Masks for combination skin
Last reviewed: 01.06.2018
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Homemade masks for combination skin will help solve many of the problems characteristic of mixed skin type.
In the so-called T-zone (that is, on the chin, nose and forehead), hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands can be reduced, cut and cleaned enlarged pores, reduce acne eruptions; and the skin of the U-zone (area of cheekbones, whiskey and cheeks), energize, moisturize and tone.
Thus, funds are needed that will be suitable for different parts of the face. And here it is necessary to use either different compositions of masks - separately for oily and normal (or dry) skin, or to prepare combined masks. And this is not difficult at all.
Recipes for masks for combination skin
Before you share with you recipes for masks for combination skin, it is worth recalling that with this type of facial skin, no one has abolished such a common problem as aging and aging of the epidermis. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account factors such as a decrease in turgor, wrinkles and the appearance of age-related pigmentation. So the "field of activity" for the care of mixed skin is very extensive.
Obviously, you remember how any mask (only on a clean face, on massage lines) is applied, how much is maintained (at least a quarter of an hour) and how it is removed (washed off with lukewarm water and then rinsed with cool water).
Masks for combination skin: cleaning
Fat and dry areas of the face can be well cleaned (and at the same time narrowed the enlarged pores) with a mask based on kaolin (cosmetic clay), for which a tablespoon of dry clay is mixed with a small amount of water or a water infusion of chamomile chemistry - to a state of not very thick sour cream. The mixture is divided into two parts (in separate containers) and 10 drops of fresh lemon or grapefruit juice (this is for oily skin) is added to one part, and in the second part - as much olive oil (this is for dry skin). It remains correct to apply the compounds to the skin without mixing the mixture!
Cleans, refreshes and tightens the pores mask based on whipped egg white, which is also divided into two parts and they add the same ingredients as in the first recipe. Protein mask is applied 2-3 times - over the dried out layer, and washed off with cool water.
Cleansing and simultaneously feeding the basal layer of the epidermis, an oat mask for combination skin can be prepared both from ground "Hercules" and from oatmeal (oatmeal). A tablespoon of dry ingredient can be turned into a gruel by adding whey, lean yogurt, sage broth or plain water. And then half a teaspoon of fine salt (extra) and 3-4 drops of bergamot or tea tree oil are added to the mixture for fatty areas, and half of a teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of rose oil for the U-zone.
Masks for combination skin: moisturizing
The simplest mask for increasing the moisture of the combined skin consists of two parts of natural liquid honey, one part of the aloe juice and a small amount of wheat flour (for density). From all this, you should also get a creamy mixture. Such masks can be applied to the entire face, but not more than twice a week.
Perfectly moisturize the combined skin of the mask from fresh cottage cheese, which should be slightly diluted with milk or cooled green tea, as well as masks from the pulp of fruit: banana, peach or kiwi. In order to enhance the tonic effect for the skin, prone to increased release of fat, it is recommended to add 4-5 drops of essential oil of ylang ylang or lemon balm, and for dry skin - oils of lavender, jasmine or grape seeds.
One can not ignore the triple use of a simple ancient remedy - a mask from fresh cucumber: first, it moisturizes the skin of any type; second, it feeds it with thiamine (vitamin B1) and riboflavin (vitamin B2); third, it helps to make pigmented stains on the face.
Masks for nutrition of combination skin
Masks for skin nutrition should be done to increase its elasticity and smooth wrinkles, so in the recipes of nutritious masks, honey and eggs are often used. For fatty skin areas, a mixture of one whipped whipped protein with a dessert spoon of liquid honey and the same amount of cornmeal or bran is prepared. For zones with dry or normal skin, you need to mix half of the raw yolk, about a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive or corn); To obtain a thicker consistency, wheat flour is also added.
Sour cream (only qualitative) is also suitable for combination skin, but in order not to "wear out" the skin of the T-zone, cosmetologists advise it to add lemon juice or puree from kiwi.
Yeasts have long established themselves as an effective food for any skin type: fatty skin is beneficially affected by a mixture of baker's yeast with ordinary water or grape juice, on dry - with any vegetable oil or fatty cream, and on a normal one - with warm milk. If you want to quickly improve the complexion, then the mask of rose, neroli, mint or verbena (no more than 4-5 drops) should be added to the mask. And additives such as an oil solution of vitamin E, essential oil of geranium or lavender, will enhance the smoothing effect to wrinkles.
Masks for combination skin for various problems
On those parts of the face where the oiliness of the skin is increased, acne can appear, and a mask of strawberries with glycerin is recommended to fight them: 10 drops of glycerin per tablespoon of mashed berry. You need to do this mask every other day - until the rash disappears.
In addition, this composition well narrows the expanded pores. To solve the same problem, a mask for combined skin with aloe juice and baking soda is prepared, which are taken in equal amounts. Also, when acne is recommended, two times a week to make a mask according to one of the following recipes:
- a tablespoon of flour and a teaspoon of soda mixed with a decoction of oak bark, calendula or sage;
- A tablespoon of chopped oat flakes mixed with warm green tea and add 3-4 drops of essential oil of lavender, thyme, cloves or tea tree.
Medicinal herbs - thyme, chamomile, sage, peppermint, leaves of mother-and-stepmother - can be used to reduce the fatness of the forehead, chin and nose: it is enough to grind them to the state of powder and mix with boiled water until the desired consistency.
Reviews of masks for combination skin again indicate that the effort spent on their preparation, as well as the cost - are minimal, and the effect, in the truest sense of the word, is obvious. Although, of course, the mask for combination skin requires more time and patience.