
Information about doctor

Orem Shibolet - It is a well-known world-renowned specialist engaged in the treatment of liver diseases and the gastroenterological tract. In practice, the doctor uses the most modern techniques and methods to achieve the maximum effectiveness of treatment.

To date, the doctor Shibolet deals with the treatment of liver pathologies of various origins. These are hepatitis of viral etiology, alcoholic and narcotic cirrhosis. In addition, he Orem Shibolet professionally treats gastroenterological disorders, such as ulcerative lesions, gastritis, pancreatic cholecystitis, colitis, etc. He has considerable experience in dealing with malignant processes in the liver. Additionally, the doctor is engaged in the treatment of genetic pathologies that are accompanied by a violation of the liver, as well as autoimmune hepatitis.

In addition to basic clinical practice, she is Orem Shibolet interested in scientific activities, being the author of more than 60 articles presented in well-known specialized medical journals. Doctors can often be heard with presentations at international conferences. He also runs a specialized laboratory for liver pathology modeling at the Israeli Academy of Sciences.

He holds the title of professor, and at various times was awarded awards and prizes for his invaluable contribution to science and medical practice. Currently he Orem Shibolet is the Secretary General of the Society for the Study of the Liver in Israel.

Social profile on Researchgate 

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Residency in Internal Medicine at Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Internship in the field of gastroenterological diseases and liver problems at the Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Specialization in Gastroenterology at the Central Hospital of Boston University, USA
  • Specialization in Molecular Biology at the Central Hospital of Boston University, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • General Secretary of the Israeli Society for the Study of the Liver
  • Israeli Gastroenterology Association
  • European Association for the Study of Liver Pathology
  • American Hepatology Association
  • American Gastroenterology Association
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