Pain in the chest during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in the chest during pregnancy can be caused by the following changes in the body of a woman: an increase in the level of hormones, swelling of the chest, the appearance of a venous network (due to increased blood flow), an increase in the sensitivity of the breast and nipples. All the changes are related to the fact that the woman's body is preparing for such a natural process as feeding. It is during pregnancy that the development of milk lobules begins. A woman experiencing chest pain during pregnancy should take care of purchasing a comfortable bra on wide straps to lift and not squeeze the chest. Approximately 10-12 weeks of pain in the chest should pass.
Causes of chest pain during pregnancy
In the case when the pain in the chest during pregnancy is very strong, you need to carefully examine the chest. One of the reasons for the appearance of pain may be cracks in the nipples, which can cause inflammation. If you notice the first appearance of cracks, gently wash your chest with warm water and be sure to seek advice from your gynecologist. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can be signs of such diseases as mastitis or mastitis. But, more often than not, such diseases appear after the birth of the baby, since the main cause of their appearance is the stagnation of milk in the cracks through which the infection can get. In any case, if the chest pain during pregnancy is very troublesome and causes discomfort, it is necessary to inform your gynecologist about it.
Symptoms of chest pain during pregnancy
In the first trimester of pregnancy most often there are pain in the chest. Every woman has everything individually. The main symptoms of chest pain are the following:
- pain with pressure or with a slight touch to the chest;
- aching pain, a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands that the woman experiences even without touch;
- in some cases, a special sensitivity of the nipples;
- sensations very similar to premenstrual pain in the chest during pregnancy;
- a feeling of tingling.
It is not necessary that all of the above symptoms appear simultaneously. It may well be that the pain in the chest during pregnancy is characterized by only one or two of them. It is often the case that a woman does not experience any uncomfortable sensations in her breast during the entire pregnancy.
Pain sensations often stop by 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. But the sensitivity of the nipples becomes stronger during the appearance of milk, i.e. Closer to the end of the third trimester, as well as after the birth of the child.
Diagnosis of chest pain during pregnancy
Pain in the chest during pregnancy at the initial stage is diagnosed by a doctor - gynecologist. On all questions relating to this topic, the specialist will respond individually, after the examination. The process of physiological transformation of the breast - an increase of 2-3 times, tension, the appearance of a vascular network, the sensitivity of the nipples and their darkening, the allocation of colostrum at different times of pregnancy - is normal, as well as the complete absence of any unpleasant sensations in the chest during pregnancy . But if the pain is intense and causes excessive inconvenience, then, most likely, you will be advised to undergo a consultation with a mammalian doctor to exclude the pathology of the mammary glands unrelated to pregnancy. As a more accurate diagnosis of the nature of pain in the mammary glands, the doctor may recommend going first, ultrasound (ultrasound). If any seals are found, you may need a mammogram (X-ray examination) and a biopsy.
Treatment of chest pain during pregnancy
To reduce chest pain during pregnancy, you need to wear special bras that do not squeeze the breast and are made of natural tissues. Such bras are especially adapted to increasing with time the breasts. In the case of too strong nipple sensitivity, you can not remove the bra at night. Today in the drugstore you can easily find special inserts, which are inserted into the bra to absorb the secretions from the mammary glands. Every day, you need to wash your breast with warm water, but do not abuse the detergents - make them less used, otherwise the skin on your chest will become dry and there will be cracks on the nipples, which in turn will intensify the unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands. When cracks appear, you should stop using soap, as it excessively dries the skin, which will lead to even more cracking. If you have a discharge from the chest, be sure to use special liners to absorb excessive moisture, since a moist environment is an excellent source for the reproduction of bacteria. To treat cracks, you can use special tools, such as "D-panthenol", "Bepanten", "Videestim". If the wounds on the nipples are very deep, it is recommended to apply "Actovegin", "Solcoseryl", "Avent", which are laid directly into the wound. Alternatively, you can use alternative medicine:
- linseed oil - lubricate the damaged areas and wash off after 5-6 hours with warm water;
- leaves of burdock or cabbage will give a wonderful antiseptic effect - thoroughly wash and apply for several hours to the breast;
- steam baths of St. John's wort flowers or birch leaves will reduce unpleasant sensations;
- Poultice from the leaves of parsley or hemp seed perfectly heals wounds. For cooking, it is necessary to grind one of the ingredients into flour, pour a glass of milk, add 0.5 tsp. Honey and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Warm poultice to enclose the breast 2 times a day.
Preventing chest pain during pregnancy
Since all the changes that occur in the mammary glands during pregnancy are a natural process aimed at preparing the breast for feeding, do not carefully guard the breast. You need to wear a bra made of cotton that will massage your nipples. The child at sucking captures not only the nipple, but also the nipple circle. Too tender skin in the nipple region will cause the formation of cracks at the beginning of the feeding. To massage the nipples it is good to use a special mitten made of cotton cloth during the shower (in the extreme case, you can use a small towel). Massage very carefully so as not to injure the chest. In the women's consultation can show special exercises aimed at strengthening the pectoral ligaments and muscles. Systematic performance of such exercises will strengthen the ligaments that support the chest, improve the outflow of lymph, venous blood, which will reduce swelling. Here are some exercises that will help reduce chest pain during pregnancy:
- Legs on the width of the shoulders, place arms bent at the elbows at the chest level. Place the palms in front of you, fingers up. I need to press my palms against each other with force, slowly raise it up, then lower it down to my stomach. Do this 5 times.
- Get on your knees and lean on your palms. Hands and knees on the width of the thighs. Shoulders put forward, center of gravity carry on hands. Slowly bend your arms while keeping your torso straight. Perform 10 times.
- Lying on your back, legs at the width of the hips bend at the knees. Take small dumbbells (you can replace two bottles filled with water) and lift them over the chest. Slowly raise hands in the sides, then also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 15 to 20 times.
Exercise of any kind of exercise is contraindicated in case of threat of interruption, with gestosis, low placenta previa, bleeding, dizziness, etc. Therefore, always consult with your doctor before performing any exercises.
Pain in the chest during pregnancy, although it is a natural physiological phenomenon, you should not completely ignore it. Consult your doctor who will check and identify possible causes of pain, and also help, if not completely eliminate them, then at least reduce discomfort.