Inflammation of gums during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammation of the gums is one of the most common dental diseases. Redness, bleeding are the first signs of inflammation. Moreover, this disease has no age limit. It is typical for both adults and children. Inflammation of gums during pregnancy is a problem that should not be forgotten during this period.
Causes of gum disease during pregnancy
In the woman's body "in the position" there is a series of changes on the background of a hormonal splash or toxicosis. As a result, blood supply is impaired in the mucous membranes. And this is the threat of inflammation. As a result, gums acquire increased sensitivity, change their color, swell and damage when brushing their teeth. What can lead to more serious consequences and diseases.
Another cause of inflammation is tartar. After eating, you must carefully remove the remnants of food. In the opposite case, this leads to the formation of plaque on the teeth, which contain a large number of bacteria. They are the cause of the inflammatory processes of the mouth. In time, the "non-cleaned" coating hardens and turns into tartar, which forms voids between the gum and tooth, and pus can accumulate in them. During pregnancy, the content of microorganisms in dental plaque increases.
Also in this, a special segment for women, the symptoms of mildly current inflammation that was present prior to pregnancy may worsen.
Symptoms of gum disease during pregnancy
Inflammation of gums during pregnancy is observed, mainly, for a period of 2 to 8 months. Proceeding from this, the symptoms for the first and second half of pregnancy may be different. Inflammation in the first half is described by symptoms:
- painful sensations when cleaning teeth;
- change the color of the gums;
- blood on the gums;
- swelling of the gums.
The most pronounced factor that women complain about, and which indicates an inflammatory process is pain in the gums. And not only in the process of cleaning, but also at rest. Many who, in order not to feel discomfort once again, brush their teeth much less often, thereby increasing the proportion of bacteria. As a result, the condition of the gums becomes even more critical.
Symptoms of inflammation of the gums during pregnancy in the second half are characterized by hypertrophy - overgrowth of the edge and papillae of the gum. Basically, it is expressed on the front teeth. Such hypertrophy can be of two types:
- edematous (gingival papillae soft, bleeding, friable);
- fibrotic (enlarged, dense gingival papillae).
When the first signs of inflammation of the gums appear: smell from the mouth, burning, pain, sores - it is necessary to urgently turn for help to the dentist. To avoid negative effects on the fetus, which can cause gum disease.
Diagnosis of gum disease during pregnancy
In view of the fact that inflammation of the gums can begin in pregnant women even if the oral cavity was healthy. At least, there were no complaints. Therefore, the first and main diagnostician is the woman herself. It is necessary to examine the oral cavity daily, monitor the condition of the gums, and smell from the mouth. The appearance of bleeding, which is repeated with each brushing of teeth, eating food - a sign of inflammation of the gums. Constant sensation of discomfort and burning, painful sensations when pressing on the gum area is a significant reason for visiting a doctor, as well as an increase in plaque and gum proliferation. However, a dental checkup will be a concluding factor for diagnosing the disease.
Treatment of gum disease during pregnancy
Treatment of gum disease during pregnancy includes:
- Removal of plaque and stone. It is performed with the help of hand instruments, since ultrasound and laser therapies are forbidden for pregnant women. Can cause in the early stages of side effects (sudden birth, abortion, etc.). After dental cleaning, teeth are polished.
- Use of anti-inflammatory drugs. A therapeutic course prescribed by the doctor includes rinsing and the use of antiseptic gels.
- prescribe an aqueous solution (0.05%) of chlorhexidine, water infusions of herbs (sage, chamomile). Rinse the mouth cavity twice a day, at least 45 seconds. Fluoride rinses reduce the effect of tooth decay on the teeth and thus reduce the number of pathogens, and as a result - remove the inflammatory process.
- appoint gels: Metrogil Denta (women in the second and third trimesters), Holisal. Apply to the edge of the gum, interdental space, twice a day. After application, about three hours, it is not recommended to take food and rinse the oral cavity. If there is an irresistible desire, you can drink some water.
- The entire course of treatment takes no more than ten days.
- Mode of nutrition: more vitamins, less carbohydrates. Avoid frequent snacks. Follow the oral cavity after eating.
- Application of specialized toothpastes.
In the case of proliferation of marginal gingiva (mild form), the above-listed topical treatment can be applied throughout the term. Additionally, gum massage is prescribed. In case of severe leakage, active treatment (surgical intervention, medicinal injections) may be necessary. However, this form of therapy is carried out after childbirth.
How to prevent gum disease during pregnancy?
It is important to remember that the health of our body and body, first of all, depends on our attention to it. Therefore, even considering the fact that pregnant women are predisposed to gum disease, independent hygiene significantly reduces the risk of the disease. Prevention of gum disease during pregnancy includes several simple rules:
- properly selected toothbrush, with a soft pile, allowing frequent use (especially when bleeding occurs);
- constant, thorough washing and mouth rinsing (there are dental instruments for washing hard-to-reach areas);
- tooth brushing after each meal, in addition to twice a day. Application of dental floss, before using the brush and paste;
- eating lots of fruits and vegetables;
- decrease, or better, the exclusion from the diet of carbohydrate-containing foods: sweet, sticky, etc .;
- regular visit to a dentist.
All the items mentioned above must be observed not only for pregnant women with gum disease, but for all people who care about themselves and want to have beautiful teeth and gums. A couple of hours a day now - healthy and strong teeth afterwards.