Diet for cirrhosis of the liver
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet for cirrhosis of the liver is an integral element of therapy of this chronic and practically incurable pathology. Cirrhosis (Greek kirros - redhead) is defined as "growth in the parenchymal organ of the dense connective tissue, resulting in wrinkling and deformation of the organ, which violate its functions."
That is, the liver with cirrhosis ceases to fully detoxify and remove from the body allergens, toxins and end products of metabolism, provide glucose energy needs of the body, regulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, control the metabolism of important vitamins.
Sick liver reduces the production of bile, lipids and phospholipids, enzymes and hormones. Therefore, a diet with cirrhosis of the liver is designed to create a more sparing regime of its work.
Treatment of liver cirrhosis with diet
Compliance with special dietary rules for this disease is mandatory! And this diet is 5 for cirrhosis. In this diet for alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, as well as a diet for biliary cirrhosis of the liver (which arises from the defeat of the biliary tract and the reduction of bile flow into the duodenum) is prescribed the same - table number 5 according to Pevzner.
Diet 5 with cirrhosis of the liver - while maintaining the calorie content at the level of 2500-2900 kcal per day - requires strictly limiting the consumption of fatty, roast, spicy and salty.
It is the absence in the daily diet of food, which does not increase the production of digestive juices and bile, provides a minimally invasive effect on the diseased liver and helps to regulate disorders in the mechanism of the bile excretory system.
But this does not mean that patients with cirrhosis should eat cleaned dishes. No, dietitians recommend that only meat with veins, as well as coarse fiber of some vegetables, be brought to a more homogeneous state. Although, with exacerbations of the disease, a mashed diet can be prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver - 5A.
Diet 5 with cirrhosis prescribes 4-5 meals a day with a limit on salt (maximum 10 g per day). The volume of liquid drunk per day should not decrease below 1.5 liters, moreover, a glass of water in the morning (on an empty stomach) will significantly improve your and your liver's health.
The layout of this diet for a day is as follows: up to 100 g of proteins (half of animals), up to 70-80 g of fats (not less than one-third - vegetable) and within 400-450 g of carbohydrates.
However, in the case of decompensated liver cirrhosis (if the liver is no longer able to neutralize ammonia), the amount of protein in the diets is reduced to 30 g.
Diet in ascites with cirrhosis of the liver
The diet prescribed by doctors for ascites with cirrhosis of the liver - diet 10 for Pevzner. Its daily calorific value is 2300-2600 kcal. Because of the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal region, salt intake is reduced to 7 g per day, and fluids to 1.2 liters. Just as with diet 5, the amount of fats (up to 70 g per day), proteins (up to 90 g) and carbohydrates (to 350-400 g) are reduced.
And similarly, the diet in ascites with liver cirrhosis does not allow eating foods that can irritate the liver, all the biliary system and the kidneys. These products have been listed above.
Of the foods allowed by this diet, you should mention eggs that can be eaten in any form (but not more than one per day).
Menu diet for cirrhosis of the liver
Menu diet for cirrhosis of the liver, based on the list of tolerated foods, make up a simple.
For example, the first option: for breakfast - oatmeal porridge on milk, cottage cheese with sour cream and tea with biscuit. At lunch you can eat a baked apple or a fresh banana. Lunch can consist of vegetarian soup, chicken with rice and compote. For dinner, a piece of boiled fish with a salad will do. And before going to bed it is useful to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
Another version of the diet menu for cirrhosis offers breakfast with a protein omelet (cooked on a steak) with a piece of boiled lean beef and a cup of tea with a biscuit biscuit. Before dinner, you can eat curd cheese with a glass of milk. For lunch - potato soup with rusk, steam cutlet with pasta and compote of apples and plums. And for dinner, you can treat yourself to charlotte.
Diet recipes for cirrhosis of the liver
By the way, about charlotte. In the classic German recipe for this sweet casserole with apples there are white bread (as a test), custard and liquor.
We offer in the diet recipes for cirrhosis of the liver to include a dietary charlotte with rice. For its preparation, a glass of well-washed rice should be cooked until half-ready (drain the water and rinse the rice in a colander with cold water). Peel and peel 4-5 fresh apples and cut into thin slices.
Then the baking dish is smeared with oil, half the rice is spread and leveled, and a layer of sliced apples is laid on top. You just need to sprinkle them with sugar. On apples you need to lay out the rest of the rice - even layer covering the entire filling.
Then 150 ml of milk are mixed with one raw egg until smooth. Milk-egg mixture is filled with the contents of the form. Charlotte should be baked in the oven at 180-190 ° C for 25-30 minutes.
If this dish does not inspire you, you can replace rice with boiled vermicelli, and apples with boiled and chopped chicken. Then top this casserole should be smeared with sour cream. And everything else, as in the previous recipe.
Sincere belief that a diet for cirrhosis of the liver is vital, and the unconditional implementation of its recommendations will necessarily give positive results. Otherwise, the well-known aphorism "A spoonful man digs his own grave" will acquire a literal meaning ...
What can I eat with cirrhosis?
Diet 5 with cirrhosis allows the use of: vegetarian soups with vegetables, cereals and various pasta; semi-viscous cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina); dishes from cereals and pasta. You can eat rye bread and a little dried (yesterday's) wheat bread and crackers from it, cookies - galette and no buns.
From meat prefer low-fat beef, veal, rabbit meat, turkey and chicken (without skin), steamed or boiled (chopped or chunked). You can also eat lean fish, preferably sea fish.
Dairy products should not be fat. Use of whole milk is recommended to limit one glass a day, and butter - 30 g. Vegetable oil (only refined) can be added to salads (not more than 15 g per day).
You should cook, stew or bake vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. The assortment of fruits is more modest: mashed raw or baked apples (non-acidic), fresh bananas (per day - 1 pc.), As well as fruit and berry compotes, kissels and mousses.
What can not be eaten with cirrhosis of the liver?
Given the severity of the disease, a list of what can not be eaten with liver cirrhosis looks more impressive than previous recommendations. So, the cirrhotic liver does not tolerate:
- meat, fish and mushroom broths (in the process of boiling broths there is a partial transition in them of extractive substances, proteins and fats from meat);
- sausages and canned meat;
- by-products (liver, kidney, tongue) and fat;
- oily, salty and smoked fish, as well as canned fish and caviar;
- fatty dairy products and spicy cheeses;
- margarine and other culinary fats;
- eggs, hard-boiled or fried;
- beans;
- mushrooms (fresh and canned);
- fresh white bread and baking from butter or puff pastry;
- white cabbage, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, sweet pepper, eggplant, green onion, garlic, dill, parsley, celery.
- vegetable pickles and marinades;
- most fruits and berries in raw form, of juices - all sour and especially grape.
Dietitians declared "out of the law" with cirrhosis of the liver, ready-made sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, mustard and horseradish; chocolate, chocolate sweets, ice cream, confectionery with cream, as well as natural and instant coffee, cocoa and all fizzy drinks. Absolutely unacceptable alcoholic beverages, including beer.