What to eat to lose weight?
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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In a constant pursuit of the ideal, which is especially true for women, they can make a lot of effort to lose weight and achieve a weight that is seen as optimal. Very many, choosing for themselves the way, through which it becomes possible to come to the desired result, stop their choice on all sorts of diets. Thus, it becomes urgent to determine which of the dietary prescriptions and recommendations are the most acceptable and are the most effective, in other words - what to eat to lose weight?
For the emergence of a feeling of hunger, Gorelin is responsible - the so-called hormone of hunger. Its discovery occurred relatively recently, and it is present in the body in an extremely large measure with such a psychosomatic disease as anorexia.
Defeat hunger and the need for constant "jamming", which leads to the accumulation of excessive body weight, can be guided by the following principles.
Achievement of satiety and the preservation of this feeling for a long time contributes primarily to protein foods.
It is also important to avoid overeating, and to eat only at that stage of hunger, which in the interval is closer to the middle of an imaginary scale, with one edge of which is acute hunger, and on the other hand - absolute saturation.
A remarkable way to bring the power supply to the optimum is the fractional power system. The essence of it is that the total daily amount of food is divided into 5 receptions, between which the time must pass, not exceeding 3 hours. It is necessary that the body receives 400kcal three times a day, and 200 kcal during two snacks, respectively.
Thus, it can be argued that what matters most is not so much what to eat to lose weight, but the organization of the right diet and the choice of food and products are well balanced in terms of satisfying the hunger, while not having excess calories.
How much to eat calories to lose weight?
So, let's consider how to eat calories to lose weight, and at the same time provide sufficient nutrition necessary for the normal functioning of the body. For women, it is required that the total calorie content of the total amount of food consumed throughout the day is from 2000 to 2500 kcal. With respect to men, the corresponding values differ slightly in larger figures. Proceeding from this, the conclusion suggests that weight loss can be achieved by shifting the maximum daily amount of calories received by the body to the lower bar of the quoted norms.
To date, calculations are often made using the Harris-Benedict formula. However, the greatest reliability and accuracy is ensured by applying the Muffin-Geor formula known since 1990.
In this formula, one of the indicators is the amount of calories consumed in a state of complete rest, which is called the basic exchange. Energy in this case is expended on the processes of breathing and circulation, growth of hair, nails, etc. Next, there are coefficients depending on what kind of lifestyle people lead: sedentary; with little activity - playing sports from 1 to 3 days a week; average level of activity (3-5 days of sport per week); highly active - sports classes almost every day of the week; or with very high activity, when large physical workloads are combined with daily sports training. The corresponding coefficient is multiplied with the basal metabolic rate.
In order to ensure that the process of weight loss is not accompanied by the appearance of all kinds of complications and negative health effects, it is recommended to reduce the total caloric intake by 20%. That is, for its calculation, the daily norm is multiplied by 0.8. Lose weight in a shorter timeframe, if you reduce the individual daily intake of calories by 40%. However, in this case, it is necessary to take into account that it is not recommended to reduce the total caloric content of products consumed during the day below 1,200 kcal to women, and 1,600 kcal for men, respectively.
How much to eat calories to lose weight is calculated individually, and at the same time the height and weight, age and features of the way of life that leads a person that wants to part with extra pounds is taken into account.
What can you eat to lose weight?
Those who took the path of struggle with their own body, in order to successfully come to the achievement of a perfect figure, it is necessary to gain an understanding of what can be eaten to lose weight?
High-calorie and dishes, as well as products that are able to be harmful to the figure is better to eat early in the morning. This is due to the fact that in the morning, metabolic processes occur with a much greater intensity than in other periods of the day, which provides better assimilation of food. Do not run from home to work without breakfast. Breakfast helps the body to move away from sleep, activates its functioning, promotes the regulation of the pancreas.
For dinner, the most acceptable are white products of low fat content. Digestion of proteins takes longer than digested carbohydrates, and this process consumes only slightly less than half of the calories obtained with protein food. In addition, protein reduces the activity of the hormone of hunger.
It happens that there is such an irresistible desire to send away a diet and eat something that is not at all useful. In such a case, if you are not able to give up this idea, you must, at least, try to ensure that the dishes keep the right mix of products. For example, spaghetti or some other pasta should not be with grated cheese or with sauce from fatty meat, but with stewed or raw vegetables. When you want chocolate, before you tear off the window from a tile, a few minutes earlier it is recommended to eat a slice of black bread or whole grain bread.
What can you eat to lose weight? The answers to the question can be very diverse and depend on the individual characteristics of each individual person. In all of the above, general principles and recommendations are listed, the following of which can help to some extent approximate the optimal body mass index.
What you need to eat to lose weight?
What you need to eat to lose weight? Not the least role in this matter is played by the way in which calories should be distributed in each of the meals throughout the day. This factor is of great importance in the slimming system by the method of fractional nutrition - greasing. It is important to make a menu so that the calorie content of the dishes in it is evenly distributed. Eating in small portions at regular intervals contributes to the development of a certain rhythm of functioning of the digestive system in the organism, as a result of which a feeling of hunger and, accordingly, the need for unauthorized snacks become less and less acute.
In product combinations, one should adhere to certain relationships. So meat must necessarily be combined with green vegetables, in the ratio of one to three in favor of the latter. Green vegetables are low-calorie, have a long digestion time, help to remove excess fluid from the body.
The elimination of excess fat from the body contributes to calcium, which is rich in milk products. Preferred are dairy products, as well as those with low fat content. In addition, the source of calcium is mineral water.
A positive moment that will help to adhere to the correct diet is that in the refrigerator there is a supply of exclusively those products that are useful during the fight against excess weight. Absence of all kinds of harmfulness and "wrong" food will save you from the temptation to intercept something completely superfluous between the basic meals.
Considering the question of what to eat to lose weight, we come to the conclusion that the fundamental factor in achieving and maintaining optimal body weight is the achievement of a balanced state between the amount of calories consumed in the body along with food and energy expenditure in the following three directions. To ensure life in a state of complete rest, more than half of its total amount is required; about a third of it is taken away from physical activity; and the remainder is necessary for proper digestion and digestion processes.
If calories enter the body more than is required for the production of these functions, all that is beyond the necessary accumulates in the tissues due to which there is the appearance of excessive body weight. Therefore, in order to get rid of excess weight, you need to eat foods that, with their low calorie content, take up a lot of energy for their assimilation.
What to eat in the morning to lose weight?
In order to successfully get rid of excess weight and subsequently maintain such an achievement over a long period, it is very important to understand that almost critical in diet, both during the diet and in everyday life in general, is breakfast. Proceeding from this, it is necessary to understand what to eat in the morning to lose weight?
The best time for morning meals, according to experts in the field of dietology - immediately after washing, brushing teeth and other hygiene procedures. Calories entering the body at breakfast, fill with energy, cause the activation of metabolism, contribute to the transition of the body from the state of sleep to wakefulness. The morning menu should be made taking into account that it included the necessary content of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and in addition, some useful fats were present. Breakfast dishes should not be unnecessarily complicated and require a lot of time for cooking. And you need to take care that all the necessary ingredients and ingredients are always available in the refrigerator.
As an example, here are some options for breakfast, which can be considered appropriate and correct during a diet for weight loss.
So, a pair of boiled soft-boiled eggs, one fruit of any citrus fruit, and one or two crispas.
Next, oatmeal or buckwheat, millet or barley porridge on the water, one or some fruit, and yogurt without sugar.
You can also have breakfast with an omelette from four eggs without yolks, and one egg with mushrooms, greens or spinach.
In addition, as a morning meal is recommended yoghurt smoothies with half a banana and 200 grams of berries or fruit to taste.
Either as a breakfast can make bread in the amount of 30 grams of whole grains plus one teaspoon of jam, with yoghurt.
Adhering to such, in fact, not representing anything complicated, the rules regarding what to eat in the morning to lose weight, you can achieve a great result. And if you correctly approach the question of morning food, the body will receive sufficient saturation from the very beginning of the day and the resulting acute feelings of hunger will not distract from work and important matters during the day. In addition, thanks to a good breakfast, the risk of gastritis is reduced.
What to eat in the evening to lose weight?
There is a popular belief held by a sufficiently large number of people that the most dangerous for a figure are the calories that enter the body with food in the afternoon, and especially closer to the time of nightfall. This thesis, however, has now received a refutation for a long time, since the results of scientific research indicate that the total daily amount of calories is of primary importance, rather than the time of eating. That is, during the day, breakfast and lunch can be low-calorie dishes, and for dinner to arrange a real "holiday belly", without the risk of gaining excess weight.
Nevertheless, there are a number of specific dietary rules and practical recommendations that eat in the evening to lose weight, which we consider next.
In view of the peculiarities of digestion of various types of food, these processes occur respectively at different rates. For example, for the absorption of fatty red meat, pork, digestive system, it takes 4 to 6 hours. If you shortly before going to bed to eat such food, the meat is in the stomach all night, and due to the activation of the digestive process, it is largely able to complicate both the process of falling asleep and to prevent a normal night's rest.
In order to effectively deal with extra pounds, after six o'clock in the evening it is recommended to refrain from food, which contains a large amount of fats and carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that it is at night that the bulk of fats present in the body are burned. The energy released in this direction is directed to maintaining the functioning of the muscular system and internal organs. And, because at night the source of this energy does not come from the outside in the form of food, its own fat reserves are subjected to splitting. Therefore, if fatty or carbohydrate food is introduced into the body beforehand, it will be processed first of all, and not already available fats.
Protein food for dinner is recommended to be selected, guided by the criterion of the rate of its assimilation in the digestive system. These processes should not take more than an hour and a half. This category includes kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese with low fat content, eggs, white meat of low-fat varieties, chicken fillet or rabbit meat, as well as white fish.
Green vegetables are allowed, without any restrictions, tomatoes and greens.
In addition, given the calories, you can boiled potatoes, boiled beets and carrots.
It is also possible to vary the evening menu with legumes and mushrooms.
In the permit list, in addition to this, unsweetened fruits and berries are present.
So, what to eat in the evening to lose weight? When dealing with this issue, it is necessary to remember that heavy and fatty foods should be avoided, and the daily menu should be designed so that the calories are distributed as evenly as possible within the total daily allowance necessary to bring the body weight to the desired parameters.
What to eat to quickly lose weight?
What to eat to quickly lose weight? In the context of the problem associated with the opportunity to say goodbye to excess body weight and bring the figure to an ideal state, a more accurate statement of the matter seems to be, in fact, not so much "what", but rather - "how much". How much (or little) you need to eat to achieve weight loss in a short time to a state that is seen as optimal.
It is obvious that, due to food intake, the amount of calories contained in the body rises, and this fact is immutable, because it is not at all-it is impossible. Hence the conclusion suggests that to reduce body weight and lose weight, you need to burn more calories than they come with food. Therefore, the determining factor here is the total caloric value of all food eaten throughout the day.
There is also a share of the risk that in a desperate pursuit of the ideal, one can strike at extremes and completely for a while completely abandon the food. Such a solution can cause significant harm to the body. In addition, often the result of starvation for the sake of weight loss is only a significant increase in the sense of hunger, and the kilograms dropped in this way in the shortest time after that are returned and even multiplied as a result of subsequent uncontrolled gastronomic excesses. In addition, the goal-directed extremely low caloric content of foods and foods consumed in food is fraught with the threat of all kinds of health disorders, both physical and mental, as manifested, for example, in the development of anorexia.
Calculate the caloric content of foods and dishes during a diet for rapid weight loss is necessary, taking into account the fact that the diet thus formed by the number of calories has not been reduced by more than a quarter from the required daily rate.
Thus, what to eat in order to lose weight quickly, is determined by the number of calories that can bring with it the consumption of certain foods. For effective weight loss, it is required that the calorie intake is lower than the values that are the norm of daily intake. However, one should not cross the dangerous feature of the existing lower acceptable margin of the minimum necessary energy for the normal functioning of the organism.