Scientists are at the stage of completing work on a new drug that can block a special brain receptor - this will help alleviate the main symptoms that affect women during menopause.
Viruses in the field of treatment of various diseases use is not the first time. This technology is tested and often helps in curing many severe pathologies.
Early impressions of the child are directly related to the behavior of his mother, and this influence is much deeper than all of us think about it. This conclusion was made by scientists representing the Salk Institute.
A severe disease, called toxic shock syndrome, is most often provoked by the influence of bacterial toxins on the body. This is a dangerous multi-organ damage caused by exotoxins of Staphylococcus aureus, or pyogenic streptococcus.
Some children easily perceive new information, while others - it is difficult. In some children, the learning process is of interest, and in others, rejection.
In recent studies, scientists representing the University of Pennsylvania, found: the feeling of hunger contributes to the suppression of chronic pain. By the way, such a mechanism does not apply to acute pain.
Numerous ocean currents helped to collect in one place a huge amount of drifting plastic. An eerie sight can be observed in the northern zone of the Pacific surface waters.
Stroke is a very serious and dangerous disorder of cerebral circulation, in which the destruction of the brain tissue due to oxygen and nutritional deficiency occurs.