Face masks from lemon
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021
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Among home cosmetics, facial masks from lemon are deservedly popular. Being a rich source of vitamin C, lemon juice - and it is part of homemade masks, lotions and scrubs - has many advantages when applied directly to the skin. First, due to the availability of this citrus and the ease of extracting juice from it. Secondly, because of its benefits to the skin.
The use of lemon for skin
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) - a powerful antioxidant and, neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals, contributes to increased production of collagen.
Also, lemon contains lemon (50-65 mg / ml) and malic acid (1.5-4.5 mg / ml), trace amounts of tartaric, oxalic, lactic, fumaric, malonic, chlorogenic and benzoic acids. Therefore, the use of lemon for the skin in the peeling effect is the soft removal of the upper layer of dead skin cells, which these natural exfoliates provide. With regular use of lemon in masks, the skin becomes more elastic, smooth, the pores contract and even the scars decrease.
The organic acids of lemon juice decolour or, at least, make the spots and some other manifestations of hyperpigmentation paler and less noticeable. However, cosmetologists warn that when using masks with lemon skin can become more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays.
There is no doubt that lemon is useful in the treatment of acne and acne: fresh lemon juice containing bioflavonoids and phenolcarbonic acids (paracum and synapic), has natural astringent and antibacterial properties.
For oily skin, lemon is one of the best natural moisturizing, toning and anti-wrinkle agents.
For centuries, a mask of lemon juice was used by women to remove pigmentation spots from the face and hands, daily lubricating them with lemon juice (sometimes diluted with water) before going to bed and washing it off the next morning. Therefore, we will start with bleaching.
Whitening mask with lemon
Mask with lemon and cucumber is considered a classic whitening agent used at home: lemon and cucumber complement each other in the fight against increased pigmentation.
Cucumber grate on a fine grater, take 1-2 tablespoons of chopped vegetable and add about a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture should be kept on the face for not more than 15 minutes and rinse with water, after which it is absolutely necessary to use the cream. This procedure is for oily skin.
If you have normal skin, you should additionally put a teaspoon of sour cream in the mask, and if you dry the skin, except sour cream, you need to add a little of any oil - olive, corn or refined sunflower. Then the mask will have to be washed off with warm water.
The second option - a mask of protein and lemon - is most suitable for oily and combination skin: one egg white is beaten and mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. In addition to bleaching, this mixture at the expense of naturally egg albumin perfectly smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin, shortens the enlarged pores and for a while reduces sebum secretion.
Recipes for facial masks from lemon
To use lemon juice is simple, and the recipes for facial masks from lemon include various components - depending on what type of your skin and what effects you want to achieve.
- Mask with honey and lemon
If you have normal skin, you can use lemon juice and honey to cleanse and moisturize the skin, help to release it from keratinized cells and regenerate. Mix honey (a tablespoon) and lemon juice (a teaspoonful), apply the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Mask with sour cream and lemon
If you slightly change the previous recipe and instead of honey use sour cream, then, without reducing the whitening effect on pigment spots and freckles, you feed the epidermal cells with sour cream in the sour cream and help to update the cells due to the beneficial properties of sour cream lecithin.
Improving the structure of the skin effect you will notice in 4-6 procedures within two weeks, but a noticeable reduction in fine wrinkles will require more time - at least 1-1.5 months.
- Mask with olive oil and lemon
Olive oil with lemon, mixed in equal parts, for 15-20 minutes stay on the face will not only increase the moisture of normal and dry skin, but also smoothen out fine wrinkles.
With dry skin, it is recommended to enrich the composition of this mask with honey (a teaspoon) and essential oil of jojoba (5 drops), and with excessively dry add a little dry milk. To combat wrinkles, such masks can be done twice a week.
- Face mask with lemon and egg
Simultaneously nourishes, tones, smooths and brightens the normal skin mixture of half a raw chicken or whole quail egg with a teaspoon of lemon juice.
If the skin is prone to dryness, then you can use only the yolk and add a few drops of almond or peach oil; if the skin is pale and thin - avocado oil, if very sensitive - calendula oil. Remember that essential oils are added in minimal amounts - no more than 5-6 drops. And the time during which any mask with lemon juice can be on dry skin should not exceed 10 minutes!
- Mask of oatmeal and lemon
For oily and combination skin is useful nutritional cleansing mask of oatmeal and lemon.
Since the dry shredded oat flakes (a tablespoon) mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice you will not succeed, then pre-vent the oatmeal with a small amount of hot water and allow 10 minutes to swell. After that, you can add lemon juice, stir and apply to the skin, but no more than a quarter of an hour.
- Mask of yeast and lemon
The usual fresh yeast, which we use to prepare the dough, in addition to the mass of vitamins, including Group B, contains a very necessary trace element - zinc. Therefore, a yeast mask with acne from acne is an affordable and simple way to improve the problem skin, prone to the formation of acne.
A slice of yeast is kneaded, mixed with lemon juice to the state of gruel and sent to the face in the form of a uniform layer - for about 20 minutes. And the spots where the pimples jumped out can be smeared with a thicker layer.
- Mask made of clay and lemon
Mask of clay and lemon deeply cleans the pores of oily skin from sebum and toxins, dries the skin and makes it clean, matte and more fresh. This is due to the adsorbing properties of white clay and the content of zinc in it.
Withering skin, this mask tightens and significantly smoothes. And, of course, in both cases lemon juice does its job: whitens and exfoliates.
The mask is prepared simply: the dry clay is mixed and the lemon juice in half with water to a gruel of medium density. The mask should be washed off 5 minutes after it completely dries on the face.
- Mask with aspirin and lemon
The authorship of the mask with aspirin and lemon is attributed to the American Turkish surgeon, Mehmet Cengiz Oz, the leading US-based medical television show The Dr. Oz Show.
It should be borne in mind that aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, which, like lemon juice, helps exfoliate and discolor the skin. Therefore, this mask is very aggressive for peeling.
It is recommended to crush 3-4 tablets of aspirin and mix the powder with a tablespoon of lemon juice - until pasty consistency. With dry skin, you need to add about a tablespoon of honey or the same amount of olive oil.
The mask is applied with a cotton swab evenly over the entire face (except the area around the eyes). It lasts 6-7 minutes - until drying, and it is removed with a swab moistened with a warm solution of baking soda (a teaspoon in a glass of water) - to neutralize the acid. After this cosmetic procedure, the face must be lubricated with a moisturizing cream, and before going out on the street - sunscreen.
This mask is not recommended for pregnancy, for allergies to aspirin (or Reye's syndrome), and for very dry and sensitive skin.
- Mask Freeman with lemon
Mask Freeman with lemon is a product of American company Freeman Beautiful, a mask for oily and problem skin Mint & Lemon on the basis of clay, mint and lemon extract.
According to the manufacturer's annotation, "The mask helps to soothe the problem skin of the face, control the production of sebum and remove fatty gloss, cleanse the skin of toxins, reduce inflammation in acne and reduce large pores."
It is also indicated that the mask is made from natural plant ingredients. In the list of components included in the mask Freeman Facial Clay Mask Mint & Lemon components appear: water, bentonite (forming a gel when mixed with water, a natural clay mineral), kaolin (clay), menthol oil, lemon oil. Then follows: propylene glycol (moisturizing component, emulsifier E1520), magnesium aluminosilicate (absorbent), titanium dioxide (dye and bleach E171), disodium EDTA (stabilizer), sodium polyacrylate (absorbent and thickener), methylchloroisothiazolinone (preservative, with long-term use accumulates in skin), as well as geraniol, linalool and d-limonene (terpenic alcohols for improving antiseptic properties and aromatization).
Perhaps you understand that the information in parentheses is given to give an idea of the substances used in this product; on tubes there is no such information.
Reviews of facial masks from lemon are very different, because lemon juice can cause burning and redness of the skin, and its use in dry skin can worsen its condition and lead to even more dryness and prolonged peeling. Side effects can be avoided if you do not make face masks from the lemon too often and take into account the individual characteristics of your skin.