Useful and harmful products for the skin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Without denying the usefulness and usefulness of creams, ointments, masks and other cosmetics, we will focus on the substances and products for the skin, without which cosmetics are also powerless.
To the skin looked (and was) healthy, elastic, beautiful, she needs:
- antioxidants;
- a nicotinic acid;
- beta-carotene;
- vitamins;
- selenium;
- phosphorus;
- proteins;
- fatty acid;
- iron;
- zinc.
Antioxidants are contained in spinach, tomatoes, apples, watermelon, strawberry, dog rose, green tea.
Nicotinic acid - in cereals from various cereals, strawberries.
Beta-carotene is sufficient in tomatoes, sweet peppers, plums, cherries, sweet cherries.
The skin needs all vitamins, each group has its own function. Therefore, the menu should include more fruits, vegetables, natural juices, useful in this sense, meat, eggs.
Selenium is an "umbrella" from excessive ultraviolet radiation; is found in mushrooms, cereals, less in poultry.
Phosphorus is especially rich in fish, oysters, seaweed, some fruits.
Fatty acids (omega-3) contain many kinds of sea fish and other seafood, various lean oils, nuts and seeds, in particular flax.
Iron is abundant in apples, cabbage, mango, watermelons, chicken meat, seafood.
Zinc contains sour-milk products, as well as pears, apples, watermelons.
Proteins come with different products for the skin of the face: meat, milk, fish, eggs, nuts.
In a special account - pure still water. An important factor for overall health and freshness is rest, in particular, a full-fledged sleep.
Products for oily skin
By means of products for the skin, it is possible to substantially reduce the undesirable fat content. Although a clear answer to the question, why the skin begins to allocate too much sebum, dermatologists and cosmetologists yet. Genetics, stress, poor-quality food, inappropriate cosmetics are the possible causes of imbalance. Nevertheless, the recommendations for improving the problem skin in terms of nutrition are developed and available to everyone.
- Whole grains, in contrast to white flour, give the body more fiber, antioxidants and proteins, do not affect the level of sugar in the blood.
Fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants and vitamin A, very useful in a diet with high fat content. Valuable anti-inflammatory effect, as well as cleansing of skin pores. Take the rule of daily eating a choice of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, carrots or pumpkin. For dessert - for the season: apricot, mandarin, mango, papaya or fresh juices from the listed fruits.
- Animal fats are excluded from all dishes. We use lean oil, and then in moderation.
Fish (sea and freshwater) - also a useful product for oily skin. The polyunsaturated fatty acids present in it reduce the excessive fat content. Cooking fish dishes should be baked, boiled, grilled or steamed.
A few more practical tips:
- give up unhealthy fried foods or cooked deep-fried;
- prefer low-fat kefir, yoghurt, cottage cheese;
- use chicken without skin;
- bypass the fast food restaurant;
- do not buy ready-made snacks;
- all that is possible, take it raw;
- drink plenty of pure water, unsweetened green tea.
There are also recipes for simple but effective masks that are easy to prepare at home from food.
Products for dry skin
Together with the right external face care products for dry skin will become a guarantee of a beautiful and healthy appearance. Dry skin quite often annoys women. The problem provokes various reasons: from genetic - to allergies to cosmetics, cold or heat. Dryness can cause aggressive hygiene products, lack of moisture, vitamins or nutrients. In this case, the menu must necessarily be adjusted to increase them.
Simple recommendations for overcoming the problem:
- drink enough plain water;
- eat foods rich in vitamins A, B, E. This is dairy products, especially yogurt, green vegetables, fruits - wheat sprouts, apricots, avocados, melons;
- every day eat a little carrots, pumpkins, in which there is an indispensable beta-carotene;
- perfectly prevents the dryness of sulfur; it is enough in eggs, asparagus, garlic, onions;
- olive, linseed oil - a wonderful natural remedy in the fight against dry skin;
- berries (grapes, currants), apples, tomatoes, yogurt, sugar beet, cane sugar are excellent for replenishing thinned skin - they contain biochemical alpha-acids.
The main problem of dry skin is in rapid aging. To enhance the beneficial effects of certain products for the skin can be used in the form of nutritious masks. But what should be decisively abandoned is from alcohol. Do not abuse coffee. And definitely get enough sleep!
Dairy products for skin
The products of the dairy industry are always at the forefront of the compulsory products for the skin. Choose should be those where less fat. Since the skin benefits other substances - especially vitamin A.
- strengthen hair, nails, teeth, bones;
- contain cultures of bacteria that kill the putrefactive microflora of the intestine;
- increase immunity;
- with regular use of refreshing breath.
The result of such influence in the literal sense is "on face", and the result is very positive.
- It is important to use natural dairy products for the skin: yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream. Experts remind of undeservedly forgotten and repressed by civilization home products: yogurt, ryazhenka, melted milk, varenets. Their naturalness is the guarantee of the desired result.
Natural sour milk is also the basis of popular face masks. Mixing honey with yogurt, fruit or berries pulp, yolks, olive or almond oil, aloe juice and other ingredients, we get a wonderful product with a nutritious, moisturizing, refreshing, softening effect.
Recipe moisturizing-softening mask:
- half a spoon (tea) of olive oil mixed with a spoonful of honey, add as much yogurt without fillers, aloe juice. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water, wash with mineral water without gas.
Products for skin youth
Beauty requires sacrifice. Therefore, we will start "from the end": we will sacrifice everything edible to begin with, but harmful, although very tempting to smell and taste. Further, we vary the menu at the expense of products for youthful skin.
Not useful
- canned food (meat, fish, vegetables, compotes);
- semi-finished products;
- dishes of long storage;
- salted and overly spicy food.
The skin literally yells for help, when it peels off, it becomes dry and irritable when its smoothness and elasticity disappear. You can not ignore these signals, because at an early stage it is enough to make small adjustments to the diet to get rid of defects, restore health and youth. Such a task is possible with the usual products for the skin - with a regular use of a sufficient number of them.
- One of the newest theories of early skin aging blames radiation and heavy metals. It is assumed that contaminated with radiation and harmful metals products, water, air, getting into the body, destroy it at the cellular level. The radicals that are formed need to be removed, which is successfully performed by antioxidants, which are inherent in the fruits of dark green and bright color. They are many in green onions and salad, broccoli and olives, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers. Green tea with honey is an excellent source of antioxidants.
Peeling, unpleasant dryness suggests that there is not enough vitamin A in the diet. It is abundant in red, orange fruits. It is absorbed with fats, so pharmacists offer a concentrated preparation in the form of an oily solution. A-vitamin is also a permanent ingredient in popular face creams.
Their contribution to the fight against premature aging is made by adsorbent products:
- raw vegetables, fruits;
- bran;
- porridge from different groats.
Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to inflammation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, makes it vulnerable to adverse external factors. Replenish the shortage of fatty fish: salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, from the plant group - nuts, seeds, olive and other oils. Nuts are generally considered products of eternal youth - for the presence of antioxidants and accelerating the processes of renewal of substances.
Irreplaceable for the body, including for the face skin, is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Without it, wrinkles appear much earlier. Fossil of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - fresh fruits, sour vegetables-fruits, fruit and vegetable juices. Be sure to consider that it does not withstand heat treatment.
- Warnings flabbiness and restore freshness can biotin (vitamin H). It can be found with interest in yolks, liver, milk, nuts, brewer's yeast.
Protein deficiency manifests itself in the formation of wounds and cracks that do not heal well. Slows down the natural process of renewal of skin cells. Fish, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese will perfectly cope with this problem. An important group of proteins are enzymes (enzymes). They are destroyed by heat, therefore they are retained only in raw products.
Products for skin elasticity
Products for the elasticity of the skin consist of several groups, they "by joint efforts" ensure its elasticity, which means, health and youth.
- Let's start with the water. In the aquatic environment, most physiological processes take place, ensuring the vital activity of each cell. The speed and clarity of these reactions, the assimilation of food and the removal of slags depend on the volume and quality of the water. Every day the human body needs about two liters of fluid.
Eggplants, vegetable greens, legumes, liver, yeast, grain bread contain a set of vitamins B. They support the skin in a tone, help restore and retain moisture.
- And again about green tea. This is a unique natural remedy, rich in polyphenols, supporting elasticity. In the same row - berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, beans, artichokes. The functions of the substances present in them are to "neutralize" the free radicals and protect the cell membranes from destruction.
Elasticity is promoted by vitamins D, K, and F. They are abundant in lean oils, liver, fish, eggs, seeds, peanuts.
Olive and other oils are valuable due to the presence of vitamin E. It slows down wilting, retains moisture in the skin and effectively retains the internal moisture. Thanks to this, the skin does not age for a long time.
Rejuvenate the skin, helping to stay elastic, unsaturated organic acids. They come with nuts, flax seeds, seafood and other skin products. They retain moisture, help the pores to breathe. Omega-6 is enough in the body, omega-3 should be replenished. In the duet, they double their efforts, directing them to rejuvenate.
- Without vitamin C, too, nothing at all. It promotes the formation of collagen, the healing of small wounds, the strength of the vessels. Contained in citrus, kiwi, currant, cranberry, spinach, pepper, potatoes.
Moisturizing products for skin
Moisturized skin - beautiful skin. With the help of products for moisturizing the skin, it is quite possible to make a reflection in the mirror such that it is pleasant to look at.
- Olives and oil from them
Oleic acid has a beneficial effect on elasticity. Good fats help absorb antioxidants that come with a variety of plant foods, and remove the slag.
- Natural yogurts
Do not put sugar in them. Sweetheads are better to add honey, raisins, dried apricots. The useful microflora in it treats inflammation, even eczema.
- A fish
Fish protein is very handy when moisturized. Dietitians advise salmon, sardines and trout - thanks to the high content of substances with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
- Berries, fruits, vegetables
Gifts of fields, gardens and wildlife contain a lot of necessary for health. The fruits of all shades of yellow-red scale abound in carotenoids, which even force to resist malignant tumors. Berries are excellent natural desserts. In particular, raspberries, blueberries with the help of anthocyanins are protected from an overdose of ultraviolet rays.
- Natural honey
This is a unique product for moisturizing the skin. In its usefulness - one of the leaders. It is easier to say what in honey is not, than to list the virtues - and taste, and healing. There are many varieties of this bee product, they are all very valuable.
- Water
Without water, humidification is impossible in principle. If the menu can be variated, then water in each case - in a place of honor. Requirements for its quality are also the same: clean, without chemicals, sugar and gas.
- Spice
It turns out that vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are even in spices. Not to mention dill-parsley and onion-garlic. Therefore, both local and imported spices are mandatory in the kitchen of a woman who wants to moisturize the skin. Of course, they can not be abused: it is better "under-" than "re-".
- Vitamin Complexes
Sometimes, on the advice of doctors, it is necessary to intensify the effect of food products for the skin with pharmaceuticals. In this there is nothing wrong, do not just get involved in self-medication.
Products-antioxidants for skin
Antioxidants have a positive effect on the renewal of organs and systems at the cellular level. They are rich in all nature, to some extent they are rich in different fruits. They are present in food of animal origin. We offer an approximate list of such products for the skin.
- Orange, bright yellow, red fruits (tomatoes, pumpkin, peppers, carrots, apricots). Contain provitamin A, responsible for the renewal of skin cells.
- Fruits and berries (kiwi, oranges, currants, strawberries). These pantries of ascorbic acid strengthen the blood vessels, take part in the formation of collagen, "slow down" the aging.
- Fish (mackerel, herring, sardines, salmon). Source of the necessary acids, vitamins A, D. Under their influence, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin regenerates, becomes fresh and younger.
- Cottage cheese is not only a storehouse of calcium that is so necessary for teeth and bones. It also contains powerful antioxidants of selenium, vitamin E, which, for an indeterminate future, inevitably imminent, alas, the process of natural wilting.
- Grain-legume group of agrarian plants contains silicon - a material for collagen, and also various vitamins B. Their presence softens, promotes the renewal of the skin. Bread from wholemeal and cereal cereals perfectly cleanses the intestines, which miraculously affects the beauty of the skin.
- Green tea is among the best antioxidant products for the skin.
Products for skin elasticity
Products for skin elasticity should contain different vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H. It is this complex has active antioxidant properties. They protect against adverse environmental factors, ultraviolet radiation, from oxidation and loss of moisture.
- Elasticity of the skin provides collagen and elastin fibers. If they break up into parts, the skin fades, loses its elasticity. On the face it shows up wrinkles. The usual grenade successfully counteracts the unwanted process. It prolongs the existence of fibroblasts, of which collagen and elastin itself form. This removes the appearance of wrinkles. Miracle fruit helps to heal wounds, restore skin cells, stubbornly resists age-related changes.
Fine wrinkles as a result of loss of elasticity occur when there is a lack of useful fatty acids. The body can be saturated with them, using seafood, a variety of seeds and vegetable fats.
Vitamin C in sufficient amounts will also prevent aging. More than in other plant products, it is found in currants, rosehips, citrus fruits, fresh juices, sauerkraut and mocha vegetables.
Recognized enemies laxity can be considered egg yolks, liver, milk, yeast (beer) in the form of a soft drink. All of them have biotin (vitamin H), which improves the skin.
Aging, as well as skin renewal - complex processes. There is no wrinkle without flabbiness, irritation without dryness; and vice versa - youth without freshness and radiance of the skin. And separate food for each individual defect can not be identified, because in each product for the skin laid down different useful properties. There are perhaps small accents in one way or another, and the general trend, with other normal indicators, is a balanced diet.
Products for skin tanning
Persistent even tan to face and blonde (k) am, and brown-haired (k) am. Subtlety is not in shade. Many are willing to pay big money to have a tanned view all year round, and not just in the summer. Because of this, cosmetologists have tons of chemicals, inventing effective prescriptions for lotions and creams, someone else has come up with a solarium - any whim for your money! Accelerate the desired result will help products for skin tanning.
Sunburn is manifested due to the formation in the skin of melanin. The amount of pigment increases in proportion to the dose of sunlight and the time of irradiation. In the products must certainly be substances that promote sunburn:
- tryptophan, tyrosine (amino acids);
- beta-carotene (provitamin);
- vitamin E;
- selenium;
- lycopene (pigment).
These substances are found in such products:
- carrots (a glass of juice on the beach - an excellent choice);
- Apricots (in the season - 200 g daily);
- peaches;
- grapes;
- melon;
- watermelon;
- tomatoes;
- meat;
- liver;
- seafood.
What tans "does not like", so it's tea, coffee, chocolate, fatty and smoked.
It should be emphasized that skin products alone are incapable of inducing sunburn. However, this diet enhances swarthiness, fixes a tan, makes it natural. The skin gets protection from excessive sun radiation and aging.
Products for skin lightening
No matter how fashionable artificial swarthy, but women have long wanted to be "all rouge and whiter". To the miraculous means for this purpose resorted to many fabulous heroines - from Cinderella to the Queen.
In our time to the services of beauties - a whole scientific and industrial industry that offers cosmetics for all occasions. But we will focus on the most economical ways of lightening with the help of special products for the skin.
The skin is bleached in several cases:
- when they want to get rid of bored freckles;
- to remove pigmentation;
- bleach excess swarthiness;
- just do not like the complexion.
Many products have a brightening effect:
- cucumbers;
- parsley (decoction);
- dandelion, bearberry, yarrow, licorice (broth);
- juices of different berries;
- kefir, sour cream, whey;
- lemon;
- rice (decoction);
- Essential oils (grapefruit, lemon, orange, mint, eucalyptus, tea tree).
The oil ingredient should be added to the mask for one to two drops.
Given that the mask of products to lighten the skin dry it, after washing your face you need to apply a nourishing cream.
The best products for smooth skin
What are the best products for smooth skin professionals recommend? Is it possible to stay forever young and beautiful with the help of proper nutrition?
Dreaming of smooth skin, you need to exclude from the diet tasty, but unprofitable foods and dishes from them, replacing them with fresh vegetables, sour-milk products, fruits. Refuse alcohol and carbonated drinks, bad habits.
Of particular value for smooth skin are:
- fish, marine delicacies (omega-3 fatty acids, zinc);
- citrus, red vegetables (vitamin C);
- orange and green vegetables (vitamin A, beta-carotene);
- nuts (vitamin E);
- whole grains, black bread (rutin, vitamins B, E, fatty acids);
- oils from plants;
- butter (a little);
- yoghurt, kefir.
For smooth skin it is useful to start each meal with fresh vegetables or fruits (a gram of 600 per day). Bananas, grapefruits, kiwi, lemons, cowberries, cabbage should be present on the table every day, and three glasses of kefir (yogurt) - become the norm. A handful of nuts or two - the seeds are also the best products for smooth skin.
Such nutrition, together with other means, will certainly help your skin to remain young, smooth, beautiful.
Harmful products for the skin
And finally - about what hurts. Harmful products for the skin are considered
- meat, fish, fruit, canned vegetables;
- cakes;
- strong black tea, coffee;
- Cola and similar sweet drinks;
- fatty pork;
- spicy seasonings;
- smoked meat and salinity;
- fried food;
- French fries;
- crisps, crackers, containing trans fats;
- artificial and genetically modified products;
- alcoholic beverages.
Harmful products provoke skin stretching, destruction of its cells, the appearance of edema and premature wrinkles (although wrinkles never appear on time).
Unfortunately, there is no miracle substance such as apples that have an instant fairy-tale effect. You can not rely on supercosmetics, even if it is advertised as a panacea for all problems.
The result is possible with the combined effect of external care and internal nutrition with the help of skin products. If there is no expected result, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, unhealthy skin can be the cause of any internal pathology.