How to pump the press at home?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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How to pump the press at home, depends, first of all, on the regularity of training. In addition, classes at home should be effective and be accompanied by a balanced diet, on which success also depends on achieving a beautiful press.
Advantages of conducting classes at home:
- absence of money costs for classes in the gym,
- saving time on travel to the sports complex and back,
- the possibility of self-selection of time and duration of training,
- nobody distracts from classes, in comparison with group trainings.
Exercises for the press a lot, you need to choose those who like, and engage with pleasure. For rocking the press at home, it would be good to have a rug, a bench for rocking the press and dumbbells. The success of the classes will depend on the organization, self-discipline and focus on results.
Swing press at home
Swinging the press at home should be done in a relaxed environment and effectively in accordance with certain rules to avoid pain in the back, neck or waist.
Classes should be held in a well-ventilated room and continue with an open window, because during the training of the body, namely for the cardiovascular system, oxygen is additionally required. Otherwise, such training will not be of use.
- Training is best done in an hour or two hours after eating, so that she has a little time to digest.
- Before the training, an insignificant warm-up is required to prepare the muscles for the exercises.
- Exercises should be performed smoothly and rhythmically, without jerking.
- The load on the muscles should increase gradually, daily. You do not need to do 100 exercises on the first day, you need to start small.
- Muscles of the press are quickly restored, in comparison with other muscles of the body, which need rest for two to three minutes. And the muscles of the press do not need as much time between approaches.
- Classes that are held in the supine position should be on a hard surface - a sofa or a bed will not work. You can lay a mat on the floor to make it easier to swing the press.
- Training should be regular, daily. If you can not do exercises for the press daily, then you need to try to perform them every other day.
- Exercises will be more effective if you correctly bend your legs and body, namely - at the right angle - from 17 to 75 - for the body and 40 degrees - for the lower extremities. Stronger bends will increase the risk of injury.
- When doing exercises, the head should not be pulled by hands, since it is bad for the neck. During the exercise, the fingers should be slightly held up by the neck, and the distance between the chest and the chin should be no less than the palm of your hand.
- After completing the exercises, it is advisable not to eat for several hours, you can drink water.
To properly pump the press you need to imagine how his muscles are tripled. Muscles of the press are subdivided into straight and oblique, for each of them there are certain exercises. It is better to build classes so that the load is first on the lower press, then on the oblique muscles and ultimately on the upper press. For the lower press, various exercises with lifts of the legs, for oblique muscles - twisting, for the upper press - various lifting of the body will do.
Press program at home
The program of the press at home consists of proper nutrition and exercises on the lower and upper press. Proper nutrition is sixty percent of success and consists in the following:
- The diet should include a significant amount of protein, about half - low-fat meat, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, eggs, fish, etc.
- Carbohydrates in the diet should be complex and used in the morning or after exercise. To such carbohydrates carry - porridges, macaroni, vegetables and fruit. Simple carbohydrates in the form of white bread, sugar, sweets, potatoes, etc. Use is necessary in small amounts and preferably, also after training.
- Fats should be consumed in the form of various oils, mainly vegetable or nuts.
- The diet should comply with the appropriate drinking regime - drinking water at least two liters per day.
- The intake of food should be divided, in small portions, five or six times a day.
- It is desirable to consume the bulk of carbohydrates in the first part of the day and partly after exercise.
Thus, the diet for a beautiful lower press should include (of course, the percentage may vary ± 10%):
- 50% protein,
- 30% of carbohydrates,
- 20% of fats.
Ideally, it is recommended to use from one and a half to two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight of a person and two grams of carbohydrates.
Before you start the main part of the workout, namely, to perform exercises on the lower and upper press, you need to prepare the body for physical exertion and warm up the muscles.
- Running for three to five minutes (you can in place).
- Torso bends forward and backward.
- Torso rotation.
- Do the exercise - the bike for thirty to sixty seconds.
After the initial part of the training is done and the body is ready for work, you can proceed to the main exercises for the lower and upper press, which are presented below.
Lower press at home
Lower press at home to pump is not difficult, if along with the exercises to comply with the regime of proper nutrition. If you do not follow the diet, the lower press will not be visible under the fat layer, even with daily exercises for the lower press. Therefore, the formula of a beautiful lower press is proper nutrition and regular training.
To pump the bottom press at home, you should perform the following exercises:
Back torsion
It is the main and most effective exercise, during which the lower press is most involved.
To perform this exercise, you need to lie on a flat horizontal surface, hands should be placed along the trunk with the palms facing down. After that, it is necessary to raise the lower extremities upwards, so that they are located perpendicular to the body. Then you need to lift the pelvis and stretch your legs, not bending them, to your chest. After that, the lower limbs are returned back to the perpendicular to the body position. Taz, it is desirable to lift with the help of a press.
Such an exercise can be performed with bent legs, knees, as if folding. During the exercise, you need to strain the press.
Back torsions are performed ten to twenty times, two or three approaches.
Lifting the lower limbs from the prone position
No less popular and effective in achieving results. To do this, it is necessary to lie on a firm horizontal surface, hands placed parallel to the body or behind the head. Then you need to raise your legs perpendicular to the body and lower them, but not to the end. For beginners, such an exercise is desirable to do with knees bent at the knees to avoid a heavy load on the lumbar region.
Raising the lower limbs from the prone position is performed ten to twenty times, in two - three approaches.
Exercise is a bicycle
You need to sit in a horizontal position, place your hands behind your head, crossing your fingers. Then you need to take turns to drag the left elbow to the right knee and vice versa. In addition to performing the exercise, the free lower limb should be straightened and placed parallel to the floor. Carrying out such an exercise, not only the lower press, but the upper and also oblique abdominal muscles are well-pumped up.
The bike is run from ten to twenty times, in two - three approaches.
Exercise - Scissors
To perform it, you must take a horizontal position on the back, hands parallel to the body, palms down or under the waist area. Then you need to raise the lower limbs above the horizontal surface by ten centimeters and perform the flies in a horizontal plane, as if cutting with scissors. You do not need to lift the head.
You need to do this exercise quickly and in quantity that you can do. Approaches should be two to three.
Raising the lower limbs, hanging on the horizontal bar
To implement it you will need a horizontal bar. It is necessary to grasp the crossbar of the horizontal bar, raise the lower limbs bent at the knees, to reach the knees to the chest. Then hold your legs in this position for a few seconds and gently lower. Over time, you can complicate the task and pick up straight legs.
When doing this exercise, you should avoid swaying the trunk on the bar. The number of such exercises from 10 times in two - three approaches.
V-shaped twists
To fulfill them, you must take a horizontal position on the back, lower limbs slightly raise, and hands stretch over your head. Then you need to simultaneously lift the body and lower limbs, so that they touch their hands, and take the starting position. It is not necessary to hurry in this exercise, the main thing is to perform it qualitatively.
This exercise can be performed with knees bent at the knees. Number of twists - ten, for 3 - 4 approaches.
You can do all the exercises for the lower press, or choose a few that you like, and practice regularly.
In addition to proper nutrition and the above exercises, cardio training is also recommended to make the lower press more embossed. The main goal of cardio training is fat burning. It is necessary to perform such exercises very quickly with the correct execution of the technique.
Intense push-ups
It is necessary to take a position - lying down, wringing back and strongly pushing off the floor, so that your hands come off of it, then return to the original position. Over time, the task can be complicated by adding a clap of hands at the moment of taking your hands off the floor. The number of repetitions is fifteen and then proceed to the next exercise.
Exercise - Burr
For its execution, it is necessary to get on all fours so that the knees touch the chest, and the hands of the floor. After that, you need to sharply pull the lower limbs back to be in position - lying down. Then, with a quick movement of the legs, you must return to the original position - on all fours. Then strongly push off with his feet and jump up and smoothly return to the original position.
The number of repetitions is twenty and proceed to the next exercise.
Exercise - climber
It is necessary to take a position - lying down. It is necessary sharply to tighten the left leg to the left hand and to accept the initial position, and then on the contrary - sharply to tighten the right leg to the right arm and back.
Everything must be done quickly with a repetition of thirty times.
Jumping out
It is necessary to sit down, place your hands behind your head and make quick and intensive jumps up, with your hands always behind your head, so as not to make it easier.
Exercise repeat fifteen times.
Sumo squats
In the standing position, the back is straight, crouching and placing the upper limbs on the floor between the lower limbs. Then, with a sharp movement of the foot, we push backwards, so that we take a position - lying down, and we return to the standing position, doing the exercises in the reverse order. The number of repetitions is fifteen.
After completing five cardio exercises, you can rest until breathing is restored and repeat the circle of these five exercises three or four times. Such cardio workout should be done three to four times a week.
Top press at home
Upper press at home to swing preferably before meals and in the morning, so the muscles will be better to strengthen. To make the top press beautiful and pumped up, all exercises should be systematic and correct. Effective exercises for the upper press: •
Twisting with turns
To perform it, you need to sit on the floor, place your hands behind your head, and put your lower limbs on the bench, so that a right angle is formed. Then it is necessary to slowly curl to the right and slowly take the original position, and afterwards - vice versa, you need to curl to the left and back. The number of repetitions is five to ten times, in three to four approaches. When performing this exercise, it is not necessary to tear off the back from the floor, only the shoulder blades that make turns to the right and to the left should be torn off.
If after five to six repetitions burning sensation is felt in the muscles of the upper press, then the exercise is performed correctly. If the exercise is done with ease, you can complicate it by picking up a pancake with the appropriate weight - from two to five kilograms.
Straight twists
It is necessary to lie down against the wall and put your feet on the wall, so that your knees are bent at right angles, and your hands are placed behind your head. It is necessary to twist slowly forward, so that the back does not come off the floor, but only the scapula, and return to its original position. The number of repetitions from eight to twelve times, two to three approaches. You can complicate the exercise by taking a pancake with a certain weight under the chin (on the chest) or behind the head.
Such twisting can be done on a bench with a slope.
Exercise - a penknife
To perform it you need to sit on the floor and raise the lower and upper limbs, so that the knees touch the chest.
The number of repetitions is from ten to fifteen times, in two to three approaches.
Turns of lower limbs
It is necessary to lie on a horizontal surface and raise the lower limbs perpendicular to the floor. Then lower the legs straight, and then on the sides. But when performing the exercise, the legs should not touch the floor, the distance should remain from ten to twenty centimeters. The number of repetitions is from ten to fifteen, in two - three approaches. With the help of this exercise, you can pump not only the upper press, but also the bottom one.
Adequate exercise will be done for ten minutes a day, but in good faith and regularly, until a burning sensation appears in the abdominal muscles. Do not forget about a balanced diet, which, along with training, will bring the desired result closer.
Drying the press at home
Drying the press at home allows you to make the press more embossed. The process of drying can be difficult to tolerate, because on the background of high-powered exercise, carbohydrates are practically absent in the diet - the main fuel for the body. Hence the name - drying. Drying the press - is the most effective way to eliminate the subcutaneous fatty layer. To quickly eliminate the fatty layer in the abdomen, it is necessary to strengthen the local blood circulation, as a result of which the metabolism will accelerate, which will have a destructive effect on adipose tissue. And in order to increase blood circulation in the abdomen, it is necessary to pump the press, but according to certain rules and appropriate exercises.
- It is necessary to swing the press for forty minutes.
- The break between the approaches in the exercises should last for ten seconds.
- Exercises for the press should be of high amplitude and be performed as efficiently as possible.
For drying the press at home, the following exercises are suitable:
- Twisting on the bench.
- Back torsion.
- Slopes aside with dumbbells.
- Twisting the trunk in a vertical block (if there is such a simulator at home).
Dilution cardio exhalations will be very effective for drying the press, for example, jumping rope, they can be performed in turn with exercises for the press. But the duration of cardio exercises should be less than twice.
In parallel with physical exertion, a certain diet should be observed:
- Fats should not be used in the evening before bedtime, reduce the intake of carbohydrates or refuse them, especially from fast - ice cream, white bread, sweets, cookies, etc.
- Use of food should be regular, tk. With prolonged absence of it, a stress hormone, cortisol, is produced, under the influence of which the accumulation of fat begins.
- In the diet, food should be present - low-fat varieties of meat, cottage cheese, egg whites, fruits, vegetables and fish.
- Drink plenty of liquid (still water) - at least two liters in the knocking, because drying, is due to depriving the body of carbohydrates, rather than liquids. It is advisable to include green and ginger tea in your diet.
During the drying of the press, you need to remember that the loss of muscle mass is faster than fat, so the muscles need support in the form of strength exercises and cardio loads. Muscles - the main source of energy, the less of them, the faster the deposition of fat. From this it follows that the main purpose of drying is the elimination of adipose tissue and the preservation of muscle tissue.