Diet in cholecystitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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An important stage of treatment is a diet with cholecystitis, which is aimed at reducing the consumption of foods with cholesterol and increasing the amount of fiber. The program of dietotherapy is made individually, depending on the severity and stage of the disease. The patient is required to divide the daily ration into 5-6 meals, three of which will be the most dense. Fractional nutrition prevents stagnation of bile, reduces pain and improves digestion.
Inflammation in the gallbladder or bile ducts is detected in 10% of the population. Cholecystitis is unpleasant with painful sensations and is fraught with serious consequences. In addition to the formation of stones, the disease is dangerous by blockage of the bile ducts, which breaks the choleretic, threatens peritonitis and even death.
The chronic and acute course of cholecystitis is determined by severe pain on the right, a bitter eructation, nausea and a yellowish skin tinge. The patient's condition worsens after eating fried and fatty foods. Negative factors are: heightened body weight, malnutrition, excessive alcohol addiction, overeating, the presence of chronic infections, smoking, pregnancy and heredity.
Diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis
The inflammatory process in the gallbladder, which develops when the bile duct is blocked against a pathogenic microflora, is called cholecystitis. Inflammation in turn can spread to nearby organs, for example, the pancreas, provoking pancreatitis.
Facilitate the patient's condition and achieve rapid remission is possible due to proper treatment, and by adherence to diet. With pancreatitis, the stages of exacerbation show fasting for several days. The diet with cholecystitis and pancreatitis has common features:
- increase protein intake while reducing fatty and carbohydrate foods;
- Exclude fatty, smoked, pickled, spicy dishes;
- water should be drunk a day to 2-2.5 liters;
- preferably steamed or boiled, and then wipe the food (especially during the exacerbation of the disease);
- It is important to monitor the temperature of the dishes (it is forbidden to hot or cold);
- it is better to forget about the first dishes on rich broths and to use vegetarian soups;
- food should be chewed as much as possible and avoid hurrying during the meal;
- consumed products should not cause bloating, increased gas production, active production of gastric juice and prolonged digestion;
- use of herbal decoctions (immortelle, calendula, barberry barberry or chicory, cranberry leaves).
Diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis prohibits the following products:
- the first dishes on meat / fish / mushroom broths and with roast;
- fatty meat, fish products and semi-finished products;
- baking, white / black bread, pastries;
- white cabbage, beans, radish, garlic, onions, radish;
- coffee and cocoa containing drinks, soda;
- alcohol;
- chocolate, creamy and fatty desserts, ice cream.
It should be noted that in pancreatitis you can not eat fruits and vegetables in raw form, as well as figs, banana, grapes. Under the restriction fall wheat, barley, corn and pearl barley. For the treatment of cholecystitis, the intake of sour fruits and berries, horseradish and mustard is excluded.
Diet with gastritis and cholecystitis
The main task of dietotherapy is to reduce the load on the affected organs, contributing to the normalization of the gallbladder and its ducts, restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and the intestinal membrane.
Diet in gastritis and cholecystitis includes a rise in the diet of plant fiber and the amount of liquid. Cholecystitis requires more stringent restrictions - the level of animal and vegetable fats decreases as much as possible. Gastritis does not require the total rejection of fatty foods, but only the elimination of intolerant or provocative products of aggravation of the disease.
With cholecystitis and gastritis it is forbidden:
- fish salty, smoked and canned;
- meat smoked, fatty, by-products;
- rich broths or roast;
- fried cakes, buns, white bread;
- fatty milk products and cheeses;
- beans;
- cakes, cakes, desserts with butter cream;
- chocolate, ice cream;
- spicy, spicy;
- strong tea / coffee, cocoa;
- vegetables containing oxalic acid, as well as radish, garlic;
- fat, margarine, ghee.
Patients with gastritis are advised to limit the intake of onions, tomatoes, apples and vegetables / fruits, which cause acute reaction and aggravation of the condition.
Diet with cholecystitis and acute gastritis means unloading for several days - strictly on rice, kefir, cereals, cottage cheese or watermelon. If the clinical symptomatology is intolerable, then for two days it is recommended to limit oneself to drinking (kissel, mors, herbal infusions, water). Further diet can be varied with mashed food and porridge on water without fats.
Diet with gastroduodenitis and cholecystitis
A frequent companion of cholecystitis in the presence of pathogens is gastroduodenitis, a pathology of the mucosa of the 12th intestine and the outlet zone of the stomach.
The diet for gastroduodenitis and cholecystitis includes nutrition with mashed vegetable soups (pumpkin, carrot, squash, with cauliflower) or dairy first dishes. Patients are recommended omelet based on egg whites, low-fat steamed meat / fish, cottage cheese and its derivatives (casseroles, cheese cakes, etc.). Among the fruits choose non-acid, from which it is better to prepare kissels and compotes or eat them in a garbled form. Freshly squeezed juices are only allowed in diluted form. Not strong coffee / tea with low-fat cream is allowed.
Canned foods, smoked products, buns, various pastries and cakes, fresh bakery products from higher grades of wheat are forbidden. Patients should avoid chocolate, ice cream, caviar, and refuse citrus, sauces, ketchups, spices and excessive amounts of salt.
During the exacerbation of gastroduodenitis, milk, beer, coca-cola, coffee should not be drunk. The chronic course of gastroduodenitis requires the intake of herbal decoctions and mineral water. Herbal medicine begins after the abatement of acute symptoms. As for mineral water, the difference in the way it is taken depends on the acidity of the gastric juice. In case of increased acidity, the mineral water is heated to 40 ° C, it is drunk quickly one hour before the meal. With reduced acidity, water is drunk 10-15 minutes before meals, slowly, in small sips. For normal acidity, drinking is recommended half an hour before meals, in small sips.
Individual diet for cholecystitis and gastroduodenitis should take into account dietary restrictions depending on weight, age, general condition of the patient, as a sharp decrease in the volume of food is fraught with problems with the thyroid gland (inadequate hormone production slows metabolism). Fasting is also dangerous, because it provokes dysbiosis and exacerbation of certain diseases (gastritis, ulcer, cholelithiasis, etc.).
In acute cholecystitis
The state of acute cholecystitis is marked by a sharp deterioration of health in the accompaniment of temperature, with vomiting and often requires immediate hospitalization.
The diet for acute cholecystitis is particularly severe. In order to reduce the load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the first two days allowed only berry, fruit drinks (compote, kissel), half diluted with water. As it is impossible by the way will come broths of a dogrose, camomiles, mint or balm, which drink in a warm form. The next few days should be eaten pureed porridge and vegetable soups. The actual use of food in small portions with a plentiful drink. Porridge, soups are prepared on milk with water (proportion 1: 1). Preference is given to rice, oatmeal and semolina. Among vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli remain favorites. For fruit mousse / jelly, ripe and sweet berries are suitable. A mineral water without gas is allowed, which is diluted with boiled water.
The diet expands as the recovery occurs, tentatively around the second week of diet therapy. The patient is not recommended to immediately arrange a "feast of the abdomen," and in some cases, restrictions may be of a long-term nature. Diet with cholecystitis during the period of exacerbation prohibits smoked, sharp, fatty, spicy, not wiped first dishes. Provoke a new wave of exacerbations and weaken the digestive function can be legumes, pearl barley, millet, mushrooms, chocolate products and baked pastries.
Diet in chronic cholecystitis
Diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis is a period of decay and the resumption of pathological symptoms. In this case, the diet is not only a means of alleviating the painful condition, but also a way of life.
Diet therapy in chronic course of cholecystitis should ensure a gentle regime for the liver, normalize the separation and composition of bile. The diet for chronic cholecystitis consists of the basic rules:
- food should be fractional (up to 6 meals per day), small volumes;
- it is important for the patient to drink plenty of water;
- take food should be strictly by the hour, trying not to get out of the established schedule;
- it is desirable to reduce salt intake;
- It is forbidden to eat excessively hot / cold dishes.
In chronic cholecystitis, it is necessary to avoid provocative products that cause an attack of biliary colic or painful spasm. The danger of a chronic disease is that it can develop into an acute process and lead to the appearance of stones in the gallbladder. Of course, each patient is selected his own food basket with a different list of prohibited and allowed dishes.
The average diet for chronic cholecystitis allows:
- meat and fish are low-fat (boiled or steamed);
- sausages and dairy sausages;
- soup from cereals (peas, buckwheat, rice) or vegetables, you can ear, borsch without roasting;
- porridge, pasta from coarse wheat varieties, boiled potatoes;
- bread bran, preferably yesterday, crackers;
- dry biscuits (not fatty, not salty);
- vegetables, fresh fruits, salads from them;
- omelet, whole egg (hard-boiled) not more than one per day;
- milk products and cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat;
- not sharp, not salty cheeses;
- vegetable oils, creamy - in limited quantities;
- tea green, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, herbal infusions;
- mineral water enriched with sulfates.
Diet with calculous cholecystitis
By calculous cholecystitis is meant inflammation of the gallbladder, accompanied by the formation of stones. The calculous course of the disease is characterized by an excessive accumulation of cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium salts in the gallbladder. Pathology begins with deposits in the form of flakes and slight discomfort from the abdomen, but can develop into peritonitis. Danger is represented by stones that can block the bile ducts.
Properly constructed mode of food intake prevents the formation of concrements from the sediment, which falls out as a result of stagnation of bile. Diet in calculous cholecystitis is a fractional food in small portions at strictly defined times, helping the body to get used to the established schedule, improving appetite, assimilation of nutrients and timely production of gastric juice. The daily norm of a kilocalorie should not exceed 2000 units, however this restriction does not apply to food nutrition.
Diet with cholecystitis calculous flow should be saturated with a high-grade protein (pike perch, veal, cottage cheese, cereals, egg whites, etc.) from the maximum calculation of 1.5 grams per 1 kg of weight. The daily amount of carbohydrates is reduced and does not exceed 4 grams per 1 kg of body weight. From sweets are shown: honey, jam and juices with the addition of sugar. The proportion of fatty foods is no more than 1 gram per kilogram. Preference is given to vegetable oils, which improve lipolytic fermentation due to unsaturated acids. Patients need to forget about dishes with cholesterol, smoked, spicy, fried, canned and alcohol. Great benefit will bring unloading days on milk, kefir, cottage cheese and mashed berries / fruits / vegetables.
Diet for calculous cholecystitis
The picture of noncalculous cholecystitis is characterized by a violation of the bile composition, the presence of parasitizing organisms without the formation of concrements. Manifestations of the disease - aching pains under the ribs on the right (less often in the pit of the stomach), intensifying as a result of taking fatty, spicy, roasted, alcohol or using excessively hot / cold dishes.
Individual diet with noncalculated cholecystitis is selected based on the nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the organism. Rules of dietotherapy:
- frequent meals in small portions;
- refusal from fried, fatty, spicy, spicy, soda and alcoholic beverages;
- consumption of a sufficient number of vegetables, fruits;
- balanced diet with a decrease in fat and carbohydrate component with increasing levels of protein and vitamins;
- use of herbal medicine.
The course of phyto-therapy is especially relevant during periods of exacerbation of cholecystitis. With the aim of removing pain symptoms, chamomile, mint decoction is used, also the flowers of marigold, rosehips, sorrel root, licorice are irreplaceable.
Diet after cholecystitis
When attenuating attacks of acute and chronic cholecystitis, special courses of therapeutic physical training, drinking mineral water, blind dubages (a non-probe flushing of the bile duct with mineral water) are shown. With bilious stagnation, daily walks and moderate physical loading, as well as a special diet for cholecystitis, perfectly manage.
Clinical course of the pathology of the gallbladder, features and stage of the disease are the determining factors in the need to continue diet therapy. Relying on one's own feelings should not be, since the disease can hide and fall into a new painful wave as a result of uncontrolled gluttony. Patients with any form of cholecystitis should listen to the recommendations of the treating doctor. The diet after cholecystitis can be the same strict, including only the steamed and rubbed food. In each specific case, there are regulations and prohibitions. To sharply expand the diet after treatment with a diet is also not allowed, it can lead to overload of the gastrointestinal tract, congestion of bile and return of the disease state. It is good to continue to introduce weekly unloading days, it is important not to overeat at night, to observe the regime of the day and not to be nervous. Only the presence of all these components will be the key to effective recovery.
Diet after surgery for cholecystitis
Bile from the liver under the condition of a healthy organism enters the gallbladder, where it reaches the necessary concentration for digestion and assimilation of meat, fish dishes, dairy products and other fats. The further way of bile is the 12-n colon, where it passes in small portions as the addition of food. If the removal of the gallbladder, the movement of bile is limited to the liver and 12-n colon. And bile does not have the right concentration and performs the functions of digestive juice, able to cope with a small share of food.
Why do I need a diet after surgery for cholecystitis? Only fractional food in small portions (in 6-7 receptions) is able to save a person who has undergone surgery, from stagnation of bile and the formation of stones inside the hepatic ducts. During the first months, when the body adapts to the changed working conditions, only boiled / steamed and wiped dishes are allowed. Diet with cholecystitis and after surgery expands gradually, introduced animal protein, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Excludes: fats, complex carbohydrates, smoked products, canned food, alcohol-containing drinks.
Diet with exacerbation of cholecystitis
I would like to note that the exacerbation of cholecystitis occurs with stagnation of bile as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, frequent stressful situations, addiction to alcohol and malnutrition. Exercising the gym is not recommended for patients with acute calculous cholecystitis, since physical exercises and even ordinary movements can lead to hepatic colic.
Diet in the exacerbation of cholecystitis means eating for several days only with products rubbed. The patient should understand that after the end of the exacerbation phase this rule is canceled, and only meat with veins is subjected to thorough grinding. In the stage of exacerbation, salt should not be misused, it is important to exclude fried, fatty, acute and other provocateurs.
A balanced diet with cholecystitis is the optimal ratio of proteins of plant and animal origin, as well as the intake of a sufficient number of vitamins, minerals and vegetable fiber into the body. It should be remembered that when the pathology is exacerbated, eggs are completely prohibited. Patients can enjoy a steam omelet from proteins in order to avoid pain syndrome and an attack of hepatic colic.
Diet for cholecystitis in children
In childhood, the chronic course of cholecystitis with periods of exacerbation and remission is more common. Often the cholecystitis of adult patients is in time not diagnosed by hidden inflammation of the gallbladder of babies. Acute period of the disease in children occurs against the background of intoxication, fever, severe pain and requires bed rest. To improve the choleretic use of corn stigmas extract from the calculation - 1 drop for each year of life.
Diet for cholecystitis in children is based on the use of protein, carbohydrates with a simultaneous decrease in fat. Children are forbidden fried, fatty, smoked, spicy dishes, chocolate, cakes, buns. Treatment should be comprehensive and include:
- taking medicines;
- compliance with diet number 5 at the time of exacerbation of symptoms and sparing food for at least six months;
- herbal therapy;
- correct ratio of rest and exercise.
In clinical practice, two common groups of cholecystitis - infectious and parasitic type - stand out, so the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and preparations against protozoans (lamblia) takes an important place in therapy. To remove a spasm will help "drotaverin" and "no-shpa."
Diet for cholecystitis in pregnancy
Unfortunately, the period of expectation of the baby can darken the aggravation of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Pregnancy imposes a restriction on the use of medicines, herbal treatment and pharmacological dissolution of concrements. To ensure the normal development of the fetus, a pregnant woman should not be engaged in self-medication, it is better to consult a competent specialist.
Diet for cholecystitis in pregnancy should provide adequate nutrition for the future mother and child. Strict taboo is superimposed on rough food and refractory fats. Pregnant should avoid marinades, pickles, smoking, spicy, hot and fried. The way of cooking - in a double boiler, boiled, stewed. To forget it is necessary and about fat desserts, cakes, baking, soda.
Often, women are recommended in the position of cholagogue - sorbitol or xylitol, which facilitate the normal progression of bile and help fight constipation. If there is no allergic predisposition, the perfect remedy will be herbal medicinal herbs (corn stigmas, dogrose, chamomile, calendula, etc.).
Diet 5 with cholecystitis
The scientist-dietitian Mikhail Pevzner has painted variants of diet therapy for a number of diseases. Among them, diet 5 with cholecystitis, which, depending on the phase of the disease, stimulates the choleretic or, on the contrary, provides rest to the biliary system.
The acute condition suggests a reduction in the load on all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore in the early days they are limited to an abundant drink of mineral non-carbonated water, broth of wild rose, herbal teas. In the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to avoid overeating, alcohol, spicy, roast, smoked and fat. To prevent constipation and other digestive disorders in the diet should be a sufficient amount of plant fiber, since resorting to a laxative in chronic cholecystitis is undesirable.
If the disease is accompanied by severe stagnation of bile, then normalize the work of the gallbladder will help a special lipotropic fat diet 5 with cholecystitis. In this case, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of vegetable fats to 130 grams. It is important to remember that cream or any vegetable oil is added at the end of cooking, they should not be heated. When there is a lack of natural vitamins, the attending physician can prescribe their pharmacological analogues.
Diet with cholecystitis: a menu for every day
Dietary nutrition is made for each individual patient individually, which is associated with the possibility of developing a negative reaction to a number of products.
- Diet with cholecystitis menu:
- The first meal - pudding from cottage cheese, porridge porridge. Herbal / green tea;
- breakfast the second - raw carrots and fruits. Broth of wild rose / tea;
- the main meal is vegetarian soup with the addition of low-fat sour cream. Spicy meat (for example, beef or rabbit), which can be baked after a steamer. Stewed zucchini. Juice / Kissel;
- lunch the second - a broth of dogrose with dry, unsalted biscuits;
- for dinner - a parboiled fish with mashed potatoes. Compote / tea.
- the first meal - an omelet from proteins and tea (can be added with milk);
- breakfast the second - baked apples, mashed in puree;
- the main meal is soup with rice and vegetables. Boiled / steamed chicken with buckwheat. Pudding / jelly;
- lunch of the second - herbal decoction with sweet rusks;
- for dinner - steamed fish with vegetable puree and tea;
- for the dream to come - kefir or kissel.
Diet with cholecystitis means taking during the day: bread of white varieties and coarse grinding - no more than 200 g, sugar - up to 70 g. Portions of food should not exceed 150-200 g.
Diet recipes for cholecystitis
Diet recipes for cholecystitis are as follows:
- pumpkin pudding - 100 g of purified pumpkin, 10 g of mango, 150 g of apples, 20 g of milk, 1-2 eggs, 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, 8 g of butter. Apples and pumpkin rubbed on a grater. Pumpkin put out in milk almost until ready, add apples and sugar and bring to softness. Then enter the mango and weigh on a small fire (stirring constantly) for about 10 minutes. Add yolks to the cooled mass. Proteins are beaten separately into light foam and carefully introduced into the mixture. A pudding is placed in a greased with butter and sent to a steamer;
- milk soup with meat and milk - 60 g of beef, 20 g of rice, 100 g of milk, 3 g of egg yolk, 5 g of butter, a pinch of salt. Pre-cooked beef grind, wipe through a sieve. Rice boil and strain. Water after rice mixed with meat and bring to a boil. In the cooled soup (at least 60 degrees) add the milk-egg mixture, which is obviously prepared in a water bath. In the milk (about 60-70 degrees), yolks are introduced and boiled until a thick consistency is obtained;
- puree from carrots, beets and sea buckthorn - boiled beets and carrots (25 g of each product) without peel wipe in puree. From the sea-buckthorn (20g) get the juice. The remaining "husk" is poured with boiling water and cooked for about 10 minutes, then filtered. In the sea-buckthorn broth 8g of sugar is introduced and boiled for several minutes. Puree is combined with sea-buckthorn syrup and the boil is waiting. In the end, add the juice of sea-buckthorn. The dish is served cold.
Diet in cholecystitis is an important stage of therapy, but the patient needs to control the level of fatigue, to abandon negative habits, to normalize sleep. Only normalization of a way of life with necessary medicamental treatment helps to achieve a stable result and long-term remission.