Nose Correction
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Correction of the nose to date has been particularly widespread.
This procedure allows you to cope with a number of problems that bring inconvenience to people. Shorten the nose, remove the hump, change the shape of the nose and give it a natural shape after deformation is now simple. All this is corrected by rhinoplasty. This procedure can not be attributed to simple cosmetic operations. Because during it different types of anesthesia are used. It all depends on the degree of complexity of the forthcoming operation.
Indications for Nose Correction
The main indications for correcting the nose are very primitive. In most cases, people turn to this procedure for purely aesthetic reasons.
So, a pronounced hump on the nose or a wide tip of the nose, with such problems patients come to specialized clinics. But this is not all. The procedure of rhinoplasty can get rid of a number of serious problems. Correct wide or too narrow nostrils, remove birth defects, save a person from nasal damage, etc. All this is a direct specialization of rhinoplasty.
To date, this procedure has earned universal trust. Because more and more people come to clinics for help in correcting various defects of the nose. This procedure is by no means a simple cosmetic. After all, depending on the problem, different types of anesthesia are used.
Correction of the shape of the nose
To date, one of the popular procedures is the correction of the shape of the nose. In many clinics, computer simulations are carried out. Thanks to him you can create a form of nose that will harmoniously blend with features and an oval face.
Surgeons-cosmetologists subdivide the operation into two types, open and closed. The last version of the procedure is carried out directly inside the nose and there are practically no traces left from it. Perhaps this is the simplest operation. If we talk about a closed procedure, then it is much more complicated. So, experts choose an inconspicuous place for a cut, which also allows to avoid a scar.
During the correction of a sunken nose, special grafts are used. They are extracted from the rib or ear cartilage. In some cases, silicone inserts are used. They are also used to correct curved nasal septums. Usually this defect is called a "curve nose".
Specialists recommend that this procedure should be performed between the ages of 17 and 40. Because exactly at the age of 17, the nose ends its formation. It is necessary to understand that not always the client's wishes coincide with the client's capabilities.
Correction of the tip of the nose
In most cases, nose tip correction is only an integral part of the entire procedure. True, there are also cases when the defect is actually observed only at the tip. In the rest the nose has the usual form.
In this case, no major changes occur. This is a surgical effect on soft tissues and cartilage. When there is correction of the tip of the nose, wearing the intranasal tire decreases many times. But many plastic surgeons all the same recommend it to use, so that in the future there were no hematomas or, of course, tumors.
Correction of the tip of the nose, usually carried out under local anesthesia. But if there is such a need, then local anesthesia is used. However, anesthetizing injections are also capable of causing unpleasant sensations. In this case, I recommend using a general anesthetic. If it is a cardinal change in the shape of the tip of the nose, then an open intervention is required. Because this way you can fix the structure. So if you need to correct the nose, often the choice is made in favor of open intervention.
Correction of the septum of the nose
According to statistics, almost a quarter of people on Earth need correction of the septum of the nose. Because this is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, rhinoseptoplasty comes to the rescue.
More recently, the only option to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon was a complicated operation of the nose. She was made under general anesthesia in a hospital. But times change and today everything is much easier. There is a more gentle method of correcting. For this, laser intervention is used. Often this procedure is carried out together with other methods. So to say in aggregate, so that the process itself is more effective.
It should be noted that such interference is not always made. Therefore, such a question is solved exclusively with the attending physician. He also determines how the correction will occur. Whether it's laser work or other methods of aesthetic correction of the septum.
Correction of the wings of the nose
Correction of the wings of the nose is done independently. This is a separate procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. As a rule, it is an integral part of extensive rhinoplasty. In this case, only general anesthesia is used.
Sometimes, after correcting the tip of the nose, you need to "tidy up" the nostrils. In this case, corrective manipulations are carried out. Correction of the girin and the thickness of the wings is achieved by excision of the mucocutaneous and mucous membranes along the contour of the nostrils themselves. As for postoperative scars, they are located in the natural nasolabial folds. Therefore, they become invisible after a while.
In some cases, it is necessary to restore the wings or create support for them. At this stage, the mobilization of surrounding tissues is required. In this case, it is possible to transplant cutaneous fragments. The recovery period after such an operation is about five days.
Correction of the hump of the nose
A very common procedure is to correct the hump of the nose. It is with this problem that the plastic surgeon is often approached. The pimple on the nose appears for various reasons. This can contribute to both trauma and heredity.
The structure of the nose consists of several cartilages and bones. As a rule, strongly protruding bones form the very hump. To remove it is not so difficult, but such a procedure is available only to persons who have reached the age of 18. Because the body before this age develops and can still change. The process of surgery removes cartilage and bone tissue. Naturally, during the planning of the procedure, the wishes of the client are taken into account.
The nose on the nose is a defect that needs to be removed. And the procedure is quite complicated and is done in several stages. Initially, the surgeon dissects the skin and frees the skeleton of the nose. Then a cut is made and a part of the cartilage is removed. At the second stage, the ossicle of the nose is eliminated. This procedure is performed using a rasper or file.
It is necessary to prepare for the operation. You need to rest more, start eating right and watch your health. Do not take any medication without the knowledge of a doctor. Including you can not drink and smoke. In the first weeks after the procedure, there will be swelling of the face. There is nothing wrong with this, this is the usual healing process. During this, you will need to visit the hospital in order to do a nose bandage. I'll have to wear a special bandage and always come to the doctor for an examination.
Correction of the back of the nose
Classic correction of the back of the nose can reduce its height. Typically, the body of the back of the nose mainly consists of the cartilaginous part of the septum, as well as the upper lateral cartilage. It is not so easy to remove a hump. Therefore, how to do everything in such a way that does not catch the mucous membrane.
Excessive removal of the upper lateral cartilage can lead to quite serious complications. Therefore, before the procedure, the mucosa must be peeled off from the nasal cavity by a rasher.
What is the aesthetic result after such a procedure? As a rule, this is a slightly flat and even contour of the back of the nose in the profile. If the hump is quite large, then you need to apply expanding grafts.
Correction of the back of the nose is carried out by two methods, both open and closed. Everything depends on the discretion of the plastic surgeon. In general, the variant of the operation is discussed with the patient.
The hump is removed in the open method as follows. First, the hump is removed, this procedure is performed with the help of a chisel. Then the bone coffin is already removed by rasps. After that, the block of protruding cartilage is removed. Only then there is a separate removal of the hump of the back of the nose.
Laser nose correction
As part of plastic surgery, laser nose correction is performed. This procedure is performed using a multifunctional scalpel. Which is used for its intended purpose.
The scalpel performs several functions. So, it is the coagulation of blood vessels, stimulation of regeneration, which occurs at the cellular level, disinfection of the wound and softening of the cartilaginous tissue. It is the latter function that is directly related to rhinoplasty.
The operation is carried out only if there is a pronounced crook on the nose, birth defects, injuries, etc. But only the doctor decides what and how to do.
The operation is multi-stage. Initially, you need to enter anesthesia. As a rule, such interventions are performed under general anesthesia. In rare cases, resort to local anesthesia. Then cuts are made, depending on the problem and the expected result, they are produced in different ways. If it is a closed rhinoplasty, the incision is made in the inner region of the nostrils. This technique allows you to provide invisible scars. And the recovery process in this case is twice as fast. It should be noted that closed rhinoplasty requires spatial thinking from the surgeon. There is a flaw in this is capable. This is the lack of full visualization of the septum of the nose and the entire lower lateral structure of the cartilage. Such a "process" imposes some restrictions on the operation. An open procedure allows you to achieve greater accuracy of the result.
The advantages of laser rhinoplasty is that the tissues are dissected by a laser. Therefore, you should not be afraid of stitches, because they simply do not exist. Correction of the septum of the nose with the help of a laser to reduce blood loss, as well as shorten the period of rehabilitation.
Laser correction of the septum of the nose
The most common way to get rid of many troubles is laser correction of the septum of the nose. The fact is that the human body is asymmetrical. Therefore, nose injuries are common. But, despite this, not all injuries affect the state of breathing.
However, if there is a curvature, then in the future there may be chronic inflammatory processes. In addition, the occurrence of a cyst, as well as frequent catarrhal diseases, is due to this.
To correct the septum of the nose with a laser is an excellent idea. Because everything is pretty simple. This method has a number of advantages. Thus, the laser technique is performed on an outpatient basis. Simply put, the patient does not have to be in the hospital. In addition, there is practically no blood loss. Everything is done under local anesthesia. During the postoperative period tight dense tampons are not used. But there is one small nuance. So, the procedure can only be carried out if the curvature is observed only in the cartilaginous part of the septum of the nose. In all other variants this will simply not be effective. Correction of the nose in this case is carried out using septoplasty under the control of the endoscope.
Non-operative correction of the nose
The introduction of special preparations "fillers and there is non-surgical correction of the nose. As a rule, they are based on hyaluronic acid or silicone. The whole procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, which is an invariable plus. In addition, all this is attractive in that there is a minimum of complications. Inflammation, redness and almost complete absence of the postoperative period. None of this is afraid, it is not necessary, it happens in isolated cases.
With fine needles, the surgeon injects fillers under the skin. This is done only in those areas where correction is needed. This issue is decided on the consultation before the procedure. The visible effect is unstable, but it is clearly visible.
Many patients pay attention to non-surgical correction of the nose. Therefore, how to improve the proportion can be very quickly, and even without the special pain. In addition, there is no rehabilitation period. In general, some pluses.
Despite the fact that such rhinoplasty is very tempting, it is not suitable for everyone. There are still some limitations. So, injected drugs, especially if injected more than once, can lead to deformation of the nose tissue. In addition, the blood supply decreases. But this happens only if a person after a non-surgical procedure thinks about a surgical intervention. In general, there are no other restrictions.
Nose correction with makeup
Rhinoplasty is good, but nose correction with makeup is even better. True, this method is more suitable for the female part of the population. So, are there some complaints about the nose? It's not a problem, you can fix everything by cosmetic means.
Correction of the nose with the help of cosmetics will allow you to visually change the shape. Thanks to the play of light and shade, smoothing out some "unnecessary" areas will be quite simple. Yes, and in general, cosmetics will focus on other parts of the face.
Visually change the nose will allow tonal remedy and powder. So, in an arsenal of the girl there should be cosmetic "lotions" of light and dark shades. For example, a darker tone of a foundation is perfect for correction, but it's worth taking one more, a bit lighter. The same "manipulation" is made with powder.
To visually shorten the nose it is necessary to put a dark shade on its tip and into the nostrils area. The back of the nose should be emphasized in a lighter tone. This is important if the tip of the nose is bent downward. If the "problem" with the hump, then in this case it is possible to highlight the region at the base, and also in the region between the eyebrows.
A snub nose usually does not need correction. But if it is necessary, a dark tone should be put on the central part, which is then shaded upward, closer to the bridge of the nose. If the snub nose is small, then a light shade is applied to its back, and the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose are darkened. This is suitable for tonal remedies, blush and powder.
The Greek profile is easy to adjust. It is necessary to avoid too dark a zone. To visually reduce the spout, it is on its side walls and wings to apply a dark corrector. The flattened nose is "fixed" quite quickly. For this, a light shade is applied to the nose bridge area, and the dark one is just on the side parts. The spout on the side is very rare. But it also requires its correction. In this case, a light tint should be applied in the center, and on the left side, and with the right a dark tone.
Correction of the nose with fillers
Synthetic gel or nose correction with fillers? This is an interesting and fairly common procedure. The filler acts as an implant. It is safe and perfectly perceived by the body.
There are no toxins in the filler. Here there is only hyaluronic acid. The gel itself is viscous and elastic. Therefore, it is very convenient to inject it under the skin with a syringe.
The filler is capable of both adding tissue and contributing to its resorption. So, this is relevant in the event that the hump is removed. There are also special hormonal drugs that cause the process of resorption. This technique has become widely used in the correction of the wings of the nose, the tip of the nose, as well as the superficial zone. The results of the procedure can be seen in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes this correction is carried out in several stages and this is no accident. Because with the introduction of resorbants should be very careful.
With non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose, the patient is conscious. In this case, only local anesthesia is used. The sensitivity of the nose is completely eliminated, so you should not even worry about it. And it happens quite quickly, just 20 minutes after the introduction of anesthesia.
If a person has a desire, he can observe the whole process with the help of a mirror. The specialist injects the drug with a syringe into certain areas that require correction. As for the edema, it is practically nonexistent. Fillers are absolutely safe, and dissolve after a year and a half.
Exercises for nose correction
Many troubles will help to remove exercises for nose correction. Naturally, this allows you to cope not with all the problems, but still, it's worth trying.
What are these exercises for? As a rule, they are aimed at correcting the nose. If the muscle tone is good, then it will help to get rid of even a small hump. Now it's time to move on to the exercises themselves.
So, you need to take a starting position. To do this, it is necessary to involve the abdomen, strain the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Then, with your thumb and forefinger, take hold of the bridge of your nose. Then the fingers are compressed, and pressure is applied to the nose. The index finger of the other hand rests against the tip of the nose. Then pull the lower lip. In this manipulation, the tip of the nose should also drop down. In this situation, you should stay for a few seconds. Then release the lip and relax, then repeat the manipulation. Do it no less than 20-40 times.
Exercise for straightening the nose is also very peculiar. So, you need to take the original position, it is the same as in the previous version. Then the nose must be pushed in the direction opposite to the curvature. Then also pull on the lower lip and then relax it. The exercise is repeated 40 times. Even after the nose is straightened, it is worth continuing the exercise.
Prices for nose correction
Everyone is interested to know what are the prices for nose correction. Because this procedure is in demand for today.
It should be noted right away that the price category fluctuates in a very high range. Because such procedures are not so easy. Again, much depends on the clinic, in which all this will happen.
If we are talking about the plastic tip of the nose, then this operation costs about 1000 dollars. A similar cost is also the plastic back of the nose. As for correction with a bone stage, this procedure is perhaps the most expensive. Its cost fluctuates around 2000 dollars. The wings of the nose, the septum of the nose and the nasal conchs, will cost 200-600 dollars. Very demanded and expensive is rhinoplasty, its cost exceeds 2500 dollars. Repeated such a procedure is much cheaper, and varies in the area of 2000 dollars.
It is worth noting that all of the above prices are indicative. Much depends on the clinic itself, a specialist who performs the procedure and the complexity of the operation itself. Therefore, the cost can vary significantly. In general, nose correction is a rather popular procedure that requires a certain approach.