Protein Products for Weight Loss
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A sports diet is popular among everyone who wants to get rid of excess fat. But protein products for athletes are needed in a larger number than for ordinary people.
In human tissues more than ten thousand (!) Varieties of proteins are counted. Accordingly, their functions also vary. Most important is the "building" function: it is from the protein that the muscles, skin, hair, other tissues of the body are formed.
When using protein products for weight loss, it should be borne in mind that some proteins are present exclusively in the meat group. However, plant foods contain whole groups of no less valuable components. Truth, as always, is in balance, in a harmonic combination of enjoyable and useful.
High-protein foods for sports nutrition:
- a fish;
- a hen;
- beef;
- turkey;
- milk;
- cheese;
- yogurt;
- eggs;
- peanut butter.
Physical loads require enough carbohydrates. Of these, the athlete should receive about 60% of calories, up to 30% with fats, and only the rest - from protein. The plan for each meal is calculated individually.
Protein products for pregnant women
From the second trimester, when the early toxicosis usually recedes, doctors advise women to pay special attention to protein foods.
Protein products for pregnant women are mandatory.
This will help to ensure the mother and child useful and necessary, and at the same time not gain extra pounds. To eat such food should sometimes even in spite of appetite, as the lack of proteins leads to different diseases and dangerous consequences for both.
- 100 g per day of lean meat is enough. The easiest meat is rabbit meat, also veal, low-fat chicken. Another bird is also acceptable: duck, goose, turkey. The main thing is that it responds to several "not": it was unconserved, smoked, unsalted, lean.
- Dairy products are extremely important, especially home-made. In cottage cheese there is more useful protein than meat. Seasoned or kefir - both products are very handy in the daily menu. Cheeses are useful different - hard, soft, melted.
- Two eggs in a "bag", or soft-boiled - a healthy breakfast for a woman in position.
- Fresh mushrooms for the season - a good addition to the diet.
- Fish boiled, baked, mussels, crabs, shrimp, trepangi, squid kelp (seaweed) - everything is good, but not in smoked and not in a salted form.
Do not forget about nuts, yoghurts, soy products, which can serve as a light snack between breakfast, lunch, dinner.
It's good to take four protein-containing meals every day, combining and combining them with all the others. Divide the portions into five to six receptions. In the last trimester, it is especially important to eat "often, but gradually".
Above we talked about a normal pregnancy. In case of deviations, the gynecologist, who has a future mother, will make medical adjustments in the menu. And no one will use a protein product for slimming women waiting for a baby.
Protein Products for Children
Protein products for children are needed even more than for adults. For normal growth and proper development, a young organism must receive more than output. The smaller the child, the relatively more protein food his body requires, starting from the mother's womb. It is estimated that, depending on the age, the daily requirement is (in grams per kilogram of mass):
- from one year to three - four
- from three to seven - to 3.5 - 4
- from eight to ten - three
- from eleven to 2 - 2.5 g / kg.
If there are less proteins, exhaustion begins, kwashiorkor and marasmus develop, which adversely affects physical and mental development. Undesirable and excessive, provoking metabolic disorders and other pathologies.
Proteins of animal origin are found most in meat, milk, liver, fish. To increase the biological value, it is useful to combine them with vegetable, which are rich in legumes, cereals, potatoes, nuts, seeds. Choose products with better digestibility, namely:
- fish;
- beef;
- egg white;
- soy, beans, lentils;
- Dairy products (for babies it is ideal - mother's milk).
Protein products are introduced into the children's diet at different ages, and in a short review it is impossible to tell about all the details. Is it possible to recall some rules for cooking dishes for children.
- Porridge to cook on water, adding milk to the prepared dish.
- Fish (fresh or frozen) - just a couple. Do not offer canned.
- Protein dishes can not be heated several times.
Protein products for weight loss are not recommended for children.
Products for the protein diet
The effectiveness of the protein diet is proved by practice. However, it has several advantages. For example, from a set of products for a protein diet, it's quite easy to cook full-fledged cold, hot dishes and even desserts. In addition, protein is split more difficultly than carbohydrates, prolonging the feeling of satiety. Thus, a person does not have to suffer the hunger that accompanies certain diets.
The effectiveness of taking protein products for weight loss is the gradual replacement of carbohydrates with proteins. Experiencing the need for energy, the body is forced, with their lack, to scoop it, splitting the fat stores. Absolutely naturally, the body loses excess weight and approaches the desired ideal. And if you still trample down the path to the gym, the result will be accelerated, and will continue for a long time.
Experts emphasize: it is very important to choose the right diet and calculate the amount of protein. The best for this purpose:
- beef;
- turkey;
- fillet of chicken;
- sturgeon caviar;
- tuna;
- pink salmon;
- trout;
- cottage cheese;
- eggs;
- kefir;
- rice;
- oatmeal;
- buckwheat;
- beans.
Meat, fish, grains used boiled, caviar, tuna - in canned food, sour-milk products - fresh. For successful weight loss, you must always pay attention to the accuracy of the distribution of products.
But do not overdo it: if in the menu for a long time only protein-enriched dishes, in the future, even poisoning the body is possible.
Protein products for muscle mass
The musculature begins to increase if the amount of incoming energy exceeds its expenditure. To begin with, you need to dramatically increase the caloric content of the diet, and that food does not turn into solid fat, it is wise to pick up protein products for muscle mass.
Practicing trainers are convinced: the caloric content should be increased to such an extent that the weight for the week increased by 600-800 grams (monitored every three days). No more, no less. This is achieved by a suitable menu, popular and accessible for everyone who wants to have an athletic figure and excellent health.
- Lean meat, best of all - chicken fillet.
- Different fish, seafood in the range.
- Milk and sour-milk products, especially fat-free.
- Eggs, especially domestic ones.
- Legumes - except for those that can contain genetically modified soy.
- A variety of nuts.
Protein products for weight loss are combined in the right proportions with fat-containing and carbohydrate foods, fruits and herbs. This diet is useful in and of itself, and in combination with special supplements, vitamin and mineral preparations. The main thing is not to try to get everything and immediately and keep the process under the control of a specialist.
Protein Products for Vegetarians
People who categorically do not share vegetarian views, consider the total refusal of animal food to be unacceptable and harmful. The question is controversial, since many feel great without meat, but one thing is certain: vegetarianism is not just asceticism in nutrition. Often this is a whole worldview system, different from the traditional for most people.
Respecting the right to choose everyone, we offer an approximate list of the main protein products for weight loss, which is useful for adherents of such nutrition.
- Seafood: fish, shrimp, squid, octopus, crabs, caviar.
- Bean plants: beans, peas, lentils.
- Seeds, nuts (different).
- Whole wheat, bread, pasta.
- Hummus (made from chickpeas - turkish peas), in the form of pasta for sandwiches.
- Soy substitutes for cheeses, sausages, meat products.
- Broccoli - a low-calorie variety of cabbage, containing vegetable protein.
If a vegetarian refuses only meat, then to this list of protein foods for vegetarians should be added eggs, low-fat homemade cheese, milk and products of fermented milk.
When playing sports, vegetarians have to "get" the right amount in the form of a protein cocktail. What exactly to choose from many proposals - let advise the coach or doctor.
Protein products for snacks
What does it mean to have a snack? Eat on the go, in a hurry, what's horrible and not too chewing? It is possible and so, and many of us sin this by sneaking on fast food. And then we struggle for a long time with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excessive weight.
But it is possible and otherwise - to satisfy the hunger quickly and at the same time with the benefit, having satisfied the body with the required energy. Just need from a variety of suggestions to choose protein products for snack. For example:
- Eggs (boiled). Ideal for a quick snack, with light proteins, whose composition is recognized as a reference to any other proteins.
- Tuna itself, with garnish or salad.
- Lentils - will sate quickly and without excess calories.
- Yogurt or cottage cheese, with fruit or vegetables gives enough satiety and energy.
- Muesli with yoghurt, fruit, dry in briquettes is a very healthy snack for people of any age.
- Oatmeal or other porridge: at home - cooked with milk, in the office - from a sachet, cooked in a microwave oven.
- Soy nuts. They are easy to cook with a margin, using as needed. Soy soaked, and then baked. It turns out very tasty and useful.
- Peanut butter - mini canapes with a thin layer of peanut paste will enrich the body not only with vegetable fat, but also with a portion of protein.
Most of these products are suitable and in the role of protein products for weight loss. You can not snack with chocolate bars, pastries, chips.
The benefits of protein diets - in our time recognized fact. Doing or not snacking is a controversial issue. Most dieticians tend to a positive response. Choose what is more comfortable and effective for you personally.