Diet after cholecystectomy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The diet after cholecystectomy, which doctors prescribe immediately after surgery, is an indispensable condition for ensuring normal liver function. Since in the absence of the gallbladder, all the bile produced by the liver (which is approximately 700-800 ml per day) falls directly into the duodenum.
And for the liver, and in general for digestion, this creates certain problems. After all, the gallbladder does not just accumulate bile and, if necessary, feeds it further along the digestive tract, but also brings to a physiologically necessary condition: the bile condenses and becomes at least 10 times more concentrated. Therefore, the diet following cholecystectomy is caused by the need for maximum complete recovery of digestive functions in conditions of forced "shortage".
What is the diet after cholecystectomy?
According to medical statistics of the last 10-15 years, the number of patients who suffered a cholecystectomy, that is, an operation to remove the gallbladder, increased significantly: in the US alone, almost half a million people are deprived of this body every year. Therefore, the question of which diet after cholecystectomy is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, does not lose its relevance.
It should be emphasized that the first meal after the operation is allowed only after 12 hours, and in the medical institution the patient will be offered a wiped vegetable soup, a liquid porridge on the water (also ground), a jelly from non-acid berries. After 3-4 days in the diet, puree is added from vegetables and low-fat meat, boiled sea fish (low-fat, in a crushed form), fat-free cottage cheese. And then a diet number 5 is prescribed, which should be followed for a month three to four after surgery.
Diet 5 after cholecystectomy
Any diet - including diet 5 after cholecystectomy - involves the exclusion of certain products from the daily diet, as well as fractional meals, that is, eating smaller portions, but more often - 5-6 times during the day. Thus all food should be as much as possible crushed, not too hot or cold.
A logical question arises, what can not be eaten after cholecystectomy? Compliance with diet number 5 completely excludes use:
- fatty (fatty meat and fish, rich broths, fat, dairy products with a high percentage of fat content, etc.);
- fried (all the dishes you need to cook, cook a couple or bake, sometimes - stew);
- smoked and canned;
- marinades and pickles (including home preservation);
- spicy seasonings and sauces (mustard, horseradish, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);
- by-products (liver, kidneys, brains);
- mushrooms, mushroom broths and sauces;
- vegetables in raw form (including onions and green onions) and legumes;
- rye and fresh white bread;
- flour products, pies and pancakes, cakes and cream cakes;
- chocolate, cocoa and black coffee;
- alcoholic beverages (including dry wine and beer).
And now we answer the question, what you can eat after cholecystectomy?
According to diet 5 after cholecystectomy, it is allowed to include in the diet:
- Low-fat meat (beef, veal, rabbit meat) and poultry (chicken, turkey) - in boiled or baked form;
- lean fish (cooked or cooked on steamed);
- porridge and vegetarian soups with vegetables and cereals (as well as with various pasta);
- vegetables - steamed or stewed;
- low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese), but sour cream - only as a seasoning;
- non-acid fruits and berries (fresh, in the form of kissels, compotes, mousses or jellies);
- yesterday's or specially dried white bread;
- honey, jam, jams.
Also diet 5 after cholecystectomy introduces a restriction on butter (a day not more than 45-50 g) and vegetable oil (no more than 60-70 g per day). The daily norm of bread is 200 g, sugar - 25-30 g. And the urgent advice of dieticians is to drink a glass of low-fat kefir for the night.
In addition, you can drink light tea, diluted with water, non-acidic juice, coffee with milk, compotes and rose hips infusion. By the way, about the drinking regime after cholecystectomy. Some nutritionists recommend drinking up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day; others - no more than 2 liters; others claim that the limit of used fluid is 1.5 liters (in order to prevent excessive secretion of bile) ...
Over time, meat and fish are gradually added to the therapeutic diet in unprocessed form, as well as raw vegetables. In principle, diet 5 after cholecystectomy is observed for about two years.
The diet menu after cholecystectomy
Despite the restriction of the use of many products, the diet menu after cholecystectomy can be varied and nutritious enough, that is, caloric balanced. For your liver, it will be much more useful if a rich borscht on pork you replace with vegetable soup on a weak chicken broth or on a vegetable broth. Here are examples of dietary menus recommended by gastroenterologists and nutritionists in accordance with diet 5 after cholecystectomy.
Menu option I
For breakfast: milk oat porridge, steamed cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.
Lunch: cottage cheese, baked apple without sugar.
Lunch: rubbed rice soup with vegetables, steamed chicken cutlets with carrot-pumpkin puree, jelly.
Snack: a glass of juice.
Dinner: boiled lean fish with steamed vegetables, tea.
Menu option II
For breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, mashed buckwheat porridge with butter, tea with milk.
Lunch: fruit puree.
Lunch: vegetable soup-puree, boiled chicken breast with vegetables, compote of dried fruits.
Afternoon snack: fresh fruit mousse.
Dinner: boiled fish with mashed potatoes, curd soufflé with raisins, tea.
Menu option III
For breakfast: rubbed rice porridge on milk, tea with bread crumbs of bread.
Lunch: baked apple with sugar.
Lunch: grated cereal soup with vegetables, steamed beef from lean beef with vegetable puree, jelly.
Afternoon snack: broth of wild rose.
Dinner: steamed fish meatballs with mashed potatoes, cottage cheese with pumpkin, tea.
Recipes of a diet after a cholecystectomy
Most dishes diet after cholecystectomy is easy to prepare.
For example, for a tasty and healthy vegetable soup-puree, it is enough to take a small-sized cauliflower (recommended by all nutritionists), clean it, divide it into inflorescences and put it in cold salted water for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the cabbage and send it to boiling water (salt).
The pan should not be covered with a lid, cook for about 5 minutes on high heat, and then 10 minutes on a small one. Remove the prepared cabbage from the broth, chop it into a homogeneous mass and return it to the saucepan. Tin a tablespoon of wheat flour in a pan (without oil) and dilute in water at room temperature, stir properly (so that there are no lumps) and pour into a saucepan. Cook a few more minutes on a quiet fire, refill with a teaspoon of butter. In a bowl of soup sprinkle finely chopped parsley or dill.
But the recipe for steamed meatballs from chicken or turkey with the addition of vegetables. It will take 300 grams of poultry fillets, 1 carrot, a small onion head, 150 grams of zucchini, a bunch of dill and salt.
Meat and vegetables are prepared with minced meat (and they are ground separately and then combined), meatballs are formed from meatballs and are cooked in a double boiler for about 25 minutes.
The diet after cholecystectomy pursues the main goal - to give the liver, which lost its "companion" - the gallbladder, and the whole digestive system to adapt to the new conditions of functioning. Observe the diet prescribed by doctors, and all will eventually be adjusted.