What vitamins are needed for a man for heart health?
Last reviewed: 20.10.2021
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According to statistics, the male mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the world exceeds all other types of dangers associated with diseases. What vitamins can support heart health and is it possible?
Vitamin C is the chief male assistant
This vitamin is the leader in the fight against aging. It helps to neutralize free radicals - agents from outside, which prevent a man from living, working and resting normally. Free radicals are the main enemies, because of which the cardiovascular system starts to act up.
Vitamin C helps to increase the strength of the walls of blood vessels, strengthen immunity, due to which the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases significantly. If a man takes vitamin C, it will protect him from the bad consequences of smoking.
After all, during smoking vitamins, a depleted body requires much more - almost 2 times.
Vitamin C also increases the ability to withstand stress, it is a vitamin of vivacity and youth.
A man who consumes vitamin C in sufficient quantity, heals wounds and cracks faster.
Where to get vitamin C from a man?
Excellent sources of vitamin C - fresh tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, green onions, cabbage, black and red currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi. Vitamin C is extremely rapidly destroyed in products during storage and heat treatment. Therefore, they should be consumed fresh and stored for long.
It is important not to overdose on vitamin C, because it can cause a man to have an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, weakness, disruption of the kidneys.
Vitamin E in the diet of men
It is a very important vitamin for men's health and, in particular, for a good work of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to vitamin E, the state of the vessels is greatly improved. Their walls are consolidated. Increases elasticity and strength.
Vitamin E helps to lower cholesterol levels, prevents blood clots in the blood vessels, strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin E is also good in that it helps to strengthen male sexual functions. And this, as you know, is the first and main stimulus for the psychological, and therefore, heart, health of a man.
What is the shortage of vitamin E for men?
Because of the deficiency of this vitamin, a man can suffer from sexual insufficiency. And more - cause allergies, violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension.
That's why vitamin E should be enough in the diet. This vitamin in excess contain different oils - soybean, corn, olive, sunflower.
If you put these oils in salads, you will simultaneously supplement your diet with vitamin E.
Still need to eat nuts, seeds, unprocessed cereals, sprouted wheat. There's a whole pantry of vitamin E.
Vitamin N
This is one of the rare vitamins that helps to normalize the metabolism, in particular, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. If a man will allow himself to drink excess, then vitamin N contributes to a quicker recovery after alcohol poisoning. It promotes more active work of the liver.
Vitamin N has another very important and important role. It helps to improve vision, protects the thyroid from unwanted effects. And he helps the patient to cope with his work, helping to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Where to take vitamin N?
Its main sources are brown rice, cabbage, milk, green salads, spinach, liver, pork and beef, as well as mushrooms and beans.
Rejoice in a high-grade vitamin ration and be sure to consult your doctor, men. And let your heart always be normal.