Mask of cocoa
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Cocoa has universal properties, therefore it is used in different spheres. Cocoa has a rich chemical composition, due to which, many attribute to it a unique action, and here there is some truth.
In the composition of cocoa a large number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, fats. In cosmetology not left such a useful product and on its basis was created a lot of tools for caring for the body, face, hair.
Probably, the most popular cosmetic product is a mask from cocoa, which experts recognized as the most effective facial care product. Cocoa perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face and since recently, cocoa masks are very popular in beauty salons. However, to pamper your skin does not necessarily go to a cosmetologist, you can prepare a beautiful mask and at home, which is not inferior to salon effectiveness.
Mask of cocoa is suitable for any type of skin, it significantly improves skin condition, smooths wrinkles (mimic, age, etc.), after such a mask the skin becomes velvety, the color improves, the grease and shine disappear.
To use the maximum of the mask, you need to follow some rules of application:
- apply a mask on cleansed skin
- After applying the mask, it is best to lie down and relax
- After washing the mask on the skin, apply a small amount of cream (moisturizing, nutritious).
The Benefits of Cocoa for Hair
The complex action of nutrients included in cocoa (magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, vitamins GR, PP, A, etc.) activates blood circulation, nourishes hair follicles, moisturizes and strengthens the hair structure.
Masks with cocoa help to eliminate hair loss (it is especially recommended to use such masks in baldness), fragility, and also make the hair stronger. In addition, these masks not only saturate the hair with all the necessary nutrients, but also improve their appearance, strengthen, make them more elastic and thick, to all the rest, the mask with cocoa will help solve the problem with split ends. The mask from cocoa influences positively not only on hair, but also on mood, as the chocolate aroma is capable to improve mood and to relieve of depression.
Mask for hair with cocoa
Mask of cocoa for hair has coloring properties, so use a mask on light hair is not recommended. On dark hair and in the absence of allergies to cocoa, such masks can be used by the course, especially with dim, weakened, brittle hair.
Masks on the basis of cocoa are the most diverse and are combined with almost any useful products. When choosing a mask, the main thing is to choose the composition that best matches the type and condition of the hair.
Mask for hair with cocoa and yogurt
Kefir has long been known for its curative properties for hair. In this sour milk product contains calcium, protein, vitamins, useful bacteria that saturate the strip with useful trace elements, moisturize, strengthen, prevent loss, in addition, masks with kefir have a protective effect against negative external factors.
Kefir masks are great for dry and damaged hair, but for painted hair, using such masks with the addition of kefir is not recommended, as it flushes the pigment from the hair and discolours them.
Mask of cocoa and kefir is recommended for any type of hair. There are several recipes in which are added and other equally useful components for the hair:
- Cocoa (1 teaspoon), chicken egg, half a glass of kefir. All ingredients mix well and carry on the hair. Apply the mask better gradually, dividing the portion into several parts, after drying one layer, you need to apply the following. After all the mask is applied to the hair, you can roll your head with a towel or put on a hat (to keep the heat) and leave the mask for 25-30 minutes. After that, wash your hair as usual. The last rinse of hair can be done with a decoction of nettle (the effect of the mask will increase). This mask is recommended for hair loss or alopecia, 2-3 times a week - the effect of the mask will become visible after about 30 days.
- 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. Spoon of olive oil, cocoa. All the components are mixed and applied to the hair with light massaging movements. Leave the mask to act 40 - 45 (the head needs to be wrapped with a plastic bag and towel to keep the heat) with a strong hair loss, for nutrition and moisturizing the mask to keep - 10-15 minutes. The mask is washed off only with warm water, if a mixture is felt on the hair, it is possible to apply a balm, after which it is necessary to rinse the hair well.
- A slice of rye bread, a little beer, 1 tbsp. Spoon of cocoa and honey, yogurt (to the state of sour cream). Bread pour beer, crush and add the rest of the ingredients, let it brew for several minutes (in a sealed container). Then put the mask on the roots of hair and comb with natural bristles spread along the length of the hair. After 25-30 minutes, rinse the hair well with a rose hips. This mask helps to strengthen, moisturize, nourish the hair. To strengthen the action of the mask, you can add a little dry mustard.
Mask for hair with cocoa and egg
The mask of cocoa and eggs is effective in hair loss, in addition, the preparation of such a mask does not take much time: 100 grams of kefir, 1 raw yolk, 1 teaspoon of cocoa, mix all components and the mask is ready for application.
Instead of cocoa powder, you can take melted black chocolate.
The mask is applied to the roots by massage movements, after which you need to wrap your head to keep the heat. After half an hour, wash your hair as usual. The last rinse can be done with a decoction of nettle, which will enhance the effect of the mask.
This mask is recommended to do 2-3 times a week, the course of hair restoration is approximately 15 procedures. With regular use, the hair becomes stronger, stops falling out, dandruff disappears. The effect of the mask will become noticeable after about two months.
Mask for hair with cocoa butter
Mask of cocoa butter strengthens and moisturizes the hair from the inside, favorably affects the scalp, the hair acquires natural strength and shine. Such masks are recommended for weak, damaged hair, as well as for falling out.
Cocoa butter has a solid white-yellow or white color. The simplest mask is rubbing oil in the scalp, under the influence of the heat of the oil begins to melt, after 30-40 minutes you can rinse the hair with warm water.
Also, before applying the oil, you can pre-melt it in a water bath, cosmetologists believe that melted butter acts more efficiently.
In addition, to cocoa butter, you can add other nutritional components needed for any problem with the hair:
- Hair loss: thistle oil (1 tablespoon), yolk, kefir (1 tablespoon), melted cocoa butter (1 tablespoon), mix all the ingredients well. Apply the mixture on the scalp, rubbing a little in the roots, the head should be covered with a film and a towel, after 50-60 minutes rinse the head.
- With a strong hair loss, use the mask 2-3 times a week. After a month and a half, the fallout will noticeably decrease.
- Damaged hair: infusion of rosemary (2 tablespoons, 200ml boiling water, insist 60 minutes), melted cocoa butter (2-3 tablespoons, for long hair it is recommended to increase the dose of oil), mix the ingredients. Apply the finished mixture to the roots of the hair, distribute it along the length of the hair, cover it from above with a film and a towel. After 2 - 3 hours, wash your hair as usual. Course - a month and a half (2-3 times a week).
- Weakened hair: burdock oil (2-3 tablespoons), vitamins A, E (5 drops each), grapefruit or orange oil (3 drops), melted cocoa butter (2-3 tablespoons), for longer hair it is recommended to increase Dosage (the mask should soak the hair well). Apply the mask on the hair, rinse your head after a half to two hours. Course - a month and a half (2-3 times a week).
After finishing the course of masks with cocoa butter, you need to use the mask once a week to maintain the effect.
The use of cocoa for the skin
The rich chemical composition of cocoa makes cocoa a unique tool for maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin.
Each of the nutritional components that make up this product has its effect on the skin:
- vitamin B5 - smoothes the skin, has a rejuvenating effect
- vitamin B9 - relieves irritation, inflammation, helps to eliminate acne
- Melanin - protects the skin from ultraviolet light
- vitamin PP returns a natural healthy color
- vitamin A - relieves inflammation, moisturizes
- Procyanidin - makes the skin supple
- starch - whitens, softens, gives skin tenderness
- Iron - promotes the access of oxygen to the skin cells
- Calcium is the basis for cell renewal
- potassium - moisturizes
The mask of cocoa thanks to complex action helps to solve a number of skin problems. After the first procedure, a positive result will be seen, and regular application of the mask (1-2 times a week) will help to keep the effect for a long time.
Face mask from cocoa
Mask with cocoa for the face should be selected according to the type of skin. Adding additional ingredients to cocoa can significantly improve the skin condition.
To remove not deep wrinkles the mask with butter and cocoa will help (dilute 1 item of a spoon of cocoa with olive oil to the density of sour cream). It is recommended to warm the oil a little and apply the mixture on clean skin warm for 15 minutes, cosmetologists recommend before applying the mask to make a scrub.
For dry or normal skin, you can prepare a vitamin mask, which will require a banana, mango, pumpkin or melon (well knead) and cocoa (1 tablespoon).
The mask with the addition of puree of mango will help to get rid of fine mesh of wrinkles, and puree from apricot, carrot, pear, peach, apples, tomato - from the dryness of the skin.
With skin prone to fat, rashes can use cocoa in combination with clay (preferably white) and oatmeal. This mask will help to remove excess skin fat, narrow the pores, tighten the skin. To make a mask you need to take all the ingredients in equal parts (2 tsp each), mix. If the mask is too thick, you can add a little decoction of chamomile (or plain water). The mask is applied for 15 minutes.
Masks of cocoa powder
Cocoa powder has a unique chemical composition and is very useful for the skin.
Mask of cocoa powder improves skin condition, returns a natural shade, smoothes, softens, removes inflammation, rashes.
Microelements, which are contained in cocoa, help improve metabolic processes in the skin, moisturize, restore cells.
To maintain the youth and beauty of the skin, you can 1-2 times a week make a mask with cocoa, yogurt and honey (1 tsp), and vitamin E (0.5 tsp) can also be added to the mixture. The mask is applied for 15 minutes with a uniform layer.
Solve the problem of greasy gloss and diluted pores will help mask with cocoa and ground coffee (in equal parts), if desired, you can add not fatty yogurt. The mask is applied evenly for 10-15 minutes, it is better to wash yourself with water at room temperature.
Fix with peeling help mask - peeling with cocoa and sugar. To prepare such a peeling you need sugar (you can take a brown or habitual white), cocoa powder, honey (2 tablespoons). The mask is applied by gentle massage movements on the face (it is recommended to apply on massage lines). When applying the mixture you need to be careful not to damage the upper layer of the skin, but only to remove the dead particles. After the massage, leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, wash with warm water. After such a mask, you need to apply a fat cream on the skin.
Mask with cocoa for the body
Mask with cocoa gives the skin a tight, fresh look, makes it more velvety to the touch. Cocoa tones the skin, in addition, helps to get rid of cellulite.
On the body, the mask with cocoa is applied after preliminary cleansing (best after scrub), after applying the mask, the body needs to be wrapped with cellophane or film and left for half an hour, then simply rinsed under the shower. After the procedure, you can use body cream.
Cocoa-based care products can include various ingredients that enhance the action of cocoa and help improve the condition of the skin.
- cocoa (200g), cream of high fat content (200ml), olive oil (100ml), sugar (100g cane or plain).
Beat with a mixer or blender cream, sprinkle sugar and shake again, add a little cocoa to the cream, gently stirring the spatula. Put the mixture in a cold place for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse body under the shower, grease with warmed oil and apply a mixture of cocoa, cream and sugar. The mask is applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off in the shower.
- cocoa (70 g), honey, olive oil (1 tablespoon), kefir (diluted to sour cream). Apply mask for half an hour and rinse under a shower.
Mask cocoa loreal
Mask "Cocoa" from Loreal contains vitamins, fats, proteins, microelements of cocoa extract. Mask moisturizes the hair, gives extra volume, strengthens the structure of the hair from the inside, ideal for weak hair, devoid of vitality.
The mask from cocoa does not have a detergent component, due to which it contains a greater percentage of the cocoa extract, in contrast to the shampoo in this series.
Cocoa is a strong natural energy, so the mask from Loreal with cocoa extract can be used for any type of hair.
Experts recommend a mask for weakened hair, since such hair is more susceptible to external factors, and the damaged hair structure is more difficult to restore. Cocoa extract helps to restore natural processes in hair, and systematic use will help hair to resist negative factors of the environment and restore hair to its natural beauty and shine.
Mask of honey and cocoa
Mask of cocoa and honey smoothes wrinkles, gently cleanses the skin, exfoliates the horny layer, nourishes, activates blood circulation in the skin.
To prepare the mask, you need cocoa (1 tablespoon), honey (1 tablespoon), sugar (2 tablespoons, it is better to take cane sugar, which has a smaller structure and is rich in nutrients). All components must be mixed well (the sugar must completely dissolve).
Blend gently with massage movements on clean skin, after ten minutes wash with cool water.
Also, based on cocoa and honey, you can prepare a rejuvenating mask for the fading skin. The mask will smooth out wrinkles, moisturize, saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements.
Cocoa (3 tablespoons), honey (2 tablespoons), yoghurt (1 tablespoon, take a natural product without additives and sugar), vitamin E (1 capsule).
Stir all ingredients and apply on face for 20 minutes. After washing off the mask, it is recommended to use a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
Given that honey and cocoa are quite strong allergens, before using a mask based on these products, you need to perform a sensitivity test - apply a small amount of the mixture to the wrist or elbow bend, if there is no redness or itching, the mask can be applied to the face.
Mask of cocoa from cellulite
Mask of cocoa from cellulite clears the skin of toxins, promotes the removal of excess fluid and burning of subcutaneous fat, stimulates blood circulation.
Recently, a new type of procedures with chocolate appeared in SPA-salons. Almost immediately, chocolate wraps proved themselves from the very best side - the skin became healthy in appearance, more elastic, silky.
However, such a wonderful mask can be done not only in the salon, a chocolate anti-cellulite mixture can be prepared independently.
To prepare the mask, only natural cocoa without additives (powder) is suitable.
For the most simple mask-wrapping, you need 200 g of cocoa and 400 ml of hot water (pour in a little better, stirring the cocoa well). The mask is applied to clean skin warm in several layers, then the parts of the body with the mask should be wrapped around the film and something warm (or lie down and cover with a blanket). After half an hour, the mask can be rinsed off in the shower.
Carrying out the procedure 1-2 times a week will significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite.
It is worth noting that hot masks have several contraindications. Such wraps are contraindicated in cases of vascular disease, heart, skin, diabetes, widening of veins, various neoplasms, diseases of the genitourinary system. Also, such procedures are not recommended for women during pregnancy.
For a beautiful smooth skin, you can prepare an effective mask of two oils - cocoa and wheat germ (1: 1).
The prepared oil mixture should be rubbed into the skin with massage movements, after a half an hour, the remnants can be wiped off with a towel. Repeat the procedure once a month.
A good effect for cellulite has a mask with cocoa powder and nutritious cream (1: 1). The mask should be prepared before applying to the skin. The mixture must be left to act for one hour to enhance the effect of the mask, you can top the body wrap the film.
A good result from the first time shows a mask of bitter chocolate (1 glass) and pulp of banana or peach, you can also take pulp of melon or pumpkin.
Elasticity of the buttocks will be given by a mask made of cocoa (200 g), crushed Herculean grains (1 cup), honey (1 tablespoon), warm milk (for dilution to sour cream). This mask is applied to the skin for one hour, after which it is washed off under the shower.
Well removes the deposits of subcutaneous fat chocolate mask with the addition of ground coffee (200 g of cocoa, half a cup of coffee, diluted with warm milk). The mask is applied by massaging movements, to strengthen the effect of the areas of the body covered with a film, lie down and take cover with a blanket, after an hour wash off the mixture under the shower (for this procedure it is better to take an old bed, which does not pity to get dirty).
Feedback on masks from cocoa
The mask of cocoa is popular among women. Light, pleasant aroma of chocolate during the procedure raises mood, improves well-being. In addition, these masks show an effective result. After several chocolate procedures, the skin improves noticeably - it becomes taut, fresh, and the color improves.
Masks from cocoa are practical universal - on the basis of this product you can prepare masks for the body, hair, facial skin.
Mask of cocoa has a beneficial effect on the skin, it has a nourishing, moisturizing, smoothing effect. In addition, after the procedure, metabolic processes in the skin are activated, blood circulation improves, slags and toxins from the skin are removed.
Masks on the basis of cocoa can be prepared independently or buy a ready-made mixture, but masks made from natural ingredients that are part of a home mask are more effective.
After applying the mask is not recommended to deal with any cases, so that the mask acted as much as necessary to lie down, relax.