are characterized by the appearance on the skin of a child of a rash of different localization. This rash is bright red and spreads over large areas of the skin. The size of this rash is small about two millimeters, so on the skin it looks like small red dots. The general background of the skin and its color is not changed, so the red dots on the white skin of the baby are important for differential diagnosis.
There is another type of sweating in the newborn - crystalline. This type is less common. Elements of the rash are slightly different and have the appearance of small white or transparent dots. They have a characteristic localization, but their appearance should not exclude the possibility of sweating.
Localization of sweets according to classical ideas is a place of natural folds, where the skin of the baby lends itself to friction with clothes. But it is not always the case. After all the child sweats completely, and also on other sites. Inflammation of the newborn on the face is also often a problem. Then, sweating often appears on the cheeks, which often indicates a child's tendency to exudative phenomena. Such a chicken can be easily noticed, but in terms of differential diagnosis there can be many questions.
Sweating in the newborn on the neck is very common, because the neck of the child is small and up to two months the child does not hold the head. Therefore, movements in this area are limited, and skin folds, especially in chubby babies, are very dense. This is a risk factor for increased sweating in this area. And although the baby's clothes do not promote compression in this place, but nevertheless, the skin here is very thin and easily irritable.
Naturally, sweating is most often localized in places of closest contact with clothing. Still need to take into account the fact that the newborn baby is constantly lying, and if the handles he moves more actively, the legs of his movements are slightly limited. This can be an additional factor of violations of the circulatory processes and skin nutrition. Therefore, sweating on the pope in newborns and in the groin occurs most often. This place is also more often subjected to additional influence due to the constant use of diapers. In the twenty-first century, the use of diapers is very common, which allows parents to almost carelessly raise babies. But do not just think about your own comfort, you also need to remember about the baby. The structure of the diaper is such that the absorbent layer passes the liquid and accumulates it, not allowing air to pass through. And thus creates a vacuum effect, in which the baby's skin is constantly and does not breathe at all. This plays a huge role, as the process of normal metabolic processes in the skin, lymph drainage and circulation is disturbed. Therefore, it is in these areas of diaper friction and the violation of normal skin breathing that there are elements of sweating.
Inflammation in the underarms of a newborn can also be, since the largest number of sweat glands is concentrated in this place. Although the newborn sweat glands in this place are not fully developed, but excessive overheating of the child can cause a puff at this place because of additional compression by clothing.
The most important in the clinic of sweating in newborn babies is that this is not a serious disease. The manifestations of sweating on the skin are not accompanied by any other symptoms or a violation of the general condition of the child. In the normal course of the disease, there is no rise in body temperature, the baby eats well and is active. The appearance of any signs of a violation of the state may indicate the appearance of complications.
Thus, the symptoms of sweating in a newborn are characterized only by cutaneous manifestations, which can be localized in different places. The appearance of other symptoms may indicate another pathology and it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.
Complications and consequences
A severe sweating in a newborn who does not have adequate care and treatment can have very serious consequences. The most frequent complication is an infected sweating. This is due to improper care when there is maceration of the affected skin and defects can form. This can lead to infection of the elements of the rash with the formation of inflammatory fluid in them and the development of sweating pus with pustules. This requires a different approach to treatment, so it is important to begin timely prevention of complications. With deeper skin defects, microorganisms rapidly spread into the interior and from there already infect tissues. This leads to a pronounced and rapid inflammatory reaction of the entire skin, which threatens the sepsis of the newborn. The expressed inflammatory reaction entails intoxication and the rapid development of toxic shock. This is the most serious complication, given that the skin of a child with improper care can be a serious source of infection.
How much does the sweating take place in the newborn? In normal conditions and with good care of the child after a week, only single elements should remain. If after two weeks the sweating does not go away, you should already think about complications, or about improper care for the baby.
Diagnostics of the sweats of the newborn
The principles of diagnosis of any pathology in a newborn should be based on the concept of the least intervention in the child's body. In the case of sweating, all symptoms are visible on the skin, and an experienced doctor can accurately establish the diagnosis. Therefore, it is important when you have any symptoms to contact a doctor who can not only accurately establish a diagnosis, but also talk about treatment.
The characteristic type of rash and localization in the area of skin folds in case of rickety can lead to the thought of precisely this pathology. An important diagnostic feature is the normal state of the child without general disorders of the condition. Any increase in the body temperature of a child or refusal to eat can indicate either the appearance of complications or another pathology.
Any analysis in case of a chicken is not necessary to routinely hand over, because they are not informative. Only with the appearance of complications in the form of infection of the elements of the rash, changes in the analyzes are possible. Even then, there is a need for blood analysis to avoid inflammatory changes. Instrumental diagnosis is also inappropriate, since there is no reason to conduct it.
Differential diagnosis
It is very important to carry out differential diagnosis, since sweating can be on the child's cheeks. Then there is the possibility that it can be an allergic rash, since it is the allergy in newborns that appears on the cheeks for the first time. When breastfeeding the baby, it is very important how the mother eats. Therefore, if the mother ate something, then there may be allergic manifestations on the cheeks. This is manifested by the appearance on the cheeks of a rash of a similar red color. It looks like a rash when it is chapped, but the elements can be of different sizes and accompanied by dry skin. How to distinguish allergy from sweating in a newborn?
An allergy besides skin flaking is accompanied by severe itching, so the child will try to touch the cheeks in addition and this can cause him anxiety. On examination, you can see that the allergic rash is uneven against the background of dry skin and it disappears when pressed. It is also possible to consider the issue of diathesis in terms of differential diagnosis. To date, the concept of "diathesis" is no longer there. But the general concepts that are contained in this term are not so outdated. The concept of diathesis is the appearance in a child of changes on the skin that characterize the appearance of wetting elements. These elements can merge and then we are talking about diaper rash. Diathesis or sweating in newborns have a difference precisely in the nature of the rashes. When diathesis the child is more inclined to the formation of blisters, he is paratrofic and prone to frequent diaper rash. A simple sweating can also be of such a child, then she has a great propensity to exudate. Therefore, approaches to the treatment of such a child are different. This is important to remember at the stage of preliminary diagnosis and collection of anamnestic data.
It is also necessary to conduct differential diagnostics between the chalk and diaper rash of the skin, especially if the localization of the process in places of natural folds. Sweating is the process of the appearance of only small pimples that do not get wet and do not tend to merge. Fatigue often occurs in the groin of the child with improper care and untimely change of diapers. They are characterized by bright red skin, which is moist to the touch and with the appearance of elements of a rash filled with liquid. Such elements can merge and form erosion, which is an additional source of infection. This violates the state of the child, which is not typical for simple sweating.
It is very important for parents to have an understanding of differential diagnosis of sweating, which does not pose a serious threat to the baby, and between other staphylococcal skin infections.
Vesiculopustulosis is an infectious lesion of the skin, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of the buttocks, thighs and in the places of natural folds of the bubbles with liquid of a white or murky color. This is a serious infectious lesion of the skin that threatens the baby's life, so if the mother sees such symptoms, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, not relying on the fact that it is a sweating.
In any case, the newborn should be examined by a doctor who will accurately establish the diagnosis and determine the need for other diagnostic and therapeutic measures.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the sweats of the newborn
Given the fact that sweating is a pathology of the skin due to the peculiarities of child care and its overheating, the skin care regime of the baby is very important in the treatment. Proper hygiene measures are half the success in the treatment of sweating and 100% prevention of complications. Therefore, mothers should know how to bathe a child and take care of him after and during bathing.
First, the temperature regime in the newborn's room and humidity are very important, because overheating is the main factor in the development of sweating. The temperature in the room where the child sleeps and is to be within 20-22 degrees, and the humidity is 40-60. This is the optimal temperature for normal sweating. In a room a child can not be more than in two layers of clothing, that is, it can be a ham and a blouse. There is no need to additionally dress the child at a constant body temperature. In addition to the temperature regime, it is necessary to organize the ventilation of the room. For this, the child must necessarily be taken out of the room for fifteen minutes and open the window. This is enough to ventilate the room and not to cool the air. This is important for the normal "breathing" of the skin and the restoration of metabolic processes in the body.
The regime of changing diapers is very important in the treatment of sweating. Even in the event of symptoms in the groin or on the buttocks, you need to stop using diapers for a while. It is necessary to wash the baby after each bowel movement and change the sliders, giving up diapers to improve the healing of pimples.
An equally important element in the care of the baby's skin when he has sweets is right bathing. In this period it is important that the water for bathing is a temperature of 36-37 degrees, do not overheat the child or vice versa to cool. After bathing, you should carefully wipe the skin dry, without excessive friction in the area of manifestation of sweating. Use of various means after or during bathing should be discussed with the doctor. Do not immediately after bathing swaddling tight baby or to wear warm clothes, you need to wait until the child cools after bathing and only after a few minutes dress it up the usual things. The child after bathing does not require additional dressing, since it can cause sweating.
It should be remembered that the temperature regime of the baby differs little from adults, and in the case of walking on the street the child needs to wear one blouse more than an adult. This prevents overheating and the child does not sweat, which causes not only the appearance of sweating in the future, but also causes cooling after such overheating.
Drugs that are used in the treatment of sweating need to be topical, as there are no systemic changes in the child's body. Ointments used in a newborn's sweat are used most often, since they contribute to the drying effect and prevent the proliferation of pathological microorganisms. There are many creams and ointments for children, intended for the treatment of sweating.
- Bepanten is a cream that contains panthenol and chlorhexedine. This formulation has not only healing effect, but also antibacterial. Chlorghexidine is an active antiseptic that has efficacy against staphylococci. These bacteria are the most frequent causative agent of cutaneous infectious inflammation of the newborn, so the use of the drug prevents complications of sweating and activation of pathogenic flora. Panthenol when exposed to the skin releases pantothenic acid, which, when activated, acts as a vitamin and restores the structure of damaged skin cells. This helps to normalize the metabolism in the cells of the epidermis and gradually the rash regresses by restoring the cell membranes. Method of application - on the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer you need to spread the cream. Dosage should not exceed five grams per day. Side effects can be in the form of blistering or with a larger area of use - respiratory or cardiovascular disorders.
- Chlorophyllipt is a substance that is a natural antiseptic. It is especially effective against staphylococci, which are insensitive to antibiotics. Therefore, the use of this drug in newborns is not recommended, as a means of starting therapy. It is better to use it in complicated cases and the risk of infection. It is very important that the solution has a significant alcohol content, therefore it is better to use tablets in newborns, dissolving them in boiled water. In addition to the antiseptic effect, the drug dries the skin, so it must be used with caution for the treatment of newborns. The method of application of the drug is external, but a large number can not be used because of the risk of burns due to the alcohol content. Before using the drug, it is recommended to have an allergic test on uninfected areas of the skin. Side effects other than allergies may manifest minor burns.
- Sudokrem is a local skin care product that can be used to treat sweats and prevent infection. The composition of the drug includes paraffin, zinc oxide, oils and acids. Such a composition promotes the healing of the rash during maceration and external compression by clothing. Due to the content of zinc oxide, the drug dries out the skin and forms a waterproof film that protects all layers of the skin from further damage and the effect of overheating. The way of using the drug - it is necessary to apply a thin layer, so that the film does not contribute to a strong overdrying of the skin. Dosage - recommended in the morning once a day. Precautions - Avoid contact with mucous membranes.
- Zinc ointment when sweating at a newborn can also be used, especially in the period of pronounced exudation or in a child with diathesis. It has the properties to reduce exudation by reducing the amount of fluid in the cells and interstitium. This helps to dry the skin without significant constriction of the pores, so the skin can still breathe. In the same way, zinc also affects bacterial cells, depriving them of water. Therefore, the ointment has an antiseptic effect, which helps prevent complications. The way of applying the ointment - you need to lubricate the areas with a rash small thin film. Given that the ointment has a very dense consistency, you need to use it only once a day, mainly in areas with the most pronounced exudative component. Side effects can be in the form of a feeling of tightening the skin and dryness, which can manifest itself by its peeling.
- D Panthenol is a remedy in the form of an ointment, which is widely used for the initial manifestations of sweating in newborns. The main active substance of the drug when activated directly on the skin is pantothenic acid. This acid helps normalize the water balance in the cell and improves regeneration processes. Method of application is external. The drug is applied to the skin and waiting until it is absorbed, then you can put light clothing on your baby. Any skin care products should be applied after evening bathing, skin cleansing. Precautions - you need to monitor the condition on the skin for the possibility of allergic reactions.
- Baneocin is a remedy for external application in the form of an ointment, which includes antibacterial drugs bacitracin and neomycin. These are antibiotics that are most active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative flora. Given the fact that both drugs are antibiotics, their use for newborns is clearly limited. You can use the remedy only if there is an infection that complicates the course of sweating. The drug should be used twice a day. Dosage should not exceed more than one gram of ointment for a newborn at a time. Side effects can be in the form of local irritation, because the child's skin is rather thin, then you need to cancel the drug. Given the absorption in the bloodstream, although it is minimal, there may be dyspepsia in the child.
Fenistil is not used in the case of a newborn baby because it has anti-allergic properties. It is possible to use this gel only in case of a confirmed allergy according to the doctor's prescription.
Furacilin in the case of a newborn's cotton can also be used very widely. It is a drug from the group of aniline dyes, which has antiseptic properties and can be used to treat sweating as starting therapy. You can use a solution to lubricate the affected areas, but not more than five percent of the child's body. There is no need to use several times a day, it is enough just once for effective treatment.
Powder when a newborn baby is sweated is used very often, especially if there is a need for frequent use before applying diapers. Use of powder reduces the rashes and sweating, which contributes to a faster recovery. In the future, the use of powder is possible and for preventive purposes daily.
Vitamins can be used by the mother while breastfeeding the baby. The best source of vitamins and the greatest benefit for a newborn baby is rational nutrition with enough vitamins in food. This improves the general condition of the child and normalizes the metabolic processes of the skin.
Physiotherapy in newborn babies is not used.
Alternative sweating treatment
Alternative methods of treatment consist mainly in the use of different means when bathing a child or infusions for rubbing the skin.
- When bathing a good effect gives the addition of potassium permanganate in water. It has antiseptic effect and prevents reproduction of pathogenic flora. For a weak solution per liter of water, take one gram of the powder and dilute, then add this solution to the bathing water. The vodka should have a slightly noticeable pink tinge. It must be remembered that such water should not fall on the mucous membranes and in the eyes.
- The use of string and chamomile in case of a newborn's cottoning has a very positive effect, since these herbs are able to normalize the function of the epidermis, to improve the protective barrier of the skin. They have an antiseptic effect and improve the trophism of the epidermis, which contribute to a better cleansing and activation of local immune forces. To use, you need to make a baby bath of these herbs for the baby. To do this, you need to boil the water for bathing and separately steam the herbs in the amount of two packets of each herb into five liters of bathing water. In such a herbal infusion, you can add more and bark of oak.
- Sites of skin on which the sweating has appeared can be lubricated with a solution of aloe. To do this, squeeze the juice from the leaf of aloe and dilute it half with boiled water. Lubricate affected areas can be two to three times a day. Aloe, due to its antiseptic and wound healing effect, eliminates symptoms after several days of application.
The use of herbs in the treatment of sweating is possible in the form of infusions, which can wash the child with a swab in the groin or on the glutes, or you can lubricate such infusions with infested areas of the skin.
- The bay leaf from sweating in a newborn can be used as an antiseptic. To do this, take three laurel leaves and soak in a liter of water. Use an infusion for bathing or washing the baby, avoiding facial skin, as a sharp smell can cause refusal of the game.
- Broth from the herb St. John's wort and plantain has a high antiseptic activity. This infusion has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps to dry the skin with its reddening and exudation. For broth you need to take 20 grams of each herb and make an infusion. You can lubricate open areas of the body several times a day.
- Mom can take tea from the herb yarrow, which improves metabolism and normalizes the trophic processes of the skin. With milk, the effect of grass can also be in a baby in the form of antiseptic and trophic influence. For tea, you need to use five grams of grass for two hundred milliliters of boiled water. Take tea twice a day.
Homeopathy in the treatment of sweating can be used in children in the acute period, and later for prevention in children with inclinations to such reactions.
- Antimonium crudum is an organic homeopathic preparation, which includes herbs. Used to treat sweating in children who are prone to skin problems from birth in the form of erythema or protracted jaundice. Method of oral administration in the form of grains for mum. Dosage - one pellet five times a day. Dilution is recommended to apply no more than one to six. Side effects are possible in the form of increased salivation and nausea.
- Dulcamara is a homeopathic remedy of natural plant origin, which is recommended for use only for newborns born to mothers with hormonal disorders. This plant is mainly a systemic means for normalizing the level of metabolism and the treatment of sweating on the background of manifestations of the sexual crisis in the child. The way of using the drug is for the mother in the form of drops, dissolving them in pure water. Dosage - three drops per fifty grams of water. Side effects can be in the form of increased pressure, tachycardia, insomnia. Often there are disorders of stool in the form of diarrhea. Precautions - should not be used if there is an allergy in the family to honey.
- Apis malaifika is a homeopathic remedy of natural plant origin. The drug can be used in the treatment of sweating, which is protracted, but uncomplicated with pronounced bright red pimples. Especially effective is the preparation in the treatment of sweating in the sixth dilution. The method of using the drug is the use of a homeopathic solution in ampoules, dissolving them in pure water. Dosage - five drops per glass of water for the mother, and for the baby one drop should be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water, then you need to wipe the face and areas with the localization of the rashes. Side effects can be in the form of insomnia in the mother or disorder of stool with diarrhea in the child.
- Urtica Urens is a herbal homeopathic preparation based on nettle. The drug is very effective in children with cholera, which is accompanied by red rashes, which tend to merge, as well as a weighed allergic anamnesis in the family. Method of oral administration in the form of grains for mum. Dosage - one pellet twice a day. Side effects are possible in the form of increased salivation and nausea. Precautions - do not use in combination with honey.
Any alternative treatment for sweating can be used only after consultation with the doctor, which will ensure maximum safety of the child and not cause harm to such treatment.
Prevention of sweating is very simple and effective. For the normal process of heat exchange, the correct temperature regime in the child's room, skin care, daily bathing and frequent dressing of the baby, if necessary, is very important. Do not overheat the child, because this is the main factor in the development of sweating.
The prognosis is favorable in case of a chill, because the disease is non-infectious and simple methods of proper care can achieve complete recovery very quickly.
Inflammation in a newborn is more frequent than any other childhood problem. Pathology occurs against the background of overheating of the baby's skin due to imperfect thermoregulation processes, and under normal course it is easy to treat. But the proper care of the child is the main element of preventing such pathology.