Diet for edema
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet with edema plays an important role. Proper nutrition can get rid of unpleasant consequences. Puffiness leads to a general discomfort of the body and makes it difficult for a person to act. It is possible to get rid of this condition solely through the means of proper food intake.
What is the diet for swelling?
Do you know which diet is most effective in swelling? For people suffering from this phenomenon, nutrition plays a special role. In the body in the required amount must come proteins, it is necessary to include in the diet of eggs, sour cream, milk, fish, cheese. On the table, it is always worthwhile to "keep" foods that contain potassium. It is his lack provoking puffiness.
Melon, watermelon, orange juice and mandarin are what you need. There are a lot of diets, but it is necessary to choose your own, special. You can create it yourself. For this, it is sufficient to know which products are useful.
So, juices have a diuretic effect, the greatest benefit will be: beet, pumpkin, carrot and apple. Give preference to herbal decoctions. Well-proven green tea, a decoction of cumin and hawthorn.
Cream and rice days will be excellent variants of the anti-edema diet. Often experts recommend taking a closer look at the kefir diet. For a day just enough to drink 1.5 liters of a drink. It is desirable that the percentage of its fat content is minimal. Diversify the diet can be fruits or vegetables.
Fishing days are good too. Choose low-fat fish. For 5 receptions, 500 grams of product are divided. As a side dish, vegetables can serve as a couple. Many tips on diet coincide with proper nutrition. Therefore, it is enough to eat healthy food and not worry about the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
Diet with Quinck's swelling
Diet with edema quincke is notable for its severity. This phenomenon can be caused by drugs, food, insect bites, heat and cold.
Nutrition for urticaria and edema Quincke differs in some features. So, in most cases food is excluded altogether. It is prescribed curative fasting and performing purification procedures, such as enemas, in the most severe cases - droppers. After a while, one product is introduced, which must be consumed for 2 days. If the body has not reacted negatively to it, then you can continue and enter other food. Thus, the diet is replenished with new products. It is necessary to conduct the procedure in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.
Diet for swelling in this case is the strictest of the milestones existing. It requires a serious approach. In some cases, the disease can be fatal.
Diet with swelling of the feet
Diet for swelling of the legs requires clarification of the cause of this phenomenon. Often, it occurs against the background of varicose veins. Lead to this phenomenon can be a lot of work when standing, long sitting, especially with crossed legs, flat feet, incorrectly selected shoes and excess weight.
The main diet in this case is a mono-diet. Simply put, the day of a single product. It can be any food from the allowed list. But you need to eat only one food per day.
Compliance with a watermelon diet helps to remove excess fluid from the body, cleanse the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system. In a day you need to eat 2 kg of berries. True, this treatment is topical only in the summer.
Cucumber diet also copes well with excess fluid in the body. During the day, 20 ripe cucumbers are eaten. In addition, it is not recommended to drink.
Apples also have an easy diuretic effect, accumulated in the tissues of the liquid will help remove 2 kg of apples not sweet varieties. A large amount of vitamin C contained in fruit will strengthen the walls of the vessels.
But one should never spend unloading days without consulting a specialist, in some cases they can do harm!
Diet with swelling of the face
Diet for facial edema - in the treatment of edema, an important role is played by a healthy diet of the patient, including in sufficient quantities proteins of animal origin: meat, eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and fish. It is advisable to introduce into the diet products rich in potassium: apricots, melons, orange and tangerine juices, potatoes, parsley, rice. Soy products and natural yoghurts are especially recommended.
Diet for swelling should be saturated with carbohydrates, contained in fruits, and having a diuretic effect, except for grapes and bananas. A fresh diuretic juice, herbal teas and other low-caffeinated drinks have a good diuretic effect.
For the treatment of edema first of all, daily intake of salt is limited to 1.0-1.5 g per day, and liquids - up to 600-1500 ml.
It is important to exclude salted, fried, spicy, all products containing a large amount of salt: canned fish and meat, caviar, ham, brisket, loin, sausages, sausages, nuts, sauces and cheeses. Forbidden desserts, cream, mayonnaise, wheat flour, alcohol and any products containing artificial additives. For the first time days of treatment of edema to the patient limit the consumption of protein and liquid. For effective therapy, it is worth giving up milk, tea and compote in favor of drinking water.
Uncontrolled and prolonged use of diuretics can lead to dehydration of the body and disruption of the water-salt balance.
The abuse of decongestant diet is fraught with the appearance of a sharp weakness. Patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency are at risk.
To improve the taste of salt-free food during the therapeutic diet, substitutes for table salt are used. With severe swelling, you will be able to cope with malaise with unloading days. But without control, they can exacerbate the problem, so it is important to listen to the opinion of the attending physician. The most physiological are the curd and dairy and rice unloading days.
Diet for pregnant women with edema
The best diet for pregnant women with edema is salt-free. Edemas provoke an increase in pressure, so most doctors, noticing the pregnancy of their presence, will advise you to sit for a couple of weeks on such a diet.
Usually a salt-free protein diet with swelling during pregnancy reduces to the exclusion of any salt during cooking. It is enough to replace it, powdered garlic or lemon juice, if there is no allergy to these products. You can not eat soy sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise and other store sauces. All seasonings with additional salt and sodium glutamate in the composition are prohibited. If there is a habit of annoying meals and eating all of the above, it is not worth it to designate a food for yourself.
Pay attention to the food by Dr. Eigolts. Protein diet during pregnancy is nothing more than adapting the rules of healthy nutrition recommended by WHO, to the needs of the body of a woman who is carrying a child. The menu is based on baked potatoes, whole grains cereals, bread. These foods can be eaten 3-5 times a day, that is, with each meal. Portion - 30 grams of bread or 100 grams of any porridge or potatoes in a boiled form.
The second necessary component is vegetables, greens and fruits. It is necessary to eat 1 portion of these foods with each meal. Portion - a 200 grams of stewed vegetables or salad with butter, but not mayonnaise dressing, or 1 fruit of medium size, or 200 g of berries.
In addition, one portion of lean meat - 120 grams, and 1 serving of eggs (2 pieces) or dairy products (200 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of yogurt, 250 ml of milk or kefir) per day are assumed. To exclude is worth sweets, coffee, semi-finished products and all food like chips.
Diet from swelling during pregnancy - should be based on proper nutrition. An increase in swelling of the tissues of the pregnant woman occurs almost always. The longer the period, the situation becomes more complicated. An additional amount of fluid in later terms of pregnancy is physiologically justified. But, despite this, it is necessary to resort to proper nutrition.
The metabolism is carried out only in a liquid medium, and as it goes more intensively, more fluid is needed in the tissues.
Secondly, because of the big belly the woman becomes more clumsy, and the swollen tissues give greater protection from concussions and minor injuries. Thirdly, the excess fluid stored at the end of pregnancy is consumed in childbirth, because for almost a day a woman does not drink due to fights and a period of attempts. During this period, its water reserves are spent, and there is no dehydration. The remaining portions of supplemental fluid replenish the volume of blood lost in childbirth, and thus replenish the volume of fluid circulating in the vessels.
It is advisable to drink pure or mineral water without gas. Because the soda provokes thirst and causes heartburn. Give preference to green or weak black tea. But this issue should be agreed with the doctor. Because not all pregnant women can use herbs. Diet with edema will avoid unpleasant symptoms during the bearing of the child.
Diet menu for edema
The diet menu for swelling can be made independently. But for an example, an approximate diet will be provided. It is desirable to eat 4-5 times a day. So, for a day, 6 egg whites, 200 g curds, 0-5% fat, 150 grams of fish or seafood, 150 grams of white poultry meat, 120 grams of red meat - beef, veal, lamb, low-fat pork, 250 ml of calcium-enriched and protein milk or kefir.
It should be remembered that yogurt and yoghurt usually contain quite a bit of protein - only 3-4 g per 100 g of product, and they should not be considered a full-fledged source of protein. The "rest" diet should consist of natural cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits. Juices and other sweet drinks most doctors advised to avoid - they raise the level of sugar and provoke a feeling of hunger.
If a person is concerned about the weight problem, it is better to contact a professional nutritionist to make a diet for this period of life. He will help not only make a menu, but also correctly determine whether it is possible to keep such a diet or not.
Diet recipes for swelling
Diet recipes for edema have nothing to do with themselves. It is important to make a menu based on the list of prohibited and allowed products. Preference is given to Morse from cranberries and cranberries. You can prepare it yourself. For this, berries are picked and twisted together with sugar. But sweet is worth adding, very little.
You can eat cranberry or cranberry juice. Everything is done in a similar way. To taste, the juices are quite acidic, so they should be diluted with water.
You can eat cottage cheese and yogurt for breakfast. Vegetables, fruits are not prohibited. For lunch, you can cook fish for a couple without spices. As a side dish, raw or steam vegetables are suitable. Certain recipes do not exist, a person creates masterpieces in the kitchen on his own. Diet for edema is easily compiled, it is enough to just start from the allowed and prohibited products.
Protein diet with edema
The protein diet for swelling has nothing to do with a similar plan for athletes. You just need to raise the consumption of pure protein to 2-2.5 g per day for 1 kg of body weight. Before you start changing your diet, take a medical examination - a protein diet for a pregnant woman is contraindicated in certain diseases of the liver and kidneys.
In practice, it is necessary, eat 4-5 times a day, and eat with each meal one serving of protein food. For example, you can eat 6 egg whites, 200 g curds, 0-5% fat, 150 grams of fish or seafood, 150 g of white poultry meat, 120 grams of red meat - beef, veal, lamb, lean pork, 250 ml of calcium-enriched and protein milk or kefir.
Kefir and yogurts usually contain quite a bit of protein - only 3-4 g per 100 g of product, and they should not be considered a full-fledged source of protein. Another diet should consist of natural cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits. Juices and other sweet drinks most doctors advised to avoid - they raise the level of sugar and provoke a feeling of hunger.
What can you eat with swelling?
Not many people know what you can eat with swelling? There are a number of products that have a positive effect. First of all, this is soy milk and yoghurts. As for the latter, they must not contain any additives. It is desirable to diversify the diet with fruits. But avoid grapes and bananas. On the contrary, they retain moisture in the body.
Perfectly digested and does not cause harm - vegetables, everything except potatoes. To give preference to seeds, nuts, oatmeal, bean, brown rice, lean meat and poultry. Beneficial to the body are herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices and other drinks, which are characterized by a low content of caffeine. All these products must be in everyone's diet.
Do not ignore the unloading days. They can be kefir, fish and vegetable. This will remove from the body all that is superfluous. Diet for swelling can be composed both independently and with the participation of a specialist.
What can not be eaten with swelling?
Do you know what can not be eaten with swelling? The list of contraindications is actually great. Refuse is from sweet, salty, fatty and floury. Salt retains fluid in the body and leads to excessive accumulation. As a result of this action - puffiness.
Exclude sugar, honey, syrup and other products. Under the ban milk dainties. It is allowed to use exclusively low-fat kefir, eggs, yeast, salt and all salted foods under prohibition. Any red meat is prohibited, including ham and bacon.
Refuse to have smoked fish (boiled allowed), cheese, cakes, pastries, chocolate, butter, potato chips, margarine, wheat flour, cream, mayonnaise. Fatty desserts, sauces, gravies and alcohol under the strictest ban. From products in the composition of which there are artificial additives, should also be discarded.
Reviews about a diet with edema
Reviews about the diet with edema is purely positive. After all, proper nutrition allows not only to remove the accumulated fluid from the body, but also leads to a better well-being of the person. Each diet for edema is good in its own way. Naturally, when choosing it is worth starting from personal preferences and product portability.
Usually, proper nutrition immediately leads to a positive result. You can choose a diet both with a doctor and yourself. The only thing, pregnant girls should agree this question with a specialist without fail.
Choose food, according to reviews it's not a good idea. After all, each organism is individual. Moreover, food preferences are also diverse. Therefore, it is impossible to distinguish the best diet from the whole. You just need to start eating right. In this case, well-being and lack of any problems are guaranteed.