Cranberry during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cranberry is an evergreen creeping semi-shrub plant that grows in Asia, Europe, and northern countries. These are the most valuable berries which contain sugars, organic acids (citric, benzoic, ursolic), vitamin C, flavonoids, pectins, glycosides, trace elements, including iodine. It would seem that there is no doubt about the utility of cranberries. It nourishes the body with essential substances, strengthens the immune system. But is it possible to cranberries during pregnancy? Indeed, in the period of carrying a child, the future mother has to limit herself in many ways, since not all products are allowed for pregnant women. Cranberries during pregnancy - the topic of our article today.
Properties of cranberry during pregnancy
The content of minerals and vitamins in cranberries is so high that it is simply impossible to overestimate its properties. This is an effective natural antibiotic, a source of ascorbic acid, first aid for colds or hypovitaminosis.
Cranberry activates brain activity, improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Take it as a prevention of urolithiasis, dyspeptic disorders, pancreatitis.
The beneficial properties of cranberries during pregnancy are determined by the composition of the berries: a combination of biologically active elements, sugars, vitamins and mineral salts. Berries can be stored for a long time without fear that the product will deteriorate: benzoic and chlorogenic acids, which are part of cranberries, provide long freshness of berries without the use of preservatives and heat treatment.
Scientists began to explore the beneficial properties of cranberries only recently, in the early 2000s. It all started with the scientific evidence of the fact that cranberries can have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic bacteria in the body, without affecting the course of pregnancy. In addition, scientists have found that the berry improves the condition and the tone of blood vessels, which can serve as an excellent prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy. In addition, cranberry improves heart activity and relieves headache, reduces the incidence of caries and removes toxic substances from the body.
What else is useful in cranberries for expectant mothers:
- berries help in the absence of appetite, improve digestive processes;
- reduce the symptoms of heartburn, prevent constipation and intestinal atony;
- accelerate metabolic processes;
- increase the body's immune defense (after all, it is extremely undesirable to hurt during pregnancy).
In addition, cranberry is an excellent prevention of cystitis, pyelonephritis, beriberi. Cranberry juice can also be used externally as washes and lotions for the treatment of burns, cuts, minor wounds and ulcers.
Harm to cranberries during pregnancy can occur if you are hypersensitive to berries, allergies. It is not recommended to use berries for acute gastritis, acute enterocolitis, gastric ulcer disease. Also concurrent use of cranberries and sulfa drugs is undesirable.
Contraindications to the use of cranberries during pregnancy should be agreed with the doctor. For example, if you have a tendency to low blood pressure, the use of berries should be limited.
Cranberries from edema during pregnancy
Often, changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother contribute to disorders of tissue metabolism in the body. As a result, swelling of the lower half of the body, legs, arms, face may occur. Especially this problem is relevant in the second half of pregnancy. It is possible to adjust metabolic processes and remove excessive fluid accumulation in the tissues with the help of cranberries. Berries will restore the trophic processes in the tissues, and will establish basal metabolism.
Puffiness, triggered by problems of the urinary system, also amenable to beneficial therapeutic effects of cranberries. Its bactericidal action neutralizes microbes that cause an inflammatory reaction in the kidneys or bladder.
Cranberry during pregnancy as a diuretic is used quite successfully. In addition to combating edema, this property can be used to improve the state of the cardiovascular system, since cranberries are an excellent source of potassium, which is indispensable for the normal conductance of cardiac impulses, as well as for maintaining electrolyte balance.
Cranberry for cold during pregnancy
Everyone knows that it is undesirable to get sick during pregnancy, as well as to take any medications. But what to do if the cold suddenly "crept" and you can not drink pills? There is an exit! Cranberry is an effective natural product against colds and even viral diseases.
Cranberries contain just an indispensable set of vitamins: these are ascorbic acid, vitamin K, vitamins A and B. Such a vitamin complex will speed recovery and activate the body's protective role.
Organic substances contained in cranberries are represented, in particular, by citric and malic acids. They have a bactericidal effect, ridding the body of pathogenic microbes. Antimicrobial action also belongs to flavonoids - biological substances with antioxidant properties.
Natural sugars, represented by fructose and glucose, will give strength in the fight against the disease, and the presence of trace elements will ensure the normal flow of physiological reactions in the body.
When dealing with colds, it must be remembered that prolonged heat treatment can destroy most of the vitamins and trace elements in a berry. In this regard, cooking cranberries is allowed no more than 5-10 minutes.
Especially beneficial will bring cranberries with honey. Honey supplements and enhances the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects of cranberries.
Cranberries for cystitis during pregnancy
Regular consumption of cranberries accelerates recovery from cystitis, and also reduces the likelihood of recurring disease.
The use of cranberries in inflammation of the bladder is associated with the action of organic acids, which inhibit the development of microbes.
Berry contains active substances that do not lose their properties when exposed to gastric juice. They have a detrimental effect on most microorganisms, including streptococci and E. Coli.
It has been established that regular consumption of cranberries can immobilize the microbial flora: it becomes difficult for bacteria to linger against the walls of the bladder, so they are actively excreted through urination.
Vital activity of bacteria is possible only in alkaline Ph. Cranberries are also able to “acidify” urine, worsening the conditions for the existence of microbes.
Not the last role in the bactericidal properties of cranberries and benzoic acid, detrimental effect on many types of microbes.
Cystitis is a fairly frequent illness during pregnancy, so regular use of cranberries can serve as a good prevention of an unpleasant disease.
Cranberry pressure during pregnancy
With increased pressure, experts recommend including cranberries in the daily diet. Berry stabilizes vascular tone and blood pressure leads to normal.
Also one of the mechanisms for reducing pressure can be called the diuretic properties of cranberries. Cranberry gently removes tissue from excessive accumulation of fluid, removes accumulated toxic substances, without affecting the level of potassium in the body and without disrupting cardiac activity.
In the course of numerous observations, scientists have found that cranberry berries tend to prevent the formation of vascular plaques and reduce blood cholesterol. This property allows to protect vessels from ischemia and hemorrhages, as well as to prevent the formation of blood clots.
The ursulic and oleandic organic acids contained in the berries contribute to the expansion of coronary vessels and the improvement of cardiac activity.
Therefore, pregnant women who have a tendency to hypertension, you can safely use the cranberries as a prevention of vascular spasms and high blood pressure.
With a tendency to low pressure, cranberries can be consumed, but this should be done by periodically monitoring the pressure values.
Cranberry Recipes for Pregnancy
In different countries of the world have their own recipes for cooking cranberries. However, it is most useful to eat fresh berries whole, because it is the most powerful source of many useful substances, including vitamin C.
Alternative medicine uses not only berries, but also the leaves of the plant, brewing them instead of tea. This tea is used for arthritis, sore throat, rheumatoid pain. However, the main use is still found cranberries - a storehouse of nutrients.
There are many ways to cook cranberries during pregnancy, and you can choose any recipe that is acceptable to you.
- Cranberry juice
To prepare such a juice, you must thoroughly wash the berries and squeeze out as much juice as possible, which should then be placed in the refrigerator. Pour the remaining cake with water (1 liter of water for 150 g of cake), boil, filter and mix with the previously obtained juice and sugar (or honey, to taste). The drink can be prepared for several days, putting it in the fridge.
- Potato cranberry juice
Vitaminized drink, developed in the center for medical nutrition. We take as a basis the cranberry mors already prepared by us, we add to it freshly squeezed juice from potatoes, pre-settled for an hour and drained from starch. To improve the taste, in addition to sugar or honey, try adding a little vanilla sugar. This drink can be taken three times a day for a third cup.
- Cranberry Juice
The most valuable drink, which did not pass the heat treatment and retained all the useful properties in full. Juice is the best way to quench thirst, especially in fever and catarrhal conditions. With the addition of honey, this drink becomes simply indispensable for coughing, acute respiratory infections, pyelonephritis, toxicosis, accompanied by nausea, headache, lack of appetite. During pregnancy, fresh juice is better to be diluted with boiled water, reducing its concentration.
- Cranberry decoction
It is not recommended to boil the berries for more than 5 minutes, as many useful vitamins and substances are destroyed, which make cranberries so valuable. To prepare the broth, you can take a liter of clean water and a full cup of ripe berries, crushed beforehand, or ground in a blender. Boil the mixture and immediately remove from heat, cool, add honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Do not add honey to the hot broth - it can also lose its beneficial properties, wait until the drink has cooled. If honey is allergic, you should replace it with sugar.
- Cranberry Tea
2 tablespoons of mashed fruit put in a cup or teapot, pour boiling water, cover with a lid and insist for 15 minutes. Drink this tea several times a day, regardless of the meal. You can also make ordinary tea (black or green, at your discretion) and add a spoonful of cranberry jam.
- Pureed Cranberry Jam
Take 1 kg of cranberries, a glass of water and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. Fruits grind in a blender or skip through a meat grinder, add a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes over moderate heat, then add granulated sugar and boil until thick. Hot pour into a clean dish. It is good to add chopped nuts or ground apples to such jam.
- Sugar Cranberries
Great winter delicacy, beloved, both adults and children. Well whisk the egg white. For 1 kg of fruit, the protein of two eggs is used. Washed and dried berries are rolled in protein foam, then in sugar. Such a delicacy can be stored for almost the whole winter, preferably in the refrigerator, but it can be done without it.
- Cranberry compote
This compote is especially good for dyspeptic disorders. Mix the same pieces of berries and cranberry leaves. Use a tablespoon of this mixture in 200 ml of water. Boil on low heat for no more than 10 minutes. Add sugar to taste. Drink this compote can be 4-5 times a day for half a glass.
- Frozen Cranberries
Of course, fresh cranberries are considered the most useful, however, all the beneficial properties of frozen berries remain. To successfully freeze the fruit should be washed, sorted and dried very well, then fall asleep in plastic bags or a container and put in a freezer. The method of preparation of drinks from frozen cranberries is the same as from freshly harvested.
- Cranberries with sugar
Fresh berries must be reviewed and dried. Grind the fruit with a meat grinder or blender and cover with a sufficient amount of granulated sugar. Sugar take at least 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries. Store the jam should be in the refrigerator.
- Cranberries with honey
Excellent combination for colds, cough, lung diseases. Honey can be added to fresh cranberry juice, fruit drink, fruit juice. The perfect combination is 400 ml of juice and 6 tablespoons of honey. This drink can be used both inside and used for gargling with angina.
- Cranberry sauce
Squeeze the juice from 100 g of berries, pour the cake with a glass of water, bring to a boil and filter. To the resulting broth add 3 tbsp. Spoon of granulated sugar, grated lemon crust and a teaspoon of diluted starch. Again, bring to a boil, then add the previously squeezed juice. This sauce can be used for desserts, ice cream, puddings and casseroles.
- Cranberry Kissel
Mash 0.5 kg of cranberries, pour water (3 liters) and boil for 5-6 minutes. We fall asleep 0.5 kg of sugar and 150 grams of diluted potato starch. Stir, bring to a boil and cool.
The benefits of cranberries are preserved in any form: in compote, juice, jelly, jam. Fresh berries do not lose their properties for at least 4 months after harvest. Frozen fruits can preserve the vitamin composition for more than a year.
Reviews of cranberries during pregnancy
The number of positive reviews about cranberries is almost 100%. True, some experts caution against eating cranberries in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the large amount of ascorbic acid in the berry, which can provoke uterine muscle contractions. However, the use of cranberries in reasonable moderate amounts is allowed in this period.
Of course, for colds during pregnancy, it is much safer to take treatment with cranberries than with antibiotics. However, this treatment must be coordinated with your doctor to avoid negative consequences.
In most cases, doctors recognize that cranberry is an excellent natural antiseptic. Some even equate the effect of cranberry fruit to antibiotics. And there is some truth in this: berries destroy most types of bacterial and microbial cells. Cranberry juice can even affect the cholera pathogen.
Cranberries will not allow you to get a cold during pregnancy, provide your body with enough vitamins and organic acids, reduce toxicosis, reduce puffiness, serve as prevention of pyelonephritis and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Not bad, as for one type of berry, isn't it?
Now you know how to brew cranberries during pregnancy, how to prepare it for future use.
Cranberry during pregnancy will help you to endure this period without unpleasant moments, protect a weakened immune system from viral and bacterial infections, and will be useful as a prophylactic agent.