Dryness of scalp
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Dryness of the scalp is one of the most common phenomena that occur today. This is due to many factors, ranging from malnutrition and ending with poor-quality care products. This issue has become the most urgent and requires immediate consideration.
Causes of dry scalp
The causes of dryness of the scalp are perhaps the most common. More than that, there are an incredible number of them. The first thing to note is the importance of nutrition, so the wrong diet leads to excessive dryness of the skin. Many working people try to eat on the go, it's not right. Such nutrition not only worsens health, but also affects the appearance.
Naturally, one should not forget about bad habits. Sedentary image, smoking, alcohol - pretty affect the overall health. Alcoholic beverages and smoking do not have a positive effect. What is most interesting, even passive inhalation of smoke pretty spoils the scalp. Permanent stay in the room, especially in the winter, significantly dry the skin. To bad habits can be attributed to the reluctance to wear a hat. Frosty air negatively affects the hair. Sharp changes lead to dryness and peeling.
- Hormonal failures can affect the dryness of the scalp. This phenomenon is often found in pregnant girls, as well as young mothers. The problem can be provoked even by the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.
- Wrong hair care. The desire to quickly strengthen them and grow them push the girls to rash acts. They try to use all sorts of "horse" shampoos, etc. Thus, serious harm is caused.
- Excessive drying with a hair dryer also contributes to the appearance of dry skin. Iron is generally a disaster. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to naturally drying. In extreme cases, alternate these processes. Low-quality paint also spoils the skin and curls. Therefore it is necessary to use quality tools.
Dryness of the scalp and dandruff
Dryness of the scalp and dandruff are very common in many people. True, not everyone knows why it arises and what to do. So, the source of dandruff is a fungus called Pityrosporum Ovale. If no special remedies could solve the problem and cure the scalp, then most likely it is either a weak immunity or a serious disease.
So, to cause severe dryness and dandruff is capable of psoriasis. This disease is almost impossible to cure to the end. It will periodically make itself felt. Therefore, you should not try to solve the problem yourself. It is advisable to go to a consultation with the trichologist.
To lead to the appearance of excessive dryness and dandruff can a bad shampoo, folliculitis Tinea capitis, poor-quality hair care products. Even changes in weather and humidity can affect this process. Therefore, before resorting to treatment, it is worthwhile to see for sure the cause of this problem.
Itching and dryness of scalp
Itching and dryness of the scalp occur for various reasons. In medical practice, there are several main factors affecting the development of the problem.
- Parasites. These can be lice, mites and other "living creatures". To exclude the presence of infection caused by parasites, it is worth to visit a dermatologist. You can ask relatives to look at the hair and skin of the head for parasites.
- Dandruff. Often leads to the appearance of severe itching, which simply disconcerts. The problem can be solved both independently and according to the recommendations of the trichologist.
- Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis). Disease of this type can be caused by a violation of the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Seborrhea is characterized by the presence of dandruff and unpleasant itching. The appearance of acne is not ruled out.
Allergic reactions to shampoo often lead to excessive dryness. Improperly selected means often lead to problems with dryness of the scalp. You can cause a problem with substandard paint. Frequent washing of the head, drying with a hair dryer lead to the appearance of itching and dryness. But basically the problem is connected all the same with presence of a skin disease.
Exhausting itching can appear due to a lack of vitamins and the necessary trace elements. Provoke it is capable of fungal diseases. The development of the fungus also provokes severe itching. In this situation, you need to act quickly. Suitable preparations Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Miconazole. But they should be taken after consultation with a doctor.
Even stressful situations can provoke the itch of the scalp. Stress can provoke a powerful adrenaline production. To bring his overabundance out of the body, it's enough to just go in for sports.
- Lichen. The disease in a significant form affects the skin. This phenomenon is common among children, especially when they are constantly in the team or communicate with infectious animals.
- Muscle tension. To cause an itch is a strong overexertion. Even this state carries a special danger. Therefore, it is important to make a diagnosis in time and then begin the correct treatment.
Dryness of the skin of the ears
Dryness of the skin of the ears is not so common, but there can be many reasons for the development of the problem. So, the phenomenon can occur against a background of too dry skin. If a person suffers from over-dried skin, then this phenomenon on the ears and head is quite normal. But at the same time it's worth fixing the problem.
The raised dryness arises and against non-observance of hygiene. So, insufficient washing of ears, washing off of shampoo from a head and other troubles, negatively influence integuments.
There can be all because of a deficiency of vitamins, the formation of boils and fungal infections. Simply put, the problem can be diverse. And not always everything is harmless and simple. Therefore, it is recommended to fight with the main sign, but at the same time to know what negative factor could provoke it.
Only an experienced specialist can diagnose. He does it on the basis of taking a smear from his ear. This will determine the presence of fungal infection. Usually fungus is accompanied by significant discharge from the ears, itching is also possible.
Who to contact?
Treatment of dry scalp
Treatment of dry scalp should be performed depending on the factor that caused the problem. So, first of all you should review the food. It is necessary to eat foods that contain fats. After all, their absence leads to excessive dryness of the skin. Pay attention to the sesame, olives and some varieties of fish. As for vegetable oils, they should be excluded from the diet. You should give preference to vegetable proteins. It is advisable to avoid drinking coffee, sweets and alcohol.
It is important to wash your hair properly. It is necessary to use a shampoo that perfectly suits the type of hair. Otherwise, the result will be bad. Do not apply directly to the head. It is better to grind it first in hands, then start rubbing it from the back of the head. Thorough washing off of shampoo to protect hair from stickiness and fast pollution. It is necessary to use a phenol rarely, it promotes the development of dryness.
If the problem has been caused by a fungus, it is necessary to eliminate it with special ointments and shampoos. Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Miconazole will suit. Apply them 1-2 times a day, rubbing into the skin of the head. The duration of treatment depends on a particular situation.
Remedies for dry scalp
Remedies for dryness of scalp are presented in the form of oils, shampoos and other cosmetic lotions. But, they should also be selected with extreme caution. Burdock oil helps to cope with excess dryness. It perfectly moisturizes and eliminates many problems.
So, burdock oil is an excellent remedy for moisturizing and nourishing hair and scalp. To get a good result, it should be mixed with sea buckthorn or olive in equal parts. Then add 2 tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture is heated and applied to the scalp along the perforations. After that, you need to wrap your head and rinse the product in an hour. It should be noted that removing oil is not so simple, so it's best to do everything on a day off so that you can repeatedly wash your hair. You can prepare a conditioner with mustard - 2 tbsp. L. For 1 liter of water, apply it to the hair, and then wash it off with any shampoo.
Naturally, the means for hair care should be soft. Choosing this or that shampoo, it is worth paying attention to the presence of a note "for dry scalp." As part of these funds there are no sulfates, flavors and other dangerous ingredients. Remarkable in the field are such shampoos as: Soft physiological shampoo Kerium La Roche Posay, Shampoo "Moisturizing scalp care" Head & Shoulders, Shampoo Sensi Balance L'Oreal Professional.
Masks from dry scalp
Masks from dryness of the scalp have a really good effect. There are a few of the most common recipes that need to be listened to.
Mask with sour cream. It is quite easy to wash off this remedy. For cooking, take home fatty sour cream in the amount of one tablespoon. This ingredient is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice and raw egg. All this is thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. Then it is distributed on the skin of the head. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with the use of your favorite shampoo. It is recommended to rinse with decoction of oak bark.
Mask with egg yolk. It is recommended to apply on the scalp once a week. It is necessary to take a raw egg yolk and mix it with hot water. Then add a tablespoon of vodka. All this is thoroughly mixed and distributed to the roots of the hair, it is enough to hold the mask for 30 minutes. After the set time, it is washed off with shampoo.
Mask with fresh cream. The main ingredient must be mixed with wheat flour, so that a viscous mass is obtained. All this is applied to the scalp and hair. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with ordinary shampoo.
Shampoo for dry scalp
Shampoo from dry scalp can be purchased at any store. The main thing that he exactly suited his owner. So, especially popular are such products as Shampoo "Moisturizing scalp care" Head & Shoulders, Phytotechnology Clear Vita ABE, Anti-dandruff shampoo "Soft Cleansing" Himalaya Herbals, Soft physiological shampoo Kerium La Roche Posay, Shampoo "Regulating" against dandruff Vichy Dercos and Shampoo Sensi Balance L'Oreal Professional.
- Shampoo "Moisturizing scalp care" Head & Shoulders. The composition of the product contains components that do not allow you to lose moisture and thus the appearance of dandruff is impossible. In addition, shampoo can get rid of itching. Skin covers will be completely rid of dandruff. Shampoo will also give the hair incredible softness.
- Anti-dandruff remedy Phytotechnology Clear Vita ABE. In its composition is a unique complex of vitamins and minerals, called NUTRIUM.
- Anti-dandruff shampoo "Soft cleansing" Himalaya Herbals. The active form of the agent allows to reduce peeling and thereby eliminate the itching. The composition of shampoo includes plant extracts, they actively fight with bacteria. In addition, they actively stimulate hair growth and refresh curls. Among the active ingredients include seeds of mustard, basil and centella asian. The product is perfect for people with increased sensitivity of the skin.
- Soft shampoo Kerium La Roche Posay. You can enjoy the result after the first application. Continuous use will lead to a complete restoration of the physiological balance, as well as to prevent the development of irritation. Locks acquire a healthy blox and become soft.
- Shampoo "Regulating" against dandruff Vichy Dercos. It contains cohesive, it actively enhances the adhesion between the epidermis and the hair shaft. All this significantly increases the protective function. The main components of the remedy are: thermal water and salicylic acid.
- Shampoo Sensi Balance L'Oreal Professional. The product has an incredible softening effect. Hair becomes silky and acquires a healthy shine. In addition, the product is able to eliminate itching, burning and dandruff, significantly reduce fat content.