Diet for fibromyalgia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet in fibromyalgia is one of the auxiliary methods that not only helps to achieve effectiveness in treatment, but also significantly improves the quality of life of a sick person.
To make a diet that contributes, if not to complete recovery, to a significant relief of the general symptomatology, is not so difficult, it is fairly unswerving to adhere to the diet for a long time. A single recommended regimen, which would have been approved by doctors from many countries, does not exist yet, but the diet for fibromyalgia involves the use of healthy food, which is similar to various popular methods of reducing or normalizing weight.
Diet in fibromyalgia is studied and domestic scientists, doctors
Russian rheumatologists have found that increased doses of magnesium and B vitamins have a positive effect on the therapeutic process. In addition, thanks to the findings of European colleagues, it was proved that the condition of 75-80% of all patients with fibromyalgia is characterized by a low level of magnesium (magnesium deficiency in red blood cells), therefore, the inclusion of foods containing this valuable trace element in the diet promotes the speedy recovery and normalization of many processes . Magnesium plays an important role in the work of muscles, the functioning of the nervous system and activates the fermentation of nutritional elements, which in turn helps the formation of ATP. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is one of the sources of energy resources of the human body. Magnesium activates an enzyme that controls the sodium-potassium cell balance in such a way that sodium remains in the cells, and potassium protects the cells from the outside. This is the only way a cell can reproduce energy resources at all times. The diet for fibromyalgia should include not only the necessary magnesium standard, but also a specially selected increased dose. Magnesium should be combined with calcium, since this synthesis is considered harmonious for the functioning of the human body (magnesium controls the excess of calcium).
List of products that contain magnesium:
- Broccoli.
- Spinach.
- All kinds of beans.
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Buckwheat (unroasted).
- Pumpkin.
- Artichoke.
- Milk.
- Forest nuts.
- Sprouted wheat.
- Bran.
- Seeds of sesame seeds.
- Millet.
- Dates.
- Prunes.
- Raisins.
Most recently in Israeli clinics successfully passed dietary "tests", including a special oxidation diet. Patients within three months were prescribed to eat foods containing natural antioxidants. The results impressed not only patients who felt significant improvement and reduced pain symptoms, but also doctors. The menu included fruit and berries - cranberries, plums, currants, prunes, sour apples. Also in the diet included vegetables, beans, spices and herbs - beans, radish, asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli, parsley and celery, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano and cloves. Bread was used only rye or with the addition of bran, nuts. As a drink offered green tea with honey and lemon, metered portions of cran wine, compotes of fresh fruits, fruit hips and non-carbonated mineral water.
Diet in fibromyalgia involves compliance with the rules and a dietician determined diet for a long time. In fact, in order to reduce the manifestations of fibromyalgia, a person needs to radically change his lifestyle, including the diet.
Recommendations of American rheumatologists at the Chicago clinic
- The menu should include dishes from whole grains - bread from a meal of rough grind, unpolished rice, buckwheat, dishes with bran and so on. This diet helps to establish digestive processes and promotes the regular removal of decay products, toxins from the body.
- It should be abandoned tomatoes and products containing tomato paste (ketchup, sauces). Tomatoes can cause allergies or provoke a reaction of the body, similar to allergic.
- It is necessary to abandon the sweet foods, minimize the consumption of sugar. Sugar is excluded almost completely, at least for one month. In the future, strict restrictions on sweet foods should be followed.
- It is necessary to limit the use of meat products. Meat is absolutely not worth it, but you will have to comply with the norms - no more than 2 times a week, maximum 250 grams per day. The restriction of protein promotes the release of the necessary energy, which is so scarce for patients suffering from fibromyalgia.
- Restricting sugar, will have to give up and from sugar substitutes, which are considered quite toxic to the nervous system. It was found that the sugar substitute negatively affects NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) bonds and receptors, which significantly increases the sensitivity to pain.
- Also, products containing flavor additives, synthetic dyes should be discarded. This is especially true of the infamous glutamate of sodium, which is universally included in the production of food products. Glutamate sodium enhances the sensitivity of pain receptors, in addition, it gradually breaks the transmitter connections and lowers the already low level of serotonin. In addition, this component is able to cause the so-called oxidative stress and have a hepatotoxic effect.
- Excluded any products containing nitrates. Vegetables, fruits should be chosen in accordance with this rule, or subject them to special treatment - at least soak in water for about half an hour.
- From the menu, any drinks containing gas, be it mineral water or champagne, are excluded. Diet in fibromyalgia basically does not accept carbonated water, especially made from powder concentrate.
- The invigorating effect of coffee for people suffering from fibromyalgia is an instant increase in activity and an equally rapid fatigue, a decline in energy. Therefore, you should minimize coffee and coffee drinks and give preference to green tea without sugar, which is an excellent soft adaptogen and a stimulant of vivacity. Clinical studies of American and European physicians have shown that a week's failure of coffee gives tremendous results in terms of restoring vitality.
- Diet in fibromyalgia involves limiting the use of baked goods, especially prepared with the help of yeast. In addition to the negative impact on the sick organism from yeast fungi, the bread contains gluten (gluten), which can become an allergic provoking factor.
- Patients with fibromyalgia should draw up a schedule for the use of milk and dairy products. It is believed that a complete refusal of milk for fibromyalgia is unacceptable, since dairy products are a source of calcium, but milk can be a factor that provokes an allergy. In addition, milk, more accurately contained in it myristic acid, affects the level of low density lipoproteins, which provoke atherosclerosis. The maximum amount that a diet allows for fibromyalgia is not more than 300 ml of milk or dairy products per day.
- Patients with fibromyalgia should revise their diet and limit the consumption of vegetables from the Solanaceae families. In addition to tomatoes, this group includes potatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, eggplants.
- With caution should eat all fruits related to citrus fruits, in order to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
- Patients with fibromyalgia are strictly prohibited from soy and soy products, since soy is the leader in the content of genetically modified components in its composition. It is proved that 98-99% of all soybean produced in the world is GMO soy.
- It is extremely useful and important to include in the diet all products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega acids). This is almost all varieties of sea fish, flax oil, walnuts, vegetable oils and eggs.