Exercises from flat feet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Exercises from flat feet should be effective, so you need to select a complex with your doctor.
Naturally, there are a number of exercises that are standard. Everyone can do them independently. But in order to achieve a good result, you should perform them systematically.
Exercises for flat feet in children
What exercises for flat feet in children should be performed in order to improve the situation? It is necessary to understand that it is better to consult with the attending physician on this issue. A generalized set of exercises will be presented below. Only here it is not recommended to perform them independently. More precisely, this is not prohibited, but it is advisable to consider each case separately before execution. So, it is necessary to alternately bend and unbend the feet. This is done in a sitting position, until the child is tired. You should try to move only on your fingers. You can do half-squats, and it is also desirable to stand on your fingers.
To perform a more difficult exercise, you will need to take a couple of balls. One of them should be small, and the other a little larger. So, the one that is less should be rolled with the fingers on the floor. As for the big one, the baby will have to balance it. But this is done only under the control of the parents, so that the child is not injured. You can also use a gymnastic hoop, which should also be rolled with your fingers. You have to develop your toes, for this it is worth lifting something. Let it be a light sponge for a start, after which it is necessary to complicate the situation and try to pull up the mat with your feet. In general, flatfoot exercises are effective if done regularly.
Exercises with flat feet in adults
What should be the exercises with flat feet in adults, and do they differ from children's? In fact, they do not differ much between themselves. Just for adults, exercise is somewhat more difficult, because they are physically more difficult. So, the walking on the stick, which should be put on the floor, will positively influence. It is also worth doing half-squats on the fingers. In general, walking on the fingers is a pretty good way to get rid of flat feet. While sitting, you should try to bend your fingers.
Also it is necessary to develop the motor skills of the fingers. To do this, you need to place objects on the floor, which you need to lift with your fingers. Let it be easier for the beginning, then the task becomes somewhat more complicated. The stopping of the feet also can improve the situation. It is worth trying to imitate the so-called swing. To do this, it is recommended to climb on your fingers, and then return to its original state, while sinking to the heel. You can also try to roll the ball with your fingers. In general, all the exercises are aimed at developing the motor skills of the fingers. Exercises from flat feet, which are described above, are the most common, but you still need to consider the individual situation of each person.
Exercises for flat feet in adolescents
What exercises for flat feet in adolescents need to be performed to correct the situation? In order to perform exercises you need to take a gymnastic stick. What is the essence of this action? You just need to hold this thing in your hands and squat. And this is also done in a special way, it is desirable that a person sits down on his fingers. You can jump on your fingers, and try to simulate a ride on skis. To do this, you need to walk on your toes, like skiing. Perfect fit and warm-up stop. To perform this exercise you need to sit down and straighten your legs. Next, you should connect the heels and knees, after which the left foot should be brought under the right foot. Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, just the opposite. This will fix the current situation.
The most enjoyable exercise is walking on the sand, only that's where to take it in the winter? It's very simple, you can spread an oilcloth at home and pour the same sand. If this is not possible, then wait for a warm season and a trip to the sea. It is recommended to walk on a log or a curb, but only sideways. All these exercises from flat feet perfectly help, it is important to perform them systematically and qualitatively.
Exercises with transverse flatfoot
What exercises should be performed with transverse flatfoot? Can you do it yourself? In fact, any intervention requires a doctor's consultation. Especially when it comes to flatfoot. It will be useful to massage and perform certain exercises. So, it is necessary to specify the most basic and effective them. It is necessary to breed and reduce heels, and with this action it is not necessary to tear off socks from the floor. So the effectiveness of the exercise increases at times. Then you should try to grab the objects with stops, for this purpose the ball will perfectly suit. You can try to lift it and lower it. This is how the fine leg mechanics develops. The same exercise, which is an imitation of skiing. To do this, just slide your fingers on the floor.
The most ideal exercise is lifting objects with your fingers. But to overestimate their own capabilities at once, it's not worth it. Therefore, it is better to start with light objects, then go to complicated ones. You can try to walk on a stick and try to roll it with your fingers. Such a complex of exercises must be performed daily. Only a great effort can produce a good result. But still, exercises from flat feet should be chosen by the attending physician.
Exercises with longitudinal flat feet
What should be the exercises for longitudinal flat feet and are there any specific recommendations? Naturally, this issue should be dealt with solely by the attending physician. But, despite this, they are all based on the development of finger motility. Such exercises can be performed independently without special recommendations. To do this, on the floor, place small items and try to lift them, using your toes. This is not so easy at first, but then gets used to it. In this case, you can move on to more complex activities. So, you should try to raise the ball, but it's not easy, but very useful. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to walk more often on the fingers. In general, you can try to develop them anyway. So, some people even learn to write with their feet. Any manipulation of the fingers has a positive effect on flat feet, and after a while the situation improves. You need to try to balance on the ball, try to roll it with your feet and lift it with your fingers. Squats are also effective, but they need to be done in a special way. Standing up on your fingers and rising on your heels. Exercises from flatfoot are effective only when performed correctly.
Exercises with valgus flatfoot
Can I exercise alone with valgus platypodia? There are several basic exercises that you need to perform in order to achieve a good effect. So, the first is the rotation of the feet. It is necessary to take a comfortable position while sitting, with the heels desirable to put on the width of the shoulders. How are rotations performed? To do this, simply rotate the heels along the floor, and this is done in both directions. You can try doing this exercise and standing up. It is advisable to perform at least 10 repetitions, then the effect will be really good. The following exercise implies the correct order of the feet. So, sitting on a chair you need to put your feet alternately on one side, then on the other. The whole little exercise is to thus strain the foot. To achieve maximum effect, you need to repeat the exercise 10 times. And finally, the last important exercise. In order to perform it you need to deploy the stops. This is done first while standing, while it is recommended to hold hands behind the back of the chair. After that, the exercise repeats, but only when sitting. Repeat all this you need 10 times. Exercises from flat feet are aimed at liquidating the current situation.
Complex exercises for flat feet
How to choose a set of exercises with flat feet? In this case, without consulting a doctor, you can not do. Much depends on the specific situation. It is necessary to understand that there are basic exercises that are suitable for everyone. So are those that will be relevant only in a particular case. So, it is worthwhile to give an example of the most common complex. First you need to do your toes. Scattered on the floor of objects need to be raised with the help of them. Then it will switch to squats. And they also need to be done correctly. To rise it follows on fingers, and to squat on a heel. It is recommended to walk sideways, both along the curb and the log. It perfectly kneads the foot and improves the situation. It is necessary to try, how to go on skis, so to say to slide on the floor with the help of fingers. It is desirable in the summer, at least for a short while to go to the sea, long walks on the sand have a wonderful effect on flat feet. You need to walk on a gymnastic stick, try to balance on the ball. These are standard flatfoot exercises that can improve the situation.
Exercises to prevent flat feet
Are exercises to prevent flat feet and are they effective? The most interesting thing is that the exercises for both prevention and treatment are identical. So, you need to raise and lower your socks, this is done at least 20 times. After that, the exercise is somewhat modified and now it is necessary to pull up the heels, repeating the same number of times. Next, it is recommended to connect the legs, then dilute the socks, and then bring them together. This exercise is repeated 10-20 times too. The next exercise requires a certain position. You need to connect your legs, then repeat the same movements, but you can not tear your legs off the floor. You can try to simultaneously raise the heel of your left foot and the right sock. Then do the opposite. Why not play a little with the ball? To do this, it should be rolled in stops and try to lift. If you take the ball a little more, you can try to balance it. In general, exercises from flat feet do not differ much from their analogues, only for prevention.