What do metabolism tests mean and how to lose weight with their help?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Once you have done the hormone assays, you will be able to determine exactly whether they are within normal limits. If the hormone level reaches the upper or lower limit of the norm, you should consult a doctor for additional tests - this can be a sign of serious illness.
Analysis for glucose
Her blood level will be determined on an empty stomach (after meal should pass at least 12 hours). The rate of glucose in the blood is 70-100 units.
The level below the norm is up to 60-70 mg / dl. The glucose level of the order of 100-110 units can mean that the body is not all right.
The level of glucose should be of 110-125 units, it is a possible intolerance of the organism to glucose, as well as the risk of developing diabetes.
If the glucose level is 110-125 units, this may indicate a risk of developing diabetes at an early stage, which continues to worsen.
When is it necessary to check the blood glucose level?
Every 2 or 3 years after the age of 20. The analysis must be performed on an empty stomach.
If you have a hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus, the test for glucose levels should be checked every year, or even better - every six months.
How to determine the predisposition to diabetes?
If you suffered from diabetes close relatives
If you are overweight, which is increasing
If during the last year you recovered more than 44 kg
If you have a waist size exceeding 84 cm
If your waist is enlarged and belly fat grows
If you just have an incredible craving for sweets: cakes, cakes, sweets, halva, which is often repeated
If you have frequent thirst
Analysis for insulin
The level of this substance in the blood also needs to be measured on an empty stomach. In the body, in addition to high or low glucose levels, the body's immunity to insulin may develop. It is termed insulin resistance.
This disease is more common in women with an age threshold after 40 years. If the organism is insensitive to insulin, you can no longer control your weight. Do not help even diet and sports.
You should know that insulin is normal - this level is 6-25 units (denoted as me / ml). This is for tests performed on an empty stomach.
The level of insulin, measured after 2 hours after eating, is 6-35 units.
If you have a lower or upper insulin threshold in the body - ask for additional tests.
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Analysis for hemoglobin A1C
This substance is the same glucose that has transformed into hemoglobin. It is a substance that helps oxygenate the blood cells.
The hemoglobin test is good to determine if a person has been elevated in glucose over the past 90 days.
The level of hemoglobin is reduced to 6 units if glucose was (and is) normal. The test is very accurate, so you need to hold it.
In a person who has diabetes, the level of hemoglobin will help to reveal his early stage of development.
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Cholesterol assay
An analysis of this hormone will help determine if a person has a risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The test for the level of this hormone is carried out necessarily on an empty stomach. It needs to be backed up:
- analysis of HDL
- Triglyceride levels
- tests for total cholesterol levels
These tests should be done at intervals of 2-3 years, and after 35 years and more often - 1-2 times a year.
With this frequency it is necessary to carry out this test, when the person has the following symptoms.
- Significant weight gain
- Weakness and fatigue
- Frequent use of medications, especially hormones
- Frequent diseases, as a result of which you started taking new drugs that have the property of increasing the level of cholesterol
- The time of menopause, during which the doctor prescribed estrogen for you
- Admission of estrogens for some other reason
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Any diseases of the thyroid gland
- A large number of hormones triglycerides
- A man smokes a lot
- A person abusing alcohol (more than 2 glasses of wine per day)
- A person drinks steroids (even if doing sports)
- A person has a high level of stress, or these stresses are very frequent and prolonged
- In humans, chronic diseases of internal organs
How does insulin react to glucose levels? (analysis)
This analysis will accurately show you whether you have immunity to insulin and, as a consequence, the initial stage of diabetes mellitus.
This analysis must necessarily be done by women aged 35-40 years. Especially for those who can not control their weight and constantly recovering.
Analyzes for electrolytes (chloride, potassium, sodium)
These analyzes are done separately. With their help, doctors learn how great the concentration in the blood of salts. And also to test the power of the internal organs - in particular, the kidneys, the adrenal glands.
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Analyzes for the level of sodium
The sodium concentration of 133-134 units is considered the lower limit of the norm. At the same time the potassium level can be increased - about 5.5 units. If the figures are not lower than these figures, then in the body everything is in order.
Sodium is salt. That is, through these tests you will know what the level of salts in the blood. When you eat salty foods (fish, chips, crackers), the sodium level in the blood rises. To reduce it and remove salt from the body, you need to drink water. True, it can increase puffiness.
In addition, people who drink a lot of fluids can have high blood pressure.
This means that the fluid norm per day should be optimal - no more than 1.5 liters. And, of course, you need to lower the level of salts, so as not to aggravate the health of hypertensive seizures.
When salts are removed from the body with the help of urine, the pressure comes back to normal or decreases, which is also important.
Analyzes for the level of potassium
If the potassium in the body is more or less than normal, your heart may start intermittent. Heart rhythms become more frequent, uneven. Elevated levels of potassium can be due to improper nutrition (eg, people eat too much potatoes).
Potassium can accumulate in the body also because of the drugs containing it. If you take such drugs, be sure to check the potassium level at least 2 times a year to avoid serious health consequences.
The level of potassium in the body is able to decrease if you take medications with cortisol - they help to reduce the production and accumulation of potassium. Low potassium levels can be a signal that adrenaline receptors are not working well.
Analyzes for magnesium, calcium and phosphates (inorganic)
These substances are minerals. They help to work correctly and evenly to all systems of the body. It has the property of mechanically regulating the level of all these substances (in a healthy state).
Magnesium, phosphate and calcium help good blood flow work, they are important for the nervous system and muscle health, as well as for heart function and blood pressure normalization.
These substances also play an important role in the transfer of genetic information, as well as provide strength and growth of bones, enhance metabolism.
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Analysis for calcium levels
The level of calcium in your blood will not show you how strong your bone is. In other words, it will not be an analysis on osteoporosis.
Analysis for the level of calcium will show its concentration in the blood. If calcium is not enough in the body, or if it is lost due to the fact that the level of estrogen is significantly reduced, the body takes calcium from the bone tissue to provide blood to the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart and other vital organs.
During menopause, a woman lacks the hormone estradiol. This means that calcium in the blood is probably less than normal. In addition, it is excreted from the body with urine.
And even if you start taking calcium in pills, as an additional element, you need estradiol, otherwise the calcium reserves will be constantly lost. Estradiol is needed for calcium to be transported to the bone.
If estradiol in the body is not enough, and calcium in the urine is more than normal, a woman risks the formation of kidney stones. Especially it concerns women after 40-а, at which many functions of an organism are considerably lowered.
At elevated rates of calcium in the blood, a person must necessarily prescribe tests for other substances that are responsible for the work of internal organs.
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What does elevated calcium in the blood?
- Excessive enthusiasm for vitamin D
- The use of drugs for diabetics, primarily with lithium in the composition
- Osteoporosis
- Myeloma
- Hyperthyroidism
- Leukemia
- Cancer (metastases are possible)
- And other serious deviations
If the calcium in the body is less than normal
So, you have a lower level of vitamin D. Calcium loss can also contribute to poor absorption of nutrients due to bowel disturbances, kidney malfunction, liver problems, immune disorders.
If you find a lack of calcium in the body, you should undergo additional tests on the recommendation of a doctor.
What does low magnesium mean?
This is due to a bad menu, in which there is a lack of useful substances. This is exacerbated by abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, excessive alcohol consumption, immune system diseases, diuretics, kidney or liver diseases. During lactation (breast-feeding), a woman also loses magnesium.
What does elevated magnesium mean?
This happens with too frequent and abundant use of additives containing magnesium. The raised level of magnesium doctors observe also at diseases of kidneys, a liver, adrenals.
Both high and low magnesium cause a risk of weight gain, and it is very difficult to control it.
Analysis for inorganic phosphates
If you have a low level of phosphate - this condition occurs in the abuse of alcohol and tobacco. The level of phosphates is also reduced due to diabetes, abuse of anabolic during exercise, increased amount of testosterone in the body (it has the property of suppressing the level of phosphates).
Reduced amounts of phosphate are also if the body has an elevated level of DHEA hormone. Diuretics and psychotropic drugs also have the property of reducing the level of phosphate in the body.
Insufficient amount of vitamin D is also a risk factor for phosphates.
Increased phosphate levels
It is observed with the abuse of vitamin D (both in its pure form, there and by what is produced under ultraviolet action, so do not abuse sunbeds and tanning on the beach).
The level of phosphate can also increase with diseases of the bone system.
If you find yourself experiencing such symptoms as sudden weight jumps, it's hard for you to control it, it's hard to beat your appetite, and you do not feel well-go for the hormones we described above. This will give you the opportunity to start treatment on time and defeat the diseases in their initial stage. In particular, obesity.