What should I do if my face swells?
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Swelling on the face can appear due to malnutrition, certain diseases, fatigue, etc.
With the appearance of puffiness, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and undergo a checkup, since if the cause of swelling is a violation of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, it is necessary to start treating pathology as soon as possible.
There are several ways that will help improve the condition and remove swelling.
The first thing to do when swelling the face before visiting a doctor is to pay attention to nutrition, especially on the amount of salt consumed (as is known salt prevents the elimination of liquid from the body). When swelling of the face should be consumed no more than 3 g of salt per day, in some cases, the dose is recommended to be further reduced.
Also it is necessary to remove from your diet all products that detain fluid in the body - smoked meat, pickles, fatty and spicy dishes.
Depending on the season, add to the menu diuretic products - apples, watermelon, citrus.
Also, swelling of the face in the morning can be caused by late dinner, so you should try to eat about 3-4 hours before bedtime.
If the person swells systematically, you can consult a doctor and start taking diuretics. Good diuretic properties have some herbal infusions (bear ears, flax seeds, bearberry, dog rose, horsetail, etc.).
If swelling is associated with a cardiovascular system, then you can take infusion from corn stigmas (15g of grass for 250ml of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, strain, add honey to taste, drink several spoons every 2 hours).
Remove facial swelling will help different masks. There are many products on sale that relieve fatigue, swelling, improve complexion.
You can also use alternative means. The most common way to remove swelling (especially from the eyes) is ice cubes, which wipe eyelids and face. Frozen infusions of various herbs - chamomile, sage, marigolds - are more effective.
Also popular is the mask from potatoes: boiled potatoes (with peel) to crush and put on the face.
What to do with eye swelling?
When the eyes are swollen, a large amount of fluid is collected in the eyelids. Puffiness can appear at any age, but usually people who are older than 30 years old suffer from them.
The causes of oedemas of the eyes, as well as in other cases, are different - allergy, trauma, disruption of the internal organs and systems, lack of sleep, violation of the outflow of the lymphatic fluid. The swelling of the eyes is of an inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature, depending on the cause, the specialist prescribes treatment and gives recommendations on what to do with swelling.
During treatment, you must observe the regime of the day, eat right, do not drink alcohol.
If necessary, the specialist can prescribe treatment procedures for active lymph drainage, for example, electrostimulation.
You can also make cosmetic masks that will help reduce swelling and improve the condition.
A simple but effective way to relieve the swelling of the eyelids, are lotions with infusion of herbs. You can use the herb of sage, chamomile, parsley, dill, birch leaves (1 tablespoon dry grass for 200ml of boiling water).
You can also use fresh potato juice, which will not only reduce swelling, but also make bruises under the eyes less noticeable. For the mask you need to grate the raw potatoes, squeeze the juice (using gauze or bandage), moisten the cotton disc in the juice and attach to the eyes for a few minutes (you can also make a mask for the whole face).
Express method of getting rid of swelling under the eyes - wipe the eyelids with a piece of ice or apply to the eyelids, soaked in tea, cotton balls for 10-15 minutes.
A mask of pumpkin or sour cream with dill will help cope with swelling. These masks are prepared quite simply, chop the pumpkin and apply on the eyelids for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water, for the second mask mix the sour cream with chopped dill and apply to the eyelids (you can put on the whole face) and leave for 10-15 minutes (such mask not only reduce puffiness, but will make the skin more elastic).
What to do with swelling under the eyes?
What to do if swelling under the eyes is a question that worries many women.
The easiest way to remove puffiness are lotions with warm tea brewing (for 10 minutes).
To reduce edema under the eyes, there are many recipes, below are the most effective:
- Warm boiled potatoes cut into two halves and apply minutes by 10 to the eyelids.
- Dill well helps to cope with swelling, redness and inflammation. To make a mask you need to boil the dill for two minutes, strain and moisten the cotton discs in the broth, warm to attach to the eyelids for 2-3 minutes. The procedure should be repeated several times in a row, each time using new discs soaked in a decoction. In the end, you should attach discs soaked in cold water to your eyes.
- fresh cottage cheese (1 tsp) is divided into 2 parts, wrapped in thin napkins and attach to the eyes for 15 minutes.
- Prepare an infusion of lime and chamomile (1 tablespoon herb, 200ml of boiling water). In warm infusion, moisten cotton pads and attach to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
- compress with cold milk for 10-15 minutes
- Cucumber - a long-known means for skin care. To remove swelling, apply cold mugs of cucumber to the eyes for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water.
What to do with edema of the eyelids?
The swelling of the eyelids is often a symptom of an infectious disease and if the treatment is not timely started, the vision may deteriorate.
The first thing to do with swelling of the eyelids, is to find out the cause of the pathology and treat the underlying disease.
Eyelids swell for various reasons: an incorrect lifestyle (lack of sleep, smoking, abuse of salt, fat, etc., food, alcohol), trauma, insect bites, allergic reactions, etc.
Sometimes the cause of edema is inflammation in the eye, for example, barley, which is provoked by bacteria of staphylococcus.
What to do with edema of the upper eyelid?
The swelling of the upper eyelids begins to disturb, as a rule, after thirty years. Usually, edema is associated with the wrong way of life (lack of mobility, drinking, smoking, abuse of harmful food, lack of sleep, etc.).
Therefore, the first thing to do with swelling of the upper eyelid, is to change your lifestyle: change the diet, abandon bad habits, observe the regime of the day, also it is worth to go in for sports.
If the edema of the upper eyelid is permanent (or occurs from time to time), you should consult a specialist and undergo a test, perhaps the cause of the edema is an infectious, inflammatory process in the body, a malfunctioning of organs or systems. In this case, after revealing the underlying disease and course of treatment, swelling in the upper eyelid will become less noticeable or even disappear altogether.
What should I do if my nose is swollen?
The mucous nasal swells for various reasons (allergy, viral diseases, trauma, etc.) and before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to know the exact cause of the edema in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications.
With the swelling of the nose, other symptoms may appear: mucous discharge (there may be impurities of blood, pus), lack of smell (taste), a person begins to snore in sleep.
Nasal edema may appear after surgery, however, it is a physiological process, and usually does not require treatment. With nose injuries, in addition to puffiness, there is bleeding, severe pain in the place of injury and adjacent tissues, a strong swelling. In case of injuries, you need to see a doctor and take an X-ray to avoid serious complications that may require further surgery (perhaps not one).
What to do with edema of the nasal mucosa in viral diseases, when the edema is accompanied by nasal congestion, mucus secretion, a common malaise is known to almost every person. The main thing is not to start the disease and start treatment at an early stage, it will facilitate the process of recovery and prevent serious complications, for example, sinusitis.
Treatment of mucosal edema and runny nose in the initial stages can be performed by alternative means, for example, rinse nasal mucous saline solution (or normal salt with 1-2 drops of iodine) or herbal decoctions. To prepare a solution of salt, take 1 tbsp. Salt for 1 liter of water is well stirred and using a small syringe to irrigate the nasal cavity, to prepare the decoction of herbs - 1 tablespoon. On 250 ml of water, to insist 20-25 minutes. Also cure colds are helped by inhalation with decoction of herbs, essential oils or over a couple of boiled potatoes. During the disease you should drink more tea, compote, herbal infusions (dog rose, raspberry).
It is worth noting that to treat a runny nose and swelling of the nasal mucosa in young children (especially in newborns) is better under the supervision of a specialist.
When swelling of the nose against the background of an allergic reaction, first of all, you must eliminate the allergen, then start to remove the symptoms of allergies. For this, special anti-allergic sprays, drops, tablets (reagent, intal, clarisens) are used.
What to do with swelling of the nasal mucosa?
The frequent cause of edema of the nasal mucosa is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. To treat catarrhal edema, vasoconstrictive drops (otrivine, nasol) are used. These drugs relieve puffiness, facilitate breathing, usually after such drugs, the nasal cavity is treated with disinfectant solutions (callargol) to stop the spread of infection.
Antibiotics for a cold are prescribed only as a last resort, as a rule, with a viral infection, such drugs are inappropriate and sometimes dangerous for health.
Well help to cope with edema inhalation, for example, you can finely chop the garlic or onion, wrap in a napkin and inhale the vapor for 15-20 minutes, the phytoncids that are included in their composition, effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria in the nasal mucosa, repeat the procedure several times during the day.
Bury the juice of plants, especially aggressive ones such as onions, beets, garlic is what to do with swelling of the nasal mucosa is not recommended, since it can provoke a strong allergic reaction or local burn. In alternative medicine, there are recipes using the juice of these products, but before instilling it is recommended to dilute the juice with boiled water.
What to do with a strong swelling of the nose?
Severe edema of the nose is often associated with serious diseases, for example, sinusitis, polyps in the nose, severe allergies. What to do with edema of the nose, especially the strong, it is important to know everyone. First of all, it is necessary to find out what caused the strong puffiness, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible and undergo a survey.
With severe swelling, you do not need to warm up your nose, as this can be dangerous.
To ease the condition, you can rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt (1 tea per 200ml of water).
What to do with a strong face swelling?
Edema of the face, some experts refer to the symptoms of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, kidney failure. Also, swelling on the face can appear due to excessive consumption of alcoholic, fatty, salty, smoked dishes, poor sleep. In any case, if the puffiness on the face appears regularly, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
The first thing to do when swollen face, is to reduce salt intake, which promotes fluid retention in the body. You also need to stop using harmful food (pickles, smoked foods, fried, fatty foods) and spirits, bad habits, move more.
If swellings on the face appear due to poor quality rest, systematic lack of sleep, incorrect posture during the time, you need to adjust the regime, try to lie down and wake up at the same time, also pay attention to bed linens (it should be made of natural materials), you may need to buy an orthopedic pillow.
If the cause of puffiness is any disease (heart, kidney, neuralgia, eye pathology), a consultation of the therapist is needed, which will prescribe the examination and, if necessary, send it to a specialist.
Reduce puffiness of the face can be with the help of diuretics or herbal infusions. Decoctions of rose hips, cranberry leaves will help to remove excess liquid from the body. It also helps to clean the puffiness on the face of a cold compress or ice, which you can wipe your face every morning (ice is contraindicated in couperose).
Effective for removing puffiness and tightening the skin mask, for example, with cucumber and honey (1: 1).
What to do with ear swelling?
Edema of the ear is the main symptom of otitis (inflammatory diseases of different parts of the ear). In this case, in addition to swelling, the nearby lymph nodes increase, shooting pain appears, hearing worsens (ear lays).
What to do with ear swelling should be told only by a specialist. Untimely or incorrect treatment may threaten full or partial hearing loss.
In case of ear inflammation, drops in the ears are prescribed with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect (choline amycilate, dextamethasone), compresses, physiotherapy procedures, antibiotic course.
It is not recommended to warm up the inflamed ear on its own, as this can provoke the release of pus and the spread of infection throughout the body.
What should I do if my eyes are allergic to an allergy?
The allergy can threaten with severe and sometimes irreversible consequences. When swelling of the eyes from allergies, you must immediately begin to treat, otherwise puffiness can affect the mucous throat, nose.
The first aid for allergic edema of the eyes is the intake of antiallergic drugs, best of all hormonal. To remove the allergen from the body faster, you should drink more liquid, preferably better clean water at room temperature. You can also take adsorbent (activated carbon, enterosgel).
The first thing to do with swelling of the eyes, especially the strong one, is to turn to a specialist for help, since such a condition can be life threatening, and it is possible that treatment in a hospital environment is required.
Treatment of any allergic reactions is aimed primarily at identifying and eliminating the allergen, then antihistamines are prescribed. To remove swelling in the eyes, local means of prescription (compresses, ointments, drops) are prescribed.
Puffiness in the eyes usually passes through a couple of days, first a tumor comes down, then redness and itching.
With a tendency to allergies, if after contact with the allergen there is lacrimation, burning, itching in the eye area, swelling may occur at any time, so you should always have an antihistamine as an emergency aid.
If the puffiness has already happened, but the allergen has not been identified, it is necessary to consult an allergist-immunologist who will recommend emergency medications and develop an individual prophylactic program.
What to do with edema after Botox?
Puffiness is the most common side effect after Botox injections, eyes often swell. What to do with edemas after botox should recommend a beautician, as a rule, for the removal of swelling used complex measures.
Self-treatment in this case can only worsen the condition, so it is better to immediately consult with a specialist and act according to his recommendations.
To remove puffiness after injections, Botox is prescribed manual or instrumental lymphodrainage massage, taking diuretic broths (cowberry, dog rose, sage, fennel, chicory). If necessary, the doctor can prescribe hot compresses (with potatoes, parsley).
Puffiness after botox is a rather serious consequence, but such a reaction of the body is extremely rare. As a rule, swelling arises from the lack of professionalism of the doctor, ignoring the patient's contraindications, or after an incomplete examination to identify risk factors.
What should I do if my upper lip is swollen?
The upper lip can become swollen due to inflammation, infection, allergic reactions, trauma, and after dental interventions.
At allergic reactions it is necessary to take an antihistamine (tavegil, suprastin). If there is a tendency to allergies, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will help to choose an effective emergency aid.
What to do with edema of the upper lip because of the inflammatory process depends on the patient's condition. If the inflammatory process is at an initial stage, there is a swelling of the upper lip, redness, soreness, it is necessary to treat the wound with a disinfectant solution and apply an antiseptic agent (zelenka, alcohol tincture of calendula, ichthyol ointment, miramistin). It should be noted that alcoholic antiseptics are used only in the case of small damages. If the condition worsens, tenderness, redness increases, the wound begins to fester, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Inflammation can begin because of infection in the wound on the surface of the skin, in particular, after squeezing out acne in the area of the upper lip, cut or punch.
In case of an infectious or viral disease, herpes, stomatitis, puffiness of the upper lip is removed with antiseptics and antiviral drugs.