Diet for acute pancreatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Diet in acute pancreatitis is a set of strict rules that must be observed. Let's take a closer look at the peculiarities of nutrition in pancreatic disease.
At the heart of pancreatitis lie disorders in the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis is different in that the pancreas begins to "eat" itself, hence the necrosis of the pancreas. There are many reasons. The patient should understand that if the rules of nutrition are not followed, the consequences of the illness can be deplorable.
Diet in acute pancreatitis is strictly observed, it is aimed at restoring the function of the pancreas. The pancreas plays a huge role in the human body. It produces enzymes that help the body digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With pancreatitis, insulin production is disrupted, which threatens the development of such a disease as diabetes mellitus.
Causes of acute pancreatitis:
- Stones in the gallbladder, violations of the outflow of bile, removal of the gallbladder.
- Injuries to the abdominal cavity.
- Viral infections.
- Parasitic infestations.
- Side effects of certain medicines.
- Disturbed hormonal background.
- Excessive consumption of fatty foods.
Treatment of acute pancreatitis with diet
Treatment of acute pancreatitis with diet is one of the methods of eliminating this disease. Treatment should be inpatient or outpatient under the supervision of a district therapist or surgeon. In the first days after the attack, the doctor prescribes severe fasting for 3 to 6 days. You can only use water without gas, in small sips. Fasting depends on the severity of the attack. This is necessary in order not to feel hunger, weakness, pain. The doctor conducts medical therapy to remove pain, restore the pancreas and maintain the body.
The doctor prescribes the delivery of blood and urine tests, for the constant monitoring of pancreatic enzymes. Once the enzymes can be reduced, the doctor expands the diet. The patient can use vegetable broth, weak tea, kefir (fat-free or with 1% fat content). On 2-3 days after expansion of a diet, the doctor can enter and other products. For example: steamed meatballs from chicken or beef, yogurt, creamy soups from potatoes, cauliflower, carrots. The patient should eat 4-6 times a day, in small portions, so as not to strain the pancreas, and not to provoke a recurrence of the attack.
What is the diet for acute pancreatitis?
Many patients suffering from this disease may have a question: "What is the diet for acute pancreatitis?". When discharging from the hospital, the doctor in charge most often appoints the patient table number 5. This diet will allow the weakened body to gain strength, nutrients, vitamins and other useful microelements. The diet reduces the burden on the injured organ, which relieves the unpleasant sensations and the risk of a repeated attack of acute pancreatitis.
This table contains all the necessary products. Most often, dishes prepared according to the recommendations of diet number 5, contain a lot of greenery, fresh fruits, seasonal vegetables, little salt and sugar, many products of animal origin, such as:
- Cottage cheese (low-fat).
- Cheese is hard with a low percentage of fat.
- Eggs (no more than one per week).
- Milk with a low percentage of fat.
- Meat of chicken, rabbit, lamb, turkey.
- Yogurt.
Diet 5 for acute pancreatitis
Most often, diet 5 for acute pancreatitis appoints a doctor for patients suffering from such diseases as:
- Pancreatitis (acute, chronic).
- Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts.
- Diseases of the liver.
- Diseases of the duodenum.
- Lesions of the thick and small intestine (peptic ulcer).
This diet helps to reduce the load on the organs of the digestive tract and reduce the burden on the injured organ. If the diet is observed, a remission occurs, the unpleasant sensations and pain in the injured organ decrease or disappear. The enzymes come to normal. The body receives a large number of proteins, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates.
This allows you to reduce weight without physical exertion. But for this you must strictly adhere to the diet, do not overeat, eat a fraction 4-6 times a day in small portions. Do not forget about the water. Water should be without gas. In day it is necessary to drink not less than 1,5 - 3 liters, without the liquid products. These small rules will help the patient to put his body in order, to adjust the digestive tract, and the damaged organ, to normalize the hormonal background.
Diet after acute pancreatitis
Diet after acute pancreatitis - most often it is diet number 5, which the doctor appoints even in the hospital or at the patient's discharge. The foods contained in this diet are rich in proteins needed for a weakened organism. Such food will allow a sick person to quickly bring the body back to normal, enter into the rhythm of life that is habitual for itself.
Dishes should be steamed or boiled. With the help of modern technologies, patients can simplify their lives. Such kitchen appliances as a multivark, a steamer, a food processor help to reduce cooking time and make the dish tasty and useful. The main thing is, after trying such a dish, the sick person will forget about his problems and diseases and will enjoy the cooked food.
During the period of the disease, you have to change your way of life. From the patient requires a lot of patience and willpower to adhere to all those limitations that establish a full-fledged work of the body. The main thing is not to despair, since the diet allows you to lead a healthy lifestyle, reduces the risk of new diseases such as:
- Diabetes.
- Cholelithiasis.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Hepatitis.
- Cholecystitis.
- VSD.
- Violations of the hormonal background.
- Thromboembolism.
- Heart attack, stroke.
- A peptic ulcer.
Do not forget that pancreatitis is not a death sentence. You can also eat tasty food, lead an active lifestyle. Go to the gym, go to the swimming pool, go for a walk. That is, to act like an active, healthy person.
Diet after an attack of acute pancreatitis
Diet after an attack of acute pancreatitis is a complex of measures aimed at restoring the function of the pancreas. The diet allows you to reduce painful cider, to normalize the enzymatic parameters of the pancreas.
- The patient should eat only fresh, low-fat, nutritious foods. This will help restore the sick body. Products should contain a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. In food, the patient should consume more protein, reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats.
- After discharge from the hospital, the doctor appoints a diet number 5. Dishes most often resemble vegetarian cuisine because of the abundance of greenery, fresh vegetables and fruits, that is, products of vegetable origin. But this diet also includes meat products that allow the body to provide protein.
- Food should be steamed, baked or boiled. Dishes need only eat warm. Hot and cold dishes should be avoided. Spices, sugar and salt should be limited in use. You can use fresh herbs to prepare food, which will help diversify the taste of dishes.
Menu diet for acute pancreatitis
The diet menu for acute pancreatitis is very diverse. Let's make an approximate diet menu for one day. The number of meals should not be less than four per day. Do not forget that a day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. The amount of food eaten per day should not exceed 3 kg.
- A glass of warm tea.
- Oat cookies.
- Fresh raspberries with sour cream.
- A plate of oatmeal with the addition of raisins and fruits to taste.
- Breadbills.
- A glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.
Afternoon snack
- Vegetable casserole.
- A glass of birch juice.
- 1 apple.
- Cream of carrot and cauliflower soup with parsley and cilantro.
- Meatballs, fish fillet, steamed.
- Breadbills.
- A glass of green tea with lemon without sugar.
Second Supper
- Gingerbread Cookie.
- 1 banana.
- A glass of yogurt.
The menu turned out great, tasty and useful. When creating the menu, you must remember all those rules that were described above. Then the menu and diet are very useful, tasty and satisfying.
Diet recipes for acute pancreatitis
Diet recipes for acute pancreatitis allow you to vary the limited diet. There are a lot of recipes, they make it possible to prepare tasty, healthy and hearty dishes. Let's look at a few recipes.
- Mint tea
Take a cinnamon stick, a couple of twigs of fresh mint, a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey. In a glass of water, put honey, cinnamon and mint, pour everything with boiling water. Squeeze a little lemon juice into the drink, and dip the lemon skin into the glass to the rest of the ingredients. Such a drink will help to easily transfer the summer heat, quench your thirst and improve your mood.
- Spicy drink
Take a little cinnamon, nutmeg a spoon of honey and a pinch of ginger. All this pour a glass of boiling water. The drink accelerates the metabolic processes and perfectly tones up the body. Especially useful is a drink in the summer heat and cold season, as it improves the protective functions of the immune system.
- Baked fish
To prepare the dish, the following ingredients will be needed: carp cleaned, sour cream, hard cheese, carrots, onions and any greens to taste. Fish well rub the chopped greens both inside and outside and grease with sour cream. If there is a lot of greenery, then a small bundle is laid in the belly of the fish. Vegetables cut into half rings, cheese grate.
Bake fish better in the oven on a baking sheet with foil. Lay half of the vegetables on the foil layer, place the fish on top and cover it with the remaining vegetables. Cooking the carp is necessary for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Ten minutes before the readiness, the top layer of foil should be removed and sprinkled with grated cheese.
- Beef steamed meatballs
For the preparation of meatballs you will need ground beef, 1 egg and cheese with smoked products. In the ground beef, add the egg and grated cheese. We make small meatballs and put them in a steamer. We set the desired mode and wait for readiness. Meatballs can be served with buckwheat porridge. They will have a unique taste of smoked cheese, which has been added to the stuffing.
Diet for acute pancreatitis is one of the conditions for recovery. Adhering to the rules of diet and observing medical recommendations regarding physical activity, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the organism and all its systems. Diet for acute pancreatitis will be useful and for preventive purposes, for people with diseases of the pancreas and liver.
What can you eat with acute pancreatitis?
What can you eat with acute pancreatitis? - this question is set by every second patient suffering from pancreatitis. Let's consider what foods can be eaten with this disease.
- People suffering from this disease can be cooked steamed, boiled, baked. If you are a fish lover, you need to remember, fish should be low-fat varieties. For example: cod, hake, pollock, pollock, river perch, pike perch, bream, pike, vobla, mullet, flounder.
- For meat lovers, you can chicken, low-fat beef, rabbit, turkey meat. Fatty meat is not desirable to use, as it can provoke further development of the disease or a new attack.
- You can have tea (not strong), kefir, juices, but not purchased. If you make freshly squeezed juice, before use, it must be diluted with water. It is advisable not to abuse juices, as they irritate the abdominal cavity and can provoke unpleasant sensations (belching, nausea, upset).
What can not be eaten with acute pancreatitis?
Let's consider what products are not recommended for pancreatic cancer. People suffering from this disease should not drink alcoholic and low alcohol drinks. Alcohol is very long excreted from the body and affects the metabolic processes. Therefore, doctors prohibit patients from drinking alcohol.
- Contraindicated also carbonated drinks, as they irritate the intestines and cause bloating. Undesirable non-natural juices with the addition of dyes and flavor enhancers. Lovers of coffee and cocoa will have to give up flavored drinks, as well as from products that can contain cocoa beans.
- You can not eat confectionery products, bakery products. Just do not despair there are a lot of products with which you can make up these contraindications. Cooked meals will be as tasty, sweet and most importantly useful.
- Forget about pasta made from low quality flour. Fruits and vegetables that ripen first are not desirable to eat, as for the sick they are the most dangerous. They contain a large number of nitrates and pesticides.
Remember, your food should be healthy and prepared from fresh products with a small addition of spices and salt. Such food is very useful for a weakened organism, it is more quickly absorbed, contains more protein components, and it is very useful for the patient and the affected pancreas.