A man is also a participant in pregnancy!
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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If someone had told a man a few months ago that when a woman is pregnant, a man is in the same position, he would have probably laughed. However, a man better understands the meaning of these words, when his wife becomes pregnant.
Supporting the future mother by accompanying her to various prenatal procedures and visits to the clinic together with her can seem like a time-consuming occupation, but in reality it is not. The woman wants to share the admiration of the bearable fruit with the husband. She wants his help when it is difficult for her to go out, and his support is needed. Male solidarity is very valuable.
An in-depth look at prenatal procedures
Procedures and tests are an important part of prenatal care for a woman; each test provides the physician with information that allows him to plan the best course of care for the woman and the child to be born. Conducted procedures allow both spouses to make sure that the child feels well and everything that needs to be done is done.
Early prenatal procedures
At the first or second prenatal consultation, the doctor is likely to give the woman directions for a variety of procedures. These procedures and their objectives may include the following:
A complete blood test is a test for the adequacy of iron and for the presence of infections.
Urine analysis - for the presence of infections and for determining the content of sugar and protein in the urine.
Test for syphilis - if a woman is sick with syphilis, begin treatment (this test is necessary to pass by law).
Cervical cultures - a test for sexually transmitted diseases, after passing a test for cervical cancer, the sample can also be taken to check for chlamydia, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The test for rubella is a test of immunity to the causative agent of rubella.
Determination of the blood group - to determine the blood type of a woman (A, B, AB or O).
Determination of Rh factor - to determine if a woman does not have a negative rhesus.
Analysis for antibodies to hepatitis B - to find out whether the woman was suffering from hepatitis B.
The test for cervical cancer is an early scanning test for the detection of cervical cancer.
The HIV / AIDS test - to find out if a woman is HIV-positive or AIDS-infected. This test is not done without the knowledge and consent of the woman.
Alpha-fetoprotein, a three-component or four-component test - a woman's blood test, needed to detect neural tube defects of the fetus, such as spina bifida.
The results of the tests help the doctor determine what treatment is needed during pregnancy or what needs to be done before the next pregnancy. For example, if the tests show that the woman has never had rubella and was not vaccinated against her, she should avoid the source of infection during this pregnancy and vaccinate before the next.
If a woman does not tolerate the procedure for taking blood for analysis or feels dizzy and can faint after it, a man should be present side by side during these procedures. Perhaps she just needs moral support or she needs a man to take her to these tests, and then take him home.
DIAGNOSTICS OF ORGANS OF SMALL GEL. Diagnosis of small pelvic organs is usually done at the first or second prenatal consultation and at later stages of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the size of the uterus, to determine the presence of cervical cancer and so that the doctor can find out the approximate terms of a woman's pregnancy. Repeated diagnosis is necessary because it gives the doctor knowledge about many things, such as stretching and thinning the cervix.
Ordinary procedures performed at each consultation
If a man visits prenatal consultations with his wife, he may notice that at each consultation she is weighed, her blood pressure is measured and she brings a urine sample to each consultation. These three simple analyzes provide very important information. Too large or insufficiently typed weight can serve as an identification mark of the beginning of problems. High blood pressure can be very significant during pregnancy, especially shortly before the expected delivery period. By measuring the blood pressure of a prospective mother during her pregnancy, the doctor can determine what pressure is normal for her. Differences in blood pressure give the doctor to know that complications are possible. Urine analysis is checked for the presence of protein and bacteria, and their detection can indicate problems.
With the growth of the fetus, the woman is checked to see if the uterus has increased since the last consultation. The doctor also listens to the heartbeat of the fetus using a special hearing instrument called "dopplsr" or "dopton". It amplifies the sound of the baby's heartbeat to such an extent that this sound becomes easy to hear. The opportunity to hear the child's heartbeat appears around the 12th week of pregnancy, which is associated with a consultation. Surely the spouses will want to determine when this will happen, to be sure of exactly when to visit this consultation.
Why should a man know about the procedures that his wife needs?
In this chapter, we provide detailed, understandable information about procedures for the upcoming woman to help a man get information about situations that may occur during pregnancy. There is no need to know everything about each of them, but it's nice to have information about them in case you need to find answers to some questions. We believe that knowing the information will allow a man to discuss the situation with his wife and help formulate the questions that the spouses will ask the doctor for prenatal consultations.
Ultrasound is one of the most exciting and interesting procedures for spouses during pregnancy! It is recommended that everyone do it. Spouses will be happy to see their growing baby inside the mother's uterus. The ability to see the movements of the child will make it more real for a man.
Most doctors usually suggest doing an ultrasound to their pregnant patients, but not every doctor suggests this to every woman. This procedure allows the doctor to see many details of the growth and development of the fetus (ultrasound, sonogram and sonography - this is the same procedure). Some doctors offer this procedure only if there are any problems.
In some cases, the doctor will offer to go through this procedure in the clinic, if it has the appropriate equipment. If it is not there, the spouses will be asked to undergo research in the laboratory, where it is. When the procedure is completed, its results are usually discussed immediately with the spouses, especially in case of problems. If everything looks normal, then the results are discussed at the next prenatal consultation. Ultrasound can be done at almost any stage of pregnancy. Usually this procedure is done on certain dates to get specific information. For example, when a doctor wants to determine the size of a child or the approximate time of pregnancy, ultrasound gives the most accurate information if carried out in the middle of pregnancy.
Ultrasound gives a two-dimensional image of a developing child when the data is converted by an instrument called a transducer (in some areas, the possibility of obtaining a three-dimensional image is checked). The transducer produces sound waves, and then perceives the echo of these waves, reflected from the child. It can be compared with a radar used on airplanes or ships to obtain an image of the territory at night or to determine the relief of the ocean floor.
Before this procedure, a woman may be asked to drink about 1 liter of water; this amount of water allows you to see the uterus better. The bladder is located opposite the uterus; the full bladder shifts the uterus up and out of the pelvic area, which allows you to get the best image with ultrasound. This is better to ask again, because this is not necessary for every ultrasound study.
CAUSES FOR ULTRASOUND STUDY. Ultrasound can help a doctor determine many things, such as determining or confirming the expected delivery time, determining the number of fetuses in the uterus and whether the basic physical characteristics of the fetus are normal. Ultrasound research helps to determine the most important information about the fetal brain and spinal cord, its shape, basic organs and extremities. It also allows you to determine the location of the placenta, which is used for other procedures such as amniocentesis. It gives information on the growth of the fetus, the state of the umbilical cord and the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus.
If an ultrasound is performed after the 18th week of pregnancy, it may be possible to determine the sex of the child. But do not count on it. It is not always possible to determine the gender of the child, especially if his legs are crossed or if he is in the breech presentation. Even if the laboratory assistant or the doctor makes assumptions about the child's field, it should be remembered that the ultrasound determination of the child's sex can be erroneous.
OTHER FACTS ABOUT ULTRASOUND INVESTIGATION. After an ultrasound, the couple may be asked to purchase a video cassette; When this procedure is appointed, they should inquire about this in order to bring, if necessary, a clean cassette. In most cases, you can save black and white photos of ultrasound.
During amniocentesis, a sample of amniotic fluid for the test, including some genetic defects, is taken from the amniotic sac. This procedure is usually carried out in a hospital by a specialist doctor. Perhaps a man will want to escort his wife to this procedure in order to provide her with moral support and take her home when the procedure is completed.
Amniocentesis allows to determine about 40 anomalies of fetal development. This procedure allows the identification of chromosomal defects, such as Down's disease and certain gene defects, for example, pemphigus fibrosis and sickle cell anemia. Amniocentesis may be necessary in case a woman has a negative Rh to determine if there are problems in the development of the child. Near the end of the pregnancy, it allows you to find out the state of the child's lungs. Amniocentesis also makes it possible to determine the sex of the child, but this procedure is usually not used for such purposes, except when the hereditary disease is associated with sex, particularly in the case of hemophilia.
Amniocentesis is usually performed around the 16th week of pregnancy. Some doctors recommend to undergo this procedure on the 11th or 12th week of pregnancy, but so early this procedure is an experiment.
HOW THIS PROCEDURE IS PROJECTING. With the help of ultrasound, the location of the fetus and the placenta is determined. The skin on the mother's abdomen is cleaned, local anesthesia is performed. The needle passes through the abdomen into the uterus, and a sample of the liquid is taken using a syringe. Approximately 30 milliliters of fluid is required for all analyzes.
RISK RELATED TO AMNIOSENTESIS. Although the risk is very small, during this procedure, there is a possibility of damage to the fetus, placenta or umbilical cord, infection, miscarriage or premature birth. The risk of fetal death can vary from 0.3 to 3%. All these dangers should be discussed with the doctor before the spouses decide whether they will undergo this procedure.
Some specific blood tests
The following tests are done with a blood sample taken from a pregnant woman. They are recommended because they provide the spouses and the doctor with additional information; the knowledge that these tests are done for a specific reason can cause stress to the couple. Perhaps a man will want to accompany his wife to provide her with moral support.
TEST ON APPHA-FEGOPROTEIN. The alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test is a blood test of a future mother, which allows the doctor to identify such problems in the development of the child as spina bifida and Down's disease. Alpha-fetoprotsin is produced in the liver of a child and in small amounts enters the mother's blood, where it can be detected. This analysis is usually conducted between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. The result of the analysis correlates with the age and weight of the mother and the age of the fetus. If this analysis shows the probability of having a problem, other assays will be offered.
AFP allows you to determine the defects of the neural tube, kidney failure and liver disease, blockade of the esophagus, intestines or urinary tract, pathology in the bones of the child. Called osteogenesis imerfecta, and Down's disease (with a probability of 25%; if Down's disease is detected with AFP, other assays will be offered). At the same time, this analysis is not mandatory for all pregnant women. If a woman is not offered to do this analysis, you should discuss this with your doctor at one of the first prenatal consultations.
One of the problems associated with AFP is a large number of false positive reactions. That is, the results of this analysis can show the presence of a problem that is not really there. If 1000 women undergo AFP, approximately 40 of them show "anomalies". Of these 40 problems are actually present in one or two women.
If a woman has undergone AFP analysis and the result is abnormal, one should not panic. Perhaps she should do this test again, and also undergo an ultrasound examination. The results of these additional procedures will give an exact answer. You should know exactly what "false positive" and "false negative" results of this analysis mean, ask the doctor for clarification.
THREE-COMPONENT AND FOUR-COMPONENT ANALYSIS. The tests following the analysis for alpha-fetoprotein allow the doctor to more accurately determine whether the fetus has Down's disease or other problems. This is called a multiple test.
Three-component analysis allows to determine the presence of problems related to pregnancy in three components of blood (alpha-fetoprotein, gonadotropin of chorion and unbound estriol, form of estrogen produced by the placenta). An abnormal level of these three blood components may indicate the presence of Down's disease or neural tube defects.
The four-component analysis includes the same components as the triple, but the fourth one, the level of inhibin-A in the blood, the product of the ovaries and the placenta, is added to them. This fourth component increases the accuracy of the assay when determining whether the fetus has Down's syndrome. It also allows the detection of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.
Analysis of hilarion hairs
The analysis of chorionic hairs (AVH) is used to detect genetic abnormalities; it is done in the early stages of pregnancy. The cells of the hairs of the chorion are analyzed, which then becomes the placenta.
The benefit of AVH is that a doctor can determine the presence of a problem at an early stage of pregnancy. This analysis is done from the 9th to the 11th week of pregnancy, in contrast to the amniocentesis, which is done from the 16th to the 18th week. Some couples prefer AIH so that they can decide whether to keep the pregnancy as early as possible. The earlier this procedure is carried out, the less danger it encloses in itself.
HOW THIS PROCEDURE IS PROVIDED. The instrument is inserted through the cervix or through the abdomen, and a small piece of placental tissue is taken. This procedure can be fraught with a low probability of miscarriage and should be performed only by an experienced specialist.
Since this procedure is usually carried out in a hospital environment, a man may wish to spend a spouse there to provide her with moral support and to take her home at the end of the procedure.
Other tests to predict the presence of problems There are many other tests used to determine the presence of problems in a child before it is born. We provide information so that readers will be aware of them in case it is necessary to discuss this in a prenatal consultation.
A test for glucose transport. This analysis is carried out to determine the diabetes associated with pregnancy. The future mother drinks a special solution of sugar, and an hour later she takes a blood sample to determine the level of sugar. In some cases, the blood is taken several times at regular intervals.
TEST ON STRETCHTOKKKI GROUP B (SGB). A pregnant woman takes samples from the vagina, perineum, and straight to and to and for checking on the SGB. Urinalysis can also be done. If the result is positive, they begin treatment, and during precautions they observe additional precautions. This analysis is usually done closer to completing the pregnancy.
GENETIC TESTS. All kinds of tests designed to determine whether a growing fetus has certain congenital pathologies. One of the newest tests is a test for cellular fibrosis. If the spouses have undergone a genetic check, tests can be offered for both. In other cases, the doctor will offer tests to one of the couple, if he decides that it is necessary.
SCANNING TESTS. The safe dose of X-rays for the fetus is unknown. A woman should avoid exposure to X-rays during pregnancy, unless it is absolutely necessary. The need for X-rays should always be comparable to the harm that such a test can cause a fetus. This also applies to the oral x-ray.
The maximum risk for the fetus in this case is between the 8th and 15th weeks of pregnancy. Some doctors believe that the only safe amount of radiation for the fetus is the absence of radiation.
Computerized tomography scanning, also called CT scan, is an X-ray, which uses the analysis of the result with a computer. Many researchers believe that radiation with CT scanning is much lower than in conventional x-rays. However, the wise decision is to avoid, if possible, even such a dose of radiation.
Today, magnetic resonance scanning, also called CM P, is widely used. It is not known whether there are any negative effects in this scan during pregnancy, but it is not recommended to go through it during the first trimester of pregnancy.
MONITORING THE UTERINE AT HOME. Some women during pregnancy undergo monitoring of the uterus at home. Abbreviations of the uterus are recorded and transmitted by phone to the doctor. This procedure is necessary to determine a woman's risk of premature birth. Its cost varies from 2000 to 2500 rubles per day.
SPECIAL ANALYSIS. With a detailed ultrasound study, the doctor is able to measure the distance behind the neck of the child, the result is combined with a blood test, and the general conclusions allow to determine whether a woman is at risk of having a child with Down's syndrome. The convenience of this test is that it can be done from the 10th to the 14th week of pregnancy and the couple will decide whether they will retain this pregnancy.
There are other tests, some of which are described below.
Hereditary Mediterranean fever can be found in people from Armenia, Arab countries and Turkey. Prenatal analysis can identify carriers of the recessive gene, which facilitates the diagnosis of a newborn, avoiding potentially fatal health problems.
Congenital deafness associated with the connexin-26 gene may be if one of the spouses in the family had cases of unresolved deafness; this analysis allows to determine the presence of the problem before the birth of the child. An early diagnosis allows you to take measures by which you can solve this problem immediately after the birth of the child.
Some less common procedures
FETOSKOPIA. Phosphoscopy allows the doctor through the fetoscope to see anomalies in the development of the fetus. Due to the development of fiber optics, it is now possible to see the fetus or placenta at the 10th week of development (ultrasound can not provide such a large number of details). This procedure is recommended only for women who have already had a child with a pathology that was not determined by other methods. If the doctor suggests making a feto-skopiyu, this should be discussed with him on a prenatal consultation. The risk of miscarriage is 3-4%. The procedure should be performed only by an experienced technician.
The analysis is carried out with a small incision on the mother's abdomen; there is placed a device similar to that used in laparoscopy. The doctor uses a fetoscope to test the fetus and the placenta.
Since this procedure is usually carried out in a hospital by an experienced doctor, it is advisable for a man to spend his wife there to provide her with moral support and to take her home at the end of the procedure.
ANALYSIS OF BLOOD FROM THE SLEEP (CORDOSENTEASIS). A blood test from the umbilical cord is an analysis performed on the fetus when it is still in the uterus. This analysis allows to determine the presence of Rh-incompatibility, pathologies of blood and infections. The convenience of this analysis is that its results become known in a few days; The disadvantage is that the risk of miscarriage is higher than with amniocentesis.
Relying on the ultrasound, the doctor introduces a needle through the woman's abdomen into the small vein of the umbilical cord of the fetus. From there a small blood sample is taken for analysis.
In case of a problem, a blood transfusion is necessary. This avoids the life-threatening anemia that may occur when the mother is isoimmunized, if the fetus has Rh positive blood.
Since this procedure is usually carried out in a hospital by an experienced doctor, it is advisable for a man to spend his wife there to provide her with moral support and to take her home at the end of the procedure.
ANALYSIS OF FIBRONECTIN FRUIT (FNP). Fibronectin fetus (FNP) is a protein that can be found in the amniotic sac and the membranes of the fetus during the first 22 weeks of pregnancy. If the doctor believes that a woman may have premature births, he can offer the woman an analysis of cervical-vaginal secretions. If FNP is present after the 22nd week of pregnancy, this means the risk of premature birth. If its content there is low, the risk is less and the woman is most likely not to give birth within the next 2 weeks.
This analysis is done in the same way as an analysis for the presence of cervical cancer. From the part of the vagina, immediately after the cervix, a sample of excreta is taken. The result can be found in the laboratory in 24 hours.
Analyzes on the fetus showing its condition
To determine the condition of the fetus, there are many different analyzes. Many of them are made on the future mother, but at the same time give information about what is happening in the uterus. A man may wish to go to these procedures with his wife.
Calculation of thrusts
Closer to the end of pregnancy, a woman may be asked to calculate how often she feels the movements of the baby. This analysis is done at home and is called counting jerks. It provides information on the condition of the fetus; this information is identical to that obtained by passive analysis.
A doctor can apply one or two of the usual methods.
The first is the calculation of the child's movements per hour. Second - for what time the child will make 10 movements. Usually the future mother can choose when she will pass this analysis. The best time for this is after eating, as the child is usually more active at this time. Often this analysis is conducted at home.
Passive analysis
Passive analysis is a simple non-invasive procedure that takes place at the 32nd week of gestation or later; it is conducted in a polyclinic or in a hospital. During the examination, a measurement is made of how the fetal heart rate reacts to its movements, and the fetus status is evaluated at late gestation. Usually, the analysis is used in case of overdelivery or pregnancy associated with high risk.
The monitor is attached to the abdomen of a lying woman. Whenever she feels the movement of a child, she presses a button to make a mark on the monitor's paper. At the same time, the monitor records the baby's heartbeat on the same sheet of paper.
If the child does not move or his heart rate does not increase during movement, the analysis is called a lack of response. This does not necessarily mean having a problem - perhaps the baby is asleep. More than 75% of cases in the absence of reaction the baby is healthy. However, the lack of reaction may mean that the child is not provided with enough oxygen or is experiencing any other difficulties. In this case, the procedure is usually repeated after 24 hours or other methods are used, including analysis of the reaction to contractions or the biophysical profile (described below).
Analysis of the reaction to contractions
If the passive test showed no response (discussion above), an analysis of the response to contractions to determine the response of the fetal heart to soft uterine contractions that mimic the birth can be shown.
If a woman has had a difficult pregnancy in the past or has health problems, the doctor may suggest doing this analysis in the last few weeks of pregnancy.
If the future mother has diabetes and she takes insulin, the child has a slightly increased risk of problems. In this case, this procedure is carried out every week from the 32nd week of pregnancy.
In some cases, the physician can offer only passive analysis or do both passive analysis and an analysis of the response to contractions (the latter is considered more accurate than passive analysis).
This procedure is usually carried out in a hospital because it takes an hour or more and can theoretically cause childbirth. A nurse will interfere with the monitor on the mother's abdomen to record the heart rate of the fetus. With the help of stimulation of the nipples or intravenous administration of a small dose of oxytocin, the woman's uterus contractions are caused. The result shows how well the fetus will endure contractions and labor.
Slow heart rate after contractions can be a signal about the unsuccessful condition of the fetus. It may not be receiving enough oxygen or experiencing other difficulties. The doctor can recommend to cause childbirth. In other cases, the analysis is repeated after a few days or the biophysical profile is prescribed (description below). If the analysis does not show a slowing of the fetal heart rate, the result is checked.
Biophysical profile
Biophysical profile - this is an accurate analysis that allows you to determine the state of the health of the fetus. Usually, this analysis is shown in pregnancies associated with high risk, persnashanivsm child or if the child is inactive. It is useful in assessing the condition of a child with insufficient intrauterine growth.
In the biophysical profile, five components are measured, which are determined and evaluated: the fetal respiratory movements, body movements, fetal tones, the fetal heart rate response and the amount of amniotic fluid. To measure these components, ultrasound, external monitoring and direct observation are used.
Each component is given an estimate from 0 to 2 points. Score of 1 point is average; the sum is determined by adding up all five estimates. The higher the amount, the better the condition of the child.
Perhaps a child with a low amount for these parameters is required to give birth immediately. The doctor will estimate the amount, condition of the woman, the history of her previous pregnancies and childbirth and make a decision. If confirmation is required, the analysis may need to be repeated at certain intervals. Sometimes this procedure is repeated the next day.
Fetal monitoring during labor
In many hospitals, childbirth is monitored during childbirth by external fetal monitoring or fetal monitoring. Fetal monitoring allows the doctor to determine in advance the presence of problems.
External monitoring of the fetus can be performed before the destruction of embryonic membranes. On the belly of the future mother, a strap is added, with the help of which the heart beats the fetus. Internal monitoring of the hearing allows for more accurate observation of the child. The electrode is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and attached to the fetal head skin for measuring the heart rate. This procedure is carried out only after the destruction of embryonic membranes.
Fetal blood test during labor
Fetal blood test is another way to assess how well the child is suffering the stress of labor. Before this analysis can be done, it is required that the embryonic membranes are destroyed and the cervix has already had a diameter of at least 2 cm. The instrument is inserted into the vagina through an elongated cervix and is brought to the crown of the baby's head, on which it makes a small incision. The baby's blood is collected in a small tube, and the pH is measured.
Knowing the pH of the child's blood allows the doctor to determine if he has problems. This analysis helps doctors decide whether to continue childbirth or whether a cesarean section should be done.
Evaluation of the maturity of the fetus
The respiratory system of the fetus becomes mature at the last. Premature babies often experience difficulty breathing due to the fact that their lungs are underdeveloped. When a doctor knows the degree of development of the fetal lungs, it is easier for him to decide whether to give birth artificially, if necessary.
If it is necessary to cause births artificially, this analysis allows to determine when a child can breathe on his own. To assess the degree of development of the lungs of a child before its birth, two analyzes are most often used: the LS score and the phosphatidylglycerol test. The fluid for these tests is taken with a puncture.
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Determination of oxygen level
Nowadays, one can observe the consumption of oxygen by a child inside the uterus before it is born. The measurement of the oxygen level in the blood of the fetus gives an accurate answer to whether his baby is enough. This non-invasive method is called OxiFirst fetal oxygen monitoring, it is used during labor. The device is placed inside the uterus on the baby's skin to measure the oxygen level.
Visits to the clinic can be a source of information for both spouses
A man may wonder why he should go to all the doctor's consultations prescribed to his wife in the months of pregnancy. We suggest that men go with their wives to all the consultations that they can attend. If work permits, it's worth doing. This will help his wife and it will be interesting for both.
Visiting prenatal consultations allows a man to feel better as a participant in pregnancy and unites spouses as a family. A man can change his schedule of work or do it in his spare time, but he should go to prenatal consultations as often as he can.
The feelings of women regarding the participation of their spouses in pregnancy vary, so it is better for a man to ask his wife how often she would like to go to a polyclinic with him. A man may be surprised that his wife wants him to attend only important consultations, such as listening to a child's heart or ultrasound. There are many important reasons to attend these consultations, they are described below.
Be ready to ask questions
Doctors and medical staff will answer the questions of the spouses and will assist and support them during pregnancy. If a man or his spouse forgot to ask about anything when visiting a doctor or the situation changes so that they need explanations, they should call the doctor. If the doctor's instructions are not clear, you can ask permission to talk about this with a nurse. If she can not help right away, she will find an answer later.
The hospital staff and the doctor are waiting for the call. They will prefer to deal with calls and find the right answers, rather than letting them ignore a situation that can become serious. You should call doctors when any of the spouses need information or help.
Emotional support
Joint visits by spouses of prenatal consultations provide both spouses with emotional support from each other. This allows the spouses to share joy and experience problems, which helps them become a family.
Physical Aid
During pregnancy, an increase in the size of a woman's body in various ways can cause her inconvenience, for example, in controlling the machine, climbing and descending the stairs or just leaving the house. To help her overcome these problems, the joint work of both spouses will be required.
A man can also have questions
Pregnancy has its own light and dark stripes. The spouses will have joyful, delightful moments, as well as unpleasant or tense times. A man may have questions about some aspects of pregnancy that are important to him. Visiting a clinic will help a man find answers to his questions.
The decision must be made
It will be easier for spouses to make a decision regarding childbirth, the choice of a doctor and other situations if they attend a two-person consultation. It will also help to keep the connections between them and help get rid of such requests as: "When you see a doctor, ask him about ..." or "Why did not you ask him about ...?"
What if the man can not attend every consultation?
We understand that a man can not always come to a prenatal consultation, therefore we give here information about those consultations, whose visit is useful. This will help men in choosing consultations that they would not want to miss.
U It should be consulted at various periods of pregnancy. At least one of them should be in the first trimester.
During the first consultation (usually 8 weeks), the doctor usually tells what is to be done in the future. At the same time, the family history can be clarified; It is useful to visit this consultation to provide information about the health of a woman.
Another good visit for counseling usually occurs at the 12th week of pregnancy, when the fetal heartbeat becomes possible to hear. A man may wish to do it!
Consultations during the second trimester give an idea of what is happening at this time. The doctor can also give the man advice on how to help the expectant mother during this time.
During the 20th week, many doctors give directions to ultrasound. This study can be adorable for both spouses.
You should visit the consultation if there is any problem.
Near the end of pregnancy (usually the last 6 weeks), as many consultations as possible should be attended. This time should be used to discuss training courses for childbearing and for birth planning.
It should be accompanied with his wife to attend a consultation, when she needs physical help to get to the clinic, or when she is not feeling well.
It is necessary to accompany the spouse to those consultations, which are more serious than usual procedures. She may need moral support from a man or, perhaps, after these procedures will need to take her home.
Patience is rewarded
Doctors from the clinic, who know about the schedule of the man and his wife, are very useful. They will help the spouses to get to the reception as soon as possible. However, you should plan the consultation so that there is a time reserve, and you need to be patient. An obstetrician may have difficulty in taking delivery, because he needs to determine whether a woman can give birth or she needs a cesarean section. When the spouses have a baby, they need the presence of a doctor! If the spouses ask that their consultation be the last in the doctor's schedule, they will need to wait quite a lot. As a rule, this is the most intense time in the clinic. Spouses will definitely need to sit in the corridor!
When to call a doctor
Do not rely on medical advice from friends or family members. If there is a need for medical advice, you should call the clinic. If a woman has any of the following symptoms, the doctor should call immediately. The main warning signs:
- vaginal bleeding
- severe swelling of the face or fingers
- severe abdominal pain
- loss of fluid through the vagina (usually by a stream, but sometimes by drops or felt as a permanent moistening)
- severe changes in the movements of the child or insufficient activity of the child
- high temperature (above 38.7 ° C)
- chills
- severe vomiting or inability to swallow food or liquid
- blurred vision
- painful urination
- permanent headache or severe headache
- damage resulting from an accident, in particular a fall or car accident.