Diet with thrush
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of candidiasis diet plays an equally important role than drug treatment. Observe the diet with thrush is not difficult and does not require any specific processing. The main thing is to remember the balance, caloric content of dishes, and also to focus on products rich in vitamins of group B.
With thrush, it is necessary to exclude sugar and yeast products from the diet for at least 3 months (it is best to stick to the diet for a year) - this will help the body to restore the correct microflora without too much. With a sharp transition to banned foods, the disease returns. The minimum should be the use of sugar, fatty, caffeine, mushroom dishes, yeast products, soda, spicy foods, various spices, alcohol (especially beer).
Very useful during thrush eating beets, garlic, carrots, cucumbers, dill, parsley, plums, sour apples, lemons. Also, it is not forbidden to use yogurt without preservatives, sour-milk products, lean meat with vegetables, liver and other offal, seafood, lean fish, olive oil, eggs, sesame. A positive result is observed when eating fresh vegetables. Also on the menu should be the fruits of blueberries, sea buckthorn, vitaminized infusions (in the composition can be added hips, mountain ash, hawthorn, mace grass, leaves, leaves, leaves and twigs of black currant).
Treatment of thrush with a diet in combination with antifungal drugs will give an opportunity to effectively cope with the pathogen and relieve the discomfort.
What is the diet for thrush?
What kind of diet with thrush will promote a speedy recovery? First of all, you should eat regularly and in a balanced manner, the food should contain a minimum of sugar and yeast fungi and a maximum of vitamins. Diet is appropriate not only during the treatment of the disease, but also after a fixed recovery, as well as for the prevention of relapse. So, the diet for candidiasis should consist of:
- Some sour-milk products (natural yoghurt without additives and dyes, kefir, butter, yogurt).
- Vegetables and legumes in any form - fresh, stewed, baked, but fried vegetables are better restricted or excluded altogether.
- Greens of dill, parsley, sea kale, offal, seafood, lean meat, fish cooked in foil or boiled.
- Flaxseed, olive oil, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds (you can make dressings for salads on the basis of these products).
- Fruits and berries, but only sweet and sour - plums, lemons, apples, sea buckthorn, blueberries, cranberries, etc.
- Kash from natural cereals (rice, barley, buckwheat, millet).
For example, you can have a salad of apples and cabbage, boiled eggs, rye bread with butter, herbal tea or infusion. Eat a chicken broth with vegetables, roast fish, orange juice or grapefruit juice. Supper with cabbage rolls, baked pumpkin, apple-plum compote - this is an exemplary menu for thrush, variations of dishes can be many.
Diet for thrush in women
Diet for thrush in women is one of the main conditions for successful treatment. The main condition of a diet for candidiasis is that all products should be natural, free of preservatives and colorants, vitaminized (vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B9, B12, PABA are especially useful), with antifungal and immunomodulating action.
A positive effect in the treatment of thrush is observed with frequent use of garlic and garlic extract, red hot pepper, propolis, grapefruit, extract from tea tree, lemons, blueberries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, cranberries and infusions of cranberry leaves.
Harmful to the growth of fungi affects the daily intake of natural yogurt, which do not contain preservatives and fruit additives, sweet and sour fruit, fresh vegetable juices.
It is also useful to eat lean boiled and baked meat, fish, stewed and baked vegetables, buckwheat, oatmeal, seafood and kelp, vitamin infusions and tea from hips, cowberry, black currant. Also in the diet should be a small number of eggs, nuts, spicy additives (cloves, bay leaf, cinnamon), bread with bran. But alcohol, sugar, confectionery, honey, white bread, milk, cheese and mushroom dishes should be excluded - this food promotes reproduction of the Candida fungus.
By its nature, the diet for thrush in women does not require special skills and skills in cooking, it is enough just to adhere to the list of allowed products for at least a year and only thus will you be able to protect yourself against the re-development of the disease and the complications associated with it.
Diet for thrush during pregnancy
Diet for thrush during pregnancy plays an important role in the mechanism of treatment, since drugs in this period are almost contraindicated. Almost a third of women diagnosed with thrush during pregnancy. Normally Candida fungus is present in the microflora of the vaginal mucosa, and during pregnancy, when immunity decreases, its growth progresses.
When pregnancy, fight with thrush helps proper nutrition. The menu should have more beets and garlic, broccoli cabbage, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cucumbers, dill, parsley, plums, green, sweet and sour apples, lemons, natural yogurt, other fermented milk products, but milk, buns, sugar, honey , confectionery sweets should be consumed as little as possible, and it is better to completely eliminate them. Boiled and baked meat, fish, by-products, boiled soft-boiled eggs, sesame seeds, pumpkins, nuts are useful. Particular attention should be paid to drinks - no sweet soda, only freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and savory fruit, berry fruit drinks, vitamin infusions from cranberry leaves, black currant and herbal teas (if there are no contraindications of the treating doctor).
Diet for thrush during pregnancy should be strictly observed, as this is the safest way to fight fungi. Even if candidiasis does not give pregnant a special discomfort, do not forget that the woman is responsible for the health of the unborn child.
Diet for thrush in men
The diet for thrush in men is almost identical to the female diet, but it is more caloric. Candidiasis in men is almost asymptomatic and is not always accompanied by discomfort, but this does not mean that the diagnosed disease can be left without attention. In addition to antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs, nutrition takes an important place in the treatment. Diet is the best way to improve the body and maintain the microflora of mucous membranes.
To adhere to a diet in candidiasis should be no less than three months, in more severe cases a year or more, otherwise the probability of difficult recurrence of relapse increases. The doctor selects a diet plan individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient. Food should be rich in vitamins B6, B2, C and PP, protein, with a minimum carbohydrate content, milk, cheese and cheese products, sweets, pastries, buns, sweet fruits, alcohol (especially beer) are excluded. The daily menu should contain a lot of vegetables, berries, lean meat and fish are very useful in any form, except fried. It is especially useful daily to consume natural yoghurts without preservatives and fruit supplements, vitamin infusions, teas, fresh juices. One of the key goals of the treatment is the modeling of strong immunity slowing the growth and reproduction of Candida fungi.
Diet for thrush in the mouth
Diet for thrush in the mouth should be mechanically and thermally sparing. The mucosa of the oral cavity in candidiasis is very sensitive and inflamed, so the food should not be too hot, it is better if the dishes are liquid and rubbed, without spices, not too sharp, lightly salted, not acidic. After eating, the oral cavity should be rinsed with a disinfectant solution based on soda, borax, etc.
Food is excluded from food, sweet and pastry, honey, caffeine containing drinks, dairy, mushroom dishes, sauces, spicy seasonings, alcohol. After an acute period, the diet can be diversified with other permitted products - sweet and sour fruits, citrus fruits, yoghurts without fruit jam and preservatives, bezdorozhevom bread with bran baked with vegetables, meat, fish, garlic, spices, cereals, seeds, nuts, freshly squeezed juices . But in general, adhere to a special diet should be at least a year, even if laboratory confirmed complete recovery. This is necessary in order to prevent relapses of thrush and complications associated with it. Otherwise, if the principles of treatment are neglected, the resistance of fungi to medicinal products may develop, and only a diet with the disease can not cope.
Diet menu for thrush
A specially made diet menu for thrush will not only help to cope with the disease, but will also help cleanse the body and combat overeating. Excessive eating of baking, sweets, a variety of muffins leads to an acceleration in the growth of fungi of the genus Candida, which are normally found in the microflora of the mucosa of the mouth, intestines, and vagina.
To cure thrush you need not only to use the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but also to eat right. It is necessary to stop using:
- sweet fruit, white pasta, rice, baking, sweet.
- reduce the amount of canned food and foods with a high content of preservatives.
- sauces based on vinegar.
- Exclude alcohol for a month, then you can drink no more than a glass of dry wine.
With thrush, you can use the following dishes based on the approved products:
- Lunch boiled soft boiled eggs, fresh vegetable salad or natural yoghurt with vegetable salad.
- Eat stewed cabbage with boiled or baked meat, or vegetable soup with chicken breast, noodles with chicken.
- Supper is better with a curd mass with the addition of yogurt or a vegetable salad with yoghurt.
If you follow the diet menu for thrush, you can completely get rid of the recurrence of the disease, but it is also important to remember that every day you need to eat a minimum of 100 gr. Yogurt, rice is also possible, but the daily norm is not more than 120 grams.
Diet recipes for thrush
Diet recipes for thrush are very easy to prepare, food does not require special cooking conditions and substantial financial costs. The menu should consist of fresh salads without dressings based on vinegar, casseroles, baked lean meat, fish, first courses. Below are examples of some dishes based on products useful for thrush.
Salad of pumpkin and eggs. Boiled pumpkin is diced, combined with sliced boiled eggs, celery, green onions, then everything is refueled with Greek yoghurt, salted to taste.
Ragout of zucchini. Zucchini cut into cubes, combine with chopped sweet pepper, onions, garlic, salt and give a little infusion. Then fry the vegetable mixture in olive oil, add vegetable broth or water, season with basil and cook until ready.
Chicken breast stewed with vegetables. Fry lightly carrots, add onions, chicken breast slices, asparagus beans. All fry 5-7 minut, add broth, salt and simmer until cooked.
Yogurt. About a liter of boiled milk pour into a thermos, add 100 grams of yogurt or leaven, a little cream, mix everything, seal the thermos and leave for 4-10 hours. Once the mixture is dense, yogurt can be consumed as an independent dish (adding seeds, nuts, slices of sour apples, plums) or dressing to vegetable salads.
What can you eat with thrush?
"What can I eat with a thrush?" - this question is asked by everyone who received this unpleasant diagnosis. Thrush is a type of infection caused by a yeast-like fungus belonging to the genus Candida (hence the medical name of the disease is "candidiasis"). Normally Candida fungus is found in the mouth, large intestine, vagina of a healthy person, but when the growth of this type of fungus intensively grows or the stronger type of Candida becomes infected, thrush develops.
To promote the reproduction of fungi may decrease immunity, prolonged antibiotic treatment, menopausal changes, non-observance of intimate hygiene, contraceptives, cases of thrush during pregnancy are not uncommon.
What can you eat with thrush? Of course, the diet should consist of products that do not promote the growth of fungi. The menu should be based on dishes from vegetables, unsweetened fruits, lean meat and fish, cereals, coarse bread, legumes, vitamin infusions based on dog rose, cowberry, etc. Diets should be adhered to as long as possible, preferably up to a year, otherwise with a sharp change in diet and the cessation of antifungal treatment is high the likelihood of recurrence of thrush. In the future, treatment will be longer due to the creation of a favorable environment for the growth of fungi and the development of resistance of the causative agent to medicines.
What can not be eaten with thrush?
What can not be eaten with thrush, so as not to create favorable conditions for the growth of Candida fungi? First of all, you need to remove from the diet or as much as possible reduce the intake of food, in which a high percentage of sugar and simple carbohydrates. It is also necessary to exclude juices from fruits, to limit as much as possible the use of grapes, dried fruits, honey, white bread, bakery, vinegar, alcohol (especially beer and beer drinks, low-alcohol cocktails), ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, natural soy sauce, smoked sausages, meat. If thrush developed in the mouth, then the food should be wiped, slightly salted, not too hot, so as not to injure the infected mucous membrane once again.
Diet should be observed for a long time even after further recovery. It is important to understand that if, in the early period after recovery, give the body a shock dose of sugar-containing products, products with chemical additives, then the aggravation will not keep you waiting. Also for seasonal prevention, when the body receives few vitamins, it is necessary to use vitamin complexes, in some cases, on the recommendation of a doctor, the use of prebiotics, B vitamins is indicated.