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Indications for cryomassage
Indications for cryomassage are so wide that this procedure is one of the most popular in beauty salons. Cold act on the face and other parts of the body, revitalizing and rejuvenating them. So, the indications for cryomassage are as follows:
- the skin has lost its elasticity. Ice miraculously helps in this case;
- acne (acne) and post acne;
- demodicosis - alleviates the symptoms of the disease, but is used in complex treatment, not as an independent one;
- any violations of the functional sebaceous glands (too fatty or vice versa, very dry skin);
- poor skin condition under the eyes;
- weak dropping hair;
- obesity headaches, migraines;
- a headache, a feeling of itching, peeling, severe dandruff;
- swelling of the skin;
- cellulite and the treatment of overweight and obesity;
- rosacea;
- loss of skin tone - stomach, face, arms and legs;
- restoration of the shape of the breast;
- recovery from liposuction and plastic surgery;
- in a complex with injections of beauty;
- in conjunction with the procedure of dermabrasion;
- reduction of discomfort after cosmetic procedures;
- prevention of skin inflammation;
- with skin burns as first aid;
- different scars on the skin.
As you can see, indications for cryomassage are a long list of problems solved by the application of cold.
The device for cryomassage
The choice of the device for cryomassage depends on the temperature range the doctor decided to treat. The cryomassage has three temperature components, namely:
- Moderately low temperature (zero degrees),
- Low temperature (-15 ° C, -20 ° C),
- Ultra-low temperature (range -110 ° C to -160 ° C)
Let's consider each temperature range.
Cryomassage, at a moderately low temperature, is pounded with ice, which is placed in a small bag.
But for the following temperature ranges of exposure to the skin, a special device for cryomassage is needed. Use apparatus for cryomassage "Eney-2", "Nord-1", "Cold", "Yatran". There are devices for cryomassage with dry cold air, for example "Cryo Jet", which provides the procedure for cooling the skin with a stream of air (with local cryotherapy). This procedure does not require the preparation of the patient and his rest after the massage apparatus, short-term procedures exclude frostbite. Moreover, the procedure is quite pleasant. The CrioJet Air C600 local cryotherapy unit generates nitrogen from the ambient air, the patient is exposed to a mixture of a jet of cold air with nitrogen, the temperature of such a jet can be up to -60 ° C. This device for cryomassage is easy to use, economical, is used for a huge range of diseases. Control is through the built-in touch panel, while carrying out cryomassage using various attachments to the flexible hose. When the CrioJet Air C600 local cryotherapy unit is applied to the skin, their damage is excluded.
The use of the third - the lowest temperature range - is a super-powerful therapeutic method of impact for today, but such cryomassage is carried out only in hospitals, out-patient practice in hospitals. Usually, such cryotherapy is used for burns, various injuries, treatment of Bechterew's disease, joint damage, neurology (with radiculitis, neuritis and neuralgia). A low temperature range is used in cryosurgery, while the cryotestructor "Kryoton-3" is needed. Pathological changes in tissues are destroyed by local freezing at extremely low temperatures. The temperature of the working tip of the apparatus for cryo-action "Kryoton-3" is about -170 ° C. Cryodestructor "Kryoton-3" is used in gynecology, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, urology, neurosurgery, dermatology, cosmetology and general surgery.
How to do cryomassage?
Cryomassage can be done with liquid nitrogen (only in the cabin) or a piece of ice (at home). Let's look at how to do cryomassage in the cabin. The cosmetician makes cryomassage a special applicator on massage lines make an applicator. Either rolls in the right directions, or it affects the skin pointwise. At the same time liquid nitrogen and skin do not come in direct contact - there always remains an air cushion. Often, the skin that needs correction is dried during the procedure. The upper layer of the skin is exfoliated, the metabolic processes are activated. The essence of the procedure in narrowing the vessels under the influence of cold, and then expanding them. Peripheral blood supply to the skin is activated and as a result, metabolism is accelerated. Many cosmetologists have developed the author's cryomassage techniques. The procedure time, for example deep cryomassage, lasts only 5-15 minutes. But despite the rather short procedure, this does not affect its effectiveness. Moreover, for only one short session, the complexion is leveled. If you decide to cryomassage and want a real long-term result, then you need to adjust to the passage of a whole course of procedures (up to fifteen sessions). The recommended frequency of procedures is two to three times a week. For an excellent appearance, two courses a year are sufficient. But if you want to deal with defects (acne for example), then you will have to do it more often. The necessary number of sessions will be appointed by your beautician.
Face cryomassage, if desired, can be done at home - but only using ice. To do this, you need to prepare ice cubes in advance, you can add various useful and necessary additives to the ice water. For example, juices, decoctions of various herbs, pieces of fruit or vegetables (cucumber).
Some beauty parlors offer an ice massage in the pouch. A bag of ice or just an ice cube is applied to the skin and you need to drive along the massage lines.
What infusions of herbs can be prepared for ice cryomassage? You can use fresh juice of grapes, broth chamomile, nettle, celandine or horsetail. First we make a tincture, and then it is frozen in ice forms. Only from the freezer you can not use ice, it should lie down a little at room temperature. We wipe the face with the ice cube, not forgetting the décolleté zone and neck. If you have oily skin, make yourself citrus ice, ice from tomato juice or strawberries. A decoction of parsley in a frozen form will suit everyone. But for dry skin will be more useful decoction of plantain or mint. You can do an exquisite massage with frozen cream, puree currant, strawberry, peach, rowan, vegetable oil.
Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen
Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is done only in the salon or clinic. There is no question of any home massage with liquid nitrogen. Deep cryomassage is a procedure in which directly the skin is exposed to a coolant or cryoinstrument. The patient experiences a tingling sensation, a cold on the skin. Cryo is exposed to freezing and removed (papillomas for example), but also treated. Dermatologists breathed a sigh of relief since the cryomassage machines appeared. Here, for example, acne is well treated with deep cryomassage with liquid nitrogen. Hyperpigmentation and age-related changes in the skin also respond well to cryomassage treatment. And why? Because cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is like deep peeling - it exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, the skin is renewed. The process is rather gentle. Deep cryomassage with liquid nitrogen can be carried out on any part of the body - the skin of the face, neck, hands, décolleté.
Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen can be used as a separate procedure, but can go in a complex, like face care, supplementing and enhancing the effect of cream and masks. The cryomassage procedure with liquid nitrogen is primarily physiological - only the temperature effect and the metabolic reaction of the skin. Cryomassage with nitrogen can revive the skin turgor. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin becomes fresh before the eyes. Cold perfectly removes swelling. Cryomassage with nitrogen is prescribed to patients after operations as a rehabilitation program.
Cryotherapy is simply salvation for porous, dense skin of the face. Exfoliation of the skin is organically combined with exposure to micro-medicine and micro-inflammation, which unfortunately are present on the seborrheic skin. After cryomassage liquid nitrogen reduces the sebum secretion of the skin, the face becomes fresh, turns pink. Liquid nitrogen is also good because it has no contraindications, does not cause burns, is not the cause of the common cold. Nevertheless, only professionals can do it. Specially trained massage techniques. The procedure, which is called cryodestruction, is performed only by dermatologists with higher medical education.
Cryomassage with ice
Ice is the elixir of youth, and ice cryomassage will never lose its popularity. There is nothing better for maintaining skin tone, enhancing immunity and rejuvenation. Cryomassage with ice is done at home and in a beauty salon. The procedure is simple and inexpensive. If you decide to carry out ice cryomassage yourself, then use our tips for ice making. Cosmetic ice to cook is not difficult at all - decoctions of herbs, juices, fruits, vegetables, ice form and a freezer. With dry skin, ice cryomassage can be carried out with frozen pieces of fruit. You need to cut the grapes, the fruit of the kiwi, even the cucumber, put it in small packages and freeze. Wipe your face with fruit slices in the morning. Suitable for dry skin mint ice and ice from the juice of plantain. After cryomassage with such ice, it is advisable to wipe the dry skin with olive oil. But for oily skin it is preferable to massage with frozen lemon, orange and grapefruit, as well as strawberry mixture and tomatoes.
A universal recipe for all skin types is cryomassage with ice from parsley broth. The recipe is simple - a quarter cup of boiling water per tablespoon chopped parsley, insist for a little over an hour and poured into forms. For a normal healthy skin, freeze the infusion of chamomile, sage or lime-colored. We are pleased to share with you the recipe for ice cream for ice cryomassage - in a mixer we crush strawberries, currants, mountain ash or grapes, watermelon, peach, add a spoon of vegetable oil of direct extraction to the mixture, spread out into shapes and freeze. Owners of oily and porous skin, which often inflames best to do cryomassage with ice from flowers of calendula and St. John's wort. In this case, the broth of these herbs is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, after which they are frozen. Teenagers with acne should make salty ice. The table spoon of ordinary salt is soluble in a glass of boiled water and freeze in molds. Then we will wash ourselves with cool clean water - and the day was a success!
Cryomassage at home
Cryomassage at home - this is rubbing the face, neck and décolletage zone with ice on massage lines. As is known, melt water is more biologically active, with a sharp cooling of the skin and the subsequent inflow of blood, the metabolism is stimulated. Therefore, even with cryomassage at home, the skin is smoothed, small wrinkles disappear, the pores become narrower, aging is replaced. For cryomassage at home, of course, you need pre-prepared cosmetic ice.
Let's consider how to cook it. First of all, stock up on medicinal herbs for making ice with cryomassage at home. We will use nettles, chamomile and celandine, oak bark, horsetail. Do you know that it is useful to rinse even hair with the broth of horsetail? And for cryomassage pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of horsetail with two glasses of water, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Then we insist for two hours and freeze. After kriomassazhya horsetail ice will be irritated on the skin. Cryomassage at home can be controlled against pigmentation and wrinkles. To combat unacceptable skin pigmentation, lemon ice will do. Prepare it as follows: we pour two glasses of boiling water 2 tbsp. L. Flowers of calendula and add there 2 tbsp. L. Lemon juice. We pour the mixture into molds and frost. To smooth wrinkles, try mint ice. And it is prepared this way: peppermint leaves are poured with boiling water, then it is cooled and frozen. With wrinkles, the frozen infusion of linden flowers and raspberry leaves struggles at home. Infusions cook separately, then mix and freeze. Milk ice is very effective against the "crow's feet". To make it, milk is diluted with water half. For fading skin, we recommend dandelions. You can collect about 500 g. Of young leaflets, as well as half-blossoming dandelion flowers. From the mixture squeeze out the juice. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the juice and freeze.
Cryomassage at home makes three to five minutes. No more. We rub the face and neck with massage movements, moving a frozen piece of ice in a zigzag pattern according to the massage lines. Important! With couperose, it is better not to massage the ice with ice. In addition to cryomassage at home, we recommend periodically sprinkling the face and neck with melt water from the spray gun. You can dilute such water with chilled grape juice, or semi-dry champagne.
Cryomassage of head
Cryomassage of the head is a cold massage. The specialist takes a special applicator and moves them along the massage lines. The action on the vessels with cryomassage of the head is the same as in the cryomassage of the face: the vessels under the action of cold rapidly narrow, and then expand. The toxin is removed, and the bacteria die, the circulation of the scalp becomes more active. And after about 15 minutes the client feels a strong heat. Means skin cleansing and she began to breathe, refreshed.
Cryomassage of the scalp
Cryomassage of the scalp with liquid nitrogen is prescribed by physicians to patients with oily seborrhea and fatty hair type. The course of cryosomal procedures of the scalp relieves the patient of dandruff and reduces excessive sebum secretion. The effect after cryomassage of the scalp is as follows: skin rejuvenation, reduction of seborrhea and also active hair growth. Therefore, prescribe cryomassage, if a person complains of alopecia, seborrhea, too slow hair growth, unbearable itch of the scalp and bad split, often hair falling out. The blood circulation of the scalp is improved, the nutrition of the cells and the work of the vessels after cryomassage has a good effect on the processes of metabolism in the skin. The sudden widening and narrowing of the vessels provokes increased blood flow, the hair follicles get a double "food" and suddenly hair follicles that have previously been idle awaken. Hair after cryomassage grows faster.
Cryomassage of the scalp is not a dangerous procedure. The scalp is not damaged with this kind of massage. After cryomassage of the scalp, the patient can solve a whole complex of problems associated with fatty, weakened and dropping hair. The roots of the hair receive enhanced nutrition, from this the appearance of the hair changes, that is, their structure considerably improves. After the course of the cryomassage of the scalp hair as in advertising - elastic, shiny, well-groomed. Those who suffer from allopecia note the growth of hair after cryomassage on bald patches. Therefore cryomassage of the scalp is used to treat androgenic alopecia in both men and women. Frequency of sessions of cryomassage hairy chat Sigolov - two, preferably three times a week, and the course consists of 10 - 15 procedures. Such procedures do not cause pain and discomfort. There are several contraindications for cryomassage of the scalp - with strong frequent migraines and epilepsy, it is usually not prescribed. But there are no age restrictions for this procedure.
Cryomassage of the face
Cryomassage of the facial skin is one of the most desired procedures to date. Of course, this is not just, but only because with extreme efficiency, cryomassage is available and at a price. Cryomassage of the facial skin helps to eliminate skin problems, helps to muffle foci of inflammation, and even even the complexion, fine wrinkles, remove redness, make the sebaceous glands work more stable. Cryomassage of the person refreshes and rejuvenates - and this is understandable by the demand for the procedure. A simple and affordable elixir of youth is ice and liquid nitrogen. Cryomassage of the face removes excessive puffiness, it is used after operations. Drainage properties of the facial tissues improve and water quickly leaves the soft tissues. Cryomassage of the facial skin is indicated for irritated, dry seborrheic skin. Usually cryomassage is carried out by the course in the cold season, to avoid exposure to the skin of direct sunlight. Cryomassage of the face is chosen by ladies with tired, gray "office" skin. Cryomassage of the facial skin narrows the pores, successfully fights with black dots. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of aging.
Effects of deep cryogenic facial massage can be listed in order that you immediately want to try the healing properties of the cold on yourself - it is rejuvenation, exfoliation and bleaching. In addition to the effect of three "o", skin immunity increases, pores become narrower, if there are inflamed areas, then the antibacterial effect is also present. The complexion after cryomassage is equalized, just like the structure of the skin itself. Earnestly?
Cryomassage of the body
Cryomassage of the body is a compilation of simple massage techniques and analgesic effects on the skin of cold (liquid nitrogen). Cryomassage of the body is called cryogenic physiotherapy, this is a quick and pleasant procedure. The point is that the patient is immersed in a layer of gas for literally two or three minutes, which has a temperature of -140 ° C. Cooled at the same time only a thin surface layer of the skin, and the body does not have enough time to overcool. The procedure of body cryomassage is comfortable, patients say that the effect of cold is very pleasant. The main "chip" of body cryomassage is the renewal of the whole organism. Increases immunity, metabolism is activated. A cosmetic effect is also noticeable.
Cryomassage of the body is used when correcting the figure. Cryomassage of the body is recommended for weight loss, getting rid of cellulite, as an anesthetic for trauma, various bruises and sprains. Doctors use cryomassage of the body in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis. In cosmetology, body massage is recommended to prevent the occurrence of vascular mesh (especially on the legs of women), to combat age-related manifestations on the skin. Post-traumatic swelling of the skin is eliminated due to the drainage properties of the fluid between tissues, so the cryomassage of the body is applied after cosmetic operations. Cryomassage relaxes the whole body of the patient, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Anti-cellulite cryomassage
Anti-cellulite massage is one of the top five methods for combating this cosmetic defect. Anti-cellulite cryomassage is a subset of cryotherapy, the effects of cold on the body. Anti-cellulite cryomassage strengthens blood circulation, after a small portion of ice, the body burns fat three times faster, restoring the temperature balance, while releasing toxins and toxins. Master, making an ice massage according to the rules, working on the cellulite foci increases the amount of endorphins in the blood. Increases well-being and mood. Contraindications to anti-cellulite cryomassage is an allergy to cold and cardiovascular diseases. A simple test will help to understand whether cryomassage is right for you personally. Cube of ice is applied to the skin for three minutes - if there are no blisters and irritation, then you can decide on anti-cellulite cryomassage. Doctors dermatologists consider a good response to the ice this: the first ten seconds after applying ice, the skin is pale, then the skin turns red for a short while, but then restores its color. When performing anti-cellulite cryomassage on pre-steamed skin, the effect will be much stronger. But such procedures need to be prepared. After steaming, use a contrast shower, the temperature drops are not sharp, the difference in water temperatures build up gradually. And only then you can start cryomassage. It is estimated that exposure to the skin in a cryogenic chamber for two to three minutes is equal to the effect of a two-hour workout. The metabolism in the skin under the influence of cold is accelerated many times. Anti-cellulite cryomassage solves the patient's problems much faster than many other methods.
Back Cryomassage
Cryomassage of the back is performed both for medical and cosmetic purposes. For medicinal purposes after injuries and complex, as a general body massage. And in cosmetic, if a patient has a problem skin on his back - rashes, irritation, acne. Cryomassage of the back is made by the apparatus and simply by an ice bag. If you are traumatized, then simply apply ice for a few minutes without making any movements - to reduce swelling and increase blood circulation in the affected area. In the case of injuries, the effect of cold on the sore spot has an anesthetic effect - the pain subsides. Back cryomassage is used for acute injuries - such as bruising, stretching or chronic diseases - such as osteochondrosis of the spine, humeroscapular polyarthritis. If the pain is acute, then massage back massage is recommended several times a day.
Cryomassage from acne
Cryomassage from acne is a simple and effective means of fighting for clean skin. Affected areas are treated with liquid nitrogen. In another, cryomassage from acne is called cryotherapy by liquid nitrogen. It is performed by either a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. Massage is done either with a device with a special nozzle, or manually with the help of an ordinary cosmetic stick with cotton wool. The stick from the vessel is taken by liquid nitrogen and the doctor-cosmetologist wipes the face. What does the patient feel when cryomassing from acne? Light tingling and burning. This is due to the fact that the temperature changes dramatically. But if the burning is too strong, you need to say this immediately to avoid injury. After the end of the procedure, the face slightly reddens, the redness can last an hour or two.
After cryomassage from acne is not recommended immediately to go out into the sun, or vice versa to frosty air. It's better to be indoors. After kriomassazha from acne skin can peel - it's good. If the peeling is strong, use a moisturizer. Peeling - means only that the metabolic processes of the skin are accelerated. If you have any doubts and concerns, consult your doctor. When cryotherapy against acne is a strong cold stress, bacteria are destroyed, on inflamed acne can see a crust that will wither with the pimple in a few days.
Cryomassage with demodicosis
Those who have first-hand knowledge of this disease know that cryomassage in demodicosis is just a salvation. What is demodicosis? This is a disease of the skin affected by the mite "demodex". Demodectic is manifested by a rash, ulcers, acne on the skin of the face and chest, sometimes the patient has severe itching. If demodicosis is not treated, the skin can suffer greatly - it acquires a grayish hue, it becomes smooth from the smooth, even facial movements are difficult. Demodex (tick) affects the hair. Hair can fall out on the eyebrows and eyelashes.
The method of cryotherapy, or cryomassage in demodicosis allows to achieve a state of persistent remission, since demodecosis is a chronic disease. The course of cryomassage treatment with demodicosis is 10 - 15 procedures. These kinds of cryomassage can vary at demodicosis as cryodermabrasion and cryopilling. The patient is prescribed medication and concurrently prescribed massage, as a complex treatment of the disease. Cryomassage in demodicosis increases the protective functions of the skin to a state where the skin begins to resist the parasite itself. The diet of patients with demodicosis also needs to be reviewed and checked. Liquid nitrogen with cryomassage from demodicosis extinguishes or freezes inflammatory infiltrates.
Cryomassage with couperose
Cryotherapy - cold treatment. Everyone knows from the childhood that if they hit it, we must put ice in order not to have a bruise. Short-term exposure to cold narrows vessels, improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues. But in the case of couperose, the use of ice cubes to wipe the face is undesirable, since severe temperature changes will cause a rush of blood and aggravate the problem. Cryoprocedures on the skin are affected almost cosmically by low temperatures - liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -140 ° -150 ° C.
Cryomassage with rosacea
In the case of acne, treatment is not as complex as it is - hiding the sebaceous cyst gives a fairly quick effect. With rosacea, the papule of the skin is dense. Cryomassage will help with rosacea. The fact is that in the formation of rosacea, the sebaceous gland initially does not participate, if the disease is started, then even cysts are formed in the sebaceous glands. With cryomassage in rosacea, liquid nitrogen acts superficially on diseased areas. Blood vessels there are narrowing, the flow of blood to the skin tissues is intensified. Immunomodulating effect is strong enough, however, like lymphatic drainage. Cell exchange is restored and the regenerative process begins in the affected tissues. Therefore cryomassage with rosacea is shown at any stages of this unpleasant disease - both at the initial and subsequent. The doctor selects the intensity of the massage individually.
Cryomassage with perioral dermatitis
Doctors recognized the indisputable fact - cryomassage with perioral dermatitis gives a permanent positive effect. What is perioral dermatitis? This skin disease, when the skin lesions are localized in the nasolabial folds and around the mouth, is manifested by rashes, pimples with scales and crusts, accompanied by itching. So cryomassage with perioral dermatitis - is one of the factors of complex treatment, which improves the appearance of the skin and relieves itching. But it is obligatory at the same time drug treatment, diet, consultation of the endocrinologist. Cryomassage with perioral dermatitis is carried out by the course, in a day, up to fifteen sessions within three to five minutes. The task of the doctor conducting cryomassage with perioral dermatitis is to ensure that a bubble does not form on the skin.
Cryomassage during pregnancy
Cryomassage during pregnancy can be carried out only on the face skin. But at the same time take into account that the hormonal background during pregnancy changes and closely monitor, so that the effect of cold on the skin does not affect the tone of the uterus. Because the face is a vast reflexogenic zone. If there was an urgent need to resort to cryomassage during pregnancy, we advise you to have a couple of procedures and take a break to listen to yourself in order to avoid side effects.
Contraindications to cryomassage
Now we know that the list of indications for cryomassage is extensive. And what about the contraindications to cryomassage, are there such and are all useful cryomassage? Consider a complete list of contraindications to cryomassage. After cryoprocedures can not be done by everyone. So, if you have a chronic disease - the respiratory system, for example, or the nervous system, then you can not do cryomassage. Contraindications to cryomassage are also tuberculosis, hypertension of the second or third stage. Postinfarction and post-stroke state is also a contraindication to cryomassage and cryosauna. Now the main contraindications to cryomassage. If you have papillomas, warts, birthmarks and pigment spots, as well as genital warts and granulomas, then you should be aware that these are not just moles. The wart differs from a wart, and if for a second assume that it is a melanoma? Therefore, it is strongly advised to consult a doctor and find out whether it is possible to do cryoprocedures? Allergy to cold is also one of the reasons to abandon cryomassage. In this case, the harm will be felt from the first touch. Herpes, disorders of the nervous system, pustules on the skin, atherosclerosis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, chronic adnexitis are all contraindications to cryomassage.
Where to make cryomassage?
If you live in a big city - call the beauty salons, or make inquiries in kozhvendispansere. And if in a small one then to the question: "where to make cryomassage?" You will be best served by an original "word of mouth". Visit the local forum and ask a question there - someone will necessarily answer. In the regional centers in beauty salons such a service, as a rule, is provided.
Reviews about cryomassage
Reviews about cryomassage can be read on the websites of beauty salons, cosmetology rooms and forums for women. You know, we did not meet with any negative feedback about cryomassage. Sometimes people have high expectations for this procedure. No - all wrinkles will not disappear. And yes, the maximum effect will be noticeable only after the full course of the bulk of those who have tried this procedure. But all individually - somebody writes an enthusiastic tip about cryomassage after the first procedure, and someone admits that the skin has improved after 10 procedures of cryomassage. The most important thing that unites all the reviews about cryomassage - this procedure is inexpensive. It is available and fully justifies its price. Everyone agrees that redness after the procedure passes, and the skin is more smooth and young in appearance. Especially beneficial cryomassage, judging by the reviews, affects the circles under the eyes.
Price of cryomassage
The price of cryomassage depends on which salon you decide to apply to. The cheapest procedure of cryomassage can be found in an ordinary polyclinic. But modern devices, where cryomassage is done on the whole body, as a rule is in modern clinics and beauty salons.