What is the risk of an overdose of vitamins?
Last reviewed: 20.10.2021
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If you are too carried away by vitamins and take them constantly, do not forget about the possibility of an overdose. Than it is fraught and whether it is possible to accept vitamins longer put?
Overdose of vitamins: harm or benefit?
If smokers, in order to reduce the harm from smoking, are fond of taking carotenoids for a long time, they can develop lung cancer. This suggests that overdoses of even the most useful substances are unacceptable.
If you take in large doses or for too long folic acid, you may have skin irritation.
If you overdo with the intake of vitamin E, you risk increasing blood pressure and developing hypertension.
In order not to cause harm to one's own health, it is very important to take vitamins in doses recommended by a doctor, and not longer than the time that he appointed.
More about the dangers of overdoses
First we need to find out the question: are there any overdoses of vitamins? Many people believe that the more taking vitamins, the better for the body. In fact, this is completely wrong. The body's response to an overdose of vitamins is called hypervitaminosis.
The consequences are deplorable: internal systems and human organs refuse to work. And with an overdose of vitamins, the body can not cope with their overabundance. Only some of the substances it can release with the products of decay. The remaining excess doses of vitamins remain and they are disastrous.
Vitamin D and its excess
The work of the nervous system is broken, stones in the kidneys can form, the bones become loose and brittle. That's what happens with an overdose of vitamin D due to its long-term use or increased doses.
Vitamin E and its excess
Due to increased doses and long-term use of this vitamin can deny the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system is weak, the immune system becomes weak and vulnerable to infections. The person feels far from the best way: he is weak, his head is spinning, he can not work long.
Therefore, an overabundance of vitamin E can not be allowed in any case.
Vitamin A and its overabundance
This situation threatens the state of increased fatigue, even nausea. A person is troubled by headaches, blood clotting is disturbed, pressure jumps, skin and whites of the eyes can turn yellow.
This is especially dangerous for pregnant and elderly people, and also for children. They should be especially careful in choosing a menu where they can contain large doses of vitamin A. These are foods like carrots, sour cream, cream, liver - pork and beef, as well as parsley, egg yolk.
Vitamin C and its excess
If you overdo it with this vitamin and its long-term use, the following complications may occur. Of course, this vitamin can be excreted from the body with urine and sweat, but this is also dangerous. During this process, oxalic acid is formed in the body, and this is dangerous for the kidneys (stones and sand can form in them).
Since vitamin C increases the time of blood clotting, it can cause bleeding, especially it is dangerous for pregnant women.
Increased doses of vitamin C - this every day, an all the lower absorption of glucose, which can cause the risk of developing false diabetes. And, of course, an excess of vitamin C is the risk of developing anemia (the gradual destruction of red blood cells due to the action of acid).
Read more about vitamins and take from them all the most useful, and not harmful. And be healthy!