Mask of chocolate for the body
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Masks, including a chocolate mask for the body, are considered the most effective and at the same time a simple and affordable way to combat the adverse effects of external skin contamination and maintain its health.
Advantages of chocolate masks on the basis of cocoa powder in nutrition and toning effect on the cells of the epidermis of the entire spectrum of vitamins, trace elements (iron, magnesium, zinc), alkaloids (theobromine and theophylline), amino acids and antioxidants. They all purify and moisturize the skin, stimulate the renewal of its cells, relieve swelling, tighten the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. A special "bonus" of these masks is a seductive aroma ...
Recipes for chocolate body masks
The inclusion of these or other ingredients in the recipes of chocolate masks for the body should take into account the type of your skin and the existing problems. For example, with oily skin, the mask with clay works well, with dry skin - with oils, with aging - with the addition of essential oils.
Mask of chocolate and clay
To conduct deep skin cleansing, prepare a mask consisting of an equal amount of cosmetic clay and cocoa powder (2-3 tablespoons each). As the liquid component, ordinary warm water or milk can be used; for dry skin - cream or yogurt, after 35 years - add a couple of spoons of aloe juice or a few drops of jojoba oil.
In a dry mixture of cocoa and clay liquid must be poured gradually to achieve the desired consistency - medium density. Weight is applied in circular motions, with a little effort, to activate the process of absorbing useful substances. The action time is up to 30 minutes.
Mask of chocolate and honey
This mask is also prepared very simply: two tablespoons of liquid natural honey are taken for five tablespoons of cocoa powder; the mixture is prepared in a water bath. For dry skin, it is useful to add a little cocoa butter (about half a teaspoon).
The mixture is applied to the body in a warm form and keeps to dry, wash off - under a warm shower.
Mask of chocolate and kelp
And this mask can perform the function of lifting - due to the combined effect of all the benefits of cocoa powder and seaweed - kelp, which contains skin cleansing alginates.
Dried kelp (which can be bought in a pharmacy) must be turned into powder - grind in a coffee grinder. A couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder mixed with three tablespoons of chopped algae, add warm water - to get a fairly thick mass. Well, then proceed in the same way as described in previous recipes.
Chocolate anti-cellulite mask
Despite the fact that cellulite is a multifactorial problem, it is being combated with local methods. And the chocolate anti-cellulite mask is included in the list of these methods.
To prepare this mask, the following ingredients must be mixed in a water bath: cocoa powder (two tablespoons), cocoa butter (about 5 g), sweet almond oil and rosemary (three drops each) and an oil solution of vitamin E (tocopherol) - as much same.
Places with obvious signs of cellulite densely smeared with the resulting mixture, a few minutes to massage and leave to dry.
The second recipe: mix cocoa powder, corn flour and olive oil, add pumpkin oil, karite and lemon.
The third recipe: cocoa powder, honey, ground oat flakes (or oatmeal) - in equal quantities, the liquid component - several spoons of strong green tea. It is useful to drip orange oil.
Anti-cellulite treatment is also considered chocolate wrap, which is quite easy to do at home. For the simplest, you can prepare and the simplest mixture - from cocoa powder with hot water. The pasty mass should cool down to + 38-40 degrees, and after its application, these places must be closed with food grade foil. Over the film you need to warm up with improvised means. The duration of such procedures should not exceed a quarter of an hour.
At the same time, reviews of chocolate masked body masks made by themselves are only positive: many women prefer to take care of their skin with natural remedies - without unnecessary and not always useful chemistry. Time for their preparation is minimal, and the benefit - in the literal sense of the word - is obvious.