
Social life

A child's academic performance depends on the quality of his or her sleep

Getting enough, restful sleep every night is almost a guarantee that your child's studies will be easier. Researchers assure parents that if the quality of your baby's sleep is maintained at least 12 months before he or she enters the first grade of school, learning will be easier and more successful.

07 September 2022, 09:00

WHO announces new criteria for the safe management of abortion

An update of the WHO recommendations on the safety of abortion services provided by medical institutions has been published. By the way, more than 25 million women in the world consult doctors about abortion procedures every year.

22 April 2022, 09:00

Do we control the time we spend with gadgets?

As numerous studies show, most people have no control over how much daily time they spend with gadgets and how long they look at the screens of a monitor or smartphone.

16 August 2021, 09:00

Physical punishment changes children's brains

Physical punishment, even in mild form, has the same adverse effect on the brain development of children as violent abuse. This is confirmed by research conducted by researchers at Harvard University.

17 June 2021, 09:00

How to accurately guess the due date?

Experts have proposed a new diagnostic method that helps to determine the date of birth with maximum accuracy.

15 June 2021, 09:00

How indulgent are we to loved ones?

There is an opinion that we behave more indulgently with loved ones and friends than with strangers. But scientists have proven that in reality everything is not so.

15 March 2021, 09:00

Bad deeds smell

At the beginning of the experiment, the participants were allowed to feel an unpleasant scent, then to experience a slight pain from a slight burn. Thus, scientists managed to understand the characteristics of a particular person's reaction to unpleasant physical sensations.

05 February 2021, 09:00

Workaholics have a higher risk of developing hypertension

American scientists shared an important conclusion: too long or busy working days in the office can trigger the development of hypertension - a common syndrome of high blood pressure. 

07 October 2020, 09:38


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